{ pkgs, config, ... }: { home-manager.users.agatha = { # Formatters/Language Servers that Helix uses home.packages = with pkgs; [ nixfmt ]; programs = { helix = { enable = true; package = pkgs.helix; languages = [{ name = "nix"; auto-format = true; formatter = { command = "nixfmt"; }; }]; settings = { theme = "paramount-dark"; editor = { middle-click-paste = false; scroll-lines = 4; shell = [ "fish" "-c" ]; bufferline = "multiple"; statusline = { left = [ "mode" "spinner" "file-name" ]; right = [ "workspace-diagnostics" "position" "position-percentage" "spacer" "file-encoding" "file-line-ending" "file-type" ]; separator = " "; }; cursor-shape = { insert = "bar"; }; whitespace.render = { tab = "all"; space = "all"; newline = "none"; }; whitespace.characters = { tab = "·"; tabpad = "·"; }; indent-guides = { render = true; character = "┊"; skip-levels = 1; }; }; keys = { insert = { "C-left" = [ "move_prev_word_start" "collapse_selection" ]; "C-right" = [ "move_next_word_start" "collapse_selection" ]; }; normal = { "C-left" = [ "move_prev_word_start" "collapse_selection" ]; "C-right" = [ "move_next_word_start" "collapse_selection" ]; "A-d" = "delete_selection"; "d" = "delete_selection_noyank"; }; }; }; themes = { paramount-dark = let medium_gray = "#767676"; lighter_black = "#4E4E4E"; lighter_gray = "#C6C6C6"; light_red = "#E32791"; orange = "#D75F5F"; light_green = "#5FD7A7"; dark_purple = "#af5fd7"; light_purple = "#a790d5"; dark_yellow = "#A89C14"; in { inherits = "hex_lavender"; "ui.background" = { bg = "black"; }; "ui.gutter" = { bg = "black"; }; "ui.menu.selected" = { fg = lighter_gray; bg = light_purple; }; "comment" = { fg = lighter_black; modifiers = [ "italic" ]; }; "constant" = light_purple; "string" = light_purple; "variable" = lighter_gray; "function" = lighter_gray; "keyword.function" = lighter_gray; "keyword.control" = medium_gray; "keyword.control.import" = medium_gray; "operator" = { fg = lighter_gray; modifiers = [ "bold" ]; }; "function.special" = medium_gray; "type" = lighter_gray; "tag" = { fg = medium_gray; modifiers = [ "italic" ]; }; "punctuation" = { fg = medium_gray; }; "ui.linenr" = medium_gray; "ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = light_purple; }; "string.special.url" = { fg = lighter_gray; underline = { color = lighter_gray; style = "line"; }; modifiers = [ "underlined" ]; }; "markup.link" = { fg = lighter_gray; underline = { color = lighter_gray; style = "line"; }; modifiers = [ "underlined" ]; }; "diagnostic.error" = { underline = { color = light_red; style = "curl"; }; }; "error" = light_red; "diagnostic.hint" = { underline = { color = lighter_gray; style = "curl"; }; }; "hint" = lighter_gray; "ui.selection" = { fg = lighter_gray; bg = light_purple; }; "ui.selection.primary" = { fg = lighter_gray; bg = light_purple; }; "warning" = orange; "diagnostic.warning" = { underline = { color = orange; style = "curl"; }; }; "diff.plus" = light_green; "diff.minus" = light_red; "diff.delta" = dark_yellow; "ui.cursor" = { bg = lighter_gray; }; "ui.cursor.insert" = { bg = light_purple; }; "ui.cursor.select" = { bg = dark_purple; }; "ui.cursor.match" = { fg = lighter_gray; bg = medium_gray; }; "namespace" = medium_gray; }; paramount-light = let medium_gray = "#767676"; actual_white = "#FFFFFF"; light_black = "#262626"; dark_red = "#C30771"; orange = "#D75F5F"; dark_green = "#10A778"; dark_purple = "#af5fd7"; dark_yellow = "#A89C14"; in { inherits = "spacebones_light"; "ui.background" = { bg = actual_white; }; "ui.gutter" = { bg = actual_white; }; "ui.menu.selected" = { fg = light_black; bg = dark_purple; }; "comment" = { fg = "dark_gray"; modifiers = [ "italic" ]; }; "constant" = dark_purple; "string" = dark_purple; "variable" = light_black; "variable.parameter" = light_black; "function" = light_black; "keyword" = medium_gray; "keyword.function" = light_black; "keyword.control" = medium_gray; "keyword.control.import" = medium_gray; "operator" = { fg = light_black; modifiers = [ "bold" ]; }; "function.special" = medium_gray; "function.macro" = medium_gray; "type" = light_black; "type.builtin" = light_black; "tag" = { fg = medium_gray; modifiers = [ "italic" ]; }; "punctuation" = { fg = medium_gray; }; "ui.linenr" = medium_gray; "ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = dark_purple; }; "string.special.url" = { fg = light_black; underline = { color = light_black; style = "line"; }; modifiers = [ "underlined" ]; }; "markup.link" = { fg = light_black; underline = { color = light_black; style = "line"; }; modifiers = [ "underlined" ]; }; "diagnostic.error" = { underline = { color = dark_red; style = "curl"; }; }; "error" = dark_red; "diagnostic.hint" = { underline = { color = light_black; style = "curl"; }; }; "hint" = light_black; "ui.selection" = { fg = light_black; bg = dark_purple; }; "ui.selection.primary" = { fg = light_black; bg = dark_purple; }; "warning" = orange; "diagnostic.warning" = { underline = { color = orange; style = "curl"; }; }; "diff.plus" = dark_green; "diff.minus" = dark_red; "diff.delta" = dark_yellow; "ui.cursor" = { bg = light_black; }; "ui.cursor.insert" = { bg = dark_purple; }; "ui.cursor.select" = { bg = dark_purple; }; "ui.cursor.match" = { fg = light_black; bg = medium_gray; }; "namespace" = medium_gray; "special" = medium_gray; }; }; }; }; }; }