
249 lines
7.2 KiB

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// known ID table:
// Chip name | ARM core | ARM CPUID | JTAG IDCODE | Jazelle ID
// ------------+------------+------------+-------------+----------- Jazelle DBX:
// ??? | ARM7EJ-S | ??? | ??? | ???
// Cypress FX3 | ARM926EJ-S | 0x41069265 | 0x07926069 | 0x64100004
// TI Nspire | ARM926EJ-S?| 0x41069265?| ??? | 0x64100004?
// RPi v1.?? | ARM11??? | ??? | ??? | ???
// Ninty ?3DS | ARM11MPCore| 0x410FB025?| ??? | 0x74100064?
// Xilinx Zynq7| Cortex-A9MP| 0x413FC090 | 0x4BA00477 | 0xF4100168
// ------------+------------+------------+-------------+----------- Jazelle RCT:
// Xilinx Zynq7| Cortex-A9MP| 0x413FC090 | 0x4BA00477 | 0xF4100168
// TODO: others (BeagleBoard Cortex-A8? Other A9s?)
// TODO: immediate next steps:
// * check if we can override jazelle insn execution with custom handlers
// * check what the control registers actually do
// * enumerate what all insns do
static uint32_t arm_get_id(void) {
asm volatile(
"mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0\n"
"bx lr\n"
static uint32_t jazelle_get_id(void) {
asm volatile(
"mrc p14, 7, r0, c0, c0, 0\n"
"bx lr\n"
static struct {
void* handlers[512];
uint8_t stack[256];
uint8_t locals[256];
} jazelle_block;
* c0: Jazelle Identity register (read-only)
Bits 0-11: Subarchitecture-defined bits (reads as 4, meaning unknown)
Bits 12-19: Subarchitecture (reads as 0, Jazelle V1 according to documentation)
Bits 20-27: Implementor (reads as 0x41, ARM Limited according to documentation)
Bits 28-31: Architecture (reads as 6, ARMv5TEJ according to documentation)
c1: Operating System Control register
Bit 0: Configuration Disabled (CD) (documented)
Bit 1: Configuration Valid (CV) (documented)
c2: Main Configuration register
Bit 0: Jazelle Enable (JE) (documented)
Bits 26-28: Unknown
Bit 29: If set, array object contains its elements directly, otherwise it contains a pointer to its elements
Bit 31: Disable array instructions if set?
c3: Array object layout register
Bits 0-7: Unknown
Bits 8-11: Offset (in words) within array object of first element or of pointer to first element
Bits 12-15: Offset (in words) within array object of length
Bit 16: If set, offset to length is subtracted, otherwise added
Bits 17-19: Array length shift value (number of elements = stored length >> this)
Bits 20-21: Disable array instructions if set?
static uint32_t jazelle_exit_save;
static int jazelle_exec_native(const void* bytecode, const void* block) {
// inline asm parameters seems to be borking in GCC sooooo lets do it this way
(void)bytecode; (void)block; (void)&jazelle_exit_save;
asm volatile(
"push {r4-r12,lr}\n"
"mov lr, r0\n"
// init handler table pointer and stack pointer
"mov r5, r1\n"
"add r6, r5, #0x800\n"
"add r7, r5, #0x900\n"
// "r8: Pointer to constant pool? (haven't checked this yet)" -Hackspire
// set configuration valid & jazelle enable bits
"mov r0, #2\n"
"mcr p14, 7, r0, c1, c0, 0\n"
"mov r0, #1\n"
"mcr p14, 7, r0, c2, c0, 0\n"
// apparently there's no good way to find the exit point from jazelle,
// so we're going to hack that into the stuff now
"ldr r12, =jazelle_exit_save\n"
"adr r0, .Ljazend\n"
"str r0, [r12]\n"
// switch to jazelle mode
"adr r12, .Lno_jazelle\n"
"bxj r12\n"
"mov r0, #0\n"
"b .Lend\n"
"bkpt #1\n"
"mov r0, #1\n"
"mov r5, #0\n"
"mcr p14, 7, %r5, c1, c0, 0\n"
"mcr p14, 7, %r5, c2, c0, 0\n"
"pop {r4-r12,lr}\n"
"bx lr\n"
static void handler_idiv(void) {
// r0 = 3
// r1 = 4
// r2 = 2
// editing the above has no effect
// NOTE: these depend on the stack content, i.e. it's not a moving register
// window. pushes happen in the following order: r0,r1,r2,r3
// TODO: when the 'register stack cache' is full, what happens? does
// it loop or does it act in a FIFO way, moving r0<-r1<-r2<-r3?
// how can the fillrate be known??? (libjz says r5 & 3 but i
// dont see anything like that, maybe its an ARM11 thing?)
// "r4: Copy of local variable 0. Only valid when local variable 0 is a
// single word (i.e. int, float, or Object; not long or double)"
// -Hackspire
// [r6-4] is stack top (2)
// [r6-8] is 4
// etc
// use the above to manipulate the stack, eg. "iadd" is implemented as:
// - add r1, r2 // or equivalently, read from stack i guess
// - str r1, [r6, #-8] // store to the place where it will be read
// - sub r6, #4 // pop off & discard stack top element
// NOTE: this input usage (with r1 and r2) is NOT robust at all, use memory
// reads instead!
asm volatile(
"bkpt #3\n"
// FIXME: read out stack contents in a better way
"add r1, r2\n"
"str r1, [r6,#-8]\n"
"sub r6, #4\n"
// return to jazelle (yes lr has to be incremented otherwise the
// current instruction keeps getting executed in a loop)
"add lr, #1\n"
"bxj r12\n" // FIXME: r12 can be modified by jazelle so it should be restored to something
static void handler_ireturn(void) {
int result;
asm volatile(
"ldr %[res], [r6, #-4]!\n"
//iprintf("result=%d\r\n", result); // FIXME: save & restore r0-r3 if ret implemented properly
// get back to original code
// TODO: later stage: get back to previous bytecode stuff
asm volatile(
"ldr r12, %[exsav]\n"
"bx r12\n"
static int jazelle_exec(const uint8_t* bytecode) {
jazelle_block.handlers[0x6C] = handler_idiv;
jazelle_block.handlers[0xAC] = handler_ireturn;
* +000-3FF: Unhandled bytecodes
The stack is flushed to memory before calling any of these handlers, so they may modify r0-r3 freely
+400: Null pointer exception
+404: Array index out of bounds exception
+40C: Jazelle mode entered with JE = 0
+410: Configuration invalid (Jazelle mode entered with CV = 0)
CV is automatically set to 1 on entering this handler
+414: Prefetch abort occurred in middle of instruction
const void* block = &jazelle_block;
return jazelle_exec_native(bytecode, block);
// https://github.com/SonoSooS/libjz/wiki/Java-instruction-set
static uint8_t bytecode_test1[] = {
0x06, // iconst_3
0x07, // iconst_4
0x05, // iconst_2
0x6C, // idiv
0x04, // iconst_1
0x60, // iadd
0x60, // iadd
0xAC, // ireturn
void jazelle_main(void) {
uint32_t aid = arm_get_id();
uint32_t jid = jazelle_get_id();
//iprintf("hello world! ARM coreID=0x%lx jazelle ID=0x%lx\r\n", aid, jid);
while (jid == 0) ;
int r = jazelle_exec(bytecode_test1);
//iprintf("retcode=%d\r\n", r);
while (true) ;
void main(void) {
__attribute__((__naked__, __section__(".entry")))
void _start(void) {
asm volatile(
"ldr sp, =0xffffff00\n"
"bl main\n"
"1: b 1b\n"