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<li class="toctree-l2"><a href="#concept-of-linkhandler">Concept of LinkHandler</a></li>
<li><a class="toctree-l3" href="#importand-notes-about-linkhandler">Importand notes about LinkHandler:</a></li>
<li><a class="toctree-l3" href="#usage">Usage</a></li>
<li><a class="toctree-l3" href="#implementation">Implementation</a></li>
<li><a class="toctree-l3" href="#listlinkhandler-and-querylinkhandler">ListLinkHandler and QueryLinkHandler</a></li>
@ -107,6 +122,56 @@
<div class="section">
<h1 id="concept-of-linkhandler">Concept of LinkHandler</h1>
<p><a href="">LinkHandler</a>
represent Links to resources like videos, search requests, channels, etc.
The idea behind them is that a video can have multiple links pointig to it, but it has
one unique id that represents it, like this example:</p>
<p><a href="">oHg5SJYRHA0</a> can be represented as:</p>
<li> (default url for youtube)</li>
<h3 id="importand-notes-about-linkhandler">Importand notes about LinkHandler:</h3>
<li>A simple <code>LinkHandler</code> will contain the default URL, the ID and the original url.</li>
<li><code>LinkHandler</code> are ReadOnly</li>
<li>LinkHandler are also used to determine which part of the extractor can handle a certain link.</li>
<li>In order to get one you must either call
<a href="">fromUrl()</a> or <a href="">fromId()</a> of the the coresponding <code>LinkHandlerFactory</code>.</li>
<li>Every type of Type of Resource has its own LinkHandlerFactory. Eg. YoutubeStreamLinkHandler, YoutubeChannelLinkHandler, etc.</li>
<h3 id="usage">Usage</h3>
<p>So the typical Usage for getting a LinkHandler would look like this.</p>
<pre><code class="java">LinkHandlerFactory myLinkHandlerFactory = new MyStreamLinkHandlerFactory();
LinkHandler myVideo = myLinkHandlerFactory.fromUrl("");
<h3 id="implementation">Implementation</h3>
<p>In order to Use LinkHandler for your service you must override the apropriate LinkHandlerFactory. eg:</p>
<pre><code class="java">class MyStreamLinkHandlerFactory extends LinkHandlerFactory {
public String getId(String url) throws ParsingException {
// Return the ID based on the url.
public String getUrl(String id) throws ParsingException {
// Return the url based on the id given.
public boolean onAcceptUrl(String url) throws ParsingException {
// Return true if this LinkHanlderFactory can handle this type of link
<h3 id="listlinkhandler-and-querylinkhandler">ListLinkHandler and QueryLinkHandler</h3>
<p>List based resources like channels and playlists can be sorted, for example by date, name, or by a certain name.
Therefore these type of resources don't just use a LinkHandler, but an extention called
<a href="">ListLinkHandler</a></p>
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