sorted dependencies

This commit is contained in:
Jie Li 2024-11-08 15:36:41 +00:00
parent 6a956da05b
commit 96293627ac
2 changed files with 59 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = '1.9.25'
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
classpath libs.kotlin.gradlePlugin
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files

View File

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
acraCore = "5.11.3"
androidDesugarJdkLibsNio = "2.0.4"
androidGradleplugin = "8.7.1"
androidMaterial = "1.11.0"
androidxAppcompat = "1.6.1"
androidxCardview = "1.0.0"
@ -13,47 +16,51 @@ androidxPreference = "1.2.1"
androidxRecyclerview = "1.3.2"
androidxRoom = "2.6.1"
androidxSwiperefreshlayout = "1.1.0"
androidxTest = "1.5.2"
androidxTestExt = "1.1.5"
androidxViewpager2 = "1.1.0-beta02"
androidxWork = "2.8.1"
assertj = "3.24.2"
checkstyle = "10.12.1"
androidDesugarJdkLibsNio = "2.0.4"
exoPlayer = "2.18.7"
googleAutoService = "1.1.1"
groupie = "2.10.1"
jsoup = "1.17.2"
junit = "4.13.2"
kotlin = "1.8.0"
kotlin = "1.9.25"
ktlint = "0.45.2"
leakCanary = "2.12"
liveFront = "v2.0.2"
markwon = "4.6.2"
mockito = "5.6.0"
prettytime = "5.0.8.Final"
rxjavaRxjava = "3.1.8"
rxjavaRxandroid = "3.0.2"
stateSaver = "1.4.1"
stetho = "1.6.0"
sonarqube = ""
newpipeteamNanojson = "1d9e1aea9049fc9f85e68b43ba39fe7be1c1f751"
newpipeteamNewpipeExtractor = "176da72cb4c3ec4679211339b0e59f6b01bf2f52"
newpipeteamNoNonsenseFilePicker = "5.0.0"
liveFront = "v2.0.2"
okhttp = "4.12.0"
picasso = "2.8"
acraCore = "5.11.3"
prettytime = "5.0.8.Final"
processPhoenix = "2.1.2"
rxbinding = "4.0.0"
androidxTestExt = "1.1.5"
androidxTest = "1.5.2"
rxjavaRxandroid = "3.0.2"
rxjavaRxjava = "3.1.8"
sonarqube = ""
stateSaver = "1.4.1"
stetho = "1.6.0"
acra-core = { group = "ch.acra", name = "acra-core", version.ref = "acraCore" }
android-desugarJdkLibsNio = { group = "", name = "desugar_jdk_libs_nio", version.ref = "androidDesugarJdkLibsNio" }
newpipeteam-nanojson = {group = "com.github.TeamNewPipe", name = "nanojson", version.ref = "newpipeteamNanojson"}
newpipeteam-newPipeExtractor = {group = "com.github.TeamNewPipe", name = "NewPipeExtractor", version.ref = "newpipeteamNewpipeExtractor"}
newpipeteam-filePicker = {group = "com.github.TeamNewPipe", name = "NoNonsense-FilePicker", version.ref = "newpipeteamNoNonsenseFilePicker"}
checkstyle = {group = "", name = "checkstyle", version.ref = "checkstyle"}
ktlint = {group = "com.pinterest", name = "ktlink", version.ref = "ktlint"}
kotlin-stdlib = { group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin", name = "kotlin-stdlib", version.ref = "kotlin" }
android-exoplayer-core = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-core", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-dash = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-dash", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-database = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-database", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-datasource = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-datasource", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-extension-mediasession = { group = "", name = "extension-mediasession", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-hls = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-hls", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-smoothstreaming = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-smoothstreaming", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-ui = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-ui", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-material = { group = "", name = "material", version.ref = "androidMaterial" }
android-state = { group = "com.evernote", name = "android-state", version.ref = "stateSaver" }
android-state-processor = { group = "com.evernote", name = "android-state-processor", version.ref = "stateSaver" }
androidx-appcompat = { group = "androidx.appcompat", name = "appcompat", version.ref = "androidxAppcompat" }
androidx-cardview = { group = "androidx.cardview", name = "cardview", version.ref = "androidxCardview" }
androidx-constraintlayout = { group = "androidx.constraintlayout", name = "constraintlayout", version.ref = "androidxConstraintlayout" }
@ -66,51 +73,49 @@ androidx-localbroadcastmanager = { group = "androidx.localbroadcastmanager", nam
androidx-media = { group = "", name = "media", version.ref = "androidxMedia" }
androidx-preference = { group = "androidx.preference", name = "preference", version.ref = "androidxPreference" }
androidx-recyclerview = { group = "androidx.recyclerview", name = "recyclerview", version.ref = "androidxRecyclerview" }
androidx-room-compiler = { group = "", name = "room-compiler", version.ref = "androidxRoom" }
androidx-room-runtime = { group = "", name = "room-runtime", version.ref = "androidxRoom" }
androidx-room-rxjava3 = { group = "", name = "room-rxjava3", version.ref = "androidxRoom" }
androidx-room-compiler = { group = "", name = "room-compiler", version.ref = "androidxRoom" }
androidx-room-testing = { group = "", name = "room-testing", version.ref = "androidxRoom" }
androidx-swiperefreshlayout = { group = "androidx.swiperefreshlayout", name = "swiperefreshlayout", version.ref = "androidxSwiperefreshlayout" }
androidx-test-ext-junit = { group = "androidx.test.ext", name = "junit", version.ref = "androidxTestExt" }
androidx-test-runner = { group = "androidx.test", name = "runner", version.ref = "androidxTest" }
androidx-viewpager2 = { group = "androidx.viewpager2", name = "viewpager2", version.ref = "androidxViewpager2" }
androidx-work-runtime-ktx = { group = "", name = "work-runtime-ktx", version.ref = "androidxWork" }
androidx-work-rxjava3 = { group = "", name = "work-rxjava3", version.ref = "androidxWork" }
android-material = { group = "", name = "material", version.ref = "androidMaterial" }
livefront-bridge = { group = "com.github.livefront", name = "bridge", version.ref = "liveFront" }
android-state = { group = "com.evernote", name = "android-state", version.ref = "stateSaver" }
android-state-processor = { group = "com.evernote", name = "android-state-processor", version.ref = "stateSaver" }
jsoup = { group = "org.jsoup", name = "jsoup", version.ref = "jsoup" }
okhttp = { group = "com.squareup.okhttp3", name = "okhttp", version.ref = "okhttp" }
android-exoplayer-core = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-core", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-dash = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-dash", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-database = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-database", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-datasource = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-datasource", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-hls = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-hls", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-smoothstreaming = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-smoothstreaming", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-ui = { group = "", name = "exoplayer-ui", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
android-exoplayer-extension-mediasession = { group = "", name = "extension-mediasession", version.ref = "exoPlayer" }
google-auto-service-annotations = { group = "", name = "auto-service-annotations", version.ref = "googleAutoService" }
assertj-core = { group = "org.assertj", name = "assertj-core", version.ref = "assertj" }
checkstyle = {group = "", name = "checkstyle", version.ref = "checkstyle"}
google-auto-service = { group = "", name = "auto-service", version.ref = "googleAutoService" }
lisawray-groupie = { group = "com.github.lisawray.groupie", name = "groupie", version.ref = "groupie" }
lisawray-groupie-viewbinding = { group = "com.github.lisawray.groupie", name = "groupie-viewbinding", version.ref = "groupie" }
picasso = { group = "com.squareup.picasso", name = "picasso", version.ref = "picasso" }
markwon-core = { group = "io.noties.markwon", name = "core", version.ref = "markwon" }
markwon-linkify = { group = "io.noties.markwon", name = "linkify", version.ref = "markwon" }
acra-core = { group = "ch.acra", name = "acra-core", version.ref = "acraCore" }
process-phoenix = { group = "com.jakewharton", name = "process-phoenix", version.ref = "processPhoenix" }
rxjava-rxjava = { group = "io.reactivex.rxjava3", name = "rxjava", version.ref = "rxjavaRxjava" }
rxjava-rxandroid = { group = "io.reactivex.rxjava3", name = "rxandroid", version.ref = "rxjavaRxandroid" }
rxbinding = { group = "com.jakewharton.rxbinding4", name = "rxbinding", version.ref = "rxbinding" }
prettytime = { group = "org.ocpsoft.prettytime", name = "prettytime", version.ref = "prettytime" }
google-auto-service-annotations = { group = "", name = "auto-service-annotations", version.ref = "googleAutoService" }
jsoup = { group = "org.jsoup", name = "jsoup", version.ref = "jsoup" }
junit = { group = "junit", name = "junit", version.ref = "junit" }
kotlin-stdlib = { group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin", name = "kotlin-stdlib", version.ref = "kotlin" }
ktlint = {group = "com.pinterest", name = "ktlint", version.ref = "ktlint"}
leakcanary-android-core = { group = "com.squareup.leakcanary", name = "leakcanary-android-core", version.ref = "leakCanary" }
leakcanary-object-watcher-android = { group = "com.squareup.leakcanary", name = "leakcanary-object-watcher-android", version.ref = "leakCanary" }
leakcanary-plumber-android = { group = "com.squareup.leakcanary", name = "plumber-android", version.ref = "leakCanary" }
leakcanary-android-core = { group = "com.squareup.leakcanary", name = "leakcanary-android-core", version.ref = "leakCanary" }
lisawray-groupie = { group = "com.github.lisawray.groupie", name = "groupie", version.ref = "groupie" }
lisawray-groupie-viewbinding = { group = "com.github.lisawray.groupie", name = "groupie-viewbinding", version.ref = "groupie" }
livefront-bridge = { group = "com.github.livefront", name = "bridge", version.ref = "liveFront" }
markwon-core = { group = "io.noties.markwon", name = "core", version.ref = "markwon" }
markwon-linkify = { group = "io.noties.markwon", name = "linkify", version.ref = "markwon" }
mockito-core = { group = "org.mockito", name = "mockito-core", version.ref = "mockito" }
newpipeteam-filePicker = {group = "com.github.TeamNewPipe", name = "NoNonsense-FilePicker", version.ref = "newpipeteamNoNonsenseFilePicker"}
newpipeteam-nanojson = {group = "com.github.TeamNewPipe", name = "nanojson", version.ref = "newpipeteamNanojson"}
newpipeteam-newPipeExtractor = {group = "com.github.TeamNewPipe", name = "NewPipeExtractor", version.ref = "newpipeteamNewpipeExtractor"}
okhttp = { group = "com.squareup.okhttp3", name = "okhttp", version.ref = "okhttp" }
picasso = { group = "com.squareup.picasso", name = "picasso", version.ref = "picasso" }
prettytime = { group = "org.ocpsoft.prettytime", name = "prettytime", version.ref = "prettytime" }
process-phoenix = { group = "com.jakewharton", name = "process-phoenix", version.ref = "processPhoenix" }
rxbinding = { group = "com.jakewharton.rxbinding4", name = "rxbinding", version.ref = "rxbinding" }
rxjava-rxandroid = { group = "io.reactivex.rxjava3", name = "rxandroid", version.ref = "rxjavaRxandroid" }
rxjava-rxjava = { group = "io.reactivex.rxjava3", name = "rxjava", version.ref = "rxjavaRxjava" }
stetho = { group = "com.facebook.stetho", name = "stetho", version.ref = "stetho" }
stetho-okhttp = { group = "com.facebook.stetho", name = "stetho-okhttp3", version.ref = "stetho" }
junit = { group = "junit", name = "junit", version.ref = "junit" }
mockito-core = { group = "org.mockito", name = "mockito-core", version.ref = "mockito" }
androidx-test-ext-junit = { group = "androidx.test.ext", name = "junit", version.ref = "androidxTestExt" }
androidx-test-runner = { group = "androidx.test", name = "runner", version.ref = "androidxTest" }
androidx-room-testing = { group = "", name = "room-testing", version.ref = "androidxRoom" }
assertj-core = { group = "org.assertj", name = "assertj-core", version.ref = "assertj" }
# Dependencies of the included build-logic
android-gradlePlugin = {group = "", name = "gradle", version.ref = "androidGradleplugin"}
kotlin-gradlePlugin = {group = "org.jetbrains.kotlin", name = "kotlin-gradle-plugin", version.ref = "kotlin"}
android-application = { id = ""}