# Eleanor Server A HTTP remote media server for the [Eleanor](https://github.com/AgathaSorceress/Eleanor) music player. ## Usage (command line) - Setup: 1. Run the `eleanor-server` executable; exit 2. Edit the `settings.toml` file. Example: ```toml port = 8008 [[sources]] id = 0 path = "/home/agatha/Music/local/" ``` 3. Add user(s) using the `user` subcommand 4. Start the server again - Adding a user: ```sh ./eleanor-server user add username password ``` - Removing a user: ```sh ./eleanor-server user remove username ``` ## Development A testing server can be quickly set up in a temporary directory like this: ``` nix develop .#dev ``` ## REST API Implementation `GET /` → A binary messagepack-encoded list of tracks indexed by the server `POST /` → Starts a full reindex by the server `GET /:hash ` → Responds with the requested song's audio file (hash can be obtained from the index) `GET /:hash/cover` → Responds with the album art attached to the requested song's file All endpoints require HTTP Basic Auth using credentials of any formerly added user.