/* MSPDebug - debugging tool for MSP430 MCUs * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Daniel Beer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include "powerbuf.h" powerbuf_t powerbuf_new(unsigned int max_samples, unsigned int interval_us) { powerbuf_t pb = malloc(sizeof(*pb)); if (!pb) return NULL; if (max_samples <= 0) { free(pb); return NULL; } memset(pb, 0, sizeof(*pb)); pb->current_ua = malloc(sizeof(pb->current_ua[0]) * max_samples); if (!pb->current_ua) { free(pb); return NULL; } pb->mab = malloc(sizeof(pb->mab[0]) * max_samples); if (!pb->mab) { free(pb->current_ua); return NULL; } pb->sorted = malloc(sizeof(pb->sorted[0]) * max_samples); if (!pb->sorted) { free(pb->current_ua); free(pb->mab); return NULL; } pb->interval_us = interval_us; pb->max_samples = max_samples; pb->session_head = pb->session_tail = 0; pb->current_head = pb->current_tail = 0; return pb; } void powerbuf_free(powerbuf_t pb) { free(pb->current_ua); free(pb->mab); free(pb->sorted); free(pb); } void powerbuf_clear(powerbuf_t pb) { pb->session_head = pb->session_tail = 0; pb->current_head = pb->current_tail = 0; pb->sort_valid = 0; } static unsigned int session_length(powerbuf_t pb, unsigned int idx) { const unsigned int next_idx = (idx + 1) % POWERBUF_MAX_SESSIONS; unsigned int end_index = pb->current_head; /* If a session follows this one, the end index is the start * index of the following session. Otherwise, it's the end index * of the entire current/MAB buffer. */ if (next_idx != pb->session_head) end_index = pb->sessions[next_idx].start_index; /* Return (end-start) modulo max_samples */ return (end_index + pb->max_samples - pb->sessions[idx].start_index) % pb->max_samples; } static void pop_oldest_session(powerbuf_t pb) { unsigned int length = session_length(pb, pb->session_tail); /* Remove corresponding samples from the tail of the current/MAB * buffers. */ pb->current_tail = (pb->current_tail + length) % pb->max_samples; /* Remove the session from the session buffer. */ pb->session_tail = (pb->session_tail + 1) % POWERBUF_MAX_SESSIONS; } void powerbuf_begin_session(powerbuf_t pb, time_t when) { struct powerbuf_session *s; unsigned int next_head; /* If the most recent session is empty, remove it */ powerbuf_end_session(pb); /* If the session buffer is full, drop the oldest */ next_head = (pb->session_head + 1) % POWERBUF_MAX_SESSIONS; if (next_head == pb->session_tail) pop_oldest_session(pb); /* Copy data to the head */ s = &pb->sessions[pb->session_head]; s->wall_clock = when; s->start_index = pb->current_head; s->total_ua = 0; /* Advance the head pointer */ pb->session_head = next_head; } /* Return the index of the nth most recent session */ static unsigned int rev_index(powerbuf_t pb, unsigned int n) { return (pb->session_head + POWERBUF_MAX_SESSIONS - 1 - n) % POWERBUF_MAX_SESSIONS; } void powerbuf_end_session(powerbuf_t pb) { /* (head-1) modulo MAX_SESSIONS */ const unsigned int last_idx = rev_index(pb, 0); /* If there are no sessions, do nothing */ if (pb->session_head == pb->session_tail) return; /* If no samples were added since the session began, decrement * the head pointer. */ if (pb->sessions[last_idx].start_index == pb->current_head) pb->session_head = last_idx; } unsigned int powerbuf_num_sessions(powerbuf_t pb) { /* (head-tail) modulo MAX_SESSIONS */ return (pb->session_head + POWERBUF_MAX_SESSIONS - pb->session_tail) % POWERBUF_MAX_SESSIONS; } const struct powerbuf_session *powerbuf_session_info(powerbuf_t pb, unsigned int rev_idx, unsigned int *length) { /* (head-1-rev_idx) modulo MAX_SESSIONS */ const unsigned int idx_map = rev_index(pb, rev_idx); if (length) *length = session_length(pb, idx_map); return &pb->sessions[idx_map]; } static void ensure_room(powerbuf_t pb, unsigned int required) { unsigned int room = (pb->current_tail + pb->max_samples - pb->current_head - 1) % pb->max_samples; /* Drop old sessions if they're smaller than what we need to * reclaim. */ while (room < required && powerbuf_num_sessions(pb) > 1) { const unsigned int len = session_length(pb, pb->session_tail); if (room + len > required) break; pop_oldest_session(pb); room += len; } /* If we still lack space, it must be because the oldest session * is larger than what we still need to reclaim (we'll never be * asked to reclaim more than the buffer can hold). * * We also know at this point that (required-room) is <= the * length of the oldest session. */ while (room < required) { struct powerbuf_session *old = &pb->sessions[pb->session_tail]; unsigned int cont_len = pb->max_samples - old->start_index; int i; if (cont_len + room > required) cont_len = required - room; /* Un-integrate current */ for (i = 0; i < cont_len; i++) old->total_ua -= pb->current_ua[old->start_index + i]; /* Advance the start index and buffer tail */ old->start_index = (old->start_index + cont_len) % pb->max_samples; pb->current_tail = (pb->current_tail + cont_len) % pb->max_samples; room += cont_len; } } void powerbuf_add_samples(powerbuf_t pb, unsigned int count, const unsigned int *current_ua, const address_t *mab) { struct powerbuf_session *cur = &pb->sessions[rev_index(pb, 0)]; int i; /* If no session is active, do nothing */ if (pb->session_head == pb->session_tail) return; /* Make sure that we can't overflow the buffer in a single * chunk. */ if (count > pb->max_samples - 1) { int extra = pb->max_samples - 1 - count; current_ua += extra; mab += extra; count -= extra; } /* Push old samples/sessions out of the buffer if we need to. */ ensure_room(pb, count); /* Add current integral to the session's running count */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) cur->total_ua += current_ua[i]; /* Add samples in contiguous chunks */ while (count) { unsigned int cont_len = pb->max_samples - pb->current_head; /* Don't copy more than we have */ if (cont_len > count) cont_len = count; /* Copy samples */ memcpy(pb->current_ua + pb->current_head, current_ua, sizeof(pb->current_ua[0]) * cont_len); memcpy(pb->mab + pb->current_head, mab, sizeof(pb->mab[0]) * cont_len); pb->current_head = (pb->current_head + cont_len) % pb->max_samples; /* Advance source pointers and count */ current_ua += cont_len; mab += cont_len; count -= cont_len; } pb->sort_valid = 0; } address_t powerbuf_last_mab(powerbuf_t pb) { const struct powerbuf_session *s = &pb->sessions[rev_index(pb, 0)]; const unsigned int last = (pb->current_head + pb->max_samples - 1) % pb->max_samples; if (s->start_index == pb->current_head) return 0; return pb->mab[last]; } static void sift_down(powerbuf_t pb, int start, int end) { int root = start; while (root * 2 + 1 <= end) { int left_child = root * 2 + 1; int biggest = root; unsigned int temp; /* Find the largest of * (root, left child, right child) */ if (pb->mab[pb->sorted[biggest]] < pb->mab[pb->sorted[left_child]]) biggest = left_child; if (left_child + 1 <= end && (pb->mab[pb->sorted[biggest]] < pb->mab[pb->sorted[left_child + 1]])) biggest = left_child + 1; /* If no changes are needed, the heap property is ok and * we can stop. */ if (biggest == root) break; /* Swap the root with its largest child */ temp = pb->sorted[biggest]; pb->sorted[biggest] = pb->sorted[root]; pb->sorted[root] = temp; /* Continue to push down the old root (now a child) */ root = biggest; } } static void heapify(powerbuf_t pb, int num_samples) { int start = (num_samples - 2) / 2; while (start >= 0) { sift_down(pb, start, num_samples - 1); start--; } } static void heap_extract(powerbuf_t pb, int num_samples) { int end = num_samples - 1; while (end > 0) { unsigned int temp; /* Swap the top of the heap with the end of the array, * and shrink the heap. */ temp = pb->sorted[0]; pb->sorted[0] = pb->sorted[end]; pb->sorted[end] = temp; end--; /* Fix up the heap (push down the new root) */ sift_down(pb, 0, end); } } void powerbuf_sort(powerbuf_t pb) { const unsigned int num_samples = (pb->current_head + pb->max_samples - pb->current_tail) % pb->max_samples; unsigned int i; if (pb->sort_valid) return; /* Prepare an index list */ for (i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) pb->sorted[i] = (pb->current_tail + i) % pb->max_samples; if (num_samples < 2) { pb->sort_valid = 1; return; } heapify(pb, num_samples); heap_extract(pb, num_samples); pb->sort_valid = 1; } /* Find the index within the sorted index of the first sample with an * MAB >= the given mab parameter. */ static int find_mab_ge(powerbuf_t pb, address_t mab) { const int num_samples = (pb->current_head + pb->max_samples - pb->current_tail) % pb->max_samples; int low = 0; int high = num_samples - 1; while (low <= high) { int mid = (low + high) / 2; if (pb->mab[pb->sorted[mid]] < mab) low = mid + 1; else if ((mid <= 0) || (pb->mab[pb->sorted[mid - 1]] < mab)) return mid; else high = mid - 1; } return -1; } int powerbuf_get_by_mab(powerbuf_t pb, address_t mab, unsigned long long *sum_ua) { const unsigned int num_samples = (pb->current_head + pb->max_samples - pb->current_tail) % pb->max_samples; int i; int count = 0; if (!pb->sort_valid) powerbuf_sort(pb); i = find_mab_ge(pb, mab); if (i < 0) return 0; *sum_ua = 0; while ((i < num_samples) && (pb->mab[pb->sorted[i]] == mab)) { *sum_ua += pb->current_ua[pb->sorted[i]]; count++; i++; } return count; }