Change search suggestions to match what is seen at

This commit is contained in:
dosvald 2017-09-15 23:49:54 +02:00
parent e9156ee499
commit 24a8df7c49
1 changed files with 11 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -48,15 +48,23 @@ public class YoutubeSuggestionExtractor extends SuggestionExtractor {
List<String> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();
String url = ""
+ "?client=" + "firefox" // 'toolbar' for xml
+ "?client=" + "youtube" //"firefox" for JSON, 'toolbar' for xml
+ "&jsonp=" + "JP"
+ "&ds=" + "yt"
+ "&hl=" + URLEncoder.encode(contentCountry, CHARSET_UTF_8)
+ "&q=" + URLEncoder.encode(query, CHARSET_UTF_8);
String response =;
// trim JSONP part "JP(...)"
response = response.substring(3, response.length()-1);
try {
JsonArray collection = JsonParser.array().from(response).getArray(1);
for (Object suggestion : collection) suggestions.add(suggestion.toString());
JsonArray collection = JsonParser.array().from(response).getArray(1, new JsonArray());
for (Object suggestion : collection) {
if (!(suggestion instanceof JsonArray)) continue;
String suggestionStr = ((JsonArray)suggestion).getString(0);
if (suggestionStr == null) continue;
return suggestions;
} catch (JsonParserException e) {