Picoprobe with the logic analyzer implementation based on the SUMP protocol =========================================================================== Supported features: - up to 16 probes (gpio 6-21 by default) - 200kB RAM for samples - RLE encoding - test mode (external pattern) * probe 0 and 1 - 10Mhz PWM * probe 1 and 2 - 1Mhz PWM * probe 3 and 4 - 1kHz PWM * probe 8 and 9 - 1kHz PWM (swapped levels) - test pin (gpio 22) - 5Mhz 50%/50% PWM for probe tests (activated only when sampling) Limits: - 50Mhz sampling rate when compiled with the TURBO_200MHZ define (otherwise 31.25Mhz) - basic triggers are implemented (functional up to 10Mhz - TODO: PIO support) This protocol is supported in sigrok as openbench-logic-sniffer: ``` pulseview --driver=ols:conn=/dev/ttyACM1 sigrok-cli --driver=ols:conn=/dev/ttyACM1 --config samplerate=50Mhz \ --config pattern=External --samples 256 --channels 0-1 ``` Compile: ``` mkdir build cd build TURBO_200MHZ=1 PICO_SDK_PATH=/opt/pico-sdk cmake .. ``` Compile RAM code (debug): ``` mkdir build cd build TURBO_200MHZ=1 PICO_SDK_PATH=/opt/pico-sdk cmake -DPICO_NO_FLASH=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. ``` Misc: - picoprobe reset pin is on gpio 28 (instead 6) now [Link to protocol](https://www.sump.org/projects/analyzer/protocol) | [Link to libsigrok](https://github.com/sigrokproject/libsigrok/tree/master/src/hardware/openbench-logic-sniffer)