#!/usr/bin/env python # # dfu.py: Access USB DFU class devices # Copyright (C) 2009 Black Sphere Technologies # Written by Gareth McMullin <gareth@blacksphere.co.nz> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import usb DFU_DETACH_TIMEOUT = 1000 # DFU Requests DFU_DETACH = 0x00 DFU_DNLOAD = 0x01 DFU_UPLOAD = 0x02 DFU_GETSTATUS = 0x03 DFU_CLRSTATUS = 0x04 DFU_GETSTATE = 0x05 DFU_ABORT = 0x06 # DFU States STATE_APP_IDLE = 0x00 STATE_APP_DETACH = 0x01 STATE_DFU_IDLE = 0x02 STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_SYNC = 0x03 STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_BUSY = 0x04 STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_IDLE = 0x05 STATE_DFU_MANIFEST_SYNC = 0x06 STATE_DFU_MANIFEST = 0x07 STATE_DFU_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET = 0x08 STATE_DFU_UPLOAD_IDLE = 0x09 STATE_DFU_ERROR = 0x0a DFU_STATUS_OK = 0x00 # DFU Status cides DFU_STATUS_ERROR_TARGET = 0x01 DFU_STATUS_ERROR_FILE = 0x02 DFU_STATUS_ERROR_WRITE = 0x03 DFU_STATUS_ERROR_ERASE = 0x04 DFU_STATUS_ERROR_CHECK_ERASED = 0x05 DFU_STATUS_ERROR_PROG = 0x06 DFU_STATUS_ERROR_VERIFY = 0x07 DFU_STATUS_ERROR_ADDRESS = 0x08 DFU_STATUS_ERROR_NOTDONE = 0x09 DFU_STATUS_ERROR_FIRMWARE = 0x0a DFU_STATUS_ERROR_VENDOR = 0x0b DFU_STATUS_ERROR_USBR = 0x0c DFU_STATUS_ERROR_POR = 0x0d DFU_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0x0e DFU_STATUS_ERROR_STALLEDPKT = 0x0f class dfu_status(object): def __init__(self, buf): self.bStatus = buf[0] self.bwPollTimeout = buf[1] + (buf[2]<<8) + (buf[3]<<16) self.bState = buf[4] self.iString = buf[5] class dfu_device(object): def __init__(self, dev, conf, iface): self.dev = dev self.conf = conf self.iface = iface self.handle = self.dev.open() try: self.handle.setConfiguration(conf) except: pass self.handle.claimInterface(iface.interfaceNumber) if type(self.iface) is usb.Interface: self.index = self.iface.interfaceNumber else: self.index = self.iface def release(self): self.handle.releaseInterface() def detach(self, wTimeout=255): self.handle.controlMsg(usb.ENDPOINT_OUT | usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, DFU_DETACH, None, value=wTimeout, index=self.index) def download(self, wBlockNum, data): self.handle.controlMsg(usb.ENDPOINT_OUT | usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, DFU_DNLOAD, data, value=wBlockNum, index=self.index) def upload(self, wBlockNum, length): return self.handle.controlMsg(usb.ENDPOINT_IN | usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, DFU_UPLOAD, length, value=wBlockNum, index=self.index) def get_status(self): buf = self.handle.controlMsg(usb.ENDPOINT_IN | usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, DFU_GETSTATUS, 6, index=self.index) return dfu_status(buf) def clear_status(self): self.handle.controlMsg(usb.ENDPOINT_OUT | usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, DFU_CLRSTATUS, "", index=0) def get_state(self): buf = self.handle.controlMsg(usb.ENDPOINT_IN | usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, DFU_GETSTATE, 1, index=self.index) return buf[0] def abort(self): self.handle.controlMsg(usb.ENDPOINT_OUT | usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, DFU_ABORT, None, index=self.index) def make_idle(self): retries = 3 while retries: try: status = self.get_status() except: self.clear_status() continue retries -= 1 if status.bState == STATE_DFU_IDLE: return True if ((status.bState == STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_SYNC) or (status.bState == STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_IDLE) or (status.bState == STATE_DFU_MANIFEST_SYNC) or (status.bState == STATE_DFU_UPLOAD_IDLE) or (status.bState == STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_BUSY) or (status.bState == STATE_DFU_MANIFEST)): self.abort() continue if status.bState == STATE_DFU_ERROR: self.clear_status() continue if status.bState == STATE_APP_IDLE: self.detach(DFU_DETACH_TIMEOUT) continue if ((status.bState == STATE_APP_DETACH) or (status.bState == STATE_DFU_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET)): usb.reset(self.handle) return False raise Exception def finddevs(): devs = [] for bus in usb.busses(): for dev in bus.devices: for conf in dev.configurations: for ifaces in conf.interfaces: for iface in ifaces: if ((iface.interfaceClass == 0xFE) and (iface.interfaceSubClass == 0x01)): devs.append((dev, conf, iface)) return devs if __name__ == "__main__": devs = finddevs() if not devs: print "No devices found!" exit(-1) for dfu in devs: handle = dfu[0].open() man = handle.getString(dfu[0].iManufacturer, 30) product = handle.getString(dfu[0].iProduct, 30) print "Device %s: ID %04x:%04x %s - %s" % (dfu[0].filename, dfu[0].idVendor, dfu[0].idProduct, man, product) print "%r, %r" % (dfu[1], dfu[2])