# Domainie A tool that generates domain suggestions. ## Usage The `MW_APIKEY` environmental variable must be set to a Merriam-Webster Thesaurus api key, if the `--similar` flag is used. You can get one [here](https://dictionaryapi.com/register/index). All provided files must be formatted like this: ``` word anotherword yetanotherword <...> ``` Or, in the case of domains, ``` .com .net .org <...> ``` --- ``` USAGE: domainie [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --domains --words FLAGS: -s, --similar Whether to include similar words -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -d, --domains Newline-separated list of domains -e, --exclude Words to exclude from suggestions --len_limit Longest allowed domain name -n, --number Amount of suggestions to show --syn_limit How many similar words to get from each category -w, --words Newline-separated list of words ```