#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import socket import struct from typing import * class EndOfStreamException(Exception): pass class JtagSeq(NamedTuple): nbits: int tms: int tdi: int def bigint2bytes(nbits: int, v: int) -> bytes: r = bytearray((nbits + 7) // 8) for i in range(nbits): byteind = i // 8 bitind = i & 7 r[byteind] |= ((v >> i) & 1) << bitind return r def dap_split_jseq(nbits: int, tms: bytes, tdi: bytes) -> List[JtagSeq]: assert len(tms) == len(tdi) assert len(tms) == (nbits + 7) // 8 def bitat(l: bytes, i: int) -> int: # get bit at given index of a compacted bytes byteind = i // 8 bitind = i & 7 return (l[byteind] >> bitind) & 1 if nbits == 1: return [JtagSeq(nbits=1, tms=bitat(tms, 0), tdi=bitat(tdi, 1))] res = [] tmsv = bitat(tms, 0) tdiv = bitat(tdi, 0) bitind = 1 for i in range(1, nbits): if bitat(tms, i) != tmsv or bitind == 64: #print("append nb=%d tms=%s tdi=%s" % (bitind, repr(tmsv), repr(tdiv))) res.append(JtagSeq(nbits=bitind, tms=tmsv, tdi=tdiv)) tmsv = bitat(tms, i) tdiv = 0 bitind = 0 tdiv |= bitat(tdi, i) << bitind bitind += 1 if bitind != 0: #print("append nb=%d tms=%s tdi=%s" % (bitind, repr(tmsv), repr(tdiv))) res.append(JtagSeq(nbits=bitind, tms=tmsv, tdi=tdiv)) #print("sumbits=%d, nbits=%d" % (sum(s.nbits for s in res), nbits)) assert sum(s.nbits for s in res) == nbits return res def get_dap(serial: Optional[str]) -> Any: #DAPAccess: import pyocd.probe.pydapaccess as pydap if serial is not None: try: return pydap.DAPAccess.get_device(serial) except Exception:# as e: raise Exception("Could not find CMSIS-DAP device %s" % serial) else: devs = pydap.DAPAccess.get_connected_devices() if len(devs) == 1: return devs[0] elif len(devs) == 0: raise Exception("No CMSIS-DAP devices found.") else: raise Exception("Multiple CMSIS-DAP devices found, please specify"+\ " a serial number to connect to a specific one. "+\ "Devices found: %s" % ', '.join(d.unique_id for d in devs)) def xvc_read_cmd(f) -> bytes: r = b'' while True: bv = f.recv(1) if bv == b':': return r elif len(bv) == 0: raise EndOfStreamException() else: r += bv def xvc_do_cmd(cmd: bytes, f, dap): if cmd == b"getinfo": # parameter is max vector len (in bits) # we use some value here (2k should be good enough), though in reality # we'll handle pretty much anything. except, pydapaccess can only do # JTAG sequences in chunks of 64 bits, which is a bit small (and would # cause some network overhead), so we'll do the splitting and combining # ourselves. # we only support v1.0, because CMSIS-DAP itself doesn't know much # about memory address spaces, so we're just not going to bother here. # we could technically use the rest of pyocd, but, meh f.send(b'xvcServer_v1.0:%d\n' % (2048*8)) pass elif cmd == b"settck": inv = f.recv(4) if len(inv) < 3: raise EndOfStreamException() freq_wanted = struct.unpack(' int: dap = get_dap(args.serial) dap.open() try: dap.connect() with socket.socket() as sock: sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind((args.address, args.port)) sock.listen() print("up and running!") while True: print("waiting for conn") f, addr = sock.accept() print("got conn!", addr) try: while True: cmd = xvc_read_cmd(f) print("cmd:", cmd) xvc_do_cmd(cmd, f, dap) except EndOfStreamException: pass # continue to next iteration finally: dap.close() def main() -> int: try: import pyocd.probe.pydapaccess except ImportError: print("WARNING: pyocd module not found (not installed?), xvc2dap.py "+\ "will not work.") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--serial', type=str, default=None, help="Connect to the CMSIS-DAP device with the "+\ "specified serial number, defaults to the first device found.") parser.add_argument('address', type=str, default='localhost', nargs='?', help="Host to bind to, for the XVC server, default "+\ "localhost") parser.add_argument('port', type=int, default=2542, nargs='?', help="Port to bind to, for the XVC server, default 2542") args = parser.parse_args() return xvc2dap_do(args) if __name__ == '__main__': try: exit(main() or 0) except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() exit(1)