import os import json import time import fcntl import urllib import pickle import config import requests def prepare_paths(*paths): for path in paths: tail, _ = os.path.split(path) if not os.path.exists(tail): os.makedirs(tail) base_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.niku') def rel(path): return os.path.join(base_dir, path) pcap_storage = rel('pcap/') metadata_storage = rel('metadata/') search_storage = rel('searches/') search_num = rel('search_num') prepare_paths(pcap_storage, metadata_storage, search_storage) if not os.path.exists(search_num): with open(search_num, 'wb') as fpo: fpo.write('0') def local_pcap_path(remote_pcap_path): local = os.path.join(pcap_storage, remote_pcap_path) if not os.path.isfile(local): prepare_paths(local) urllib.urlretrieve('http://%s:%s/pcap/%s' % (config.SERVER_IP, config.SERVER_PORT, remote_pcap_path), filename=local) return local def load_metadata(ids, reverse=False): out = [None]*len(ids) mapping = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(ids)} to_search = [] for i, cid in enumerate(ids): mpath = os.path.join(metadata_storage, str(cid)) if os.path.exists(mpath): with open(mpath, 'rb') as fp: out[i] = pickle.load(fp) else: to_search.append(cid) if to_search: for line in urllib.urlopen('http://%s:%s/api/metadata?%s' % (config.SERVER_IP, config.SERVER_PORT, json.dumps(to_search))): mdata = json.loads(line) idx = mapping[mdata['id']] assert out[idx] is None out[idx] = mdata mpath = os.path.join(metadata_storage, str(mdata['id'])) with open(mpath, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(mdata, fp) assert all(x is not None for x in out) prettify_metadata(out) return out if not reverse else reversed(out) def prettify_metadata(md_list): # Get list of host mappings show_hosts_url = 'http://' + config.SERVER_IP + ':' + str(config.SERVER_PORT) + '/api/hosts/get' hosts = map(json.loads, requests.get(show_hosts_url).text.splitlines()) # Get list of services mappings show_services_url = 'http://' + config.SERVER_IP + ':' + str(config.SERVER_PORT) + '/api/services/get' services = map(json.loads, requests.get(show_services_url).text.splitlines()) # Rendering result before sending out for result in md_list: # Map unfriendly boot-time back to friendly host name for host in hosts: if host['boot_time'] == result['src_boot']: result['src_boot_name'] = host['name'] break else: result['src_boot_name'] = str(result['src_boot']) # Map unfriendly (dst,dst_port,protocol) back to friendly service name dst = result['dst'] dst_port = result['dst_port'] protocol = result['protocol'] for service in services: if service['host'] == dst and service['port'] == dst_port and service['protocol'] == protocol: result['service'] = service['name'] break else: result['service'] = str(dst) + ':' + str(dst_port) + ':' + str(protocol) # Convert unfriendly UNIX timestamp to human readable time coordinates timestamp = result['timestamp'] result['timestamp_str'] = time.strftime("%D - %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(timestamp + config.TIMEZONE_OFFSET)) if timestamp else None # Convert duration to MM:SS duration = float(result['duration']) result['duration_str'] = '%02d' % (duration / 60) + ':' + '%02d' % (duration % 60) result['local_filename'] = os.path.join(pcap_storage, result['filename']) def alloc_search_num(): with open(search_num, 'r+') as fp: fcntl.lockf(fp.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX) val_str = if not val_str: val = 0 else: val = int(val_str) fp.truncate() fp.write(str(val + 1)) fcntl.lockf(fp.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) return val class Search(object): def __init__(self, num, params, results, timestamp, sorting): assert type(num) in (int, long) assert type(params) is dict assert type(results) in (list, tuple) assert type(timestamp) in (int, long, float) assert type(sorting) in (str, unicode) self.num = num self.params = params self.results = results self.num_results = len(self.results) self.timestamp = float(timestamp) self.sorting = sorting @staticmethod def _path(num, sorting): return os.path.join(search_storage, '%s-%s' % (num, sorting)) def _save(self): with open(self._path(self.num, self.sorting), 'wb') as fp: fp.write('%r\n' % self.timestamp) fp.write('%s\n' % json.dumps(self.params)) fp.write('%s\n' % self.num_results) for cid in self.results: fp.write('%s\n' % cid) @classmethod def load(cls, num, sorting, partial=False): """ Load the search with the given identifier from disk. """ path = cls._path(num, sorting) if os.path.exists(path): with open(Search._path(num, sorting), 'rb') as fp: timestamp = float(fp.readline()) params = json.loads(fp.readline()) num_results = int(fp.readline()) results = [] if not partial: for line in fp: results.append(int(line)) out = cls(int(num), params, results, timestamp, sorting) out.num_results = num_results return out elif sorting == 'timestamp': raise ValueError('No such search %d' % num) elif partial: raise ValueError('..why') else: start = cls.load(num, 'timestamp') return start.sort(sorting) @classmethod def search(cls, params): """ Perform a search. Will save to disk. """ assert 'order_by' not in params new_num = alloc_search_num() timestamp = time.time() - config.TIMEZONE_OFFSET results = map(int, urllib.urlopen('http://%s:%s/api/search?%s' % (config.SERVER_IP, config.SERVER_PORT, json.dumps(params)))) out = cls(new_num, params, results, timestamp, 'timestamp') out._save() return out @classmethod def loadall(cls, partial=False): """ Load all cached searches. Pass partial=True to avoid loading all the ids """ all_ids = os.listdir(search_storage) seen_ids = set() for name in all_ids: sid, sorting = name.split('-') if sid not in seen_ids: yield cls.load(sid, sorting, partial=partial) seen_ids.add(sid) def delete(self): """ Remove this search from the filesystem """ for name in os.listdir(search_storage): if name.startswith('%d-' % self.num): os.unlink(os.path.join(search_storage, name)) @property def update_possible(self): """ Returns True if this search can be updated """ if 'timestamp' in self.params and self.params['timestamp'] is not None: ts_end = self.params['timestmp'][1] return ts_end > self.timestamp else: return True def update(self): """ Call this to check for updates to the search. Will save to disk. """ if self.num_results != len(self.results): raise ValueError("Partially loaded search cannot be updated") new_params = dict(self.params) if 'timestamp' in self.params: new_params['timestamp'] = [self.timestamp, self.params['timestamp'][1]] else: new_params['timestamp'] = [self.timestamp, 2**32 - 1] new_timestamp = time.time() - config.TIMEZONE_OFFSET new_results = map(int, urllib.urlopen('http://%s:%s/api/search?%s' % (config.SERVER_IP, config.SERVER_PORT, json.dumps(new_params)))) self.results.extend(new_results) self.timestamp = float(new_timestamp) self.num_results = len(self.results) self.delete() self._save() def sort(self, column): if self.num_results < 1000: params = json.dumps({"ids": self.results, "order_by": column}) if len(params) < 2000: results = map(int, urllib.urlopen('http://%s:%s/api/sort?%s' % (config.SERVER_IP, config.SERVER_PORT, params))) out = type(self)(self.num, self.params, results, self.timestamp, column) out._save() return out params = dict(self.params) params['order_by'] = column timestamp = time.time() - config.TIMEZONE_OFFSET results = map(int, urllib.urlopen('http://%s:%s/api/search?%s' % (config.SERVER_IP, config.SERVER_PORT, json.dumps(params)))) params.pop('order_by') out = type(self)(self.num, params, results, timestamp, column) out._save() return out