diff --git a/drivers/devicelist.c b/drivers/devicelist.c index 57e70f3..43902ba 100644 --- a/drivers/devicelist.c +++ b/drivers/devicelist.c @@ -315,6 +315,15 @@ const struct device_table sdeviceID[] = {{0x41, 0x81, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, DT_MSP430F5229, "MSP430F5213"}, // MSP430F5529 {{0x40, 0x81, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, DT_MSP430F5229, "MSP430F5212"}, // MSP430F5529 {{0x29, 0x55, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, DT_MSP430G2955, "MSP430G2955"}, + {{0x03, 0x82, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, DT_MSP430F5255, "MSP430F5255"}, // MSP430F5255 + {{0x5F, 0x81, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, DT_MSP430FR5947, "MSP430FR5947"}, // MSP430FR5947 + {{0x60, 0x81, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, DT_MSP430FR5948, "MSP430FR5948"}, // MSP430FR5948 + {{0x61, 0x81, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, DT_MSP430FR5949, "MSP430FR5949"}, // MSP430FR5949 + {{0x63, 0x81, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, DT_MSP430FR5957, "MSP430FR5957"}, // MSP430FR5957 + {{0x64, 0x81, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, DT_MSP430FR5958, "MSP430FR5958"}, // MSP430FR5958 + {{0x65, 0x81, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, DT_MSP430FR5959, "MSP430FR5959"}, // MSP430FR5959 + {{0x67, 0x81, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, DT_MSP430FR5967, "MSP430FR5967"}, // MSP430FR5967 + {{0x68, 0x81, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, DT_MSP430FR5968, "MSP430FR5968"}, // MSP430FR5968 // end of device table default return value {{ 0 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 }, -1, NULL} }; diff --git a/drivers/devicelist.h b/drivers/devicelist.h index 1f4fdde..c473188 100644 --- a/drivers/devicelist.h +++ b/drivers/devicelist.h @@ -310,6 +310,15 @@ typedef enum { DT_MSP430F5213, DT_MSP430F5212, DT_MSP430G2955, + DT_MSP430F5255, + DT_MSP430FR5947, + DT_MSP430FR5948, + DT_MSP430FR5949, + DT_MSP430FR5957, + DT_MSP430FR5958, + DT_MSP430FR5959, + DT_MSP430FR5967, + DT_MSP430FR5968, } devicetype_t; /* Mapping between device types and identification bytes. */