Vacuum Tube logo # Vacuum Tube A small command line tool that displays information about your Borg backups. ![A screenshot of the config file and terminal output]( ## Dependencies - Borg - Python 3.0+ ## Usage 1. Clone the respository: `git clone && cd vacuum-tube` 2. Run `sudo pip install .` *(Or, without `sudo` if you wish to install it into `~/.local/bin/`)* 3. Run `vacuum-tube` 5. Edit the newly created configuration file and run `vacuum-tube` again ## Troubleshooting - ### vacuum-tube: command not found If you installed the package locally, your installation directory may not be in `$PATH`. You can add it with `export PATH="/some/directory:$PATH"` in your `.bashrc`/`.zshrc`/etc file. - ### No module named setuptools `pip install setuptools`