/* MSPDebug - debugging tool for MSP430 MCUs * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Daniel Beer * Copyright (C) 2012 Peter Bägel * * ppdev/ppi abstraction inspired by uisp src/DARPA.C * originally written by Sergey Larin; * corrected by Denis Chertykov, Uros Platise and Marek Michalkiewicz. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include "jtaglib.h" #include "output.h" #if defined(__linux__) /*===== includes =============================================================*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" /*===== private symbols ======================================================*/ /*--- bus pirate pins ---*/ #define BP_CS ((unsigned char)0x01) #define BP_MISO ((unsigned char)0x02) #define BP_CLK ((unsigned char)0x04) #define BP_MOSI ((unsigned char)0x08) #define BP_AUX ((unsigned char)0x10) #define BP_PULLUP ((unsigned char)0x20) #define BP_POWER ((unsigned char)0x40) /*--- bus pirate binary commands ---*/ #define CMD_ENTER_BB ((unsigned char)0x00) #define CMD_LEAVE_BB ((unsigned char)0x0f) #define CMD_CONFIG_PIN_DIR(x) ((unsigned char)0x40 | (x & 0x1f)) #define CMD_WRITE_PINS(x) ((unsigned char)0x80 | (x & 0x7f)) /*--- JTAG signal mapping ---*/ #define TDO BP_MISO #define TDI BP_MOSI #define TMS BP_CS #define POWER BP_POWER #define RESET BP_AUX #define TCK BP_CLK /*===== public functions =====================================================*/ #include static void do_bus_pirate_data(struct jtdev *p) { char res; char out_buff, in_buff; int buffered; out_buff = CMD_WRITE_PINS(p->data_register); ioctl(p->port, TIOCINQ, &buffered); if(buffered != 0) { pr_error("jtdev: extraneous bytes available on serial port, flushing it"); tcflush(p->port, TCIFLUSH); } if(write(p->port, &out_buff, 1) < 1) { pr_error("jtdev: failed writing to serial port"); p->failed = 1; } res = read(p->port, &in_buff, 1); p->data_register &= ~TDO; p->data_register |= in_buff & TDO; // TODO: Handle failure, try again if we don't receive if (res < 1) { pr_error("jtdev: no response with in data"); p->failed = 1; } } static int jtbp_open(struct jtdev *p, const char *device) { int i; char in_buff, out_buff; struct termios tio; const char* response = "BBIO1"; p->port = open(device, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); if (p->port < 0) { printc_err("jtdev: can't open %s: %s\n", device, last_error()); return -1; } memset(&tio, 0, sizeof(tio)); tio.c_cflag = B115200 | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD; tio.c_iflag = IGNPAR; tio.c_oflag = 0; tio.c_lflag = 0; tio.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; tcflush(p->port, TCIFLUSH); tcsetattr(p->port, TCSANOW, &tio); // If it's in the middle of spewing something, let it finish while(read(p->port, &in_buff, 1) != 0); out_buff = 0; for(i=0; i<20; ++i) { if(write(p->port, &out_buff, 1) < 1) { pr_error("jtdev: failed writing to serial port"); p->failed = 1; } if(read(p->port, &in_buff, 1) > 0) { break; } } if (i == 20) { printc_err("jtdev: bus pirate failed to enter bit bang mode\n"); return -1; } if(in_buff != *response) { printc_err("jtdev: bus pirate: got bad response %c\n", in_buff); return -1; } ++response; for(i=0; i<4; ++i, ++response) { if(read(p->port, &in_buff, 1) <= 0) { printc_err("jtdev: bus pirate: got no response\n"); } if(in_buff != *response) { printc_err("jtdev: bus pirate: got bad response %c\n", in_buff); return -1; } } out_buff = CMD_CONFIG_PIN_DIR(TDO); if(write(p->port, &out_buff, 1) < 1) { pr_error("jtdev: failed writing to serial port"); p->failed = 1; } if(read(p->port, &in_buff, 1) <= 0) { printc_err("jtdev: bus pirate: got no response\n"); } p->data_register = 0; p->control_register = 0; p->failed = 0; do_bus_pirate_data(p); return 0; } static void jtbp_close(struct jtdev *p) { char out_buff; out_buff = 0x0f; // Don't care if this fails, user can just power cycle the bus pirate if(write(p->port, &out_buff, 1)) ; close(p->port); } static void jtbp_power_on(struct jtdev *p) { /* power supply on */ p->data_register |= POWER; do_bus_pirate_data(p); sleep(1); } static void jtbp_power_off(struct jtdev *p) { /* power supply off */ p->data_register &= ~(POWER | RESET); do_bus_pirate_data(p); } static void jtbp_connect(struct jtdev *p) { // unsure what this function does, I presume my setup w/ bus pirate is // "always enabled" } static void jtbp_release(struct jtdev *p) { // unsure what this function does, I presume my setup w/ bus pirate is // "always enabled" } static void jtbp_tck(struct jtdev *p, int out) { if (out) p->data_register |= TCK; else p->data_register &= ~TCK; do_bus_pirate_data(p); } static void jtbp_tms(struct jtdev *p, int out) { if (out) p->data_register |= TMS; else p->data_register &= ~TMS; do_bus_pirate_data(p); } static void jtbp_tdi(struct jtdev *p, int out) { if (out) p->data_register |= TDI; else p->data_register &= ~TDI; do_bus_pirate_data(p); } static void jtbp_rst(struct jtdev *p, int out) { if (out) p->data_register |= RESET; else p->data_register &= ~RESET; do_bus_pirate_data(p); } static void jtbp_tst(struct jtdev *p, int out) { // Test not supported on bus pirate } static int jtbp_tdo_get(struct jtdev *p) { do_bus_pirate_data(p); return (p->data_register & TDO) ? 1 : 0; } static void jtbp_tclk(struct jtdev *p, int out) { jtbp_tdi(p, out); } static int jtbp_tclk_get(struct jtdev *p) { do_bus_pirate_data(p); return (p->data_register & TDI) ? 1 : 0; } static void jtbp_tclk_strobe(struct jtdev *p, unsigned int count) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { jtbp_tclk(p, 1); jtbp_tclk(p, 0); if (p->failed) return; } } static void jtbp_led_green(struct jtdev *p, int out) { // TCLK not supported by bus pirate } static void jtbp_led_red(struct jtdev *p, int out) { // TCLK not supported by bus pirate } #else /* __linux__ */ static int jtbp_open(struct jtdev *p, const char *device) { printc_err("jtdev: driver is not supported on this platform\n"); p->failed = 1; return -1; } static void jtbp_close(struct jtdev *p) { } static void jtbp_power_on(struct jtdev *p) { } static void jtbp_power_off(struct jtdev *p) { } static void jtbp_connect(struct jtdev *p) { } static void jtbp_release(struct jtdev *p) { } static void jtbp_tck(struct jtdev *p, int out) { } static void jtbp_tms(struct jtdev *p, int out) { } static void jtbp_tdi(struct jtdev *p, int out) { } static void jtbp_rst(struct jtdev *p, int out) { } static void jtbp_tst(struct jtdev *p, int out) { } static int jtbp_tdo_get(struct jtdev *p) { return 0; } static void jtbp_tclk(struct jtdev *p, int out) { } static int jtbp_tclk_get(struct jtdev *p) { return 0; } static void jtbp_tclk_strobe(struct jtdev *p, unsigned int count) { } static void jtbp_led_green(struct jtdev *p, int out) { } static void jtbp_led_red(struct jtdev *p, int out) { } #endif const struct jtdev_func jtdev_func_bp = { .jtdev_open = jtbp_open, .jtdev_close = jtbp_close, .jtdev_power_on = jtbp_power_on, .jtdev_power_off = jtbp_power_off, .jtdev_connect = jtbp_connect, .jtdev_release = jtbp_release, .jtdev_tck = jtbp_tck, .jtdev_tms = jtbp_tms, .jtdev_tdi = jtbp_tdi, .jtdev_rst = jtbp_rst, .jtdev_tst = jtbp_tst, .jtdev_tdo_get = jtbp_tdo_get, .jtdev_tclk = jtbp_tclk, .jtdev_tclk_get = jtbp_tclk_get, .jtdev_tclk_strobe = jtbp_tclk_strobe, .jtdev_led_green = jtbp_led_green, .jtdev_led_red = jtbp_led_red, .jtdev_ir_shift = jtag_default_ir_shift, .jtdev_dr_shift_8 = jtag_default_dr_shift_8, .jtdev_dr_shift_16 = jtag_default_dr_shift_16, .jtdev_tms_sequence= jtag_default_tms_sequence, .jtdev_init_dap = jtag_default_init_dap };