#lang racket/base ;; Lowest Common Denominator terminal. (provide (struct-out key) (struct-out unknown-escape-sequence) (struct-out position-report) add-modifier lex-lcd-input) (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require (only-in racket/string string-split)) (define lcd-terminal-utf-8? (make-parameter #t)) (struct unknown-escape-sequence (string) #:prefab) (struct key (value modifiers) #:prefab) (struct position-report (row column) #:prefab) (define (simple-key value) (key value (set))) (define (S- value) (key value (set 'shift))) (define (C- value) (key value (set 'control))) (define (M- value) (key value (set 'meta))) (define (C-S- value) (key value (set 'control 'shift))) (define (C-M- value) (key value (set 'control 'meta))) (define (add-modifier modifier k) (struct-copy key k [modifiers (set-add (key-modifiers k) modifier)])) (define (decode-shifting-number v-plus-one k) (define v (- v-plus-one 1)) (let* ((k (if (zero? (bitwise-and v 1)) k (add-modifier 'shift k))) (k (if (zero? (bitwise-and v 2)) k (add-modifier 'meta k))) (k (if (zero? (bitwise-and v 4)) k (add-modifier 'control k)))) k)) (define (decode-shifting params value) (match params [(list 1 v-plus-one) (decode-shifting-number v-plus-one (simple-key value))] [_ (simple-key value)] ;; bit of a cop-out )) (define (analyze-vt-tildeish-key lexeme params ctor) (match params [(list a b) (analyze-vt-tildeish-key* lexeme ctor a b)] [(list a) (analyze-vt-tildeish-key* lexeme ctor a 1)] [_ (simple-key (unknown-escape-sequence lexeme))])) (define (analyze-vt-tildeish-key* lexeme ctor a b) (decode-shifting-number b (match a [1 (ctor 'home)] ;; linux console [2 (ctor 'insert)] [3 (ctor 'delete)] [4 (ctor 'end)] ;; linux console [5 (ctor 'page-up)] [6 (ctor 'page-down)] [7 (ctor 'home)] [8 (ctor 'end)] [11 (ctor 'f1)] [12 (ctor 'f2)] [13 (ctor 'f3)] [14 (ctor 'f4)] [15 (ctor 'f5)] [17 (ctor 'f6)] [18 (ctor 'f7)] [19 (ctor 'f8)] [20 (ctor 'f9)] [21 (ctor 'f10)] [23 (ctor 'f11)] [24 (ctor 'f12)] [25 (ctor 'f13)] [26 (ctor 'f14)] [28 (ctor 'f15)] [29 (ctor 'f16)] [31 (ctor 'f17)] [32 (ctor 'f18)] [33 (ctor 'f19)] [34 (ctor 'f20)] [_ (simple-key (unknown-escape-sequence lexeme))]))) (define (analyze-vt-bracket-key lexeme params mainchar) (match mainchar ["~" (analyze-vt-tildeish-key lexeme params simple-key)] ["$" (analyze-vt-tildeish-key lexeme params S-)] ["^" (analyze-vt-tildeish-key lexeme params C-)] ["@" (analyze-vt-tildeish-key lexeme params C-S-)] ["A" (decode-shifting params 'up)] ["B" (decode-shifting params 'down)] ["C" (decode-shifting params 'right)] ["D" (decode-shifting params 'left)] ["E" (decode-shifting params 'begin)] ["F" (decode-shifting params 'end)] ["G" (decode-shifting params 'begin)] ;; linux console (!) ["H" (decode-shifting params 'home)] ["J" #:when (equal? params '(2)) (S- 'home)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/ ["J" #:when (not params) (C- 'end)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/ ["K" #:when (equal? params '(2)) (S- 'delete)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/ ["K" #:when (not params) (S- 'end)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/ ["L" (C- 'insert)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/ ["M" (C- 'delete)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/ ["P" #:when (not params) (simple-key 'delete)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/ ["P" (decode-shifting params 'f1)] ["Q" (decode-shifting params 'f2)] ["R" #:when (and (= (length params) 2) (> (car params) 1)) (apply position-report params)] ["R" (decode-shifting params 'f3)] ["S" (decode-shifting params 'f4)] ["Z" (C-S- #\I)] ;; TODO: should this instead be a 'backtab key? ["a" (S- 'up)] ["b" (S- 'down)] ["c" (S- 'right)] ["d" (S- 'left)] ["h" #:when (equal? params '(4)) (simple-key 'insert)] ;; st, http://st.suckless.org/ [_ (simple-key (unknown-escape-sequence lexeme))])) (define (analyze-vt-O-mainchar lexeme mainchar) (match mainchar ["a" (C- 'up)] ["b" (C- 'down)] ["c" (C- 'right)] ["d" (C- 'left)] ;; rxvt keypad keys. ;; Per http://www.vt100.net/docs/vt102-ug/appendixc.html, these ;; are "ANSI Alternate Keypad Mode" sequences. ["j" (simple-key #\*)] ["k" (simple-key #\+)] ["l" (simple-key #\,)] ;; my keypad doesn't have a comma ["m" (simple-key #\-)] ["n" (simple-key 'delete)] ;; #\. ["o" (simple-key #\/)] ["p" (simple-key 'insert)] ;; #\0 ["q" (simple-key 'end)] ;; #\1 ["r" (simple-key 'down)] ;; #\2 ["s" (simple-key 'page-down)] ;; #\3 ["t" (simple-key 'left)] ;; #\4 ["u" (simple-key 'begin)] ;; #\5 ["v" (simple-key 'right)] ;; #\6 ["w" (simple-key 'home)] ;; #\7 ["x" (simple-key 'up)] ;; #\8 ["y" (simple-key 'page-up)] ;; #\9 ["A" (simple-key 'up)] ;; kcuu1 ["B" (simple-key 'down)] ;; kcud1 ["C" (simple-key 'right)] ;; kcuf1 ["D" (simple-key 'left)] ;; kcub1 ["E" (simple-key 'begin)] ;; in screen ["F" (simple-key 'end)] ;; kend ["H" (simple-key 'home)] ;; khome ["M" (add-modifier 'control (simple-key #\M))] ;; keypad enter (rxvt) ["P" (simple-key 'f1)] ["Q" (simple-key 'f2)] ["R" (simple-key 'f3)] ["S" (simple-key 'f4)] [_ (simple-key (unknown-escape-sequence lexeme))])) (define (interpret-ascii-code b) (cond [(<= #x00 b #x1f) (C- (integer->char (+ b (char->integer #\A) -1)))] [(<= #x20 b #x7e) (simple-key (integer->char b))] [(= b #x7f) (simple-key 'backspace)])) (define (lex-lcd-input port #:utf-8? [utf-8? (lcd-terminal-utf-8?)]) (cond [(eof-object? (peek-byte port)) eof] [(or (regexp-try-match #px"^\e\\[([0-9]+(;[0-9]+)*)?(.)" port) (regexp-try-match #px#"^\x9b([0-9]+(;[0-9]+)*)?(.)" port)) => (lambda (match-result) (match-define (list lexeme parambytes _ mainbytes) match-result) (define params (and parambytes (map string->number (string-split (bytes->string/utf-8 parambytes) ";")))) (analyze-vt-bracket-key lexeme params (bytes->string/utf-8 mainbytes)))] [(regexp-try-match #px"^\eO([0-9])(.)" port) => ;; screen generates shifting escapes for the keypad like this (lambda (match-result) (match-define (list lexeme v-plus-one-bytes mainbytes) match-result) (decode-shifting-number (string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 v-plus-one-bytes)) (analyze-vt-O-mainchar lexeme (bytes->string/utf-8 mainbytes))))] [(regexp-try-match #px"^\eO(.)" port) => (lambda (match-result) (match-define (list lexeme mainbytes) match-result) (analyze-vt-O-mainchar lexeme (bytes->string/utf-8 mainbytes)))] ;; Characters between #\u80 and #\uff are ambiguous because in ;; some terminals, the high bit is set to indicate meta, and in ;; others, they are plain UTF-8 characters. We let the user ;; distinguish via the #:utf-8? keyword argument. [(not utf-8?) (define b (read-byte port)) (if (< b 128) (interpret-ascii-code b) (add-modifier 'meta (interpret-ascii-code (- b 128))))] [else (define b (char->integer (read-char port))) (if (< b 128) (interpret-ascii-code b) (simple-key (integer->char b)))]))