2015-11-29 09:30:52 +00:00
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
# define _GNU_SOURCE
# endif
# include "vlmcs.h"
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <getopt.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# ifndef _WIN32
# include <sys/ioctl.h>
# include <termios.h>
# else // _WIN32
# endif // _WIN32
# include "endian.h"
# include "shared_globals.h"
# include "output.h"
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
# include "network.h"
# include "rpc.h"
# else // USE_MSRPC
# include "msrpc-client.h"
# endif // USE_MSRPC
# include "kms.h"
# include "helpers.h"
# include "dns_srv.h"
# define kmsVersionMinor 0 // Currently constant. May change in future KMS versions
// Function Prototypes
static void CreateRequestBase ( REQUEST * Request ) ;
// KMS Parameters
static int_fast8_t verbose = FALSE ;
static int_fast8_t VMInfo = FALSE ;
static int_fast8_t dnsnames = TRUE ;
static int FixedRequests = 0 ;
static BYTE LicenseStatus = 0x02 ;
static const char * CMID = NULL ;
static const char * CMID_prev = NULL ;
static const char * WorkstationName = NULL ;
static int BindingExpiration = 43200 ; //30 days
static const char * RemoteAddr ;
static int_fast8_t ReconnectForEachRequest = FALSE ;
static int AddressFamily = AF_UNSPEC ;
static int_fast8_t incompatibleOptions = 0 ;
static const char * fn_ini_client = NULL ;
# ifndef NO_DNS
static int_fast8_t NoSrvRecordPriority = FALSE ;
# endif // NO_DNS
// Structure for handling "License Packs" (e.g. Office2013v5 or WindowsVista)
typedef struct
const char * names ; //This is a list of strings. Terminate with additional Zero!!!
int N_Policy ;
int kmsVersionMajor ;
const GUID * AppID ;
} LicensePack ;
typedef char iniFileEpidLines [ 3 ] [ 256 ] ;
// Well known "license packs"
static const LicensePack LicensePackList [ ] =
// List of names min lics version appID skuId KMSCountedID
/* 000 */ { " Vista \000 W6 \000 "
" WindowsVista \000 "
" Windows \000 " , 25 , 4 , PWINGUID , { 0x4f3d1606 , 0x3fea , 0x4c01 , { 0xbe , 0x3c , 0x8d , 0x67 , 0x1c , 0x40 , 0x1e , 0x3b , } } , { 0x212a64dc , 0x43b1 , 0x4d3d , { 0xa3 , 0x0c , 0x2f , 0xc6 , 0x9d , 0x20 , 0x95 , 0xc6 } } } ,
/* 001 */ { " W7 \000 Windows7 \000 " , 25 , 4 , PWINGUID , { 0xb92e9980 , 0xb9d5 , 0x4821 , { 0x9c , 0x94 , 0x14 , 0x0f , 0x63 , 0x2f , 0x63 , 0x12 , } } , { 0x7fde5219 , 0xfbfa , 0x484a , { 0x82 , 0xc9 , 0x34 , 0xd1 , 0xad , 0x53 , 0xe8 , 0x56 } } } ,
/* 002 */ { " W8 \000 Windows8 \000 " , 25 , 5 , PWINGUID , { 0xa98bcd6d , 0x5343 , 0x4603 , { 0x8a , 0xfe , 0x59 , 0x08 , 0xe4 , 0x61 , 0x11 , 0x12 , } } , { 0x3c40b358 , 0x5948 , 0x45af , { 0x92 , 0x3b , 0x53 , 0xd2 , 0x1f , 0xcc , 0x7e , 0x79 } } } ,
/* 003 */ { " W8C \000 Windows8C \000 " , 25 , 5 , PWINGUID , { 0xc04ed6bf , 0x55c8 , 0x4b47 , { 0x9f , 0x8e , 0x5a , 0x1f , 0x31 , 0xce , 0xee , 0x60 , } } , { 0xbbb97b3b , 0x8ca4 , 0x4a28 , { 0x97 , 0x17 , 0x89 , 0xfa , 0xbd , 0x42 , 0xc4 , 0xac } } } ,
/* 004 */ { " W81 \000 Windows81 \000 " , 25 , 6 , PWINGUID , { 0xc06b6981 , 0xd7fd , 0x4a35 , { 0xb7 , 0xb4 , 0x05 , 0x47 , 0x42 , 0xb7 , 0xaf , 0x67 , } } , { 0xcb8fc780 , 0x2c05 , 0x495a , { 0x97 , 0x10 , 0x85 , 0xaf , 0xff , 0xc9 , 0x04 , 0xd7 } } } ,
/* 005 */ { " W81C \000 Windows81C \000 " , 25 , 6 , PWINGUID , { 0xfe1c3238 , 0x432a , 0x43a1 , { 0x8e , 0x25 , 0x97 , 0xe7 , 0xd1 , 0xef , 0x10 , 0xf3 , } } , { 0x6d646890 , 0x3606 , 0x461a , { 0x86 , 0xab , 0x59 , 0x8b , 0xb8 , 0x4a , 0xce , 0x82 } } } ,
/* 006 */ { " W10 \000 Windows10 \000 " , 25 , 6 , PWINGUID , { 0x73111121 , 0x5638 , 0x40f6 , { 0xbc , 0x11 , 0xf1 , 0xd7 , 0xb0 , 0xd6 , 0x43 , 0x00 , } } , { 0x58e2134f , 0x8e11 , 0x4d17 , { 0x9c , 0xb2 , 0x91 , 0x06 , 0x9c , 0x15 , 0x11 , 0x48 } } } ,
/* 007 */ { " W10C \000 Windows10C \000 " , 25 , 6 , PWINGUID , { 0x58e97c99 , 0xf377 , 0x4ef1 , { 0x81 , 0xd5 , 0x4a , 0xd5 , 0x52 , 0x2b , 0x5f , 0xd8 , } } , { 0xe1c51358 , 0xfe3e , 0x4203 , { 0xa4 , 0xa2 , 0x3b , 0x6b , 0x20 , 0xc9 , 0x73 , 0x4e } } } ,
/* 008 */ { " 2008 " " \0 " " 2008A \000 " , 5 , 4 , PWINGUID , { 0xddfa9f7c , 0xf09e , 0x40b9 , { 0x8c , 0x1a , 0xbe , 0x87 , 0x7a , 0x9a , 0x7f , 0x4b , } } , { 0x33e156e4 , 0xb76f , 0x4a52 , { 0x9f , 0x91 , 0xf6 , 0x41 , 0xdd , 0x95 , 0xac , 0x48 } } } ,
/* 009 */ { " 2008B \000 " , 5 , 4 , PWINGUID , { 0xc1af4d90 , 0xd1bc , 0x44ca , { 0x85 , 0xd4 , 0x00 , 0x3b , 0xa3 , 0x3d , 0xb3 , 0xb9 , } } , { 0x8fe53387 , 0x3087 , 0x4447 , { 0x89 , 0x85 , 0xf7 , 0x51 , 0x32 , 0x21 , 0x5a , 0xc9 } } } ,
/* 010 */ { " 2008C \000 " , 5 , 4 , PWINGUID , { 0x68b6e220 , 0xcf09 , 0x466b , { 0x92 , 0xd3 , 0x45 , 0xcd , 0x96 , 0x4b , 0x95 , 0x09 , } } , { 0x8a21fdf3 , 0xcbc5 , 0x44eb , { 0x83 , 0xf3 , 0xfe , 0x28 , 0x4e , 0x66 , 0x80 , 0xa7 } } } ,
/* 011 */ { " 2008R2 " " \0 " " 2008R2A \000 " , 5 , 4 , PWINGUID , { 0xa78b8bd9 , 0x8017 , 0x4df5 , { 0xb8 , 0x6a , 0x09 , 0xf7 , 0x56 , 0xaf , 0xfa , 0x7c , } } , { 0x0fc6ccaf , 0xff0e , 0x4fae , { 0x9d , 0x08 , 0x43 , 0x70 , 0x78 , 0x5b , 0xf7 , 0xed } } } ,
/* 012 */ { " 2008R2B \000 " , 5 , 4 , PWINGUID , { 0x620e2b3d , 0x09e7 , 0x42fd , { 0x80 , 0x2a , 0x17 , 0xa1 , 0x36 , 0x52 , 0xfe , 0x7a , } } , { 0xca87f5b6 , 0xcd46 , 0x40c0 , { 0xb0 , 0x6d , 0x8e , 0xcd , 0x57 , 0xa4 , 0x37 , 0x3f } } } ,
/* 013 */ { " 2008R2C \000 " , 5 , 4 , PWINGUID , { 0x7482e61b , 0xc589 , 0x4b7f , { 0x8e , 0xcc , 0x46 , 0xd4 , 0x55 , 0xac , 0x3b , 0x87 , } } , { 0xb2ca2689 , 0xa9a8 , 0x42d7 , { 0x93 , 0x8d , 0xcf , 0x8e , 0x9f , 0x20 , 0x19 , 0x58 } } } ,
/* 014 */ { " 2012 \000 " , 5 , 5 , PWINGUID , { 0xf0f5ec41 , 0x0d55 , 0x4732 , { 0xaf , 0x02 , 0x44 , 0x0a , 0x44 , 0xa3 , 0xcf , 0x0f , } } , { 0x8665cb71 , 0x468c , 0x4aa3 , { 0xa3 , 0x37 , 0xcb , 0x9b , 0xc9 , 0xd5 , 0xea , 0xac } } } ,
/* 015 */ { " 2012R2 \000 " " 12R2 \000 " , 5 , 6 , PWINGUID , { 0x00091344 , 0x1ea4 , 0x4f37 , { 0xb7 , 0x89 , 0x01 , 0x75 , 0x0b , 0xa6 , 0x98 , 0x8c , } } , { 0x8456EFD3 , 0x0C04 , 0x4089 , { 0x87 , 0x40 , 0x5b , 0x72 , 0x38 , 0x53 , 0x5a , 0x65 } } } ,
/* 016 */ { " Office2010 \000 O14 \000 " , 5 , 4 , POFFICE2010GUID , { 0x6f327760 , 0x8c5c , 0x417c , { 0x9b , 0x61 , 0x83 , 0x6a , 0x98 , 0x28 , 0x7e , 0x0c , } } , { 0xe85af946 , 0x2e25 , 0x47b7 , { 0x83 , 0xe1 , 0xbe , 0xbc , 0xeb , 0xea , 0xc6 , 0x11 } } } ,
/* 017 */ { " Office2013 \000 O15 \000 " , 5 , 6 , POFFICE2013GUID , { 0xb322da9c , 0xa2e2 , 0x4058 , { 0x9e , 0x4e , 0xf5 , 0x9a , 0x69 , 0x70 , 0xbd , 0x69 , } } , { 0xe6a6f1bf , 0x9d40 , 0x40c3 , { 0xaa , 0x9f , 0xc7 , 0x7b , 0xa2 , 0x15 , 0x78 , 0xc0 } } } ,
/* 018 */ { " Office2013V5 \000 " , 5 , 5 , POFFICE2013GUID , { 0xb322da9c , 0xa2e2 , 0x4058 , { 0x9e , 0x4e , 0xf5 , 0x9a , 0x69 , 0x70 , 0xbd , 0x69 , } } , { 0xe6a6f1bf , 0x9d40 , 0x40c3 , { 0xaa , 0x9f , 0xc7 , 0x7b , 0xa2 , 0x15 , 0x78 , 0xc0 } } } ,
/* 019 */ { " Office2016 \000 " " O16 \000 " , 5 , 6 , POFFICE2013GUID , { 0xd450596f , 0x894d , 0x49e0 , { 0x96 , 0x6a , 0xfd , 0x39 , 0xed , 0x4c , 0x4c , 0x64 , } } , { 0x85b5f61b , 0x320b , 0x4be3 , { 0x81 , 0x4a , 0xb7 , 0x6b , 0x2b , 0xfa , 0xfc , 0x82 } } } ,
/* 020 */ { NULL , 0 , 0 , NULL , { 0 , 0 , 0 , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } } , { 0 , 0 , 0 , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } } }
} ;
typedef struct
const char * first [ 16 ] ;
const char * second [ 16 ] ;
const char * tld [ 22 ] ;
} DnsNames ;
// Some names for the DNS name random generator
static DnsNames ClientDnsNames =
{ " www " , " ftp " , " kms " , " hack-me " , " smtp " , " ns1 " , " mx1 " , " ns1 " , " pop3 " , " imap " , " mail " , " dns " , " headquarter " , " we-love " , " _vlmcs._tcp " , " ceo-laptop " } ,
{ " .microsoft " , " .apple " , " .amazon " , " .samsung " , " .adobe " , " .google " , " .yahoo " , " .facebook " , " .ubuntu " , " .oracle " , " .borland " , " .htc " , " .acer " , " .windows " , " .linux " , " .sony " } ,
{ " .com " , " .net " , " .org " , " .cn " , " .co.uk " , " .de " , " .com.tw " , " .us " , " .fr " , " .it " , " .me " , " .info " , " .biz " , " .co.jp " , " .ua " , " .at " , " .es " , " .pro " , " .by " , " .ru " , " .pl " , " .kr " }
} ;
// This is the one, we are actually using. We use Vista, if user selects nothing
LicensePack ActiveLicensePack ;
// Request Count Control Variables
static int RequestsToGo = 1 ;
static BOOL firstRequestSent = FALSE ;
static void string2UuidOrExit ( const char * const restrict input , GUID * const restrict guid )
if ( strlen ( input ) ! = GUID_STRING_LENGTH | | ! string2Uuid ( input , guid ) )
errorout ( " Fatal: Command line contains an invalid GUID. \n " ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
# ifndef NO_HELP
__noreturn static void clientUsage ( const char * const programName )
errorout (
" vlmcs %s \n \n "
# ifndef NO_DNS
" Usage: %s [options] [ <host>[:<port>] | .<domain> | - ] [options] \n \n "
# else // DNS
" Usage: %s [options] [<host>[:<port>]] [options] \n \n "
# endif // DNS
" Options: \n \n "
" -v Be verbose \n "
" -l <app> \n "
" -4 Force V4 protocol \n "
" -5 Force V5 protocol \n "
" -6 Force V6 protocol \n "
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
" -i <IpVersion> Use IP protocol (4 or 6) \n "
# endif // USE_MSRPC
" -e Show some valid examples \n "
" -x Show valid Apps \n "
" -d no DNS names, use Netbios names (no effect if -w is used) \n \n "
" Advanced options: \n \n "
" -a <AppGUID> Use custom Application GUID \n "
" -s <ActGUID> Use custom Activation Configuration GUID \n "
" -k <KmsGUID> Use custom KMS GUID \n "
" -c <ClientGUID> Use custom Client GUID. Default: Use random \n "
" -o <PreviousClientGUID> Use custom Prevoius Client GUID. Default: ZeroGUID \n "
" -w <Workstation> Use custom workstation name. Default: Use random \n "
" -r <RequiredClientCount> Fake required clients \n "
" -n <Requests> Fixed # of requests (Default: Enough to charge) \n "
" -m Pretend to be a virtual machine \n "
" -G <file> Get ePID/HwId data and write to <file>. Can't be used with -l, -4, -5, -6, -a, -s, -k, -r and -n \n "
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
" -T Use a new TCP connection for each request. \n "
" -N <0|1> disable or enable NDR64. Default: 1 \n "
" -B <0|1> disable or enable RPC bind time feature negotiation. Default: 1 \n "
# endif // USE_MSRPC
" -t <LicenseStatus> Use specfic license status (0 <= T <= 6) \n "
" -g <BindingExpiration> Use a specfic binding expiration time in minutes. Default 43200 \n "
# ifndef NO_DNS
" -P Ignore priority and weight in DNS SRV records \n "
# endif // NO_DNS
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
" -p Don't use multiplexed RPC bind \n "
# endif // USE_MSRPC
" \n "
" <port>: \t \t TCP port name of the KMS to use. Default 1688. \n "
" <host>: \t \t host name of the KMS to use. Default \n "
# ifndef NO_DNS
" .<domain>: \t find KMS server in <domain> via DNS \n "
# endif // NO_DNS
" <app>: \t \t (Type %s -x to see a list of valid apps) \n \n " ,
Version , programName , programName
) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
__pure static int getLineWidth ( void )
# ifdef TERMINAL_FIXED_WIDTH // For Toolchains that to not have winsize
# else // Can determine width of terminal
# ifndef _WIN32
struct winsize w ;
if ( ioctl ( STDOUT_FILENO , TIOCGWINSZ , & w ) )
return 80 ; // Return this if stdout is not a tty
return w . ws_col ;
# else // _WIN32
HANDLE hStdout = GetStdHandle ( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ) ;
if ( ! GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo ( hStdout , & csbiInfo ) )
return 80 ; // Return this if stdout is not a Console
return csbiInfo . srWindow . Right - csbiInfo . srWindow . Left ;
# endif // WIN32
# endif // Can determine width of terminal
__noreturn static void showProducts ( PRINTFUNC p )
int cols = getLineWidth ( ) ;
int itemsPerLine ;
uint8_t i ;
p (
" The following "
" aliases "
# else
" names "
# endif
" can be used with -l: \n \n "
) ;
const LicensePack * lp ;
itemsPerLine = cols / 20 ;
if ( ! itemsPerLine ) itemsPerLine = 1 ;
for ( i = 1 , lp = LicensePackList ; lp - > names ; lp + + )
const char * name ;
for ( name = lp - > names ; * name ; name + = strlen ( name ) + 1 , i + + )
p ( " %-20s " , name ) ;
if ( ! ( i % itemsPerLine ) ) p ( " \n " ) ;
p ( " \n \n " ) ;
const KmsIdList * currentProduct ;
uint_fast8_t longestString = 0 ;
uint8_t k , items = getExtendedProductListSize ( ) ;
p ( " You may also use these product names or numbers: \n \n " ) ;
for ( currentProduct = ExtendedProductList ; currentProduct - > name ; currentProduct + + )
uint_fast8_t len = strlen ( currentProduct - > name ) ;
if ( len > longestString )
longestString = len ;
itemsPerLine = cols / ( longestString + 10 ) ;
if ( ! itemsPerLine ) itemsPerLine = 1 ;
uint8_t lines = items / itemsPerLine ;
if ( items % itemsPerLine ) lines + + ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < lines ; i + + )
for ( k = 0 ; k < itemsPerLine ; k + + )
uint8_t j ;
uint8_t index = k * lines + i ;
if ( index > = items ) break ;
p ( " %3u = %s " , index + 1 , ExtendedProductList [ index ] . name ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < longestString + 4 - strlen ( ExtendedProductList [ index ] . name ) ; j + + )
p ( " " ) ;
p ( " \n " ) ;
p ( " \n " ) ;
# endif // !defined(NO_EXTENDED_PRODUCT_LIST) && !defined(NO_BASIC_PRODUCT_LIST)
exit ( 0 ) ;
__noreturn static void examples ( const char * const programName )
printf (
" \n Request activation for Office2013 using V4 protocol from \n "
" \t %s -l O15 -4 \n "
" \t %s -l O15 -4 \n \n "
" Request activation for Windows Server 2012 using V4 protocol from localhost:1688 \n "
" \t %s -4 -l Windows -k 8665cb71-468c-4aa3-a337-cb9bc9d5eaac \n "
" \t %s -4 -l 2012 \n "
" \t %s -4 -l 2012 [::1]:1688 \n "
" \t %s -4 -l 12 \n \n "
" Send 100,000 requests to localhost:1688 \n "
" \t %s -n 100000 -l Office2010 \n \n "
" Request Activation for Windows 8 from and pretend to be Steve Ballmer \n "
" \t %s -l Windows8 -w steveb1.redmond.microsoft.com \n \n " ,
programName , programName , programName , programName , programName , programName , programName , programName
) ;
exit ( 0 ) ;
# else // NO_HELP
__noreturn static void clientUsage ( const char * const programName )
errorout ( " Incorrect parameter specified. \n " ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
# endif // NO_HELP
static BOOL findLicensePackByName ( const char * const name , LicensePack * const lp )
// Try to find a package in the short list first
LicensePack * licensePack ;
for ( licensePack = ( LicensePack * ) & LicensePackList ; licensePack - > names ; licensePack + + )
const char * currentName ;
for ( currentName = licensePack - > names ; * currentName ; currentName + = strlen ( currentName ) + 1 )
if ( ! strcasecmp ( name , currentName ) )
* lp = * licensePack ;
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
# else // Both Lists are available
// search extended product list
uint8_t items = getExtendedProductListSize ( ) ;
unsigned int index ;
if ( stringToInt ( name , 1 , items , & index ) )
index - - ;
for ( index = 0 ; index < items ; index + + )
if ( ! strcasecmp ( ExtendedProductList [ index ] . name , name ) ) break ;
if ( index > = items ) return FALSE ;
lp - > AppID = & AppList [ ExtendedProductList [ index ] . AppIndex ] . guid ;
lp - > KMSID = ProductList [ ExtendedProductList [ index ] . KmsIndex ] . guid ;
lp - > ActID = ExtendedProductList [ index ] . guid ;
lp - > N_Policy = ProductList [ ExtendedProductList [ index ] . KmsIndex ] . KMS_PARAM_REQUIREDCOUNT ;
lp - > kmsVersionMajor = ProductList [ ExtendedProductList [ index ] . KmsIndex ] . KMS_PARAM_MAJOR ;
return TRUE ;
# endif // Both Lists are available
static const char * const client_optstring = " +N:B:i:l:a:s:k:c:w:r:n:t:g:G:o:pPTv456mexd " ;
//First pass. We handle only "-l". Since -a -k -s -4 -5 and -6 are exceptions to -l, we process -l first
static void parseCommandLinePass1 ( const int argc , CARGV argv )
int o ;
optReset ( ) ;
for ( opterr = 0 ; ( o = getopt ( argc , ( char * const * ) argv , client_optstring ) ) > 0 ; ) switch ( o )
case ' l ' : // Set "License Pack" and protocol version (e.g. Windows8, Office2013v5, ...)
if ( ! findLicensePackByName ( optarg , & ActiveLicensePack ) )
errorout ( " Invalid client application. \" %s \" is not valid for -l. \n \n " , optarg ) ;
# ifndef NO_HELP
showProducts ( & errorout ) ;
# endif // !NO_HELP
break ;
default :
break ;
// Second Pass. Handle all options except "-l"
static void parseCommandLinePass2 ( const char * const programName , const int argc , CARGV argv )
int o ;
optReset ( ) ;
for ( opterr = 0 ; ( o = getopt ( argc , ( char * const * ) argv , client_optstring ) ) > 0 ; ) switch ( o )
# ifndef NO_HELP
case ' e ' : // Show examples
examples ( programName ) ;
break ;
case ' x ' : // Show Apps
showProducts ( & printf ) ;
break ;
# endif // NO_HELP
# ifndef NO_DNS
case ' P ' :
NoSrvRecordPriority = TRUE ;
break ;
# endif // NO_DNS
case ' G ' :
incompatibleOptions | = VLMCS_OPTION_GRAB_INI ;
fn_ini_client = optarg ;
break ;
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
case ' N ' :
if ( ! getArgumentBool ( & UseRpcNDR64 , optarg ) ) clientUsage ( programName ) ;
break ;
case ' B ' :
if ( ! getArgumentBool ( & UseRpcBTFN , optarg ) ) clientUsage ( programName ) ;
break ;
case ' i ' :
switch ( getOptionArgumentInt ( o , 4 , 6 ) )
case 4 :
AddressFamily = AF_INET ;
break ;
case 6 :
AddressFamily = AF_INET6 ;
break ;
default :
errorout ( " IPv5 does not exist. \n " ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
break ;
break ;
case ' p ' : // Multiplexed RPC
UseMultiplexedRpc = FALSE ;
break ;
# endif // USE_MSRPC
case ' n ' : // Fixed number of Requests (regardless, whether they are required)
incompatibleOptions | = VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI ;
FixedRequests = getOptionArgumentInt ( o , 1 , INT_MAX ) ;
break ;
case ' r ' : // Fake minimum required client count
incompatibleOptions | = VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI ;
ActiveLicensePack . N_Policy = getOptionArgumentInt ( o , 1 , INT_MAX ) ;
break ;
case ' c ' : // use a specific client GUID
// If using a constant Client ID, send only one request unless /N= explicitly specified
if ( ! FixedRequests ) FixedRequests = 1 ;
CMID = optarg ;
break ;
case ' o ' : // use a specific previous client GUID
CMID_prev = optarg ;
break ;
case ' a ' : // Set specific App Id
incompatibleOptions | = VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI ;
ActiveLicensePack . AppID = ( GUID * ) vlmcsd_malloc ( sizeof ( GUID ) ) ;
string2UuidOrExit ( optarg , ( GUID * ) ActiveLicensePack . AppID ) ;
break ;
case ' g ' : // Set custom "grace" time in minutes (default 30 days)
BindingExpiration = getOptionArgumentInt ( o , 0 , INT_MAX ) ;
break ;
case ' s ' : // Set specfic SKU ID
incompatibleOptions | = VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI ;
string2UuidOrExit ( optarg , & ActiveLicensePack . ActID ) ;
break ;
case ' k ' : // Set specific KMS ID
incompatibleOptions | = VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI ;
string2UuidOrExit ( optarg , & ActiveLicensePack . KMSID ) ;
break ;
case ' 4 ' : // Force V4 protocol
case ' 5 ' : // Force V5 protocol
case ' 6 ' : // Force V5 protocol
incompatibleOptions | = VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI ;
ActiveLicensePack . kmsVersionMajor = o - 0x30 ;
break ;
case ' d ' : // Don't use DNS names
dnsnames = FALSE ;
break ;
case ' v ' : // Be verbose
verbose = TRUE ;
break ;
case ' m ' : // Pretend to be a virtual machine
VMInfo = TRUE ;
break ;
case ' w ' : // WorkstationName (max. 63 chars)
WorkstationName = optarg ;
if ( strlen ( WorkstationName ) > 63 )
errorout ( " \007 WARNING! Truncating Workstation name to 63 characters (%s). \n " , WorkstationName ) ;
break ;
case ' t ' :
LicenseStatus = getOptionArgumentInt ( o , 0 , 6 ) & 0xff ;
break ;
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
case ' T ' :
ReconnectForEachRequest = TRUE ;
break ;
# endif // USE_MSRPC
case ' l ' :
incompatibleOptions | = VLMCS_OPTION_NO_GRAB_INI ;
break ;
default :
clientUsage ( programName ) ;
clientUsage ( programName ) ;
* Compares 2 GUIDs where one is host - endian and the other is little - endian ( network byte order )
int_fast8_t IsEqualGuidLEHE ( const GUID * const guid1 , const GUID * const guid2 )
GUID tempGuid ;
LEGUID ( & tempGuid , guid2 ) ;
return IsEqualGUID ( guid1 , & tempGuid ) ;
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
static void checkRpcLevel ( const REQUEST * request , RESPONSE * response )
if ( ! RpcFlags . HasNDR32 )
errorout ( " \n WARNING: Server's RPC protocol does not support NDR32. \n " ) ;
if ( UseRpcBTFN & & UseRpcNDR64 & & RpcFlags . HasNDR64 & & ! RpcFlags . HasBTFN )
errorout ( " \n WARNING: Server's RPC protocol has NDR64 but no BTFN. \n " ) ;
if ( ! IsEqualGuidLEHE ( & request - > KMSID , & ProductList [ 15 ] . guid ) & & UseRpcBTFN & & ! RpcFlags . HasBTFN )
errorout ( " \n WARNING: A server with pre-Vista RPC activated a product other than Office 2010. \n " ) ;
# endif // USE_MSRPC
static void displayResponse ( const RESPONSE_RESULT result , const REQUEST * request , RESPONSE * response , BYTE * hwid )
fflush ( stdout ) ;
if ( ! result . RpcOK ) errorout ( " \n \007 ERROR: Non-Zero RPC result code. \n " ) ;
if ( ! result . DecryptSuccess ) errorout ( " \n \007 ERROR: Decryption of V5/V6 response failed. \n " ) ;
if ( ! result . IVsOK ) errorout ( " \n \007 ERROR: AES CBC initialization vectors (IVs) of request and response do not match. \n " ) ;
if ( ! result . PidLengthOK ) errorout ( " \n \007 ERROR: The length of the PID is not valid. \n " ) ;
if ( ! result . HashOK ) errorout ( " \n \007 ERROR: Computed hash does not match hash in response. \n " ) ;
if ( ! result . ClientMachineIDOK ) errorout ( " \n \007 ERROR: Client machine GUIDs of request and response do not match. \n " ) ;
if ( ! result . TimeStampOK ) errorout ( " \n \007 ERROR: Time stamps of request and response do not match. \n " ) ;
if ( ! result . VersionOK ) errorout ( " \n \007 ERROR: Protocol versions of request and response do not match. \n " ) ;
if ( ! result . HmacSha256OK ) errorout ( " \n \007 ERROR: Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) is incorrect. \n " ) ;
if ( ! result . IVnotSuspicious ) errorout ( " \n WARNING: Response uses an IV following KMSv5 rules in KMSv6 protocol. \n " ) ;
if ( result . effectiveResponseSize ! = result . correctResponseSize )
errorout ( " \n \007 WARNING: Size of RPC payload (KMS Message) should be %u but is %u. " , result . correctResponseSize , result . effectiveResponseSize ) ;
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
checkRpcLevel ( request , response ) ;
# endif // USE_MSRPC
if ( ! result . DecryptSuccess ) return ; // Makes no sense to display anything
char ePID [ 3 * PID_BUFFER_SIZE ] ;
if ( ! ucs2_to_utf8 ( response - > KmsPID , ePID , PID_BUFFER_SIZE , 3 * PID_BUFFER_SIZE ) )
memset ( ePID + 3 * PID_BUFFER_SIZE - 3 , 0 , 3 ) ;
// Read KMSPID from Response
if ( ! verbose )
printf ( " -> %s " , ePID ) ;
if ( LE16 ( response - > MajorVer ) > 5 )
# ifndef _WIN32
printf ( " (%016llX) " , ( unsigned long long ) BE64 ( * ( uint64_t * ) hwid ) ) ;
# else // _WIN32
printf ( " (%016I64X) " , ( unsigned long long ) BE64 ( * ( uint64_t * ) hwid ) ) ;
# endif // _WIN32
printf ( " \n " ) ;
printf (
" \n \n Response from KMS server \n ======================== \n \n "
" Size of KMS Response : %u (0x%x) \n " , result . effectiveResponseSize , result . effectiveResponseSize
) ;
logResponseVerbose ( ePID , hwid , response , & printf ) ;
printf ( " \n " ) ;
static void connectRpc ( RpcCtx * s )
# ifdef NO_DNS
* s = connectToAddress ( RemoteAddr , AddressFamily , FALSE ) ;
if ( * s = = INVALID_RPCCTX )
errorout ( " Fatal: Could not connect to %s \n " , RemoteAddr ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
if ( verbose )
printf ( " \n Performing RPC bind ... \n " ) ;
if ( rpcBindClient ( * s , verbose ) )
errorout ( " Fatal: Could not bind RPC \n " ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
if ( verbose ) printf ( " ... successful \n " ) ;
# else // DNS
static kms_server_dns_ptr * serverlist = NULL ;
static int numServers = 0 ;
//static int_fast8_t ServerListAlreadyPrinted = FALSE;
int i ;
if ( ! strcmp ( RemoteAddr , " - " ) | | * RemoteAddr = = ' . ' ) // Get KMS server via DNS SRV record
if ( ! serverlist )
numServers = getKmsServerList ( & serverlist , RemoteAddr ) ;
if ( numServers < 1 )
errorout ( " Fatal: No KMS servers found \n " ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
if ( ! NoSrvRecordPriority ) sortSrvRecords ( serverlist , numServers ) ;
if ( verbose /*&& !ServerListAlreadyPrinted*/ )
for ( i = 0 ; i < numServers ; i + + )
printf (
" Found %-40s (priority: %hu, weight: %hu, randomized weight: %i) \n " ,
serverlist [ i ] - > serverName ,
serverlist [ i ] - > priority , serverlist [ i ] - > weight ,
NoSrvRecordPriority ? 0 : serverlist [ i ] - > random_weight
) ;
printf ( " \n " ) ;
//ServerListAlreadyPrinted = TRUE;
else // Just use the server supplied on the command line
if ( ! serverlist )
serverlist = ( kms_server_dns_ptr * ) vlmcsd_malloc ( sizeof ( kms_server_dns_ptr ) ) ;
* serverlist = ( kms_server_dns_ptr ) vlmcsd_malloc ( sizeof ( kms_server_dns_t ) ) ;
numServers = 1 ;
strncpy ( ( * serverlist ) - > serverName , RemoteAddr , sizeof ( ( * serverlist ) - > serverName ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numServers ; i + + )
* s = connectToAddress ( serverlist [ i ] - > serverName , AddressFamily , ( * RemoteAddr = = ' . ' | | * RemoteAddr = = ' - ' ) ) ;
if ( * s = = INVALID_RPCCTX ) continue ;
if ( verbose )
printf ( " \n Performing RPC bind ... \n " ) ;
if ( rpcBindClient ( * s , verbose ) )
errorout ( " Warning: Could not bind RPC \n " ) ;
continue ;
if ( verbose ) printf ( " ... successful \n " ) ;
return ;
errorout ( " Fatal: Could not connect to any KMS server \n " ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
# endif // DNS
static int SendActivationRequest ( const RpcCtx sock , RESPONSE * baseResponse , REQUEST * baseRequest , RESPONSE_RESULT * result , BYTE * const hwid )
size_t requestSize , responseSize ;
BYTE * request , * response ;
int status ;
result - > mask = 0 ;
if ( LE16 ( baseRequest - > MajorVer ) = = 4 )
request = CreateRequestV4 ( & requestSize , baseRequest ) ;
request = CreateRequestV6 ( & requestSize , baseRequest ) ;
if ( ! ( status = rpcSendRequest ( sock , request , requestSize , & response , & responseSize ) ) )
if ( LE16 ( ( ( RESPONSE * ) ( response ) ) - > MajorVer ) = = 4 )
RESPONSE_V4 response_v4 ;
* result = DecryptResponseV4 ( & response_v4 , responseSize , response , request ) ;
memcpy ( baseResponse , & response_v4 . ResponseBase , sizeof ( RESPONSE ) ) ;
RESPONSE_V6 response_v6 ;
* result = DecryptResponseV6 ( & response_v6 , responseSize , response , request , hwid ) ;
memcpy ( baseResponse , & response_v6 . ResponseBase , sizeof ( RESPONSE ) ) ;
result - > RpcOK = TRUE ;
if ( response ) free ( response ) ;
free ( request ) ;
return status ;
static int sendRequest ( RpcCtx * const s , REQUEST * const request , RESPONSE * const response , hwid_t hwid , RESPONSE_RESULT * const result )
CreateRequestBase ( request ) ;
if ( * s = = INVALID_RPCCTX )
connectRpc ( s ) ;
// Check for lame KMS emulators that close the socket after each request
int_fast8_t disconnected = isDisconnected ( * s ) ;
if ( disconnected )
errorout ( " \n Warning: Server closed RPC connection (probably non-multitasked KMS emulator) \n " ) ;
if ( ReconnectForEachRequest | | disconnected )
closeRpc ( * s ) ;
connectRpc ( s ) ;
printf ( " Sending activation request (KMS V%u) " , ActiveLicensePack . kmsVersionMajor ) ;
fflush ( stdout ) ;
return SendActivationRequest ( * s , response , request , result , hwid ) ;
static void displayRequestError ( RpcCtx * const s , const int status , const int currentRequest , const int totalRequests )
errorout ( " \n Error 0x%08X while sending request %u of %u \n " , status , currentRequest , RequestsToGo + totalRequests ) ;
switch ( status )
case 0xC004F042 : // not licensed
errorout ( " The server refused to activate the requested product \n " ) ;
break ;
case 0x8007000D : // e.g. v6 protocol on a v5 server
errorout ( " The server didn't understand the request \n " ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
errorout ( " An RPC protocol error has occured \n " ) ;
closeRpc ( * s ) ;
connectRpc ( s ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
static void newIniBackupFile ( const char * const restrict fname )
FILE * restrict f = fopen ( fname , " wb " ) ;
if ( ! f )
errorout ( " Fatal: Cannot create %s: %s \n " , fname , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
if ( fclose ( f ) )
errorout ( " Fatal: Cannot write to %s: %s \n " , fname , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
unlink ( fname ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
static void updateIniFile ( iniFileEpidLines * const restrict lines )
int_fast8_t lineWritten [ _countof ( * lines ) ] ;
struct stat statbuf ;
uint_fast8_t i ;
int_fast8_t iniFileExistedBefore = TRUE ;
unsigned int lineNumber ;
memset ( lineWritten , FALSE , sizeof ( lineWritten ) ) ;
char * restrict fn_bak = ( char * ) vlmcsd_malloc ( strlen ( fn_ini_client ) + 2 ) ;
strcpy ( fn_bak , fn_ini_client ) ;
strcat ( fn_bak , " ~ " ) ;
if ( stat ( fn_ini_client , & statbuf ) )
if ( errno ! = ENOENT )
errorout ( " Fatal: %s: %s \n " , fn_ini_client , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
iniFileExistedBefore = FALSE ;
newIniBackupFile ( fn_bak ) ;
unlink ( fn_bak ) ; // Required for Windows. Most Unix systems don't need it.
if ( rename ( fn_ini_client , fn_bak ) )
errorout ( " Fatal: Cannot create %s: %s \n " , fn_bak , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
printf ( " \n %s file %s \n " , iniFileExistedBefore ? " Updating " : " Creating " , fn_ini_client ) ;
FILE * restrict in , * restrict out ;
in = fopen ( fn_bak , " rb " ) ;
if ( ! in )
errorout ( " Fatal: Cannot open %s: %s \n " , fn_bak , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
out = fopen ( fn_ini_client , " wb " ) ;
if ( ! out )
errorout ( " Fatal: Cannot create %s: %s \n " , fn_ini_client , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
char sourceLine [ 256 ] ;
for ( lineNumber = 1 ; fgets ( sourceLine , sizeof ( sourceLine ) , in ) ; lineNumber + + )
for ( i = 0 ; i < _countof ( * lines ) ; i + + )
if ( * ( * lines ) [ i ] & & ! strncasecmp ( sourceLine , ( * lines ) [ i ] , GUID_STRING_LENGTH ) )
if ( lineWritten [ i ] ) break ;
fprintf ( out , " %s " , ( * lines ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " line %2i: %s " , lineNumber , ( * lines ) [ i ] ) ;
lineWritten [ i ] = TRUE ;
break ;
if ( i > = _countof ( * lines ) )
fprintf ( out , " %s " , sourceLine ) ;
if ( ferror ( in ) )
errorout ( " Fatal: Cannot read from %s: %s \n " , fn_bak , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
fclose ( in ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < _countof ( * lines ) ; i + + )
if ( ! lineWritten [ i ] & & * ( * lines ) [ i ] )
fprintf ( out , " %s " , ( * lines ) [ i ] ) ;
printf ( " line %2i: %s " , lineNumber + i , ( * lines ) [ i ] ) ;
if ( fclose ( out ) )
errorout ( " Fatal: Cannot write to %s: %s \n " , fn_ini_client , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
if ( ! iniFileExistedBefore ) unlink ( fn_bak ) ;
free ( fn_bak ) ;
static void grabServerData ( )
WORD MajorVer = 6 ;
iniFileEpidLines lines ;
int_fast8_t Licenses [ _countof ( lines ) ] = { 0 , 15 , 14 } ;
uint_fast8_t i ;
RESPONSE response ;
REQUEST request ;
hwid_t hwid ;
int status ;
size_t len ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < _countof ( lines ) ; i + + ) * lines [ i ] = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < _countof ( Licenses ) & & MajorVer > 3 ; i + + )
ActiveLicensePack = LicensePackList [ Licenses [ i ] ] ;
ActiveLicensePack . kmsVersionMajor = MajorVer ;
status = sendRequest ( & s , & request , & response , hwid , & result ) ;
printf ( " %-11s " , ActiveLicensePack . names ) ;
if ( status )
displayRequestError ( & s , status , i + 7 - MajorVer , 9 - MajorVer ) ;
if ( status = = 1 ) break ;
if ( ( status & 0xF0000000 ) = = 0x80000000 )
MajorVer - - ;
i - - ;
continue ;
printf ( " %i of %i " , ( int ) ( i + 7 - MajorVer ) , ( int ) ( 9 - MajorVer ) ) ;
displayResponse ( result , & request , & response , hwid ) ;
char guidBuffer [ GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ] ;
char ePID [ 3 * PID_BUFFER_SIZE ] ;
uuid2StringLE ( & request . AppID , guidBuffer ) ;
if ( ! ucs2_to_utf8 ( response . KmsPID , ePID , PID_BUFFER_SIZE , 3 * PID_BUFFER_SIZE ) )
memset ( ePID + 3 * PID_BUFFER_SIZE - 3 , 0 , 3 ) ;
snprintf ( lines [ i ] , sizeof ( lines [ 0 ] ) , " %s = %s " , guidBuffer , ePID ) ;
if ( response . MajorVer > 5 )
len = strlen ( lines [ i ] ) ;
snprintf ( lines [ i ] + len , sizeof ( lines [ 0 ] ) - len , " / %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X " , hwid [ 0 ] , hwid [ 1 ] , hwid [ 2 ] , hwid [ 3 ] , hwid [ 4 ] , hwid [ 5 ] , hwid [ 6 ] , hwid [ 7 ] ) ;
len = strlen ( lines [ i ] ) ;
snprintf ( lines [ i ] + len , sizeof ( lines [ 0 ] ) - len , " \n " ) ;
if ( strcmp ( fn_ini_client , " - " ) )
updateIniFile ( & lines ) ;
printf ( " \n " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < _countof ( lines ) ; i + + ) printf ( " %s " , lines [ i ] ) ;
int client_main ( const int argc , CARGV argv )
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(USE_MSRPC)
// Windows Sockets must be initialized
WSADATA wsadata ;
int error ;
if ( ( error = WSAStartup ( 0x0202 , & wsadata ) ) )
printerrorf ( " Fatal: Could not initialize Windows sockets (Error: %d). \n " , error ) ;
return error ;
# endif // _WIN32
# ifdef _NTSERVICE
// We are not a service
IsNTService = FALSE ;
// Set console output page to UTF-8
// SetConsoleOutputCP(65001);
# endif // _NTSERVICE
randomNumberInit ( ) ;
ActiveLicensePack = * LicensePackList ; //first license is Windows Vista
parseCommandLinePass1 ( argc , argv ) ;
int_fast8_t useDefaultHost = FALSE ;
if ( optind < argc )
RemoteAddr = argv [ optind ] ;
useDefaultHost = TRUE ;
int hostportarg = optind ;
if ( optind < argc - 1 )
parseCommandLinePass1 ( argc - hostportarg , argv + hostportarg ) ;
if ( optind < argc - hostportarg )
clientUsage ( argv [ 0 ] ) ;
parseCommandLinePass2 ( argv [ 0 ] , argc , argv ) ;
if ( optind < argc - 1 )
parseCommandLinePass2 ( argv [ 0 ] , argc - hostportarg , argv + hostportarg ) ;
if ( useDefaultHost )
RemoteAddr = AddressFamily = = AF_INET6 ? " ::1 " : " " ;
if ( fn_ini_client ! = NULL )
grabServerData ( ) ;
int requests ;
for ( requests = 0 , RequestsToGo = ActiveLicensePack . N_Policy - 1 ; RequestsToGo ; requests + + )
RESPONSE response ;
REQUEST request ;
hwid_t hwid ;
int status = sendRequest ( & s , & request , & response , hwid , & result ) ;
if ( FixedRequests ) RequestsToGo = FixedRequests - requests - 1 ;
if ( status )
displayRequestError ( & s , status , requests + 1 , RequestsToGo + requests + 1 ) ;
if ( ! FixedRequests ) RequestsToGo = 0 ;
if ( ! FixedRequests )
if ( firstRequestSent & & ActiveLicensePack . N_Policy - ( int ) response . Count > = RequestsToGo )
errorout ( " \n The KMS server does not increment it's active clients. Aborting... \n " ) ;
RequestsToGo = 0 ;
RequestsToGo = ActiveLicensePack . N_Policy - response . Count ;
if ( RequestsToGo < 0 ) RequestsToGo = 0 ;
fflush ( stderr ) ;
printf ( " %i of %i " , requests + 1 , RequestsToGo + requests + 1 ) ;
displayResponse ( result , & request , & response , hwid ) ;
firstRequestSent = TRUE ;
return 0 ;
// Create Base KMS Client Request
static void CreateRequestBase ( REQUEST * Request )
Request - > MinorVer = LE16 ( ( WORD ) kmsVersionMinor ) ;
Request - > MajorVer = LE16 ( ( WORD ) ActiveLicensePack . kmsVersionMajor ) ;
Request - > VMInfo = LE32 ( VMInfo ) ;
Request - > LicenseStatus = LE32 ( LicenseStatus ) ;
Request - > BindingExpiration = LE32 ( BindingExpiration ) ;
LEGUID ( & Request - > AppID , ActiveLicensePack . AppID ) ;
LEGUID ( & Request - > ActID , & ActiveLicensePack . ActID ) ;
LEGUID ( & Request - > KMSID , & ActiveLicensePack . KMSID ) ;
getUnixTimeAsFileTime ( & Request - > ClientTime ) ;
Request - > N_Policy = LE32 ( ActiveLicensePack . N_Policy ) ;
if ( CMID )
string2UuidOrExit ( CMID , & tempGUID ) ;
LEGUID ( & Request - > CMID , & tempGUID ) ;
get16RandomBytes ( & Request - > CMID ) ;
// Set reserved UUID bits
Request - > CMID . Data4 [ 0 ] & = 0x3F ;
Request - > CMID . Data4 [ 0 ] | = 0x80 ;
// Set UUID type 4 (random UUID)
Request - > CMID . Data3 & = LE16 ( 0xfff ) ;
Request - > CMID . Data3 | = LE16 ( 0x4000 ) ;
if ( CMID_prev )
string2UuidOrExit ( CMID_prev , & tempGUID ) ;
LEGUID ( & Request - > CMID_prev , & tempGUID ) ;
memset ( & Request - > CMID_prev , 0 , sizeof ( Request - > CMID_prev ) ) ;
static const char alphanum [ ] = " 0123456789 " " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ " /*"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" */ ;
if ( WorkstationName )
utf8_to_ucs2 ( Request - > WorkstationName , WorkstationName , WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER , WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER * 3 ) ;
else if ( dnsnames )
int len , len2 ;
unsigned int index = rand ( ) % _countof ( ClientDnsNames . first ) ;
len = utf8_to_ucs2 ( Request - > WorkstationName , ClientDnsNames . first [ index ] , WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER , WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER * 3 ) ;
index = rand ( ) % _countof ( ClientDnsNames . second ) ;
len2 = utf8_to_ucs2 ( Request - > WorkstationName + len , ClientDnsNames . second [ index ] , WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER , WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER * 3 ) ;
index = rand ( ) % _countof ( ClientDnsNames . tld ) ;
utf8_to_ucs2 ( Request - > WorkstationName + len + len2 , ClientDnsNames . tld [ index ] , WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER , WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER * 3 ) ;
unsigned int size = ( rand ( ) % 14 ) + 1 ;
const unsigned char * dummy ;
unsigned int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i + + )
Request - > WorkstationName [ i ] = utf8_to_ucs2_char ( ( unsigned char * ) alphanum + ( rand ( ) % ( sizeof ( alphanum ) - 1 ) ) , & dummy ) ;
Request - > WorkstationName [ size ] = 0 ;
//Show Details
if ( verbose )
printf ( " \n Request Parameters \n ================== \n \n " ) ;
logRequestVerbose ( Request , & printf ) ;
printf ( " \n " ) ;
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# include "crypto.h"
# include "endian.h"
# include <stdint.h>
const BYTE AesKeyV4 [ ] = {
0x05 , 0x3D , 0x83 , 0x07 , 0xF9 , 0xE5 , 0xF0 , 0x88 , 0xEB , 0x5E , 0xA6 , 0x68 , 0x6C , 0xF0 , 0x37 , 0xC7 , 0xE4 , 0xEF , 0xD2 , 0xD6 } ;
const BYTE AesKeyV5 [ ] = {
0xCD , 0x7E , 0x79 , 0x6F , 0x2A , 0xB2 , 0x5D , 0xCB , 0x55 , 0xFF , 0xC8 , 0xEF , 0x83 , 0x64 , 0xC4 , 0x70 } ;
const BYTE AesKeyV6 [ ] = {
0xA9 , 0x4A , 0x41 , 0x95 , 0xE2 , 0x01 , 0x43 , 0x2D , 0x9B , 0xCB , 0x46 , 0x04 , 0x05 , 0xD8 , 0x4A , 0x21 } ;
static const BYTE SBox [ ] = {
0x63 , 0x7C , 0x77 , 0x7B , 0xF2 , 0x6B , 0x6F , 0xC5 , 0x30 , 0x01 , 0x67 , 0x2B ,
0xFE , 0xD7 , 0xAB , 0x76 , 0xCA , 0x82 , 0xC9 , 0x7D , 0xFA , 0x59 , 0x47 , 0xF0 ,
0xAD , 0xD4 , 0xA2 , 0xAF , 0x9C , 0xA4 , 0x72 , 0xC0 , 0xB7 , 0xFD , 0x93 , 0x26 ,
0x36 , 0x3F , 0xF7 , 0xCC , 0x34 , 0xA5 , 0xE5 , 0xF1 , 0x71 , 0xD8 , 0x31 , 0x15 ,
0x04 , 0xC7 , 0x23 , 0xC3 , 0x18 , 0x96 , 0x05 , 0x9A , 0x07 , 0x12 , 0x80 , 0xE2 ,
0xEB , 0x27 , 0xB2 , 0x75 , 0x09 , 0x83 , 0x2C , 0x1A , 0x1B , 0x6E , 0x5A , 0xA0 ,
0x52 , 0x3B , 0xD6 , 0xB3 , 0x29 , 0xE3 , 0x2F , 0x84 , 0x53 , 0xD1 , 0x00 , 0xED ,
0x20 , 0xFC , 0xB1 , 0x5B , 0x6A , 0xCB , 0xBE , 0x39 , 0x4A , 0x4C , 0x58 , 0xCF ,
0xD0 , 0xEF , 0xAA , 0xFB , 0x43 , 0x4D , 0x33 , 0x85 , 0x45 , 0xF9 , 0x02 , 0x7F ,
0x50 , 0x3C , 0x9F , 0xA8 , 0x51 , 0xA3 , 0x40 , 0x8F , 0x92 , 0x9D , 0x38 , 0xF5 ,
0xBC , 0xB6 , 0xDA , 0x21 , 0x10 , 0xFF , 0xF3 , 0xD2 , 0xCD , 0x0C , 0x13 , 0xEC ,
0x5F , 0x97 , 0x44 , 0x17 , 0xC4 , 0xA7 , 0x7E , 0x3D , 0x64 , 0x5D , 0x19 , 0x73 ,
0x60 , 0x81 , 0x4F , 0xDC , 0x22 , 0x2A , 0x90 , 0x88 , 0x46 , 0xEE , 0xB8 , 0x14 ,
0xDE , 0x5E , 0x0B , 0xDB , 0xE0 , 0x32 , 0x3A , 0x0A , 0x49 , 0x06 , 0x24 , 0x5C ,
0xC2 , 0xD3 , 0xAC , 0x62 , 0x91 , 0x95 , 0xE4 , 0x79 , 0xE7 , 0xC8 , 0x37 , 0x6D ,
0x8D , 0xD5 , 0x4E , 0xA9 , 0x6C , 0x56 , 0xF4 , 0xEA , 0x65 , 0x7A , 0xAE , 0x08 ,
0xBA , 0x78 , 0x25 , 0x2E , 0x1C , 0xA6 , 0xB4 , 0xC6 , 0xE8 , 0xDD , 0x74 , 0x1F ,
0x4B , 0xBD , 0x8B , 0x8A , 0x70 , 0x3E , 0xB5 , 0x66 , 0x48 , 0x03 , 0xF6 , 0x0E ,
0x61 , 0x35 , 0x57 , 0xB9 , 0x86 , 0xC1 , 0x1D , 0x9E , 0xE1 , 0xF8 , 0x98 , 0x11 ,
0x69 , 0xD9 , 0x8E , 0x94 , 0x9B , 0x1E , 0x87 , 0xE9 , 0xCE , 0x55 , 0x28 , 0xDF ,
0x8C , 0xA1 , 0x89 , 0x0D , 0xBF , 0xE6 , 0x42 , 0x68 , 0x41 , 0x99 , 0x2D , 0x0F ,
0xB0 , 0x54 , 0xBB , 0x16
} ;
void XorBlock ( const BYTE * const in , const BYTE * out ) // Ensure that this is always 32 bit aligned
/*UAA64( out, 0 ) ^= UAA64( in, 0 );
UAA64 ( out , 1 ) ^ = UAA64 ( in , 1 ) ; */
uint_fast8_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < AES_BLOCK_WORDS ; i + + )
( ( DWORD * ) out ) [ i ] ^ = ( ( DWORD * ) in ) [ i ] ;
# define AddRoundKey(d, rk) XorBlock((const BYTE *)rk, (const BYTE *)d)
# define Mul2(word) (((word & 0x7f7f7f7f) << 1) ^ (((word & 0x80808080) >> 7) * 0x1b))
# define Mul3(word) (Mul2(word) ^ word)
# define Mul4(word) (Mul2(Mul2(word)))
# define Mul8(word) (Mul2(Mul2(Mul2(word))))
# define Mul9(word) (Mul8(word) ^ word)
# define MulB(word) (Mul8(word) ^ Mul3(word))
# define MulD(word) (Mul8(word) ^ Mul4(word) ^ word)
# define MulE(word) (Mul8(word) ^ Mul4(word) ^ Mul2(word))
//32 bit Galois Multiplication (generates bigger code than Macros)
/*static DWORD Mul(DWORD x, DWORD y)
DWORD result = x , yTemp = y , log2 ;
if ( ! y ) return 0 ;
for ( log2 = 0 ; yTemp > > = 1 ; log2 + + )
result = Mul2 ( result ) ;
return result ^ Mul ( x , y - ( 1 < < log2 ) ) ;
} */
void MixColumnsR ( BYTE * restrict state )
uint_fast8_t i = 0 ;
for ( ; i < AES_BLOCK_WORDS ; i + + )
# if defined(_CRYPTO_OPENSSL) && defined(_OPENSSL_SOFTWARE) && defined(_USE_AES_FROM_OPENSSL) //Always byte swap regardless of endianess
DWORD word = BS32 ( ( ( DWORD * ) state ) [ i ] ) ;
( ( DWORD * ) state ) [ i ] = BS32 ( MulE ( word ) ^ ROR32 ( MulB ( word ) , 8 ) ^ ROR32 ( MulD ( word ) , 16 ) ^ ROR32 ( Mul9 ( word ) , 24 ) ) ;
# else
DWORD word = LE32 ( ( ( DWORD * ) state ) [ i ] ) ;
( ( DWORD * ) state ) [ i ] = LE32 ( MulE ( word ) ^ ROR32 ( MulB ( word ) , 8 ) ^ ROR32 ( MulD ( word ) , 16 ) ^ ROR32 ( Mul9 ( word ) , 24 ) ) ;
# endif
static DWORD SubDword ( DWORD v )
BYTE * b = ( BYTE * ) & v ;
uint_fast8_t i = 0 ;
for ( ; i < sizeof ( DWORD ) ; i + + ) b [ i ] = SBox [ b [ i ] ] ;
return v ;
void AesInitKey ( AesCtx * Ctx , const BYTE * Key , int_fast8_t IsV6 , int RijndaelKeyBytes )
int RijndaelKeyDwords = RijndaelKeyBytes / sizeof ( DWORD ) ;
Ctx - > rounds = ( uint_fast8_t ) ( RijndaelKeyDwords + 6 ) ;
static const DWORD RCon [ ] = {
0x00000000 , 0x01000000 , 0x02000000 , 0x04000000 , 0x08000000 , 0x10000000 ,
0x20000000 , 0x40000000 , 0x80000000 , 0x1B000000 , 0x36000000 } ;
uint_fast8_t i ;
DWORD temp ;
memcpy ( Ctx - > Key , Key , RijndaelKeyBytes ) ;
for ( i = RijndaelKeyDwords ; i < ( Ctx - > rounds + 1 ) < < 2 ; i + + )
temp = Ctx - > Key [ i - 1 ] ;
if ( ( i % RijndaelKeyDwords ) = = 0 )
temp = BE32 ( SubDword ( ROR32 ( BE32 ( temp ) , 24 ) ) ^ RCon [ i / RijndaelKeyDwords ] ) ;
Ctx - > Key [ i ] = Ctx - > Key [ i - RijndaelKeyDwords ] ^ temp ;
if ( IsV6 )
BYTE * _p = ( BYTE * ) Ctx - > Key ;
_p [ 4 * 16 ] ^ = 0x73 ;
_p [ 6 * 16 ] ^ = 0x09 ;
_p [ 8 * 16 ] ^ = 0xE4 ;
# if !defined(_CRYPTO_OPENSSL) || !defined(_USE_AES_FROM_OPENSSL) || defined(_OPENSSL_SOFTWARE)
static void SubBytes ( BYTE * block )
uint_fast8_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < AES_BLOCK_BYTES ; i + + )
block [ i ] = SBox [ block [ i ] ] ;
static void ShiftRows ( BYTE * state )
uint_fast8_t i ;
memcpy ( bIn , state , AES_BLOCK_BYTES ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < AES_BLOCK_BYTES ; i + + )
state [ i ] = bIn [ ( i + ( ( i & 3 ) < < 2 ) ) & 0xf ] ;
} ;
static void MixColumns ( BYTE * state )
uint_fast8_t i = 0 ;
for ( ; i < AES_BLOCK_WORDS ; i + + )
DWORD word = LE32 ( ( ( DWORD * ) state ) [ i ] ) ;
( ( DWORD * ) state ) [ i ] = LE32 ( Mul2 ( word ) ^ ROR32 ( Mul3 ( word ) , 8 ) ^ ROR32 ( word , 16 ) ^ ROR32 ( word , 24 ) ) ;
void AesEncryptBlock ( const AesCtx * const Ctx , BYTE * block )
uint_fast8_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; ; i + = 4 )
AddRoundKey ( block , & Ctx - > Key [ i ] ) ;
SubBytes ( block ) ;
ShiftRows ( block ) ;
if ( i > = ( Ctx - > rounds - 1 ) < < 2 ) break ;
MixColumns ( block ) ;
AddRoundKey ( block , & Ctx - > Key [ Ctx - > rounds < < 2 ] ) ;
void AesCmacV4 ( BYTE * Message , size_t MessageSize , BYTE * MacOut )
size_t i ;
AesCtx Ctx ;
AesInitKey ( & Ctx , AesKeyV4 , FALSE , V4_KEY_BYTES ) ;
memset ( mac , 0 , sizeof ( mac ) ) ;
memset ( Message + MessageSize , 0 , AES_BLOCK_BYTES ) ;
Message [ MessageSize ] = 0x80 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < = MessageSize ; i + = AES_BLOCK_BYTES )
XorBlock ( Message + i , mac ) ;
AesEncryptBlock ( & Ctx , mac ) ;
memcpy ( MacOut , mac , AES_BLOCK_BYTES ) ;
# endif
# if !defined(_CRYPTO_OPENSSL) || !defined(_USE_AES_FROM_OPENSSL)
static const BYTE SBoxR [ ] = {
0x52 , 0x09 , 0x6A , 0xD5 , 0x30 , 0x36 , 0xA5 , 0x38 , 0xBF , 0x40 , 0xA3 , 0x9E ,
0x81 , 0xF3 , 0xD7 , 0xFB , 0x7C , 0xE3 , 0x39 , 0x82 , 0x9B , 0x2F , 0xFF , 0x87 ,
0x34 , 0x8E , 0x43 , 0x44 , 0xC4 , 0xDE , 0xE9 , 0xCB , 0x54 , 0x7B , 0x94 , 0x32 ,
0xA6 , 0xC2 , 0x23 , 0x3D , 0xEE , 0x4C , 0x95 , 0x0B , 0x42 , 0xFA , 0xC3 , 0x4E ,
0x08 , 0x2E , 0xA1 , 0x66 , 0x28 , 0xD9 , 0x24 , 0xB2 , 0x76 , 0x5B , 0xA2 , 0x49 ,
0x6D , 0x8B , 0xD1 , 0x25 , 0x72 , 0xF8 , 0xF6 , 0x64 , 0x86 , 0x68 , 0x98 , 0x16 ,
0xD4 , 0xA4 , 0x5C , 0xCC , 0x5D , 0x65 , 0xB6 , 0x92 , 0x6C , 0x70 , 0x48 , 0x50 ,
0xFD , 0xED , 0xB9 , 0xDA , 0x5E , 0x15 , 0x46 , 0x57 , 0xA7 , 0x8D , 0x9D , 0x84 ,
0x90 , 0xD8 , 0xAB , 0x00 , 0x8C , 0xBC , 0xD3 , 0x0A , 0xF7 , 0xE4 , 0x58 , 0x05 ,
0xB8 , 0xB3 , 0x45 , 0x06 , 0xD0 , 0x2C , 0x1E , 0x8F , 0xCA , 0x3F , 0x0F , 0x02 ,
0xC1 , 0xAF , 0xBD , 0x03 , 0x01 , 0x13 , 0x8A , 0x6B , 0x3A , 0x91 , 0x11 , 0x41 ,
0x4F , 0x67 , 0xDC , 0xEA , 0x97 , 0xF2 , 0xCF , 0xCE , 0xF0 , 0xB4 , 0xE6 , 0x73 ,
0x96 , 0xAC , 0x74 , 0x22 , 0xE7 , 0xAD , 0x35 , 0x85 , 0xE2 , 0xF9 , 0x37 , 0xE8 ,
0x1C , 0x75 , 0xDF , 0x6E , 0x47 , 0xF1 , 0x1A , 0x71 , 0x1D , 0x29 , 0xC5 , 0x89 ,
0x6F , 0xB7 , 0x62 , 0x0E , 0xAA , 0x18 , 0xBE , 0x1B , 0xFC , 0x56 , 0x3E , 0x4B ,
0xC6 , 0xD2 , 0x79 , 0x20 , 0x9A , 0xDB , 0xC0 , 0xFE , 0x78 , 0xCD , 0x5A , 0xF4 ,
0x1F , 0xDD , 0xA8 , 0x33 , 0x88 , 0x07 , 0xC7 , 0x31 , 0xB1 , 0x12 , 0x10 , 0x59 ,
0x27 , 0x80 , 0xEC , 0x5F , 0x60 , 0x51 , 0x7F , 0xA9 , 0x19 , 0xB5 , 0x4A , 0x0D ,
0x2D , 0xE5 , 0x7A , 0x9F , 0x93 , 0xC9 , 0x9C , 0xEF , 0xA0 , 0xE0 , 0x3B , 0x4D ,
0xAE , 0x2A , 0xF5 , 0xB0 , 0xC8 , 0xEB , 0xBB , 0x3C , 0x83 , 0x53 , 0x99 , 0x61 ,
0x17 , 0x2B , 0x04 , 0x7E , 0xBA , 0x77 , 0xD6 , 0x26 , 0xE1 , 0x69 , 0x14 , 0x63 ,
0x55 , 0x21 , 0x0C , 0x7D
} ;
static void ShiftRowsR ( BYTE * state )
uint_fast8_t i ;
memcpy ( b , state , AES_BLOCK_BYTES ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < AES_BLOCK_BYTES ; i + + )
state [ i ] = b [ ( i - ( ( i & 0x3 ) < < 2 ) ) & 0xf ] ;
static void SubBytesR ( BYTE * block )
uint_fast8_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < AES_BLOCK_BYTES ; i + + )
block [ i ] = SBoxR [ block [ i ] ] ;
void AesEncryptCbc ( const AesCtx * const Ctx , BYTE * restrict iv , BYTE * restrict data , size_t * restrict len )
// Pad up to blocksize inclusive
size_t i ;
uint_fast8_t pad = ( ~ * len & ( AES_BLOCK_BYTES - 1 ) ) + 1 ;
# if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 8) // gcc 4.8 memset bug https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=56977
for ( i = 0 ; i < pad ; i + + ) data [ * len + i ] = pad ;
# else
memset ( data + * len , pad , pad ) ;
# endif
* len + = pad ;
if ( iv ) XorBlock ( iv , data ) ;
AesEncryptBlock ( Ctx , data ) ;
for ( i = * len - AES_BLOCK_BYTES ; i ; i - = AES_BLOCK_BYTES )
XorBlock ( data , data + AES_BLOCK_BYTES ) ;
data + = AES_BLOCK_BYTES ;
AesEncryptBlock ( Ctx , data ) ;
void AesDecryptBlock ( const AesCtx * const Ctx , BYTE * block )
uint_fast8_t i ;
AddRoundKey ( block , & Ctx - > Key [ Ctx - > rounds < < 2 ] ) ;
for ( i = ( Ctx - > rounds - 1 ) < < 2 ; ; i - = 4 )
ShiftRowsR ( block ) ;
SubBytesR ( block ) ;
AddRoundKey ( block , & Ctx - > Key [ i ] ) ;
if ( i = = 0 ) break ;
MixColumnsR ( block ) ;
void AesDecryptCbc ( const AesCtx * const Ctx , BYTE * iv , BYTE * data , size_t len )
BYTE * cc ;
for ( cc = data + len - AES_BLOCK_BYTES ; cc > data ; cc - = AES_BLOCK_BYTES )
AesDecryptBlock ( Ctx , cc ) ;
XorBlock ( cc - AES_BLOCK_BYTES , cc ) ;
AesDecryptBlock ( Ctx , cc ) ;
if ( iv ) XorBlock ( iv , cc ) ;
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <time.h>
# if !defined(_WIN32)
# include <sys/socket.h>
# endif
# include "output.h"
# include "crypto.h"
# include "endian.h"
# include "kms.h"
# include "shared_globals.h"
# include "helpers.h"
# define FRIENDLY_NAME_WINDOWS "Windows"
# define FRIENDLY_NAME_OFFICE2010 "Office 2010"
# define FRIENDLY_NAME_OFFICE2013 "Office"
// Do not change the order of this list. Append items as necessary
const KmsIdList ProductList [ ] = {
/* 000 */ { { 0x212a64dc , 0x43b1 , 0x4d3d , { 0xa3 , 0x0c , 0x2f , 0xc6 , 0x9d , 0x20 , 0x95 , 0xc6 } } /*"212a64dc-43b1-4d3d-a30c-2fc69d2095c6"*/ , " Vista " , EPID_WINDOWS , 4 , 25 } ,
/* 001 */ { { 0x7fde5219 , 0xfbfa , 0x484a , { 0x82 , 0xc9 , 0x34 , 0xd1 , 0xad , 0x53 , 0xe8 , 0x56 } } /*"7fde5219-fbfa-484a-82c9-34d1ad53e856"*/ , " Windows 7 " , EPID_WINDOWS , 4 , 25 } ,
/* 002 */ { { 0x3c40b358 , 0x5948 , 0x45af , { 0x92 , 0x3b , 0x53 , 0xd2 , 0x1f , 0xcc , 0x7e , 0x79 } } /*"3c40b358-5948-45af-923b-53d21fcc7e79"*/ , " Windows 8 VL " , EPID_WINDOWS , 5 , 25 } ,
/* 003 */ { { 0x5f94a0bb , 0xd5a0 , 0x4081 , { 0xa6 , 0x85 , 0x58 , 0x19 , 0x41 , 0x8b , 0x2f , 0xe0 } } /*"5f94a0bb-d5a0-4081-a685-5819418b2fe0"*/ , " Windows Preview " , EPID_WINDOWS , 6 , 25 } ,
/* 004 */ { { 0xbbb97b3b , 0x8ca4 , 0x4a28 , { 0x97 , 0x17 , 0x89 , 0xfa , 0xbd , 0x42 , 0xc4 , 0xac } } /*"bbb97b3b-8ca4-4a28-9717-89fabd42c4ac"*/ , " Windows 8 Retail " , EPID_WINDOWS , 5 , 25 } ,
/* 005 */ { { 0xcb8fc780 , 0x2c05 , 0x495a , { 0x97 , 0x10 , 0x85 , 0xaf , 0xff , 0xc9 , 0x04 , 0xd7 } } /*"cb8fc780-2c05-495a-9710-85afffc904d7"*/ , " Windows 8.1 VL " , EPID_WINDOWS , 6 , 25 } ,
/* 006 */ { { 0x6d646890 , 0x3606 , 0x461a , { 0x86 , 0xab , 0x59 , 0x8b , 0xb8 , 0x4a , 0xce , 0x82 } } /*"6d646890-3606-461a-86ab-598bb84ace82"*/ , " Windows 8.1 Retail " , EPID_WINDOWS , 6 , 25 } ,
/* 007 */ { { 0x33e156e4 , 0xb76f , 0x4a52 , { 0x9f , 0x91 , 0xf6 , 0x41 , 0xdd , 0x95 , 0xac , 0x48 } } /*"33e156e4-b76f-4a52-9f91-f641dd95ac48"*/ , " Windows 2008 A " , EPID_WINDOWS , 4 , 5 } ,
/* 008 */ { { 0x8fe53387 , 0x3087 , 0x4447 , { 0x89 , 0x85 , 0xf7 , 0x51 , 0x32 , 0x21 , 0x5a , 0xc9 } } /*"8fe53387-3087-4447-8985-f75132215ac9"*/ , " Windows 2008 B " , EPID_WINDOWS , 4 , 5 } ,
/* 009 */ { { 0x8a21fdf3 , 0xcbc5 , 0x44eb , { 0x83 , 0xf3 , 0xfe , 0x28 , 0x4e , 0x66 , 0x80 , 0xa7 } } /*"8a21fdf3-cbc5-44eb-83f3-fe284e6680a7"*/ , " Windows 2008 C " , EPID_WINDOWS , 4 , 5 } ,
/* 010 */ { { 0x0fc6ccaf , 0xff0e , 0x4fae , { 0x9d , 0x08 , 0x43 , 0x70 , 0x78 , 0x5b , 0xf7 , 0xed } } /*"0fc6ccaf-ff0e-4fae-9d08-4370785bf7ed"*/ , " Windows 2008 R2 A " , EPID_WINDOWS , 4 , 5 } ,
/* 011 */ { { 0xca87f5b6 , 0xcd46 , 0x40c0 , { 0xb0 , 0x6d , 0x8e , 0xcd , 0x57 , 0xa4 , 0x37 , 0x3f } } /*"ca87f5b6-cd46-40c0-b06d-8ecd57a4373f"*/ , " Windows 2008 R2 B " , EPID_WINDOWS , 4 , 5 } ,
/* 012 */ { { 0xb2ca2689 , 0xa9a8 , 0x42d7 , { 0x93 , 0x8d , 0xcf , 0x8e , 0x9f , 0x20 , 0x19 , 0x58 } } /*"b2ca2689-a9a8-42d7-938d-cf8e9f201958"*/ , " Windows 2008 R2 C " , EPID_WINDOWS , 4 , 5 } ,
/* 013 */ { { 0x8665cb71 , 0x468c , 0x4aa3 , { 0xa3 , 0x37 , 0xcb , 0x9b , 0xc9 , 0xd5 , 0xea , 0xac } } /*"8665cb71-468c-4aa3-a337-cb9bc9d5eaac"*/ , " Windows 2012 " , EPID_WINDOWS , 5 , 5 } ,
/* 014 */ { { 0x8456EFD3 , 0x0C04 , 0x4089 , { 0x87 , 0x40 , 0x5b , 0x72 , 0x38 , 0x53 , 0x5a , 0x65 } } /*"8456EFD3-0C04-4089-8740-5B7238535A65"*/ , " Windows 2012 R2 " , EPID_WINDOWS , 6 , 5 } ,
/* 015 */ { { 0xe85af946 , 0x2e25 , 0x47b7 , { 0x83 , 0xe1 , 0xbe , 0xbc , 0xeb , 0xea , 0xc6 , 0x11 } } /*"e85af946-2e25-47b7-83e1-bebcebeac611"*/ , " Office 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , 4 , 5 } ,
/* 016 */ { { 0xe6a6f1bf , 0x9d40 , 0x40c3 , { 0xaa , 0x9f , 0xc7 , 0x7b , 0xa2 , 0x15 , 0x78 , 0xc0 } } /*"e6a6f1bf-9d40-40c3-aa9f-c77ba21578c0"*/ , " Office 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , 6 , 5 } ,
/* 017 */ { { 0x6d5f5270 , 0x31ac , 0x433e , { 0xb9 , 0x0a , 0x39 , 0x89 , 0x29 , 0x23 , 0xc6 , 0x57 } } /*"6d5f5270-31ac-433e-b90a-39892923c657"*/ , " Windows Server Preview " , EPID_WINDOWS , 6 , 5 } ,
/* 018 */ { { 0x85b5f61b , 0x320b , 0x4be3 , { 0x81 , 0x4a , 0xb7 , 0x6b , 0x2b , 0xfa , 0xfc , 0x82 } } /*"85b5f61b-320b-4be3-814a-b76b2bfafc82"*/ , " Office 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , 6 , 5 } ,
/* 019 */ { { 0x58e2134f , 0x8e11 , 0x4d17 , { 0x9c , 0xb2 , 0x91 , 0x06 , 0x9c , 0x15 , 0x11 , 0x48 } } /*"58e2134f-8e11-4d17-9cb2-91069c151148"*/ , " Windows 10 VL " , EPID_WINDOWS , 6 , 25 } ,
/* 020 */ { { 0xe1c51358 , 0xfe3e , 0x4203 , { 0xa4 , 0xa2 , 0x3b , 0x6b , 0x20 , 0xc9 , 0x73 , 0x4e } } /*"e1c51358-fe3e-4203-a4a2-3b6b20c9734e"*/ , " Windows 10 Retail " , EPID_WINDOWS , 6 , 25 } ,
/* 021 */ { { 0x00000000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , { 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 } } , NULL , NULL , 0 , 0 }
} ;
# endif
// Application ID is used by KMS server to count KeyManagementServiceCurrentCount
// Do not change the order of this list. Append items as necessary
const KmsIdList AppList [ ] = {
/* 000 */ { { 0x55c92734 , 0xd682 , 0x4d71 , { 0x98 , 0x3e , 0xd6 , 0xec , 0x3f , 0x16 , 0x05 , 0x9f } } /*"55C92734-D682-4D71-983E-D6EC3F16059F"*/ , FRIENDLY_NAME_WINDOWS , EPID_WINDOWS , 0 , 0 } ,
/* 001 */ { { 0x59A52881 , 0xa989 , 0x479d , { 0xaf , 0x46 , 0xf2 , 0x75 , 0xc6 , 0x37 , 0x06 , 0x63 } } /*"59A52881-A989-479D-AF46-F275C6370663"*/ , FRIENDLY_NAME_OFFICE2010 , EPID_OFFICE2010 , 0 , 0 } ,
/* 002 */ { { 0x0FF1CE15 , 0xA989 , 0x479D , { 0xaf , 0x46 , 0xf2 , 0x75 , 0xc6 , 0x37 , 0x06 , 0x63 } } /*"0FF1CE15-A989-479D-AF46-F275C6370663"*/ , FRIENDLY_NAME_OFFICE2013 , EPID_OFFICE2013 , 0 , 0 } ,
/* 003 */ { { 0x00000000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , { 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 } } , NULL , NULL , 0 , 0 }
} ;
const KmsIdList ExtendedProductList [ ] = {
// Windows Server
{ { 0xad2542d4 , 0x9154 , 0x4c6d , { 0x8a , 0x44 , 0x30 , 0xf1 , 0x1e , 0xe9 , 0x69 , 0x89 , } } /*ad2542d4-9154-4c6d-8a44-30f11ee96989*/ , " Windows Server 2008 Standard " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008A } ,
{ { 0x2401e3d0 , 0xc50a , 0x4b58 , { 0x87 , 0xb2 , 0x7e , 0x79 , 0x4b , 0x7d , 0x26 , 0x07 , } } /*2401e3d0-c50a-4b58-87b2-7e794b7d2607*/ , " Windows Server 2008 Standard V " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008A } ,
{ { 0x68b6e220 , 0xcf09 , 0x466b , { 0x92 , 0xd3 , 0x45 , 0xcd , 0x96 , 0x4b , 0x95 , 0x09 , } } /*68b6e220-cf09-466b-92d3-45cd964b9509*/ , " Windows Server 2008 Datacenter " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008C } ,
{ { 0xfd09ef77 , 0x5647 , 0x4eff , { 0x80 , 0x9c , 0xaf , 0x2b , 0x64 , 0x65 , 0x9a , 0x45 , } } /*fd09ef77-5647-4eff-809c-af2b64659a45*/ , " Windows Server 2008 Datacenter V " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008C } ,
{ { 0xc1af4d90 , 0xd1bc , 0x44ca , { 0x85 , 0xd4 , 0x00 , 0x3b , 0xa3 , 0x3d , 0xb3 , 0xb9 , } } /*c1af4d90-d1bc-44ca-85d4-003ba33db3b9*/ , " Windows Server 2008 Enterprise " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008B } ,
{ { 0x8198490a , 0xadd0 , 0x47b2 , { 0xb3 , 0xba , 0x31 , 0x6b , 0x12 , 0xd6 , 0x47 , 0xb4 , } } /*8198490a-add0-47b2-b3ba-316b12d647b4*/ , " Windows Server 2008 Enterprise V " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008B } ,
{ { 0xddfa9f7c , 0xf09e , 0x40b9 , { 0x8c , 0x1a , 0xbe , 0x87 , 0x7a , 0x9a , 0x7f , 0x4b , } } /*ddfa9f7c-f09e-40b9-8c1a-be877a9a7f4b*/ , " Windows Server 2008 Web " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008A } ,
{ { 0x7afb1156 , 0x2c1d , 0x40fc , { 0xb2 , 0x60 , 0xaa , 0xb7 , 0x44 , 0x2b , 0x62 , 0xfe , } } /*7afb1156-2c1d-40fc-b260-aab7442b62fe*/ , " Windows Server 2008 Compute Cluster " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008C } ,
{ { 0x68531fb9 , 0x5511 , 0x4989 , { 0x97 , 0xbe , 0xd1 , 0x1a , 0x0f , 0x55 , 0x63 , 0x3f , } } /*68531fb9-5511-4989-97be-d11a0f55633f*/ , " Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008R2A } ,
{ { 0x7482e61b , 0xc589 , 0x4b7f , { 0x8e , 0xcc , 0x46 , 0xd4 , 0x55 , 0xac , 0x3b , 0x87 , } } /*7482e61b-c589-4b7f-8ecc-46d455ac3b87*/ , " Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008R2C } ,
{ { 0x620e2b3d , 0x09e7 , 0x42fd , { 0x80 , 0x2a , 0x17 , 0xa1 , 0x36 , 0x52 , 0xfe , 0x7a , } } /*620e2b3d-09e7-42fd-802a-17a13652fe7a*/ , " Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008R2B } ,
{ { 0xa78b8bd9 , 0x8017 , 0x4df5 , { 0xb8 , 0x6a , 0x09 , 0xf7 , 0x56 , 0xaf , 0xfa , 0x7c , } } /*a78b8bd9-8017-4df5-b86a-09f756affa7c*/ , " Windows Server 2008 R2 Web " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008R2A } ,
{ { 0xcda18cf3 , 0xc196 , 0x46ad , { 0xb2 , 0x89 , 0x60 , 0xc0 , 0x72 , 0x86 , 0x99 , 0x94 , } } /*cda18cf3-c196-46ad-b289-60c072869994*/ , " Windows Server 2008 R2 Compute Cluster " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2008R2C } ,
{ { 0xd3643d60 , 0x0c42 , 0x412d , { 0xa7 , 0xd6 , 0x52 , 0xe6 , 0x63 , 0x53 , 0x27 , 0xf6 , } } /*d3643d60-0c42-412d-a7d6-52e6635327f6*/ , " Windows Server 2012 Datacenter " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2012 } ,
{ { 0xf0f5ec41 , 0x0d55 , 0x4732 , { 0xaf , 0x02 , 0x44 , 0x0a , 0x44 , 0xa3 , 0xcf , 0x0f , } } /*f0f5ec41-0d55-4732-af02-440a44a3cf0f*/ , " Windows Server 2012 Standard " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2012 } ,
{ { 0x95fd1c83 , 0x7df5 , 0x494a , { 0xbe , 0x8b , 0x13 , 0x00 , 0xe1 , 0xc9 , 0xd1 , 0xcd , } } /*95fd1c83-7df5-494a-be8b-1300e1c9d1cd*/ , " Windows Server 2012 MultiPoint Premium " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2012 } ,
{ { 0x7d5486c7 , 0xe120 , 0x4771 , { 0xb7 , 0xf1 , 0x7b , 0x56 , 0xc6 , 0xd3 , 0x17 , 0x0c , } } /*7d5486c7-e120-4771-b7f1-7b56c6d3170c*/ , " Windows Server 2012 MultiPoint Standard " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2012 } ,
{ { 0x00091344 , 0x1ea4 , 0x4f37 , { 0xb7 , 0x89 , 0x01 , 0x75 , 0x0b , 0xa6 , 0x98 , 0x8c , } } /*00091344-1ea4-4f37-b789-01750ba6988c*/ , " Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2012R2 } ,
{ { 0xb3ca044e , 0xa358 , 0x4d68 , { 0x98 , 0x83 , 0xaa , 0xa2 , 0x94 , 0x1a , 0xca , 0x99 , } } /*b3ca044e-a358-4d68-9883-aaa2941aca99*/ , " Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2012R2 } ,
{ { 0xb743a2be , 0x68d4 , 0x4dd3 , { 0xaf , 0x32 , 0x92 , 0x42 , 0x5b , 0x7b , 0xb6 , 0x23 , } } /*b743a2be-68d4-4dd3-af32-92425b7bb623*/ , " Windows Server 2012 R2 Cloud Storage " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2012R2 } ,
{ { 0x21db6ba4 , 0x9a7b , 0x4a14 , { 0x9e , 0x29 , 0x64 , 0xa6 , 0x0c , 0x59 , 0x30 , 0x1d , } } /*21db6ba4-9a7b-4a14-9e29-64a60c59301d*/ , " Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN2012R2 } ,
{ { 0xba947c44 , 0xd19d , 0x4786 , { 0xb6 , 0xae , 0x22 , 0x77 , 0x0b , 0xc9 , 0x4c , 0x54 , } } /*ba947c44-d19d-4786-b6ae-22770bc94c54*/ , " Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Preview " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN_SRV_BETA } ,
// Windows 10 Preview
{ { 0x6496e59d , 0x89dc , 0x49eb , { 0xa3 , 0x53 , 0x09 , 0xce , 0xb9 , 0x40 , 0x48 , 0x45 , } } /*6496e59d-89dc-49eb-a353-09ceb9404845*/ , " Windows 10 Core Preview " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN_BETA } ,
{ { 0xa4383e6b , 0xdada , 0x423d , { 0xa4 , 0x3d , 0xf2 , 0x56 , 0x78 , 0x42 , 0x96 , 0x76 , } } /*a4383e6b-dada-423d-a43d-f25678429676*/ , " Windows 10 Professional Preview " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN_BETA } ,
{ { 0xcf59a07b , 0x1a2a , 0x4be0 , { 0xbf , 0xe0 , 0x42 , 0x3b , 0x58 , 0x23 , 0xe6 , 0x63 , } } /*cf59a07b-1a2a-4be0-bfe0-423b5823e663*/ , " Windows 10 Professional WMC Preview " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN_BETA } ,
{ { 0xcde952c7 , 0x2f96 , 0x4d9d , { 0x8f , 0x2b , 0x2d , 0x34 , 0x9f , 0x64 , 0xfc , 0x51 , } } /*cde952c7-2f96-4d9d-8f2b-2d349f64fc51*/ , " Windows 10 Enterprise Preview " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN_BETA } ,
# endif
// Windows 10
{ { 0x73111121 , 0x5638 , 0x40f6 , { 0xbc , 0x11 , 0xf1 , 0xd7 , 0xb0 , 0xd6 , 0x43 , 0x00 , } } /*73111121-5638-40f6-bc11-f1d7b0d64300*/ , " Windows 10 Enterprise " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN10_VL } ,
{ { 0xe272e3e2 , 0x732f , 0x4c65 , { 0xa8 , 0xf0 , 0x48 , 0x47 , 0x47 , 0xd0 , 0xd9 , 0x47 , } } /*e272e3e2-732f-4c65-a8f0-484747d0d947*/ , " Windows 10 Enterprise N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN10_VL } ,
{ { 0x7b51a46c , 0x0c04 , 0x4e8f , { 0x9a , 0xf4 , 0x84 , 0x96 , 0xcc , 0xa9 , 0x0d , 0x5e , } } /*7b51a46c-0c04-4e8f-9af4-8496cca90d5e*/ , " Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN10_VL } ,
{ { 0x87b838b7 , 0x41b6 , 0x4590 , { 0x83 , 0x18 , 0x57 , 0x97 , 0x95 , 0x1d , 0x85 , 0x29 , } } /*87b838b7-41b6-4590-8318-5797951d8529*/ , " Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN10_VL } ,
{ { 0xe0c42288 , 0x980c , 0x4788 , { 0xa0 , 0x14 , 0xc0 , 0x80 , 0xd2 , 0xe1 , 0x92 , 0x6e , } } /*e0c42288-980c-4788-a014-c080d2e1926e*/ , " Windows 10 Education " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN10_VL } ,
{ { 0x3c102355 , 0xd027 , 0x42c6 , { 0xad , 0x23 , 0x2e , 0x7e , 0xf8 , 0xa0 , 0x25 , 0x85 , } } /*3c102355-d027-42c6-ad23-2e7ef8a02585*/ , " Windows 10 Education N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN10_VL } ,
{ { 0x2de67392 , 0xb7a7 , 0x462a , { 0xb1 , 0xca , 0x10 , 0x8d , 0xd1 , 0x89 , 0xf5 , 0x88 , } } /*2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588*/ , " Windows 10 Professional " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN10_VL } ,
{ { 0xa80b5abf , 0x75ad , 0x428b , { 0xb0 , 0x5d , 0xa4 , 0x7d , 0x2d , 0xff , 0xee , 0xbf , } } /*a80b5abf-76ad-428b-b05d-a47d2dffeebf*/ , " Windows 10 Professional N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN10_VL } ,
{ { 0x58e97c99 , 0xf377 , 0x4ef1 , { 0x81 , 0xd5 , 0x4a , 0xd5 , 0x52 , 0x2b , 0x5f , 0xd8 , } } /*58e97c99-f377-4ef1-81d5-4ad5522b5fd8*/ , " Windows 10 Home " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN10_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0x7b9e1751 , 0xa8da , 0x4f75 , { 0x95 , 0x60 , 0x5f , 0xad , 0xfe , 0x3d , 0x8e , 0x38 , } } /*7b9e1751-a8da-4f75-9560-5fadfe3d8e38*/ , " Windows 10 Home N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN10_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0xcd918a57 , 0xa41b , 0x4c82 , { 0x8d , 0xce , 0x1a , 0x53 , 0x8e , 0x22 , 0x1a , 0x83 , } } /*cd918a57-a41b-4c82-8dce-1a538e221a83*/ , " Windows 10 Home Single Language " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN10_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0xa9107544 , 0xf4a0 , 0x4053 , { 0xa9 , 0x6a , 0x14 , 0x79 , 0xab , 0xde , 0xf9 , 0x12 , } } /*a9107544-f4a0-4053-a96a-1479abdef912*/ , " Windows 10 Home Country Specific " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN10_RETAIL } ,
// Windows 8.x
{ { 0x2B9C337F , 0x7A1D , 0x4271 , { 0x90 , 0xA3 , 0xC6 , 0x85 , 0x5A , 0x2B , 0x8A , 0x1C , } } /*2B9C337F-7A1D-4271-90A3-C6855A2B8A1C*/ , " Windows 8.x Preview " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN_BETA } ,
{ { 0x631EAD72 , 0xA8AB , 0x4DF8 , { 0xBB , 0xDF , 0x37 , 0x20 , 0x29 , 0x98 , 0x9B , 0xDD , } } /*631EAD72-A8AB-4DF8-BBDF-372029989BDD*/ , " Windows 8.x Preview ARM " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN_BETA } ,
# endif
{ { 0x81671aaf , 0x79d1 , 0x4eb1 , { 0xb0 , 0x04 , 0x8c , 0xbb , 0xe1 , 0x73 , 0xaf , 0xea , } } /*81671aaf-79d1-4eb1-b004-8cbbe173afea*/ , " Windows 8.1 Enterprise " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_VL } ,
{ { 0x113e705c , 0xfa49 , 0x48a4 , { 0xbe , 0xea , 0x7d , 0xd8 , 0x79 , 0xb4 , 0x6b , 0x14 , } } /*113e705c-fa49-48a4-beea-7dd879b46b14*/ , " Windows 8.1 Enterprise N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_VL } ,
{ { 0x096ce63d , 0x4fac , 0x48a9 , { 0x82 , 0xa9 , 0x61 , 0xae , 0x9e , 0x80 , 0x0e , 0x5f , } } /*096ce63d-4fac-48a9-82a9-61ae9e800e5f*/ , " Windows 8.1 Professional WMC " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0xc06b6981 , 0xd7fd , 0x4a35 , { 0xb7 , 0xb4 , 0x05 , 0x47 , 0x42 , 0xb7 , 0xaf , 0x67 , } } /*c06b6981-d7fd-4a35-b7b4-054742b7af67*/ , " Windows 8.1 Professional " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_VL } ,
{ { 0x7476d79f , 0x8e48 , 0x49b4 , { 0xab , 0x63 , 0x4d , 0x0b , 0x81 , 0x3a , 0x16 , 0xe4 , } } /*7476d79f-8e48-49b4-ab63-4d0b813a16e4*/ , " Windows 8.1 Professional N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_VL } ,
{ { 0xfe1c3238 , 0x432a , 0x43a1 , { 0x8e , 0x25 , 0x97 , 0xe7 , 0xd1 , 0xef , 0x10 , 0xf3 , } } /*fe1c3238-432a-43a1-8e25-97e7d1ef10f3*/ , " Windows 8.1 Core " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0x78558a64 , 0xdc19 , 0x43fe , { 0xa0 , 0xd0 , 0x80 , 0x75 , 0xb2 , 0xa3 , 0x70 , 0xa3 , } } /*78558a64-dc19-43fe-a0d0-8075b2a370a3*/ , " Windows 8.1 Core N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0xffee456a , 0xcd87 , 0x4390 , { 0x8e , 0x07 , 0x16 , 0x14 , 0x6c , 0x67 , 0x2f , 0xd0 , } } /*ffee456a-cd87-4390-8e07-16146c672fd0*/ , " Windows 8.1 Core ARM " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0xc72c6a1d , 0xf252 , 0x4e7e , { 0xbd , 0xd1 , 0x3f , 0xca , 0x34 , 0x2a , 0xcb , 0x35 , } } /*c72c6a1d-f252-4e7e-bdd1-3fca342acb35*/ , " Windows 8.1 Core Single Language " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0xdb78b74f , 0xef1c , 0x4892 , { 0xab , 0xfe , 0x1e , 0x66 , 0xb8 , 0x23 , 0x1d , 0xf6 , } } /*db78b74f-ef1c-4892-abfe-1e66b8231df6*/ , " Windows 8.1 Core Country Specific " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0xe9942b32 , 0x2e55 , 0x4197 , { 0xb0 , 0xbd , 0x5f , 0xf5 , 0x8c , 0xba , 0x88 , 0x60 , } } /*e9942b32-2e55-4197-b0bd-5ff58cba8860*/ , " Windows 8.1 Core Connected " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_VL } ,
{ { 0xc6ddecd6 , 0x2354 , 0x4c19 , { 0x90 , 0x9b , 0x30 , 0x6a , 0x30 , 0x58 , 0x48 , 0x4e , } } /*c6ddecd6-2354-4c19-909b-306a3058484e*/ , " Windows 8.1 Core Connected N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_VL } ,
{ { 0xb8f5e3a3 , 0xed33 , 0x4608 , { 0x81 , 0xe1 , 0x37 , 0xd6 , 0xc9 , 0xdc , 0xfd , 0x9c , } } /*b8f5e3a3-ed33-4608-81e1-37d6c9dcfd9c*/ , " Windows 8.1 Core Connected Single Language " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_VL } ,
{ { 0xba998212 , 0x460a , 0x44db , { 0xbf , 0xb5 , 0x71 , 0xbf , 0x09 , 0xd1 , 0xc6 , 0x8b , } } /*ba998212-460a-44db-bfb5-71bf09d1c68b*/ , " Windows 8.1 Core Connected Country Specific " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_VL } ,
{ { 0xe58d87b5 , 0x8126 , 0x4580 , { 0x80 , 0xfb , 0x86 , 0x1b , 0x22 , 0xf7 , 0x92 , 0x96 , } } /*e58d87b5-8126-4580-80fb-861b22f79296*/ , " Windows 8.1 Professional Student " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0xcab491c7 , 0xa918 , 0x4f60 , { 0xb5 , 0x02 , 0xda , 0xb7 , 0x5e , 0x33 , 0x4f , 0x40 , } } /*cab491c7-a918-4f60-b502-dab75e334f40*/ , " Windows 8.1 Professional Student N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0xa00018a3 , 0xf20f , 0x4632 , { 0xbf , 0x7c , 0x8d , 0xaa , 0x53 , 0x51 , 0xc9 , 0x14 , } } /*a00018a3-f20f-4632-bf7c-8daa5351c914*/ , " Windows 8 Professional WMC " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN8_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0xa98bcd6d , 0x5343 , 0x4603 , { 0x8a , 0xfe , 0x59 , 0x08 , 0xe4 , 0x61 , 0x11 , 0x12 , } } /*a98bcd6d-5343-4603-8afe-5908e4611112*/ , " Windows 8 Professional " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN8_VL } ,
{ { 0xebf245c1 , 0x29a8 , 0x4daf , { 0x9c , 0xb1 , 0x38 , 0xdf , 0xc6 , 0x08 , 0xa8 , 0xc8 , } } /*ebf245c1-29a8-4daf-9cb1-38dfc608a8c8*/ , " Windows 8 Professional N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN8_VL } ,
{ { 0x458e1bec , 0x837a , 0x45f6 , { 0xb9 , 0xd5 , 0x92 , 0x5e , 0xd5 , 0xd2 , 0x99 , 0xde , } } /*458e1bec-837a-45f6-b9d5-925ed5d299de*/ , " Windows 8 Enterprise " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN8_VL } ,
{ { 0xe14997e7 , 0x800a , 0x4cf7 , { 0xad , 0x10 , 0xde , 0x4b , 0x45 , 0xb5 , 0x78 , 0xdb , } } /*e14997e7-800a-4cf7-ad10-de4b45b578db*/ , " Windows 8 Enterprise N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN8_VL } ,
{ { 0xc04ed6bf , 0x55c8 , 0x4b47 , { 0x9f , 0x8e , 0x5a , 0x1f , 0x31 , 0xce , 0xee , 0x60 , } } /*c04ed6bf-55c8-4b47-9f8e-5a1f31ceee60*/ , " Windows 8 Core " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN8_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0x197390a0 , 0x65f6 , 0x4a95 , { 0xbd , 0xc4 , 0x55 , 0xd5 , 0x8a , 0x3b , 0x02 , 0x53 , } } /*197390a0-65f6-4a95-bdc4-55d58a3b0253*/ , " Windows 8 Core N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN8_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0x9d5584a2 , 0x2d85 , 0x419a , { 0x98 , 0x2c , 0xa0 , 0x08 , 0x88 , 0xbb , 0x9d , 0xdf , } } /*9d5584a2-2d85-419a-982c-a00888bb9ddf*/ , " Windows 8 Core Country Specific " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN8_RETAIL } ,
{ { 0x8860fcd4 , 0xa77b , 0x4a20 , { 0x90 , 0x45 , 0xa1 , 0x50 , 0xff , 0x11 , 0xd6 , 0x09 , } } /*8860fcd4-a77b-4a20-9045-a150ff11d609*/ , " Windows 8 Core Single Language " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN8_RETAIL } ,
// Windows 7
{ { 0xae2ee509 , 0x1b34 , 0x41c0 , { 0xac , 0xb7 , 0x6d , 0x46 , 0x50 , 0x16 , 0x89 , 0x15 , } } /*ae2ee509-1b34-41c0-acb7-6d4650168915*/ , " Windows 7 Enterprise " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN7 } ,
{ { 0x1cb6d605 , 0x11b3 , 0x4e14 , { 0xbb , 0x30 , 0xda , 0x91 , 0xc8 , 0xe3 , 0x98 , 0x3a , } } /*1cb6d605-11b3-4e14-bb30-da91c8e3983a*/ , " Windows 7 Enterprise N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN7 } ,
{ { 0xb92e9980 , 0xb9d5 , 0x4821 , { 0x9c , 0x94 , 0x14 , 0x0f , 0x63 , 0x2f , 0x63 , 0x12 , } } /*b92e9980-b9d5-4821-9c94-140f632f6312*/ , " Windows 7 Professional " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN7 } ,
{ { 0x54a09a0d , 0xd57b , 0x4c10 , { 0x8b , 0x69 , 0xa8 , 0x42 , 0xd6 , 0x59 , 0x0a , 0xd5 , } } /*54a09a0d-d57b-4c10-8b69-a842d6590ad5*/ , " Windows 7 Professional N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN7 } ,
// Windows Vista
{ { 0xcfd8ff08 , 0xc0d7 , 0x452b , { 0x9f , 0x60 , 0xef , 0x5c , 0x70 , 0xc3 , 0x20 , 0x94 , } } /*cfd8ff08-c0d7-452b-9f60-ef5c70c32094*/ , " Windows Vista Enterprise " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_VISTA } ,
{ { 0xd4f54950 , 0x26f2 , 0x4fb4 , { 0xba , 0x21 , 0xff , 0xab , 0x16 , 0xaf , 0xca , 0xde , } } /*d4f54950-26f2-4fb4-ba21-ffab16afcade*/ , " Windows Vista Enterprise N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_VISTA } ,
{ { 0x4f3d1606 , 0x3fea , 0x4c01 , { 0xbe , 0x3c , 0x8d , 0x67 , 0x1c , 0x40 , 0x1e , 0x3b , } } /*4f3d1606-3fea-4c01-be3c-8d671c401e3b*/ , " Windows Vista Business " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_VISTA } ,
{ { 0x2c682dc2 , 0x8b68 , 0x4f63 , { 0xa1 , 0x65 , 0xae , 0x29 , 0x1d , 0x4c , 0xf1 , 0x38 , } } /*2c682dc2-8b68-4f63-a165-ae291d4cf138*/ , " Windows Vista Business N " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_VISTA } ,
// Windows Embedded
{ { 0xaa6dd3aa , 0xc2b4 , 0x40e2 , { 0xa5 , 0x44 , 0xa6 , 0xbb , 0xb3 , 0xf5 , 0xc3 , 0x95 , } } /*aa6dd3aa-c2b4-40e2-a544-a6bbb3f5c395*/ , " Windows ThinPC " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN7 } ,
{ { 0xdb537896 , 0x376f , 0x48ae , { 0xa4 , 0x92 , 0x53 , 0xd0 , 0x54 , 0x77 , 0x73 , 0xd0 , } } /*db537896-376f-48ae-a492-53d0547773d0*/ , " Windows Embedded POSReady 7 " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN7 } ,
{ { 0x0ab82d54 , 0x47f4 , 0x4acb , { 0x81 , 0x8c , 0xcc , 0x5b , 0xf0 , 0xec , 0xb6 , 0x49 , } } /*0ab82d54-47f4-4acb-818c-cc5bf0ecb649*/ , " Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_VL } ,
{ { 0xcd4e2d9f , 0x5059 , 0x4a50 , { 0xa9 , 0x2d , 0x05 , 0xd5 , 0xbb , 0x12 , 0x67 , 0xc7 , } } /*cd4e2d9f-5059-4a50-a92d-05d5bb1267c7*/ , " Windows Embedded Industry E 8.1 " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_VL } ,
{ { 0xf7e88590 , 0xdfc7 , 0x4c78 , { 0xbc , 0xcb , 0x6f , 0x38 , 0x65 , 0xb9 , 0x9d , 0x1a , } } /*f7e88590-dfc7-4c78-bccb-6f3865b99d1a*/ , " Windows Embedded Industry A 8.1 " , EPID_WINDOWS , APP_ID_WINDOWS , KMS_ID_WIN81_VL } ,
// Office 2010
{ { 0x8ce7e872 , 0x188c , 0x4b98 , { 0x9d , 0x90 , 0xf8 , 0xf9 , 0x0b , 0x7a , 0xad , 0x02 , } } /*8ce7e872-188c-4b98-9d90-f8f90b7aad02*/ , " Office Access 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0xcee5d470 , 0x6e3b , 0x4fcc , { 0x8c , 0x2b , 0xd1 , 0x74 , 0x28 , 0x56 , 0x8a , 0x9f , } } /*cee5d470-6e3b-4fcc-8c2b-d17428568a9f*/ , " Office Excel 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0x8947d0b8 , 0xc33b , 0x43e1 , { 0x8c , 0x56 , 0x9b , 0x67 , 0x4c , 0x05 , 0x28 , 0x32 , } } /*8947d0b8-c33b-43e1-8c56-9b674c052832*/ , " Office Groove 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0xca6b6639 , 0x4ad6 , 0x40ae , { 0xa5 , 0x75 , 0x14 , 0xde , 0xe0 , 0x7f , 0x64 , 0x30 , } } /*ca6b6639-4ad6-40ae-a575-14dee07f6430*/ , " Office InfoPath 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0x09ed9640 , 0xf020 , 0x400a , { 0xac , 0xd8 , 0xd7 , 0xd8 , 0x67 , 0xdf , 0xd9 , 0xc2 , } } /*09ed9640-f020-400a-acd8-d7d867dfd9c2*/ , " Office Mondo 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0xef3d4e49 , 0xa53d , 0x4d81 , { 0xa2 , 0xb1 , 0x2c , 0xa6 , 0xc2 , 0x55 , 0x6b , 0x2c , } } /*ef3d4e49-a53d-4d81-a2b1-2ca6c2556b2c*/ , " Office Mondo 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0xab586f5c , 0x5256 , 0x4632 , { 0x96 , 0x2f , 0xfe , 0xfd , 0x8b , 0x49 , 0xe6 , 0xf4 , } } /*ab586f5c-5256-4632-962f-fefd8b49e6f4*/ , " Office OneNote 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0xecb7c192 , 0x73ab , 0x4ded , { 0xac , 0xf4 , 0x23 , 0x99 , 0xb0 , 0x95 , 0xd0 , 0xcc , } } /*ecb7c192-73ab-4ded-acf4-2399b095d0cc*/ , " Office OutLook 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0x45593b1d , 0xdfb1 , 0x4e91 , { 0xbb , 0xfb , 0x2d , 0x5d , 0x0c , 0xe2 , 0x22 , 0x7a , } } /*45593b1d-dfb1-4e91-bbfb-2d5d0ce2227a*/ , " Office PowerPoint 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0xdf133ff7 , 0xbf14 , 0x4f95 , { 0xaf , 0xe3 , 0x7b , 0x48 , 0xe7 , 0xe3 , 0x31 , 0xef , } } /*df133ff7-bf14-4f95-afe3-7b48e7e331ef*/ , " Office Project Pro 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0x5dc7bf61 , 0x5ec9 , 0x4996 , { 0x9c , 0xcb , 0xdf , 0x80 , 0x6a , 0x2d , 0x0e , 0xfe , } } /*5dc7bf61-5ec9-4996-9ccb-df806a2d0efe*/ , " Office Project Standard 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0xb50c4f75 , 0x599b , 0x43e8 , { 0x8d , 0xcd , 0x10 , 0x81 , 0xa7 , 0x96 , 0x72 , 0x41 , } } /*b50c4f75-599b-43e8-8dcd-1081a7967241*/ , " Office Publisher 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0x92236105 , 0xbb67 , 0x494f , { 0x94 , 0xc7 , 0x7f , 0x7a , 0x60 , 0x79 , 0x29 , 0xbd , } } /*92236105-bb67-494f-94c7-7f7a607929bd*/ , " Office Visio Premium 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0xe558389c , 0x83c3 , 0x4b29 , { 0xad , 0xfe , 0x5e , 0x4d , 0x7f , 0x46 , 0xc3 , 0x58 , } } /*e558389c-83c3-4b29-adfe-5e4d7f46c358*/ , " Office Visio Pro 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0x9ed833ff , 0x4f92 , 0x4f36 , { 0xb3 , 0x70 , 0x86 , 0x83 , 0xa4 , 0xf1 , 0x32 , 0x75 , } } /*9ed833ff-4f92-4f36-b370-8683a4f13275*/ , " Office Visio Standard 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0x2d0882e7 , 0xa4e7 , 0x423b , { 0x8c , 0xcc , 0x70 , 0xd9 , 0x1e , 0x01 , 0x58 , 0xb1 , } } /*2d0882e7-a4e7-423b-8ccc-70d91e0158b1*/ , " Office Word 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0x6f327760 , 0x8c5c , 0x417c , { 0x9b , 0x61 , 0x83 , 0x6a , 0x98 , 0x28 , 0x7e , 0x0c , } } /*6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c*/ , " Office Professional Plus 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0x9da2a678 , 0xfb6b , 0x4e67 , { 0xab , 0x84 , 0x60 , 0xdd , 0x6a , 0x9c , 0x81 , 0x9a , } } /*9da2a678-fb6b-4e67-ab84-60dd6a9c819a*/ , " Office Standard 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
{ { 0xea509e87 , 0x07a1 , 0x4a45 , { 0x9e , 0xdc , 0xeb , 0xa5 , 0xa3 , 0x9f , 0x36 , 0xaf , } } /*ea509e87-07a1-4a45-9edc-eba5a39f36af*/ , " Office Small Business Basics 2010 " , EPID_OFFICE2010 , APP_ID_OFFICE2010 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2010 } ,
// Office 2013
{ { 0x6ee7622c , 0x18d8 , 0x4005 , { 0x9f , 0xb7 , 0x92 , 0xdb , 0x64 , 0x4a , 0x27 , 0x9b , } } /*6ee7622c-18d8-4005-9fb7-92db644a279b*/ , " Office Access 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0xf7461d52 , 0x7c2b , 0x43b2 , { 0x87 , 0x44 , 0xea , 0x95 , 0x8e , 0x0b , 0xd0 , 0x9a , } } /*f7461d52-7c2b-43b2-8744-ea958e0bd09a*/ , " Office Excel 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0xa30b8040 , 0xd68a , 0x423f , { 0xb0 , 0xb5 , 0x9c , 0xe2 , 0x92 , 0xea , 0x5a , 0x8f , } } /*a30b8040-d68a-423f-b0b5-9ce292ea5a8f*/ , " Office InfoPath 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0x1b9f11e3 , 0xc85c , 0x4e1b , { 0xbb , 0x29 , 0x87 , 0x9a , 0xd2 , 0xc9 , 0x09 , 0xe3 , } } /*1b9f11e3-c85c-4e1b-bb29-879ad2c909e3*/ , " Office Lync 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0xdc981c6b , 0xfc8e , 0x420f , { 0xaa , 0x43 , 0xf8 , 0xf3 , 0x3e , 0x5c , 0x09 , 0x23 , } } /*dc981c6b-fc8e-420f-aa43-f8f33e5c0923*/ , " Office Mondo 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0xefe1f3e6 , 0xaea2 , 0x4144 , { 0xa2 , 0x08 , 0x32 , 0xaa , 0x87 , 0x2b , 0x65 , 0x45 , } } /*efe1f3e6-aea2-4144-a208-32aa872b6545*/ , " Office OneNote 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0x771c3afa , 0x50c5 , 0x443f , { 0xb1 , 0x51 , 0xff , 0x25 , 0x46 , 0xd8 , 0x63 , 0xa0 , } } /*771c3afa-50c5-443f-b151-ff2546d863a0*/ , " Office OutLook 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0x8c762649 , 0x97d1 , 0x4953 , { 0xad , 0x27 , 0xb7 , 0xe2 , 0xc2 , 0x5b , 0x97 , 0x2e , } } /*8c762649-97d1-4953-ad27-b7e2c25b972e*/ , " Office PowerPoint 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0x4a5d124a , 0xe620 , 0x44ba , { 0xb6 , 0xff , 0x65 , 0x89 , 0x61 , 0xb3 , 0x3b , 0x9a , } } /*4a5d124a-e620-44ba-b6ff-658961b33b9a*/ , " Office Project Pro 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0x427a28d1 , 0xd17c , 0x4abf , { 0xb7 , 0x17 , 0x32 , 0xc7 , 0x80 , 0xba , 0x6f , 0x07 , } } /*427a28d1-d17c-4abf-b717-32c780ba6f07*/ , " Office Project Standard 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0x00c79ff1 , 0x6850 , 0x443d , { 0xbf , 0x61 , 0x71 , 0xcd , 0xe0 , 0xde , 0x30 , 0x5f , } } /*00c79ff1-6850-443d-bf61-71cde0de305f*/ , " Office Publisher 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0xac4efaf0 , 0xf81f , 0x4f61 , { 0xbd , 0xf7 , 0xea , 0x32 , 0xb0 , 0x2a , 0xb1 , 0x17 , } } /*ac4efaf0-f81f-4f61-bdf7-ea32b02ab117*/ , " Office Visio Standard 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0xe13ac10e , 0x75d0 , 0x4aff , { 0xa0 , 0xcd , 0x76 , 0x49 , 0x82 , 0xcf , 0x54 , 0x1c , } } /*e13ac10e-75d0-4aff-a0cd-764982cf541c*/ , " Office Visio Pro 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0xd9f5b1c6 , 0x5386 , 0x495a , { 0x88 , 0xf9 , 0x9a , 0xd6 , 0xb4 , 0x1a , 0xc9 , 0xb3 , } } /*d9f5b1c6-5386-495a-88f9-9ad6b41ac9b3*/ , " Office Word 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0xb322da9c , 0xa2e2 , 0x4058 , { 0x9e , 0x4e , 0xf5 , 0x9a , 0x69 , 0x70 , 0xbd , 0x69 , } } /*b322da9c-a2e2-4058-9e4e-f59a6970bd69*/ , " Office Professional Plus 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
{ { 0xb13afb38 , 0xcd79 , 0x4ae5 , { 0x9f , 0x7f , 0xee , 0xd0 , 0x58 , 0xd7 , 0x50 , 0xca , } } /*b13afb38-cd79-4ae5-9f7f-eed058d750ca*/ , " Office Standard 2013 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2013 } ,
// Office 2016
{ { 0xd450596f , 0x894d , 0x49e0 , { 0x96 , 0x6a , 0xfd , 0x39 , 0xed , 0x4c , 0x4c , 0x64 , } } /*d450596f-894d-49e0-966a-fd39ed4c4c64*/ , " Office Professional Plus 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0x4f414197 , 0x0fc2 , 0x4c01 , { 0xb6 , 0x8a , 0x86 , 0xcb , 0xb9 , 0xac , 0x25 , 0x4c , } } /*4f414197-0fc2-4c01-b68a-86cbb9ac254c*/ , " Office Project Pro 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0x6bf301c1 , 0xb94a , 0x43e9 , { 0xba , 0x31 , 0xd4 , 0x94 , 0x59 , 0x8c , 0x47 , 0xfb , } } /*6bf301c1-b94a-43e9-ba31-d494598c47fb*/ , " Office Visio Pro 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0x041a06cb , 0xc5b8 , 0x4772 , { 0x80 , 0x9f , 0x41 , 0x6d , 0x03 , 0xd1 , 0x66 , 0x54 , } } /*041a06cb-c5b8-4772-809f-416d03d16654*/ , " Office Publisher 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0x67c0fc0c , 0xdeba , 0x401b , { 0xbf , 0x8b , 0x9c , 0x8a , 0xd8 , 0x39 , 0x58 , 0x04 , } } /*67c0fc0c-deba-401b-bf8b-9c8ad8395804*/ , " Office Access 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0x83e04ee1 , 0xfa8d , 0x436d , { 0x89 , 0x94 , 0xd3 , 0x1a , 0x86 , 0x2c , 0xab , 0x77 , } } /*83e04ee1-fa8d-436d-8994-d31a862cab77*/ , " Office Skype for Business 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0x9caabccb , 0x61b1 , 0x4b4b , { 0x8b , 0xec , 0xd1 , 0x0a , 0x3c , 0x3a , 0xc2 , 0xce , } } /*9caabccb-61b1-4b4b-8bec-d10a3c3ac2ce*/ , " Office Mondo 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0xaa2a7821 , 0x1827 , 0x4c2c , { 0x8f , 0x1d , 0x45 , 0x13 , 0xa3 , 0x4d , 0xda , 0x97 , } } /*aa2a7821-1827-4c2c-8f1d-4513a34dda97*/ , " Office Visio Standard 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0xbb11badf , 0xd8aa , 0x470e , { 0x93 , 0x11 , 0x20 , 0xea , 0xf8 , 0x0f , 0xe5 , 0xcc , } } /*bb11badf-d8aa-470e-9311-20eaf80fe5cc*/ , " Office Word 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0xc3e65d36 , 0x141f , 0x4d2f , { 0xa3 , 0x03 , 0xa8 , 0x42 , 0xee , 0x75 , 0x6a , 0x29 , } } /*c3e65d36-141f-4d2f-a303-a842ee756a29*/ , " Office Excel 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0xd70b1bba , 0xb893 , 0x4544 , { 0x96 , 0xe2 , 0xb7 , 0xa3 , 0x18 , 0x09 , 0x1c , 0x33 , } } /*d70b1bba-b893-4544-96e2-b7a318091c33*/ , " Office Powerpoint 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0xd8cace59 , 0x33d2 , 0x4ac7 , { 0x9b , 0x1b , 0x9b , 0x72 , 0x33 , 0x9c , 0x51 , 0xc8 , } } /*d8cace59-33d2-4ac7-9b1b-9b72339c51c8*/ , " Office OneNote 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0xda7ddabc , 0x3fbe , 0x4447 , { 0x9e , 0x01 , 0x6a , 0xb7 , 0x44 , 0x0b , 0x4c , 0xd4 , } } /*da7ddabc-3fbe-4447-9e01-6ab7440b4cd4*/ , " Office Project Standard 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0xdedfa23d , 0x6ed1 , 0x45a6 , { 0x85 , 0xdc , 0x63 , 0xca , 0xe0 , 0x54 , 0x6d , 0xe6 , } } /*dedfa23d-6ed1-45a6-85dc-63cae0546de6*/ , " Office Standard 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0xe914ea6e , 0xa5fa , 0x4439 , { 0xa3 , 0x94 , 0xa9 , 0xbb , 0x32 , 0x93 , 0xca , 0x09 , } } /*e914ea6e-a5fa-4439-a394-a9bb3293ca09*/ , " Office Mondo R 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
{ { 0xec9d9265 , 0x9d1e , 0x4ed0 , { 0x83 , 0x8a , 0xcd , 0xc2 , 0x0f , 0x25 , 0x51 , 0xa1 , } } /*ec9d9265-9d1e-4ed0-838a-cdc20f2551a1*/ , " Office Outlook 2016 " , EPID_OFFICE2013 , APP_ID_OFFICE2013 , KMS_ID_OFFICE2016 } ,
// End marker (necessity should be removed when time permits)
{ { 0x00000000 , 0x0000 , 0x0000 , { 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 } } , NULL , NULL , 0 , 0 }
} ;
// necessary because other .c files cannot access _countof()
__pure ProdListIndex_t getExtendedProductListSize ( void )
return _countof ( ExtendedProductList ) - 1 ;
__pure ProdListIndex_t getAppListSize ( void )
return _countof ( AppList ) ;
# endif
// HostType and OSBuild
static const struct KMSHostOS { uint16_t Type ; uint16_t Build ; } HostOS [ ] =
{ 55041 , 6002 } , // Windows Server 2008 SP2
{ 55041 , 7601 } , // Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
{ 5426 , 9200 } , // Windows Server 2012
{ 6401 , 9600 } , // Windows Server 2012 R2
{ 3612 , 10240 } , // Windows Server 2016
} ;
// GroupID and PIDRange
static const struct PKEYCONFIG { uint16_t GroupID ; uint32_t RangeMin ; uint32_t RangeMax ; } pkeyconfig [ ] = {
{ 206 , 152000000 , 191999999 } , // Windows Server 2012 KMS Host pkeyconfig
{ 206 , 271000000 , 310999999 } , // Windows Server 2012 R2 KMS Host pkeyconfig
{ 96 , 199000000 , 217999999 } , // Office2010 KMS Host pkeyconfig
{ 206 , 234000000 , 255999999 } , // Office2013 KMS Host pkeyconfig
} ;
// Valid language identifiers to be used in the ePID
static const uint16_t LcidList [ ] = {
1078 , 1052 , 1025 , 2049 , 3073 , 4097 , 5121 , 6145 , 7169 , 8193 , 9217 , 10241 , 11265 , 12289 , 13313 , 14337 , 15361 , 16385 ,
1067 , 1068 , 2092 , 1069 , 1059 , 1093 , 5146 , 1026 , 1027 , 1028 , 2052 , 3076 , 4100 , 5124 , 1050 , 4122 , 1029 , 1030 , 1125 , 1043 , 2067 ,
1033 , 2057 , 3081 , 4105 , 5129 , 6153 , 7177 , 8201 , 9225 , 10249 , 11273 , 12297 , 13321 , 1061 , 1080 , 1065 , 1035 , 1036 , 2060 ,
3084 , 4108 , 5132 , 6156 , 1079 , 1110 , 1031 , 2055 , 3079 , 4103 , 5127 , 1032 , 1095 , 1037 , 1081 , 1038 , 1039 , 1057 , 1040 , 2064 , 1041 , 1099 ,
1087 , 1111 , 1042 , 1088 , 1062 , 1063 , 1071 , 1086 , 2110 , 1100 , 1082 , 1153 , 1102 , 1104 , 1044 , 2068 , 1045 , 1046 , 2070 ,
1094 , 1131 , 2155 , 3179 , 1048 , 1049 , 9275 , 4155 , 5179 , 3131 , 1083 , 2107 , 8251 , 6203 , 7227 , 1103 , 2074 , 6170 , 3098 ,
7194 , 1051 , 1060 , 1034 , 2058 , 3082 , 4106 , 5130 , 6154 , 7178 , 8202 , 9226 , 10250 , 11274 , 12298 , 13322 , 14346 , 15370 , 16394 ,
17418 , 18442 , 19466 , 20490 , 1089 , 1053 , 2077 , 1114 , 1097 , 1092 , 1098 , 1054 , 1074 , 1058 , 1056 , 1091 , 2115 , 1066 , 1106 , 1076 , 1077
} ;
# ifdef _PEDANTIC
uint16_t IsValidLcid ( const uint16_t Lcid )
uint16_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < _countof ( LcidList ) ; i + + )
if ( Lcid = = LcidList [ i ] ) return Lcid ;
return 0 ;
# endif // _PEDANTIC
# endif // NO_RANDOM_EPID
// Unix time is seconds from 1970-01-01. Should be 64 bits to avoid Year 2035 overflow bug.
// FILETIME is 100 nanoseconds from 1601-01-01. Must be 64 bits.
void getUnixTimeAsFileTime ( FILETIME * const ts )
int64_t unixtime = ( int64_t ) time ( NULL ) ;
int64_t * filetime = ( int64_t * ) ts ;
* filetime = LE64 ( ( unixtime + 11644473600LL ) * 10000000LL ) ;
__pure int64_t fileTimeToUnixTime ( const FILETIME * const ts )
return LE64 ( * ( ( const int64_t * const ) ts ) ) / 10000000LL - 11644473600LL ;
* Get ' s a product name with a GUID in host - endian order .
* List can be any list defined above .
const char * getProductNameHE ( const GUID * const guid , const KmsIdList * const List , ProdListIndex_t * const i )
for ( * i = 0 ; List [ * i ] . name ! = NULL ; ( * i ) + + )
if ( IsEqualGUID ( guid , & List [ * i ] . guid ) )
return List [ * i ] . name ;
return " Unknown " ;
* same as getProductnameHE except GUID is in little - endian ( network ) order
const char * getProductNameLE ( const GUID * const guid , const KmsIdList * const List , ProdListIndex_t * const i )
LEGUID ( & HeGUID , guid ) ;
return getProductNameHE ( & HeGUID , List , i ) ;
# else
return getProductNameHE ( guid , List , i ) ;
# endif
// formats an int with a fixed number of digits with leading zeros (helper for ePID generation)
static char * itoc ( char * const c , const int i , uint_fast8_t digits )
char formatString [ 8 ] ;
if ( digits > 9 ) digits = 0 ;
strcpy ( formatString , " % " ) ;
if ( digits )
formatString [ 1 ] = ' 0 ' ;
formatString [ 2 ] = digits | 0x30 ;
formatString [ 3 ] = 0 ;
strcat ( formatString , " u " ) ;
sprintf ( c , formatString , i ) ;
return c ;
static int getRandomServerType ( )
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
if ( ! UseRpcBTFN )
# endif // USE_MSRPC
// This isn't possible at all, e.g. KMS host on XP
return rand ( ) % ( int ) _countof ( HostOS ) ;
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
// return 9200/9600/10240 if NDR64 is in use, otherwise 6002/7601
if ( UseRpcNDR64 ) return ( rand ( ) % 3 ) + 2 ;
return ( rand ( ) % 2 ) ;
# endif // USE_MSRPC
* Generates a random ePID
static void generateRandomPid ( const int index , char * const szPid , int serverType , int16_t lang )
int clientApp ;
char numberBuffer [ 12 ] ;
if ( serverType < 0 | | serverType > = ( int ) _countof ( HostOS ) )
serverType = getRandomServerType ( ) ;
strcpy ( szPid , itoc ( numberBuffer , HostOS [ serverType ] . Type , 5 ) ) ;
strcat ( szPid , " - " ) ;
if ( index = = 2 )
clientApp = 3 ;
else if ( index = = 1 )
clientApp = 2 ;
clientApp = serverType = = 3 /*change if HostOS changes*/ ? 1 : 0 ;
strcat ( szPid , itoc ( numberBuffer , pkeyconfig [ clientApp ] . GroupID , 5 ) ) ;
strcat ( szPid , " - " ) ;
int keyId = ( rand32 ( ) % ( pkeyconfig [ clientApp ] . RangeMax - pkeyconfig [ clientApp ] . RangeMin ) ) + pkeyconfig [ clientApp ] . RangeMin ;
strcat ( szPid , itoc ( numberBuffer , keyId / 1000000 , 3 ) ) ;
strcat ( szPid , " - " ) ;
strcat ( szPid , itoc ( numberBuffer , keyId % 1000000 , 6 ) ) ;
strcat ( szPid , " -03- " ) ;
if ( lang < 0 ) lang = LcidList [ rand ( ) % _countof ( LcidList ) ] ;
strcat ( szPid , itoc ( numberBuffer , lang , 0 ) ) ;
strcat ( szPid , " - " ) ;
strcat ( szPid , itoc ( numberBuffer , HostOS [ serverType ] . Build , 0 ) ) ;
strcat ( szPid , " .0000- " ) ;
# define minTime ((time_t)1436958000) // Release Date Windows 10 RTM Escrow
time_t maxTime , kmsTime ;
time ( & maxTime ) ;
if ( maxTime < minTime ) // Just in case the system time is < 07/15/2015 1:00 pm
maxTime = ( time_t ) BUILD_TIME ;
kmsTime = ( rand32 ( ) % ( maxTime - minTime ) ) + minTime ;
# undef minTime
struct tm * pidTime ;
pidTime = gmtime ( & kmsTime ) ;
strcat ( szPid , itoc ( numberBuffer , pidTime - > tm_yday , 3 ) ) ;
strcat ( szPid , itoc ( numberBuffer , pidTime - > tm_year + 1900 , 4 ) ) ;
* Generates random ePIDs and stores them if not already read from ini file .
* For use with randomization level 1
void randomPidInit ( )
ProdListIndex_t i ;
int serverType = getRandomServerType ( ) ;
int16_t lang = Lcid ? Lcid : LcidList [ rand ( ) % _countof ( LcidList ) ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < _countof ( AppList ) - 1 ; i + + )
if ( KmsResponseParameters [ i ] . Epid ) continue ;
char Epid [ PID_BUFFER_SIZE ] ;
generateRandomPid ( i , Epid , serverType , lang ) ;
KmsResponseParameters [ i ] . Epid = ( const char * ) vlmcsd_malloc ( strlen ( Epid ) + 1 ) ;
strcpy ( ( char * ) KmsResponseParameters [ i ] . Epid , Epid ) ;
# ifndef NO_LOG
KmsResponseParameters [ i ] . EpidSource = " randomized at program start " ;
# endif // NO_LOG
# endif // NO_RANDOM_EPID
# ifndef NO_LOG
* Logs a Request
static void logRequest ( const REQUEST * const baseRequest )
const char * productName ;
char clientname [ 64 ] ;
ProdListIndex_t index ;
productName = getProductNameLE ( & baseRequest - > ActID , ExtendedProductList , & index ) ;
if ( + + index > = ( int ) _countof ( ExtendedProductList ) )
productName = getProductNameLE ( & baseRequest - > KMSID , ProductList , & index ) ;
if ( + + index > = ( int ) _countof ( ProductList ) )
productName = getProductNameLE ( & baseRequest - > AppID , AppList , & index ) ;
if ( logverbose )
logger ( " <<< Incoming KMS request \n " ) ;
logRequestVerbose ( baseRequest , & logger ) ;
# endif // NO_VERBOSE_LOG
ucs2_to_utf8 ( baseRequest - > WorkstationName , clientname , 64 , 64 ) ;
logger ( " KMS v%i.%i request from %s for %s \n " , LE16 ( baseRequest - > MajorVer ) , LE16 ( baseRequest - > MinorVer ) , clientname , productName ) ;
# endif // NO_VERBOSE_LOG
# endif // NO_LOG
* Converts a utf - 8 ePID string to UCS - 2 and writes it to a RESPONSE struct
static void getEpidFromString ( RESPONSE * const Response , const char * const pid )
size_t length = utf8_to_ucs2 ( Response - > KmsPID , pid , PID_BUFFER_SIZE , PID_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 ) ;
Response - > PIDSize = LE32 ( ( ( unsigned int ) length + 1 ) < < 1 ) ;
* get ePID from appropriate source
static void getEpid ( RESPONSE * const baseResponse , const char * * EpidSource , const ProdListIndex_t index , BYTE * const HwId )
const char * pid ;
if ( KmsResponseParameters [ index ] . Epid = = NULL )
if ( RandomizationLevel = = 2 )
char szPid [ PID_BUFFER_SIZE ] ;
generateRandomPid ( index , szPid , - 1 , Lcid ? Lcid : - 1 ) ;
pid = szPid ;
# ifndef NO_LOG
* EpidSource = " randomized on every request " ;
# endif // NO_LOG
# endif // NO_RANDOM_EPID
pid = AppList [ index ] . pid ;
# ifndef NO_LOG
* EpidSource = " vlmcsd default " ;
# endif // NO_LOG
pid = KmsResponseParameters [ index ] . Epid ;
if ( HwId & & KmsResponseParameters [ index ] . HwId ! = NULL )
memcpy ( HwId , KmsResponseParameters [ index ] . HwId , sizeof ( ( ( RESPONSE_V6 * ) 0 ) - > HwId ) ) ;
# ifndef NO_LOG
* EpidSource = KmsResponseParameters [ index ] . EpidSource ;
# endif // NO_LOG
getEpidFromString ( baseResponse , pid ) ;
# if !defined(NO_LOG) && defined(_PEDANTIC)
static BOOL CheckVersion4Uuid ( const GUID * const guid , const char * const szGuidName )
if ( LE16 ( guid - > Data3 ) > > 12 ! = 4 | | guid - > Data4 [ 0 ] > > 6 ! = 2 )
logger ( " Warning: %s does not conform to version 4 UUID according to RFC 4122 \n " , szGuidName ) ;
return FALSE ;
return TRUE ;
static void CheckRequest ( const REQUEST * const Request )
CheckVersion4Uuid ( & Request - > CMID , " Client machine ID " ) ;
CheckVersion4Uuid ( & Request - > AppID , " Application ID " ) ;
CheckVersion4Uuid ( & Request - > KMSID , " Server SKU ID " ) ;
CheckVersion4Uuid ( & Request - > ActID , " Client SKU ID " ) ;
if ( LE32 ( Request - > IsClientVM ) > 1 )
logger ( " Warning: Virtual Machine field in request must be 0 or 1 but is %u \n " , LE32 ( Request - > IsClientVM ) ) ;
if ( LE32 ( Request - > LicenseStatus ) > 6 )
logger ( " Warning: License status must be between 0 and 6 but is %u \n " , LE32 ( Request - > LicenseStatus ) ) ;
# endif // !defined(NO_LOG) && defined(_PEDANTIC)
# ifndef NO_LOG
* Logs the Response
static void logResponse ( const RESPONSE * const baseResponse , const BYTE * const hwId , const char * const EpidSource )
char utf8pid [ PID_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 ] ;
ucs2_to_utf8 ( baseResponse - > KmsPID , utf8pid , PID_BUFFER_SIZE , PID_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 ) ;
if ( ! logverbose )
# endif // NO_VERBOSE_LOG
logger ( " Sending ePID (%s): %s \n " , EpidSource , utf8pid ) ;
logger ( " >>> Sending response, ePID source = %s \n " , EpidSource ) ;
logResponseVerbose ( utf8pid , hwId , baseResponse , & logger ) ;
# endif // NO_VERBOSE_LOG
# endif
* Creates the unencrypted base response
static BOOL __stdcall CreateResponseBaseCallback ( const REQUEST * const baseRequest , RESPONSE * const baseResponse , BYTE * const hwId , const char * const ipstr )
const char * EpidSource ;
# ifndef NO_LOG
logRequest ( baseRequest ) ;
# ifdef _PEDANTIC
CheckRequest ( baseRequest ) ;
# endif // _PEDANTIC
# endif // NO_LOG
ProdListIndex_t index ;
getProductNameLE ( & baseRequest - > AppID , AppList , & index ) ;
if ( index > = _countof ( AppList ) - 1 ) index = 0 ; //default to Windows
getEpid ( baseResponse , & EpidSource , index , hwId ) ;
baseResponse - > Version = baseRequest - > Version ;
memcpy ( & baseResponse - > CMID , & baseRequest - > CMID , sizeof ( GUID ) ) ;
memcpy ( & baseResponse - > ClientTime , & baseRequest - > ClientTime , sizeof ( FILETIME ) ) ;
baseResponse - > Count = LE32 ( LE32 ( baseRequest - > N_Policy ) < < 1 ) ;
baseResponse - > VLActivationInterval = LE32 ( VLActivationInterval ) ;
baseResponse - > VLRenewalInterval = LE32 ( VLRenewalInterval ) ;
# ifndef NO_LOG
logResponse ( baseResponse , hwId , EpidSource ) ;
# endif // NO_LOG
return ! 0 ;
RequestCallback_t CreateResponseBase = & CreateResponseBaseCallback ;
////TODO: Move to helpers.c
void get16RandomBytes ( void * ptr )
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + ) ( ( DWORD * ) ptr ) [ i ] = rand32 ( ) ;
* Creates v4 response
size_t CreateResponseV4 ( REQUEST_V4 * const request_v4 , BYTE * const responseBuffer , const char * const ipstr )
RESPONSE_V4 * Response = ( RESPONSE_V4 * ) responseBuffer ;
if ( ! CreateResponseBase ( & request_v4 - > RequestBase , & Response - > ResponseBase , NULL , ipstr ) ) return 0 ;
DWORD pidSize = LE32 ( Response - > ResponseBase . PIDSize ) ;
BYTE * postEpidPtr = responseBuffer + V4_PRE_EPID_SIZE + pidSize ;
memmove ( postEpidPtr , & Response - > ResponseBase . CMID , V4_POST_EPID_SIZE ) ;
size_t encryptSize = V4_PRE_EPID_SIZE + V4_POST_EPID_SIZE + pidSize ;
AesCmacV4 ( responseBuffer , encryptSize , responseBuffer + encryptSize ) ;
return encryptSize + sizeof ( Response - > MAC ) ;
// Workaround for buggy GCC 4.2/4.3
# if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 4)
__attribute__ ( ( noinline ) )
# endif
__pure static uint64_t TimestampInterval ( void * ts )
return ( GET_UA64LE ( ts ) / TIME_C1 ) * TIME_C2 + TIME_C3 ;
} */
* Creates the HMAC for v6
static int_fast8_t CreateV6Hmac ( BYTE * const encrypt_start , const size_t encryptSize , int_fast8_t tolerance )
BYTE hash [ 32 ] ;
# define halfHashSize (sizeof(hash) >> 1)
uint64_t timeSlot ;
BYTE * responseEnd = encrypt_start + encryptSize ;
// This is the time from the response
FILETIME * ft = ( FILETIME * ) ( responseEnd - V6_POST_EPID_SIZE + sizeof ( ( ( RESPONSE * ) 0 ) - > CMID ) ) ;
// Generate a time slot that changes every 4.11 hours.
// Request and repsonse time must match +/- 1 slot.
// When generating a response tolerance must be 0.
// If verifying the hash, try tolerance -1, 0 and +1. One of them must match.
timeSlot = LE64 ( ( GET_UA64LE ( ft ) / TIME_C1 * TIME_C2 + TIME_C3 ) + ( tolerance * TIME_C1 ) ) ;
// The time slot is hashed with SHA256 so it is not so obvious that it is time
Sha256 ( ( BYTE * ) & timeSlot , sizeof ( timeSlot ) , hash ) ;
// The last 16 bytes of the hashed time slot are the actual HMAC key
if ( ! Sha256Hmac
hash + halfHashSize , // Use last 16 bytes of SHA256 as HMAC key
encrypt_start , // hash only the encrypted part of the v6 response
encryptSize - sizeof ( ( ( RESPONSE_V6 * ) 0 ) - > HMAC ) , // encryptSize minus the HMAC itself
hash // use same buffer for resulting hash where the key came from
) )
return FALSE ;
memcpy ( responseEnd - sizeof ( ( ( RESPONSE_V6 * ) 0 ) - > HMAC ) , hash + halfHashSize , halfHashSize ) ;
return TRUE ;
# undef halfHashSize
* Creates v5 or v6 response
size_t CreateResponseV6 ( REQUEST_V6 * restrict request_v6 , BYTE * const responseBuffer , const char * const ipstr )
// The response will be created in a fixed sized struct to
// avoid unaligned access macros and packed structs on RISC systems
// which largely increase code size.
// The fixed sized struct with 64 WCHARs for the ePID will be converted
// to a variable sized struct later and requires unaligned access macros.
RESPONSE_V6 * Response = ( RESPONSE_V6 * ) responseBuffer ;
RESPONSE * baseResponse = & Response - > ResponseBase ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
RESPONSE_V6_DEBUG * xxx = ( RESPONSE_V6_DEBUG * ) responseBuffer ;
# endif
static const BYTE DefaultHwid [ 8 ] = { HWID } ;
int_fast8_t v6 = LE16 ( request_v6 - > MajorVer ) > 5 ;
AesCtx aesCtx ;
AesInitKey ( & aesCtx , v6 ? AesKeyV6 : AesKeyV5 , v6 , AES_KEY_BYTES ) ;
AesDecryptCbc ( & aesCtx , NULL , request_v6 - > IV , V6_DECRYPT_SIZE ) ;
// get random salt and SHA256 it
get16RandomBytes ( Response - > RandomXoredIVs ) ;
Sha256 ( Response - > RandomXoredIVs , sizeof ( Response - > RandomXoredIVs ) , Response - > Hash ) ;
if ( v6 ) // V6 specific stuff
// In v6 a random IV is generated
Response - > Version = request_v6 - > Version ;
get16RandomBytes ( Response - > IV ) ;
// pre-fill with default HwId (not required for v5)
memcpy ( Response - > HwId , DefaultHwid , sizeof ( Response - > HwId ) ) ;
// Just copy decrypted request IV (using Null IV) here. Note this is identical
// to XORing non-decrypted request and reponse IVs
memcpy ( Response - > XoredIVs , request_v6 - > IV , sizeof ( Response - > XoredIVs ) ) ;
else // V5 specific stuff
// In v5 IVs of request and response must be identical (MS client checks this)
// The following memcpy copies Version and IVs at once
memcpy ( Response , request_v6 , V6_UNENCRYPTED_SIZE ) ;
// Xor Random bytes with decrypted request IV
XorBlock ( request_v6 - > IV , Response - > RandomXoredIVs ) ;
// Get the base response
if ( ! CreateResponseBase ( & request_v6 - > RequestBase , baseResponse , Response - > HwId , ipstr ) ) return 0 ;
// Convert the fixed sized struct into variable sized
DWORD pidSize = LE32 ( baseResponse - > PIDSize ) ;
BYTE * postEpidPtr = responseBuffer + V6_PRE_EPID_SIZE + pidSize ;
size_t post_epid_size = v6 ? V6_POST_EPID_SIZE : V5_POST_EPID_SIZE ;
memmove ( postEpidPtr , & baseResponse - > CMID , post_epid_size ) ;
// number of bytes to encrypt
size_t encryptSize =
- sizeof ( Response - > Version )
+ pidSize
+ post_epid_size ;
//AesDecryptBlock(&aesCtx, Response->IV);
if ( v6 & & ! CreateV6Hmac ( Response - > IV , encryptSize , 0 ) ) return 0 ;
// Padding auto handled by encryption func
AesEncryptCbc ( & aesCtx , NULL , Response - > IV , & encryptSize ) ;
return encryptSize + sizeof ( Response - > Version ) ;
// Create Hashed KMS Client Request Data for KMS Protocol Version 4
BYTE * CreateRequestV4 ( size_t * size , const REQUEST * requestBase )
* size = sizeof ( REQUEST_V4 ) ;
// Build a proper KMS client request data
BYTE * request = ( BYTE * ) vlmcsd_malloc ( sizeof ( REQUEST_V4 ) ) ;
// Temporary Pointer for access to REQUEST_V4 structure
REQUEST_V4 * request_v4 = ( REQUEST_V4 * ) request ;
// Set KMS Client Request Base
memcpy ( & request_v4 - > RequestBase , requestBase , sizeof ( REQUEST ) ) ;
// Generate Hash Signature
AesCmacV4 ( request , sizeof ( REQUEST ) , request_v4 - > MAC ) ;
// Return Request Data
return request ;
// Create Encrypted KMS Client Request Data for KMS Protocol Version 6
BYTE * CreateRequestV6 ( size_t * size , const REQUEST * requestBase )
* size = sizeof ( REQUEST_V6 ) ;
// Temporary Pointer for access to REQUEST_V5 structure
REQUEST_V6 * request = ( REQUEST_V6 * ) vlmcsd_malloc ( sizeof ( REQUEST_V6 ) ) ;
// KMS Protocol Version
request - > Version = requestBase - > Version ;
// Initialize the IV
get16RandomBytes ( request - > IV ) ;
// Set KMS Client Request Base
memcpy ( & request - > RequestBase , requestBase , sizeof ( REQUEST ) ) ;
// Encrypt KMS Client Request
size_t encryptSize = sizeof ( request - > RequestBase ) ;
AesCtx Ctx ;
int_fast8_t v6 = LE16 ( request - > MajorVer ) > 5 ;
AesInitKey ( & Ctx , v6 ? AesKeyV6 : AesKeyV5 , v6 , 16 ) ;
AesEncryptCbc ( & Ctx , request - > IV , ( BYTE * ) ( & request - > RequestBase ) , & encryptSize ) ;
// Return Proper Request Data
return ( BYTE * ) request ;
* Checks whether Length of ePID is valid
static uint8_t checkPidLength ( const RESPONSE * const responseBase )
unsigned int i ;
if ( LE32 ( responseBase - > PIDSize ) > ( PID_BUFFER_SIZE < < 1 ) ) return FALSE ;
if ( responseBase - > KmsPID [ ( LE32 ( responseBase - > PIDSize ) > > 1 ) - 1 ] ) return FALSE ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( LE32 ( responseBase - > PIDSize ) > > 1 ) - 2 ; i + + )
if ( ! responseBase - > KmsPID [ i ] ) return FALSE ;
return TRUE ;
* " Decrypts " a KMS v4 response . Actually just copies to a fixed size buffer
RESPONSE_RESULT DecryptResponseV4 ( RESPONSE_V4 * response_v4 , const int responseSize , BYTE * const rawResponse , const BYTE * const rawRequest )
int copySize =
( LE32 ( ( ( RESPONSE_V4 * ) rawResponse ) - > ResponseBase . PIDSize ) < = PID_BUFFER_SIZE < < 1 ?
LE32 ( ( ( RESPONSE_V4 * ) rawResponse ) - > ResponseBase . PIDSize ) :
int messageSize = copySize + V4_POST_EPID_SIZE ;
memcpy ( response_v4 , rawResponse , copySize ) ;
memcpy ( & response_v4 - > ResponseBase . CMID , rawResponse + copySize , responseSize - copySize ) ;
// ensure PID is null terminated
response_v4 - > ResponseBase . KmsPID [ PID_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ] = 0 ;
uint8_t * mac = rawResponse + messageSize ;
AesCmacV4 ( rawResponse , messageSize , mac ) ;
REQUEST_V4 * request_v4 = ( REQUEST_V4 * ) rawRequest ;
result . mask = ( DWORD ) ~ 0 ;
result . PidLengthOK = checkPidLength ( ( RESPONSE * ) rawResponse ) ;
result . VersionOK = response_v4 - > ResponseBase . Version = = request_v4 - > RequestBase . Version ;
result . HashOK = ! memcmp ( & response_v4 - > MAC , mac , sizeof ( response_v4 - > MAC ) ) ;
result . TimeStampOK = ! memcmp ( & response_v4 - > ResponseBase . ClientTime , & request_v4 - > RequestBase . ClientTime , sizeof ( FILETIME ) ) ;
result . ClientMachineIDOK = ! memcmp ( & response_v4 - > ResponseBase . CMID , & request_v4 - > RequestBase . CMID , sizeof ( GUID ) ) ;
result . effectiveResponseSize = responseSize ;
result . correctResponseSize = sizeof ( RESPONSE_V4 ) - sizeof ( response_v4 - > ResponseBase . KmsPID ) + LE32 ( response_v4 - > ResponseBase . PIDSize ) ;
return result ;
static RESPONSE_RESULT VerifyResponseV6 ( RESPONSE_RESULT result , const AesCtx * Ctx , RESPONSE_V6 * response_v6 , REQUEST_V6 * request_v6 , BYTE * const rawResponse )
// Check IVs
result . IVsOK = ! memcmp // In V6 the XoredIV is actually the request IV
response_v6 - > XoredIVs ,
request_v6 - > IV ,
sizeof ( response_v6 - > XoredIVs )
) ;
result . IVnotSuspicious = ! ! memcmp // If IVs are identical, it is obviously an emulator
request_v6 - > IV ,
response_v6 - > IV ,
sizeof ( request_v6 - > IV )
) ;
// Check Hmac
int_fast8_t tolerance ;
BYTE OldHmac [ sizeof ( response_v6 - > HMAC ) ] ;
result . HmacSha256OK = FALSE ;
memcpy // Save received HMAC to compare with calculated HMAC later
OldHmac ,
response_v6 - > HMAC ,
sizeof ( response_v6 - > HMAC )
) ;
//AesEncryptBlock(Ctx, Response_v6->IV); // CreateV6Hmac needs original IV as received over the network
for ( tolerance = - 1 ; tolerance < 2 ; tolerance + + )
rawResponse + sizeof ( response_v6 - > Version ) , // Pointer to start of the encrypted part of the response
( size_t ) result . correctResponseSize - V6_UNENCRYPTED_SIZE , // size of the encrypted part
tolerance // tolerance -1, 0, or +1
) ;
( (
result . HmacSha256OK = ! memcmp // Compare both HMACs
OldHmac ,
rawResponse + ( size_t ) result . correctResponseSize - sizeof ( response_v6 - > HMAC ) ,
sizeof ( OldHmac )
) )
break ;
return result ;
static RESPONSE_RESULT VerifyResponseV5 ( RESPONSE_RESULT result , REQUEST_V5 * request_v5 , RESPONSE_V5 * response_v5 )
// Check IVs: in V5 (and only v5) request and response IVs must match
result . IVsOK = ! memcmp ( request_v5 - > IV , response_v5 - > IV , sizeof ( request_v5 - > IV ) ) ;
// V5 has no Hmac, always set to TRUE
result . HmacSha256OK = TRUE ;
return result ;
* Decrypts a KMS v5 or v6 response received from a server .
* hwid must supply a valid 16 byte buffer for v6 . hwid is ignored in v5
RESPONSE_RESULT DecryptResponseV6 ( RESPONSE_V6 * response_v6 , int responseSize , BYTE * const response , const BYTE * const rawRequest , BYTE * hwid )
result . mask = ~ 0 ; // Set all bits in the results mask to 1. Assume success first.
result . effectiveResponseSize = responseSize ;
int copySize1 =
sizeof ( response_v6 - > Version ) ;
// Decrypt KMS Server Response (encrypted part starts after RequestIV)
responseSize - = copySize1 ;
AesCtx Ctx ;
int_fast8_t v6 = LE16 ( ( ( RESPONSE_V6 * ) response ) - > MajorVer ) > 5 ;
AesInitKey ( & Ctx , v6 ? AesKeyV6 : AesKeyV5 , v6 , AES_KEY_BYTES ) ;
AesDecryptCbc ( & Ctx , NULL , response + copySize1 , responseSize ) ;
// Check padding
BYTE * lastPadByte = response + ( size_t ) result . effectiveResponseSize - 1 ;
// Must be from 1 to 16
if ( ! * lastPadByte | | * lastPadByte > AES_BLOCK_BYTES )
result . DecryptSuccess = FALSE ;
return result ;
// Check if pad bytes are all the same
BYTE * padByte ;
for ( padByte = lastPadByte - * lastPadByte + 1 ; padByte < lastPadByte ; padByte + + )
if ( * padByte ! = * lastPadByte )
result . DecryptSuccess = FALSE ;
return result ;
// Add size of Version, KmsPIDLen and variable size PID
DWORD pidSize = LE32 ( ( ( RESPONSE_V6 * ) response ) - > ResponseBase . PIDSize ) ;
copySize1 + =
sizeof ( response_v6 - > ResponseBase . PIDSize ) +
( pidSize < = PID_BUFFER_SIZE < < 1 ? pidSize : PID_BUFFER_SIZE < < 1 ) ;
// Copy part 1 of response up to variable sized PID
memcpy ( response_v6 , response , copySize1 ) ;
// ensure PID is null terminated
response_v6 - > ResponseBase . KmsPID [ PID_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ] = 0 ;
// Copy part 2
size_t copySize2 = v6 ? V6_POST_EPID_SIZE : V5_POST_EPID_SIZE ;
memcpy ( & response_v6 - > ResponseBase . CMID , response + copySize1 , copySize2 ) ;
// Decrypting the response is finished here. Now we check the results for validity
// A basic client doesn't need the stuff below this comment but we want to use vlmcs
// as a debug tool for KMS emulators.
REQUEST_V6 * request_v6 = ( REQUEST_V6 * ) rawRequest ;
DWORD decryptSize = sizeof ( request_v6 - > IV ) + sizeof ( request_v6 - > RequestBase ) + sizeof ( request_v6 - > Pad ) ;
AesDecryptCbc ( & Ctx , NULL , request_v6 - > IV , decryptSize ) ;
// Check that all version informations are the same
result . VersionOK =
request_v6 - > Version = = response_v6 - > ResponseBase . Version & &
request_v6 - > Version = = response_v6 - > Version & &
request_v6 - > Version = = request_v6 - > RequestBase . Version ;
// Check Base Request
result . PidLengthOK = checkPidLength ( & ( ( RESPONSE_V6 * ) response ) - > ResponseBase ) ;
result . TimeStampOK = ! memcmp ( & response_v6 - > ResponseBase . ClientTime , & request_v6 - > RequestBase . ClientTime , sizeof ( FILETIME ) ) ;
result . ClientMachineIDOK = IsEqualGUID ( & response_v6 - > ResponseBase . CMID , & request_v6 - > RequestBase . CMID ) ;
// Rebuild Random Key and Sha256 Hash
BYTE HashVerify [ sizeof ( response_v6 - > Hash ) ] ;
BYTE RandomKey [ sizeof ( response_v6 - > RandomXoredIVs ) ] ;
memcpy ( RandomKey , request_v6 - > IV , sizeof ( RandomKey ) ) ;
XorBlock ( response_v6 - > RandomXoredIVs , RandomKey ) ;
Sha256 ( RandomKey , sizeof ( RandomKey ) , HashVerify ) ;
result . HashOK = ! memcmp ( response_v6 - > Hash , HashVerify , sizeof ( HashVerify ) ) ;
// size before encryption (padding not included)
result . correctResponseSize =
( v6 ? sizeof ( RESPONSE_V6 ) : sizeof ( RESPONSE_V5 ) )
- sizeof ( response_v6 - > ResponseBase . KmsPID )
+ LE32 ( response_v6 - > ResponseBase . PIDSize ) ;
// Version specific stuff
if ( v6 )
// Copy the HwId
memcpy ( hwid , response_v6 - > HwId , sizeof ( response_v6 - > HwId ) ) ;
// Verify the V6 specific part of the response
result = VerifyResponseV6 ( result , & Ctx , response_v6 , request_v6 , response ) ;
else // V5
// Verify the V5 specific part of the response
result = VerifyResponseV5 ( result , request_v6 , ( RESPONSE_V5 * ) response_v6 ) ;
// padded size after encryption
result . correctResponseSize + = ( ~ ( result . correctResponseSize - sizeof ( response_v6 - > ResponseBase . Version ) ) & 0xf ) + 1 ;
return result ;
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# include "endian.h"
# if defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && defined(__BIG_ENDIAN) && defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN) \
& & defined ( BS16 ) & & defined ( BS32 ) & & defined ( BS64 )
# else // ! defined(__BYTE_ORDER)
void PUT_UAA64BE ( void * p , unsigned long long v , unsigned int i )
unsigned char * _p = ( unsigned char * ) & ( ( unsigned long long * ) p ) [ i ] ;
_p [ 0 ] = v > > 56 ;
_p [ 1 ] = v > > 48 ;
_p [ 2 ] = v > > 40 ;
_p [ 3 ] = v > > 32 ;
_p [ 4 ] = v > > 24 ;
_p [ 5 ] = v > > 16 ;
_p [ 6 ] = v > > 8 ;
_p [ 7 ] = v ;
void PUT_UAA32BE ( void * p , unsigned int v , unsigned int i )
unsigned char * _p = ( unsigned char * ) & ( ( unsigned int * ) p ) [ i ] ;
_p [ 0 ] = v > > 24 ;
_p [ 1 ] = v > > 16 ;
_p [ 2 ] = v > > 8 ;
_p [ 3 ] = v ;
void PUT_UAA16BE ( void * p , unsigned short v , unsigned int i )
unsigned char * _p = ( unsigned char * ) & ( ( unsigned short * ) p ) [ i ] ;
_p [ 0 ] = v > > 8 ;
_p [ 1 ] = v ;
void PUT_UAA64LE ( void * p , unsigned long long v , unsigned int i )
unsigned char * _p = ( unsigned char * ) & ( ( unsigned long long * ) p ) [ i ] ;
_p [ 0 ] = v ;
_p [ 1 ] = v > > 8 ;
_p [ 2 ] = v > > 16 ;
_p [ 3 ] = v > > 24 ;
_p [ 4 ] = v > > 32 ;
_p [ 5 ] = v > > 40 ;
_p [ 6 ] = v > > 48 ;
_p [ 7 ] = v > > 56 ;
void PUT_UAA32LE ( void * p , unsigned int v , unsigned int i )
unsigned char * _p = ( unsigned char * ) & ( ( unsigned int * ) p ) [ i ] ;
_p [ 0 ] = v ;
_p [ 1 ] = v > > 8 ;
_p [ 2 ] = v > > 16 ;
_p [ 3 ] = v > > 24 ;
void PUT_UAA16LE ( void * p , unsigned short v , unsigned int i )
unsigned char * _p = ( unsigned char * ) & ( ( unsigned short * ) p ) [ i ] ;
_p [ 0 ] = v ;
_p [ 1 ] = v > > 8 ;
unsigned long long GET_UAA64BE ( void * p , unsigned int i )
unsigned char * _p = ( unsigned char * ) & ( ( unsigned long long * ) p ) [ i ] ;
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 0 ] < < 56 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 1 ] < < 48 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 2 ] < < 40 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 3 ] < < 32 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 4 ] < < 24 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 5 ] < < 16 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 6 ] < < 8 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 7 ] ;
unsigned int GET_UAA32BE ( void * p , unsigned int i )
unsigned char * _p = ( unsigned char * ) & ( ( unsigned int * ) p ) [ i ] ;
( unsigned int ) _p [ 0 ] < < 24 |
( unsigned int ) _p [ 1 ] < < 16 |
( unsigned int ) _p [ 2 ] < < 8 |
( unsigned int ) _p [ 3 ] ;
unsigned short GET_UAA16BE ( void * p , unsigned int i )
unsigned char * _p = ( unsigned char * ) & ( ( unsigned short * ) p ) [ i ] ;
( unsigned short ) _p [ 0 ] < < 8 |
( unsigned short ) _p [ 1 ] ;
unsigned long long GET_UAA64LE ( void * p , unsigned int i )
unsigned char * _p = ( unsigned char * ) & ( ( unsigned long long * ) p ) [ i ] ;
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 0 ] |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 1 ] < < 8 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 2 ] < < 16 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 3 ] < < 24 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 4 ] < < 32 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 5 ] < < 40 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 6 ] < < 48 |
( unsigned long long ) _p [ 7 ] < < 56 ;
unsigned int GET_UAA32LE ( void * p , unsigned int i )
unsigned char * _p = ( unsigned char * ) & ( ( unsigned int * ) p ) [ i ] ;
( unsigned int ) _p [ 0 ] |
( unsigned int ) _p [ 1 ] < < 8 |
( unsigned int ) _p [ 2 ] < < 16 |
( unsigned int ) _p [ 3 ] < < 24 ;
unsigned short GET_UAA16LE ( void * p , unsigned int i )
unsigned char * _p = ( unsigned char * ) & ( ( unsigned short * ) p ) [ i ] ;
( unsigned short ) _p [ 0 ] |
( unsigned short ) _p [ 1 ] < < 8 ;
unsigned short BE16 ( unsigned short x )
return GET_UAA16BE ( & x , 0 ) ;
unsigned short LE16 ( unsigned short x )
return GET_UAA16LE ( & x , 0 ) ;
unsigned int BE32 ( unsigned int x )
return GET_UAA32BE ( & x , 0 ) ;
unsigned int LE32 ( unsigned int x )
return GET_UAA32LE ( & x , 0 ) ;
unsigned long long BE64 ( unsigned long long x )
return GET_UAA64BE ( & x , 0 ) ;
inline unsigned long long LE64 ( unsigned long long x )
return GET_UAA64LE ( & x , 0 ) ;
# endif // defined(__BYTE_ORDER)
# endif // _DEFAULT_SOURCE
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# include "output.h"
# include "shared_globals.h"
# include "endian.h"
# include "helpers.h"
# ifndef NO_LOG
static void vlogger ( const char * message , va_list args )
FILE * log ;
# ifdef _NTSERVICE
if ( ! IsNTService & & logstdout ) log = stdout ;
# else
if ( logstdout ) log = stdout ;
# endif
if ( fn_log = = NULL ) return ;
# ifndef _WIN32
if ( ! strcmp ( fn_log , " syslog " ) )
openlog ( " vlmcsd " , LOG_CONS | LOG_PID , LOG_USER ) ;
////PORTABILITY: vsyslog is not in Posix but virtually all Unixes have it
vsyslog ( LOG_INFO , message , args ) ;
closelog ( ) ;
return ;
# endif // _WIN32
log = fopen ( fn_log , " a " ) ;
if ( ! log ) return ;
time_t now = time ( 0 ) ;
char mbstr [ 2048 ] ;
# else
char mbstr [ 24 ] ;
# endif
strftime ( mbstr , sizeof ( mbstr ) , " %Y-%m-%d %X " , localtime ( & now ) ) ;
# ifndef USE_THREADS
fprintf ( log , " %s: " , mbstr ) ;
vfprintf ( log , message , args ) ;
fflush ( log ) ;
# else // USE_THREADS
// We write everything to a string before we really log inside the critical section
// so formatting the output can be concurrent
strcat ( mbstr , " : " ) ;
int len = strlen ( mbstr ) ;
vsnprintf ( mbstr + len , sizeof ( mbstr ) - len , message , args ) ;
lock_mutex ( & logmutex ) ;
fputs ( mbstr , log ) ;
fflush ( log ) ;
unlock_mutex ( & logmutex ) ;
# endif // USE_THREADS
if ( log ! = stdout ) fclose ( log ) ;
// Always sends to log output
int logger ( const char * const fmt , . . . )
va_list args ;
va_start ( args , fmt ) ;
vlogger ( fmt , args ) ;
va_end ( args ) ;
return 0 ;
# endif //NO_LOG
// Output to stderr if it is available or to log otherwise (e.g. if running as daemon/service)
void printerrorf ( const char * const fmt , . . . )
va_list arglist ;
va_start ( arglist , fmt ) ;
# ifndef NO_LOG
# ifdef _NTSERVICE
if ( InetdMode | | IsNTService )
# else // !_NTSERVICE
if ( InetdMode )
# endif // NTSERVIICE
vlogger ( fmt , arglist ) ;
# endif //NO_LOG
vfprintf ( stderr , fmt , arglist ) ;
fflush ( stderr ) ;
va_end ( arglist ) ;
// Always output to stderr
int errorout ( const char * fmt , . . . )
va_list args ;
va_start ( args , fmt ) ;
int i = vfprintf ( stderr , fmt , args ) ;
va_end ( args ) ;
fflush ( stderr ) ;
return i ;
static const char * LicenseStatusText [ ] =
" Unlicensed " , " Licensed " , " OOB grace " , " OOT grace " , " Non-Genuine " , " Notification " , " Extended grace "
} ;
void uuid2StringLE ( const GUID * const guid , char * const string )
sprintf ( string ,
# ifdef _WIN32
" %08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012I64x " ,
# else
" %08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012llx " ,
# endif
( unsigned int ) LE32 ( guid - > Data1 ) ,
( unsigned int ) LE16 ( guid - > Data2 ) ,
( unsigned int ) LE16 ( guid - > Data3 ) ,
( unsigned int ) BE16 ( * ( uint16_t * ) guid - > Data4 ) ,
( unsigned long long ) BE64 ( * ( uint64_t * ) ( guid - > Data4 ) ) & 0xffffffffffffLL
) ;
void logRequestVerbose ( const REQUEST * const Request , const PRINTFUNC p )
char guidBuffer [ GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ] ;
char WorkstationBuffer [ 3 * WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER ] ;
const char * productName ;
ProdListIndex_t index ;
p ( " Protocol version : %u.%u \n " , LE16 ( Request - > MajorVer ) , LE16 ( Request - > MinorVer ) ) ;
p ( " Client is a virtual machine : %s \n " , LE32 ( Request - > VMInfo ) ? " Yes " : " No " ) ;
p ( " Licensing status : %u (%s) \n " , ( uint32_t ) LE32 ( Request - > LicenseStatus ) , LE32 ( Request - > LicenseStatus ) < _countof ( LicenseStatusText ) ? LicenseStatusText [ LE32 ( Request - > LicenseStatus ) ] : " Unknown " ) ;
p ( " Remaining time (0 = forever) : %i minutes \n " , ( uint32_t ) LE32 ( Request - > BindingExpiration ) ) ;
uuid2StringLE ( & Request - > AppID , guidBuffer ) ;
productName = getProductNameLE ( & Request - > AppID , AppList , & index ) ;
p ( " Application ID : %s (%s) \n " , guidBuffer , productName ) ;
uuid2StringLE ( & Request - > ActID , guidBuffer ) ;
productName = getProductNameLE ( & Request - > ActID , ExtendedProductList , & index ) ;
# else
productName = " Unknown " ;
# endif
p ( " Activation ID (Product) : %s (%s) \n " , guidBuffer , productName ) ;
uuid2StringLE ( & Request - > KMSID , guidBuffer ) ;
productName = getProductNameLE ( & Request - > KMSID , ProductList , & index ) ;
# else
productName = " Unknown " ;
# endif
p ( " Key Management Service ID : %s (%s) \n " , guidBuffer , productName ) ;
uuid2StringLE ( & Request - > CMID , guidBuffer ) ;
p ( " Client machine ID : %s \n " , guidBuffer ) ;
uuid2StringLE ( & Request - > CMID_prev , guidBuffer ) ;
p ( " Previous client machine ID : %s \n " , guidBuffer ) ;
char mbstr [ 64 ] ;
time_t st ;
st = fileTimeToUnixTime ( & Request - > ClientTime ) ;
strftime ( mbstr , sizeof ( mbstr ) , " %Y-%m-%d %X " , gmtime ( & st ) ) ;
p ( " Client request timestamp (UTC) : %s \n " , mbstr ) ;
ucs2_to_utf8 ( Request - > WorkstationName , WorkstationBuffer , WORKSTATION_NAME_BUFFER , sizeof ( WorkstationBuffer ) ) ;
p ( " Workstation name : %s \n " , WorkstationBuffer ) ;
p ( " N count policy (minimum clients): %u \n " , ( uint32_t ) LE32 ( Request - > N_Policy ) ) ;
void logResponseVerbose ( const char * const ePID , const BYTE * const hwid , const RESPONSE * const response , const PRINTFUNC p )
char guidBuffer [ GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ] ;
p ( " Protocol version : %u.%u \n " , ( uint32_t ) LE16 ( response - > MajorVer ) , ( uint32_t ) LE16 ( response - > MinorVer ) ) ;
p ( " KMS host extended PID : %s \n " , ePID ) ;
if ( LE16 ( response - > MajorVer ) > 5 )
# ifndef _WIN32
p ( " KMS host Hardware ID : %016llX \n " , ( unsigned long long ) BE64 ( * ( uint64_t * ) hwid ) ) ;
# else // _WIN32
p ( " KMS host Hardware ID : %016I64X \n " , ( unsigned long long ) BE64 ( * ( uint64_t * ) hwid ) ) ;
# endif // WIN32
uuid2StringLE ( & response - > CMID , guidBuffer ) ;
p ( " Client machine ID : %s \n " , guidBuffer ) ;
char mbstr [ 64 ] ;
time_t st ;
st = fileTimeToUnixTime ( & response - > ClientTime ) ;
strftime ( mbstr , sizeof ( mbstr ) , " %Y-%m-%d %X " , gmtime ( & st ) ) ;
p ( " Client request timestamp (UTC) : %s \n " , mbstr ) ;
p ( " KMS host current active clients : %u \n " , ( uint32_t ) LE32 ( response - > Count ) ) ;
p ( " Renewal interval policy : %u \n " , ( uint32_t ) LE32 ( response - > VLRenewalInterval ) ) ;
p ( " Activation interval policy : %u \n " , ( uint32_t ) LE32 ( response - > VLActivationInterval ) ) ;
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# include "shared_globals.h"
int global_argc , multi_argc = 0 ;
CARGV global_argv , multi_argv = NULL ;
const char * const Version = VERSION ;
DWORD VLActivationInterval = 60 * 2 ; // 2 hours
DWORD VLRenewalInterval = 60 * 24 * 7 ; // 7 days
int_fast8_t DisconnectImmediately = FALSE ;
const char * const cIPv4 = " IPv4 " ;
const char * const cIPv6 = " IPv6 " ;
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
int_fast8_t UseMultiplexedRpc = TRUE ;
int_fast8_t UseRpcNDR64 = TRUE ;
int_fast8_t UseRpcBTFN = TRUE ;
# endif // USE_MSRPC
# ifndef NO_SOCKETS
const char * defaultport = " 1688 " ;
# endif // NO_SOCKETS
KmsResponseParam_t KmsResponseParameters [ MAX_KMSAPPS ] ;
# if !defined(NO_SOCKETS) && !defined(NO_SIGHUP) && !defined(_WIN32)
int_fast8_t IsRestarted = FALSE ;
# endif // !defined(NO_SOCKETS) && !defined(NO_SIGHUP) && !defined(_WIN32)
# if !defined(NO_TIMEOUT) && !__minix__
DWORD ServerTimeout = 30 ;
# endif // !defined(NO_TIMEOUT) && !__minix__
# if !defined(NO_LIMIT) && !defined (NO_SOCKETS) && !__minix__
# ifdef USE_MSRPC
# else // !USE_MSRPC
uint32_t MaxTasks = SEM_VALUE_MAX ;
# endif // !USE_MSRPC
# endif // !defined(NO_LIMIT) && !defined (NO_SOCKETS) && !__minix__
# ifndef NO_LOG
char * fn_log = NULL ;
int_fast8_t logstdout = 0 ;
int_fast8_t logverbose = 0 ;
# endif // NO_VERBOSE_LOG
# endif // NO_LOG
# ifndef NO_SOCKETS
int_fast8_t nodaemon = 0 ;
int_fast8_t InetdMode = 0 ;
# else
int_fast8_t nodaemon = 1 ;
int_fast8_t InetdMode = 1 ;
# endif
int_fast8_t RandomizationLevel = 1 ;
uint16_t Lcid = 0 ;
# endif
# ifndef NO_SOCKETS
SOCKET * SocketList ;
int numsockets = 0 ;
# if !defined(NO_LIMIT) && !__minix__
# ifndef _WIN32 // Posix
sem_t * Semaphore ;
# else // _WIN32
HANDLE Semaphore ;
# endif // _WIN32
# endif // !defined(NO_LIMIT) && !__minix__
# endif // NO_SOCKETS
# ifdef _NTSERVICE
int_fast8_t IsNTService = TRUE ;
int_fast8_t ServiceShutdown = FALSE ;
# endif // _NTSERVICE
# ifndef NO_LOG
# if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
pthread_mutex_t logmutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER ;
# else
# endif // !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
# endif // USE_THREADS
# endif // NO_LOG
* Helper functions used by other modules
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# ifndef _WIN32
# include <errno.h>
# endif // _WIN32
# include <getopt.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include "helpers.h"
# include "output.h"
# include "endian.h"
# include "shared_globals.h"
* UCS2 < - > UTF - 8 functions
* All functions use little endian UCS2 since we only need it to communicate with Windows via RPC
// Convert one character from UTF-8 to UCS2
// Returns 0xffff, if utf-8 evaluates to > 0xfffe (outside basic multilingual pane)
WCHAR utf8_to_ucs2_char ( const unsigned char * input , const unsigned char * * end_ptr )
* end_ptr = input ;
if ( input [ 0 ] = = 0 )
return ~ 0 ;
if ( input [ 0 ] < 0x80 ) {
* end_ptr = input + 1 ;
return LE16 ( input [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( ( input [ 0 ] & 0xE0 ) = = 0xE0 ) {
if ( input [ 1 ] = = 0 | | input [ 2 ] = = 0 )
return ~ 0 ;
* end_ptr = input + 3 ;
LE16 ( ( input [ 0 ] & 0x0F ) < < 12 |
( input [ 1 ] & 0x3F ) < < 6 |
( input [ 2 ] & 0x3F ) ) ;
if ( ( input [ 0 ] & 0xC0 ) = = 0xC0 ) {
if ( input [ 1 ] = = 0 )
return ~ 0 ;
* end_ptr = input + 2 ;
LE16 ( ( input [ 0 ] & 0x1F ) < < 6 |
( input [ 1 ] & 0x3F ) ) ;
return ~ 0 ;
// Convert one character from UCS2 to UTF-8
// Returns length of UTF-8 char (1, 2 or 3) or -1 on error (UTF-16 outside UCS2)
// char *utf8 must be large enough to hold 3 bytes
int ucs2_to_utf8_char ( const WCHAR ucs2_le , char * utf8 )
const WCHAR ucs2 = LE16 ( ucs2_le ) ;
if ( ucs2 < 0x80 ) {
utf8 [ 0 ] = ucs2 ;
utf8 [ 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
return 1 ;
if ( ucs2 > = 0x80 & & ucs2 < 0x800 ) {
utf8 [ 0 ] = ( ucs2 > > 6 ) | 0xC0 ;
utf8 [ 1 ] = ( ucs2 & 0x3F ) | 0x80 ;
utf8 [ 2 ] = ' \0 ' ;
return 2 ;
if ( ucs2 > = 0x800 & & ucs2 < 0xFFFF ) {
if ( ucs2 > = 0xD800 & & ucs2 < = 0xDFFF ) {
/* Ill-formed (UTF-16 ouside of BMP) */
return - 1 ;
utf8 [ 0 ] = ( ( ucs2 > > 12 ) ) | 0xE0 ;
utf8 [ 1 ] = ( ( ucs2 > > 6 ) & 0x3F ) | 0x80 ;
utf8 [ 2 ] = ( ( ucs2 ) & 0x3F ) | 0x80 ;
utf8 [ 3 ] = ' \0 ' ;
return 3 ;
return - 1 ;
// Converts UTF8 to UCS2. Returns size in bytes of the converted string or -1 on error
size_t utf8_to_ucs2 ( WCHAR * const ucs2_le , const char * const utf8 , const size_t maxucs2 , const size_t maxutf8 )
const unsigned char * current_utf8 = ( unsigned char * ) utf8 ;
WCHAR * current_ucs2_le = ucs2_le ;
for ( ; * current_utf8 ; current_ucs2_le + + )
size_t size = ( char * ) current_utf8 - utf8 ;
if ( size > = maxutf8 ) return ( size_t ) - 1 ;
if ( ( ( * current_utf8 & 0xc0 ) = = 0xc0 ) & & ( size > = maxutf8 - 1 ) ) return ( size_t ) - 1 ;
if ( ( ( * current_utf8 & 0xe0 ) = = 0xe0 ) & & ( size > = maxutf8 - 2 ) ) return ( size_t ) - 1 ;
if ( current_ucs2_le - ucs2_le > = ( intptr_t ) maxucs2 - 1 ) return ( size_t ) - 1 ;
* current_ucs2_le = utf8_to_ucs2_char ( current_utf8 , & current_utf8 ) ;
current_ucs2_le [ 1 ] = 0 ;
if ( * current_ucs2_le = = ( WCHAR ) - 1 ) return ( size_t ) - 1 ;
return current_ucs2_le - ucs2_le ;
// Converts UCS2 to UTF-8. Return TRUE or FALSE
BOOL ucs2_to_utf8 ( const WCHAR * const ucs2_le , char * utf8 , size_t maxucs2 , size_t maxutf8 )
char utf8_char [ 4 ] ;
const WCHAR * current_ucs2 = ucs2_le ;
unsigned int index_utf8 = 0 ;
for ( * utf8 = 0 ; * current_ucs2 ; current_ucs2 + + )
if ( current_ucs2 - ucs2_le > ( intptr_t ) maxucs2 ) return FALSE ;
int len = ucs2_to_utf8_char ( * current_ucs2 , utf8_char ) ;
if ( index_utf8 + len > maxutf8 ) return FALSE ;
strncat ( utf8 , utf8_char , len ) ;
index_utf8 + = len ;
return TRUE ;
/* End of UTF-8 <-> UCS2 conversion */
// Checks, whether a string is a valid integer number between min and max. Returns TRUE or FALSE. Puts int value in *value
BOOL stringToInt ( const char * const szValue , const unsigned int min , const unsigned int max , unsigned int * const value )
char * nextchar ;
errno = 0 ;
long long result = strtoll ( szValue , & nextchar , 10 ) ;
if ( errno | | result < ( long long ) min | | result > ( long long ) max | | * nextchar )
return FALSE ;
* value = ( unsigned int ) result ;
return TRUE ;
//Converts a String Guid to a host binary guid in host endianess
int_fast8_t string2Uuid ( const char * const restrict input , GUID * const restrict guid )
int i ;
if ( strlen ( input ) < GUID_STRING_LENGTH ) return FALSE ;
if ( input [ 8 ] ! = ' - ' | | input [ 13 ] ! = ' - ' | | input [ 18 ] ! = ' - ' | | input [ 23 ] ! = ' - ' ) return FALSE ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < GUID_STRING_LENGTH ; i + + )
if ( i = = 8 | | i = = 13 | | i = = 18 | | i = = 23 ) continue ;
const char c = toupper ( ( int ) input [ i ] ) ;
if ( c < ' 0 ' | | c > ' F ' | | ( c > ' 9 ' & & c < ' A ' ) ) return FALSE ;
char inputCopy [ GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ] ;
strncpy ( inputCopy , input , GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ) ;
inputCopy [ 8 ] = inputCopy [ 13 ] = inputCopy [ 18 ] = 0 ;
hex2bin ( ( BYTE * ) & guid - > Data1 , inputCopy , 8 ) ;
hex2bin ( ( BYTE * ) & guid - > Data2 , inputCopy + 9 , 4 ) ;
hex2bin ( ( BYTE * ) & guid - > Data3 , inputCopy + 14 , 4 ) ;
hex2bin ( guid - > Data4 , input + 19 , 16 ) ;
guid - > Data1 = BE32 ( guid - > Data1 ) ;
guid - > Data2 = BE16 ( guid - > Data2 ) ;
guid - > Data3 = BE16 ( guid - > Data3 ) ;
return TRUE ;
// convert GUID to little-endian
void LEGUID ( GUID * const restrict out , const GUID * const restrict in )
out - > Data1 = LE32 ( in - > Data1 ) ;
out - > Data2 = LE16 ( in - > Data2 ) ;
out - > Data3 = LE16 ( in - > Data3 ) ;
memcpy ( out - > Data4 , in - > Data4 , sizeof ( out - > Data4 ) ) ;
# else
memcpy ( out , in , sizeof ( GUID ) ) ;
# endif
//Checks a command line argument if it is numeric and between min and max. Returns the numeric value or exits on error
__pure unsigned int getOptionArgumentInt ( const char o , const unsigned int min , const unsigned int max )
unsigned int result ;
if ( ! stringToInt ( optarg , min , max , & result ) )
printerrorf ( " Fatal: Option \" -%c \" must be numeric between %u and %u. \n " , o , min , max ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
return result ;
// Resets getopt() to start parsing from the beginning
void optReset ( void )
# if __minix__ || defined(__BSD__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
optind = 1 ;
optreset = 1 ; // Makes newer BSD getopt happy
# elif defined(__UCLIBC__) // uClibc headers also define __GLIBC__ so be careful here
optind = 0 ; // uClibc seeks compatibility with GLIBC
# elif defined(__GLIBC__)
optind = 0 ; // Makes GLIBC getopt happy
# else // Standard for most systems
optind = 1 ;
# endif
# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(USE_MSRPC)
// Returns a static message buffer containing text for a given Win32 error. Not thread safe (same as strerror)
char * win_strerror ( const int message )
static char buffer [ STRERROR_BUFFER_SIZE ] ;
return buffer ;
# endif // defined(_WIN32) || defined(USE_MSRPC)
* parses an address in the form host : [ port ] in addr
* returns host and port in seperate strings
void parseAddress ( char * const addr , char * * szHost , char * * szPort )
* szHost = addr ;
# ifndef NO_SOCKETS
* szPort = ( char * ) defaultport ;
# else // NO_SOCKETS
* szPort = " 1688 " ;
# endif // NO_SOCKETS
char * lastcolon = strrchr ( addr , ' : ' ) ;
char * firstcolon = strchr ( addr , ' : ' ) ;
char * closingbracket = strrchr ( addr , ' ] ' ) ;
if ( * addr = = ' [ ' & & closingbracket ) //Address in brackets
* closingbracket = 0 ;
( * szHost ) + + ;
if ( closingbracket [ 1 ] = = ' : ' )
* szPort = closingbracket + 2 ;
else if ( firstcolon & & firstcolon = = lastcolon ) //IPv4 address or hostname with port
* firstcolon = 0 ;
* szPort = firstcolon + 1 ;
// Initialize random generator (needs to be done in each thread)
void randomNumberInit ( )
struct timeval tv ;
gettimeofday ( & tv , NULL ) ;
srand ( ( unsigned int ) ( tv . tv_sec ^ tv . tv_usec ) ) ;
// We always exit immediately if any OOM condition occurs
__noreturn void OutOfMemory ( void )
errorout ( " Fatal: Out of memory " ) ;
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
void * vlmcsd_malloc ( size_t len )
void * buf = malloc ( len ) ;
if ( ! buf ) OutOfMemory ( ) ;
return buf ;
* Converts hex digits to bytes in big - endian order .
* Ignores any non - hex characters
void hex2bin ( BYTE * const bin , const char * hex , const size_t maxbin )
static const char * const hexdigits = " 0123456789ABCDEF " ;
char * nextchar ;
size_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; ( i < 16 ) & & utf8_to_ucs2_char ( ( const unsigned char * ) hex , ( const unsigned char * * ) & nextchar ) ! = ( WCHAR ) - 1 ; hex = nextchar )
const char * pos = strchr ( hexdigits , toupper ( ( int ) * hex ) ) ;
if ( ! pos ) continue ;
if ( ! ( i & 1 ) ) bin [ i > > 1 ] = 0 ;
bin [ i > > 1 ] | = ( char ) ( pos - hexdigits ) ;
if ( ! ( i & 1 ) ) bin [ i > > 1 ] < < = 4 ;
i + + ;
if ( i > > 1 > maxbin ) break ;
__pure BOOL getArgumentBool ( int_fast8_t * result , const char * const argument )
if (
! strncasecmp ( argument , " true " , 4 ) | |
2016-04-11 04:49:47 +00:00
! strncasecmp ( argument , " on " , 2 ) | |
2015-11-29 09:30:52 +00:00
! strncasecmp ( argument , " yes " , 3 ) | |
! strncasecmp ( argument , " 1 " , 1 )
* result = TRUE ;
return TRUE ;
else if (
! strncasecmp ( argument , " false " , 5 ) | |
! strncasecmp ( argument , " off " , 3 ) | |
! strncasecmp ( argument , " no " , 2 ) | |
! strncasecmp ( argument , " 0 " , 1 )
* result = FALSE ;
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
# ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
# define _GNU_SOURCE
# endif
# include <string.h>
# ifndef _WIN32
# include <signal.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <netinet/in.h>
# endif // WIN32
# include "network.h"
# include "endian.h"
# include "output.h"
# include "helpers.h"
# include "shared_globals.h"
# include "rpc.h"
# ifndef _WIN32
typedef ssize_t ( * sendrecv_t ) ( int , void * , size_t , int ) ;
# else
typedef int ( WINAPI * sendrecv_t ) ( SOCKET , void * , int , int ) ;
# endif
// Send or receive a fixed number of bytes regardless if received in one or more chunks
int_fast8_t sendrecv ( SOCKET sock , BYTE * data , int len , int_fast8_t do_send )
int n ;
sendrecv_t f = do_send
? ( sendrecv_t ) send
: ( sendrecv_t ) recv ;
n = f ( sock , data , len , 0 ) ;
while (
( n < 0 & & socket_errno = = VLMCSD_EINTR ) | | ( n > 0 & & ( data + = n , ( len - = n ) > 0 ) ) ) ;
return ! len ;
static int_fast8_t ip2str ( char * restrict result , const size_t resultLength , const struct sockaddr * const restrict socketAddress , const socklen_t socketLength )
static const char * const fIPv4 = " %s:%s " ;
static const char * const fIPv6 = " [%s]:%s " ;
char ipAddress [ 64 ] , portNumber [ 8 ] ;
if ( getnameinfo
socketAddress ,
socketLength ,
ipAddress ,
sizeof ( ipAddress ) ,
portNumber ,
sizeof ( portNumber ) ,
) )
return FALSE ;
if ( ( unsigned int ) snprintf ( result , resultLength , socketAddress - > sa_family = = AF_INET6 ? fIPv6 : fIPv4 , ipAddress , portNumber ) > resultLength ) return FALSE ;
return TRUE ;
static int_fast8_t getSocketList ( struct addrinfo * * saList , const char * const addr , const int flags , const int AddressFamily )
int status ;
char * szHost , * szPort ;
size_t len = strlen ( addr ) + 1 ;
// Don't alloca too much
if ( len > 264 ) return FALSE ;
char * addrcopy = ( char * ) alloca ( len ) ;
memcpy ( addrcopy , addr , len ) ;
parseAddress ( addrcopy , & szHost , & szPort ) ;
struct addrinfo hints ;
memset ( & hints , 0 , sizeof ( struct addrinfo ) ) ;
hints . ai_family = AddressFamily ;
hints . ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM ;
hints . ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP ;
hints . ai_flags = flags ;
if ( ( status = getaddrinfo ( szHost , szPort , & hints , saList ) ) )
printerrorf ( " Warning: %s: %s \n " , addr , gai_strerror ( status ) ) ;
return FALSE ;
return TRUE ;
static int_fast8_t setBlockingEnabled ( SOCKET fd , int_fast8_t blocking )
if ( fd = = INVALID_SOCKET ) return FALSE ;
# ifdef _WIN32
unsigned long mode = blocking ? 0 : 1 ;
return ( ioctlsocket ( fd , FIONBIO , & mode ) = = 0 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
# else // POSIX
int flags = fcntl ( fd , F_GETFL , 0 ) ;
if ( flags < 0 ) return FALSE ;
flags = blocking ? ( flags & ~ O_NONBLOCK ) : ( flags | O_NONBLOCK ) ;
return ( fcntl ( fd , F_SETFL , flags ) = = 0 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
# endif // POSIX
int_fast8_t isDisconnected ( const SOCKET s )
char buffer [ 1 ] ;
if ( ! setBlockingEnabled ( s , FALSE ) ) return TRUE ;
int n = recv ( s , buffer , 1 , MSG_PEEK ) ;
if ( ! setBlockingEnabled ( s , TRUE ) ) return TRUE ;
if ( n = = 0 ) return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
// Connect to TCP address addr (e.g. "kms.example.com:1688") and return an
// open socket for the connection if successful or INVALID_SOCKET otherwise
SOCKET connectToAddress ( const char * const addr , const int AddressFamily , int_fast8_t showHostName )
struct addrinfo * saList , * sa ;
char szAddr [ 128 ] ;
if ( ! getSocketList ( & saList , addr , 0 , AddressFamily ) ) return INVALID_SOCKET ;
for ( sa = saList ; sa ; sa = sa - > ai_next )
// struct sockaddr_in* addr4 = (struct sockaddr_in*)sa->ai_addr;
// struct sockaddr_in6* addr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6*)sa->ai_addr;
if ( ip2str ( szAddr , sizeof ( szAddr ) , sa - > ai_addr , sa - > ai_addrlen ) )
if ( showHostName )
printf ( " Connecting to %s (%s) ... " , addr , szAddr ) ;
printf ( " Connecting to %s ... " , szAddr ) ;
fflush ( stdout ) ;
s = socket ( sa - > ai_family , SOCK_STREAM , IPPROTO_TCP ) ;
# if !defined(NO_TIMEOUT) && !__minix__
# ifndef _WIN32 // Standard Posix timeout structure
struct timeval to ;
to . tv_sec = 10 ;
to . tv_usec = 0 ;
# else // Windows requires a DWORD with milliseconds
DWORD to = 10000 ;
# endif // _WIN32
setsockopt ( s , SOL_SOCKET , SO_RCVTIMEO , ( sockopt_t ) & to , sizeof ( to ) ) ;
setsockopt ( s , SOL_SOCKET , SO_SNDTIMEO , ( sockopt_t ) & to , sizeof ( to ) ) ;
# endif // !defined(NO_TIMEOUT) && !__minix__
if ( ! connect ( s , sa - > ai_addr , sa - > ai_addrlen ) )
printf ( " successful \n " ) ;
break ;
errorout ( " %s \n " , socket_errno = = VLMCSD_EINPROGRESS ? " Timed out " : vlmcsd_strerror ( socket_errno ) ) ;
socketclose ( s ) ;
freeaddrinfo ( saList ) ;
return s ;
# ifndef NO_SOCKETS
// Create a Listening socket for addrinfo sa and return socket s
// szHost and szPort are for logging only
static int listenOnAddress ( const struct addrinfo * const ai , SOCKET * s )
int error ;
char ipstr [ 64 ] ;
ip2str ( ipstr , sizeof ( ipstr ) , ai - > ai_addr , ai - > ai_addrlen ) ;
//*s = socket(ai->ai_family, ai->ai_socktype, ai->ai_protocol);
* s = socket ( ai - > ai_family , SOCK_STREAM , IPPROTO_TCP ) ;
if ( * s = = INVALID_SOCKET )
error = socket_errno ;
printerrorf ( " Warning: %s error. %s \n " , ai - > ai_family = = AF_INET6 ? cIPv6 : cIPv4 , vlmcsd_strerror ( error ) ) ;
return error ;
# if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(NO_SIGHUP)
int flags = fcntl ( * s , F_GETFD , 0 ) ;
if ( flags ! = - 1 )
flags | = FD_CLOEXEC ;
fcntl ( * s , F_SETFD , flags ) ;
# ifdef _PEDANTIC
printerrorf ( " Warning: Could not set FD_CLOEXEC flag on %s: %s \n " , ipstr , vlmcsd_strerror ( errno ) ) ;
# endif // _PEDANTIC
# endif // !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(NO_SIGHUP)
BOOL socketOption = TRUE ;
// fix for lame tomato toolchain
# ifndef IPV6_V6ONLY
# ifdef __linux__
# define IPV6_V6ONLY (26)
# endif // __linux__
# endif // IPV6_V6ONLY
# ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY
if ( ai - > ai_family = = AF_INET6 ) setsockopt ( * s , IPPROTO_IPV6 , IPV6_V6ONLY , ( sockopt_t ) & socketOption , sizeof ( socketOption ) ) ;
# endif
# ifndef _WIN32
setsockopt ( * s , SOL_SOCKET , SO_REUSEADDR , ( sockopt_t ) & socketOption , sizeof ( socketOption ) ) ;
# endif
if ( bind ( * s , ai - > ai_addr , ai - > ai_addrlen ) | | listen ( * s , SOMAXCONN ) )
error = socket_errno ;
printerrorf ( " Warning: %s: %s \n " , ipstr , vlmcsd_strerror ( error ) ) ;
socketclose ( * s ) ;
return error ;
# ifndef NO_LOG
logger ( " Listening on %s \n " , ipstr ) ;
# endif
return 0 ;
// Adds a listening socket for an address string,
// e.g. or [2001:db8:dead:beef::1]:1688
BOOL addListeningSocket ( const char * const addr )
struct addrinfo * aiList , * ai ;
int result = FALSE ;
SOCKET * s = SocketList + numsockets ;
if ( getSocketList ( & aiList , addr , AI_PASSIVE | AI_NUMERICHOST , AF_UNSPEC ) )
for ( ai = aiList ; ai ; ai = ai - > ai_next )
// struct sockaddr_in* addr4 = (struct sockaddr_in*)sa->ai_addr;
// struct sockaddr_in6* addr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6*)sa->ai_addr;
if ( numsockets > = FD_SETSIZE )
# ifdef _PEDANTIC // Do not report this error in normal builds to keep file size low
printerrorf ( " Warning: Cannot listen on %s. Your OS only supports %u listening sockets in an FD_SET. \n " , addr , FD_SETSIZE ) ;
# endif
break ;
if ( ! listenOnAddress ( ai , s ) )
numsockets + + ;
result = TRUE ;
freeaddrinfo ( aiList ) ;
return result ;
// Just create some dummy sockets to see if we have a specific protocol (IPv4 or IPv6)
__pure int_fast8_t checkProtocolStack ( const int addressfamily )
s = socket ( addressfamily , SOCK_STREAM , 0 ) ;
int_fast8_t success = ( s ! = INVALID_SOCKET ) ;
socketclose ( s ) ;
return success ;
// Build an fd_set of all listening socket then use select to wait for an incoming connection
static SOCKET network_accept_any ( )
fd_set ListeningSocketsList ;
SOCKET maxSocket , sock ;
int i ;
int status ;
FD_ZERO ( & ListeningSocketsList ) ;
maxSocket = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numsockets ; i + + )
FD_SET ( SocketList [ i ] , & ListeningSocketsList ) ;
if ( SocketList [ i ] > maxSocket ) maxSocket = SocketList [ i ] ;
status = select ( maxSocket + 1 , & ListeningSocketsList , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ;
if ( status < 0 ) return INVALID_SOCKET ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numsockets ; i + + )
if ( FD_ISSET ( SocketList [ i ] , & ListeningSocketsList ) )
sock = SocketList [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( sock = = INVALID_SOCKET )
return accept ( sock , NULL , NULL ) ;
void closeAllListeningSockets ( )
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numsockets ; i + + )
shutdown ( SocketList [ i ] , VLMCSD_SHUT_RDWR ) ;
socketclose ( SocketList [ i ] ) ;
# endif // NO_SOCKETS
static void serveClient ( const SOCKET s_client , const DWORD RpcAssocGroup )
# if !defined(NO_TIMEOUT) && !__minix__
# ifndef _WIN32 // Standard Posix timeout structure
struct timeval to ;
to . tv_sec = ServerTimeout ;
to . tv_usec = 0 ;
# else // Windows requires a DWORD with milliseconds
DWORD to = ServerTimeout * 1000 ;
# endif // _WIN32
# if !defined(NO_LOG) && defined(_PEDANTIC)
int result =
setsockopt ( s_client , SOL_SOCKET , SO_RCVTIMEO , ( sockopt_t ) & to , sizeof ( to ) ) | |
setsockopt ( s_client , SOL_SOCKET , SO_SNDTIMEO , ( sockopt_t ) & to , sizeof ( to ) ) ;
if ( result ) logger ( " Warning: Set timeout failed: %s \n " , vlmcsd_strerror ( socket_errno ) ) ;
# else // !(!defined(NO_LOG) && defined(_PEDANTIC))
setsockopt ( s_client , SOL_SOCKET , SO_RCVTIMEO , ( sockopt_t ) & to , sizeof ( to ) ) ;
setsockopt ( s_client , SOL_SOCKET , SO_SNDTIMEO , ( sockopt_t ) & to , sizeof ( to ) ) ;
# endif // !(!defined(NO_LOG) && defined(_PEDANTIC))
# endif // !defined(NO_TIMEOUT) && !__minix__
char ipstr [ 64 ] ;
socklen_t len ;
struct sockaddr_storage addr ;
len = sizeof addr ;
if ( getpeername ( s_client , ( struct sockaddr * ) & addr , & len ) | |
! ip2str ( ipstr , sizeof ( ipstr ) , ( struct sockaddr * ) & addr , len ) )
# if !defined(NO_LOG) && defined(_PEDANTIC)
logger ( " Fatal: Cannot determine client's IP address: %s \n " , vlmcsd_strerror ( errno ) ) ;
# endif // !defined(NO_LOG) && defined(_PEDANTIC)
socketclose ( s_client ) ;
return ;
# ifndef NO_LOG
const char * const connection_type = addr . ss_family = = AF_INET6 ? cIPv6 : cIPv4 ;
static const char * const cAccepted = " accepted " ;
static const char * const cClosed = " closed " ;
static const char * const fIP = " %s connection %s: %s. \n " ;
logger ( fIP , connection_type , cAccepted , ipstr ) ;
# endif // NO_LOG
rpcServer ( s_client , RpcAssocGroup , ipstr ) ;
# ifndef NO_LOG
logger ( fIP , connection_type , cClosed , ipstr ) ;
# endif // NO_LOG
socketclose ( s_client ) ;
# ifndef NO_SOCKETS
static void post_sem ( void )
# if !defined(NO_LIMIT) && !__minix__
if ( ! InetdMode & & MaxTasks ! = SEM_VALUE_MAX )
semaphore_post ( Semaphore ) ;
# endif // !defined(NO_LIMIT) && !__minix__
static void wait_sem ( void )
# if !defined(NO_LIMIT) && !__minix__
if ( ! InetdMode & & MaxTasks ! = SEM_VALUE_MAX )
semaphore_wait ( Semaphore ) ;
# endif // !defined(NO_LIMIT) && !__minix__
# endif // NO_SOCKETS
# if defined(USE_THREADS) && !defined(NO_SOCKETS)
# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) // Win32 Threads
static DWORD WINAPI serveClientThreadProc ( PCLDATA clData )
# else // Posix threads
static void * serveClientThreadProc ( PCLDATA clData )
# endif // Thread proc is identical in WIN32 and Posix threads
serveClient ( clData - > socket , clData - > RpcAssocGroup ) ;
free ( clData ) ;
post_sem ( ) ;
return 0 ;
# endif // USE_THREADS
# ifndef NO_SOCKETS
# if defined(USE_THREADS) && (defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)) // Windows Threads
static int serveClientAsyncWinThreads ( const PCLDATA thr_CLData )
wait_sem ( ) ;
HANDLE h = CreateThread ( NULL , 0 , ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE ) serveClientThreadProc , thr_CLData , 0 , NULL ) ;
if ( h )
CloseHandle ( h ) ;
socketclose ( thr_CLData - > socket ) ;
free ( thr_CLData ) ;
post_sem ( ) ;
return GetLastError ( ) ;
return NO_ERROR ;
# endif // defined(USE_THREADS) && defined(_WIN32) // Windows Threads
# if defined(USE_THREADS) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) // Posix Threads
static int ServeClientAsyncPosixThreads ( const PCLDATA thr_CLData )
pthread_t p_thr ;
pthread_attr_t attr ;
wait_sem ( ) ;
// Must set detached state to avoid memory leak
if ( pthread_attr_init ( & attr ) | |
pthread_attr_setdetachstate ( & attr , PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED ) | |
pthread_create ( & p_thr , & attr , ( void * ( * ) ( void * ) ) serveClientThreadProc , thr_CLData ) )
socketclose ( thr_CLData - > socket ) ;
free ( thr_CLData ) ;
post_sem ( ) ;
return ! 0 ;
return 0 ;
# endif // defined(USE_THREADS) && !defined(_WIN32) // Posix Threads
# ifndef USE_THREADS // fork() implementation
static void ChildSignalHandler ( const int signal )
if ( signal = = SIGHUP ) return ;
post_sem ( ) ;
# ifndef NO_LOG
logger ( " Warning: Child killed/crashed by %s \n " , strsignal ( signal ) ) ;
# endif // NO_LOG
exit ( ! 0 ) ;
static int ServeClientAsyncFork ( const SOCKET s_client , const DWORD RpcAssocGroup )
int pid ;
wait_sem ( ) ;
if ( ( pid = fork ( ) ) < 0 )
return errno ;
else if ( pid )
// Parent process
socketclose ( s_client ) ;
return 0 ;
// Child process
// Setup a Child Handler for most common termination signals
struct sigaction sa ;
sa . sa_flags = 0 ;
sa . sa_handler = ChildSignalHandler ;
static int signallist [ ] = { SIGHUP , SIGINT , SIGTERM , SIGSEGV , SIGILL , SIGFPE , SIGBUS } ;
if ( ! sigemptyset ( & sa . sa_mask ) )
uint_fast8_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < _countof ( signallist ) ; i + + )
sigaction ( signallist [ i ] , & sa , NULL ) ;
serveClient ( s_client , RpcAssocGroup ) ;
post_sem ( ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ;
# endif
int serveClientAsync ( const SOCKET s_client , const DWORD RpcAssocGroup )
# ifndef USE_THREADS // fork() implementation
return ServeClientAsyncFork ( s_client , RpcAssocGroup ) ;
# else // threads implementation
PCLDATA thr_CLData = ( PCLDATA ) vlmcsd_malloc ( sizeof ( CLDATA ) ) ;
thr_CLData - > socket = s_client ;
thr_CLData - > RpcAssocGroup = RpcAssocGroup ;
# if defined(_WIN32) || defined (__CYGWIN__) // Windows threads
return serveClientAsyncWinThreads ( thr_CLData ) ;
# else // Posix Threads
return ServeClientAsyncPosixThreads ( thr_CLData ) ;
# endif // Posix Threads
# endif // USE_THREADS
# endif // NO_SOCKETS
int runServer ( )
DWORD RpcAssocGroup = rand32 ( ) ;
// If compiled for inetd-only mode just serve the stdin socket
# ifdef NO_SOCKETS
serveClient ( STDIN_FILENO , RpcAssocGroup ) ;
return 0 ;
# else
// In inetd mode just handle the stdin socket
if ( InetdMode )
serveClient ( STDIN_FILENO , RpcAssocGroup ) ;
return 0 ;
// Standalone mode
for ( ; ; )
int error ;
SOCKET s_client ;
if ( ( s_client = network_accept_any ( ) ) = = INVALID_SOCKET )
error = socket_errno ;
if ( error = = VLMCSD_EINTR | | error = = VLMCSD_ECONNABORTED ) continue ;
# ifdef _NTSERVICE
if ( ServiceShutdown ) return 0 ;
# endif
# ifndef NO_LOG
logger ( " Fatal: %s \n " , vlmcsd_strerror ( error ) ) ;
# endif
return error ;
RpcAssocGroup + + ;
serveClientAsync ( s_client , RpcAssocGroup ) ;
# endif // NO_SOCKETS
return 0 ;
# endif // USE_MSRPC
# endif // _DEFAULT_SOURCE
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# ifndef USE_MSRPC
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <time.h>
# if !defined(_WIN32)
# include <sys/socket.h>
# include <netdb.h>
# endif
# include "rpc.h"
# include "output.h"
# include "crypto.h"
# include "endian.h"
# include "helpers.h"
# include "network.h"
# include "shared_globals.h"
/* Forwards */
static int checkRpcHeader ( const RPC_HEADER * const Header , const BYTE desiredPacketType , const PRINTFUNC p ) ;
/* Data definitions */
// All GUIDs are defined as BYTE[16] here. No big-endian/little-endian byteswapping required.
static const BYTE TransferSyntaxNDR32 [ ] = {
0x04 , 0x5D , 0x88 , 0x8A , 0xEB , 0x1C , 0xC9 , 0x11 , 0x9F , 0xE8 , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x2B , 0x10 , 0x48 , 0x60
} ;
static const BYTE InterfaceUuid [ ] = {
0x75 , 0x21 , 0xc8 , 0x51 , 0x4e , 0x84 , 0x50 , 0x47 , 0xB0 , 0xD8 , 0xEC , 0x25 , 0x55 , 0x55 , 0xBC , 0x06
} ;
static const BYTE TransferSyntaxNDR64 [ ] = {
0x33 , 0x05 , 0x71 , 0x71 , 0xba , 0xbe , 0x37 , 0x49 , 0x83 , 0x19 , 0xb5 , 0xdb , 0xef , 0x9c , 0xcc , 0x36
} ;
static const BYTE BindTimeFeatureNegotiation [ ] = {
0x2c , 0x1c , 0xb7 , 0x6c , 0x12 , 0x98 , 0x40 , 0x45 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00
} ;
// Dispatch RPC payload to kms.c
typedef int ( * CreateResponse_t ) ( const void * const , void * const , const char * const ) ;
static const struct {
unsigned int RequestSize ;
CreateResponse_t CreateResponse ;
} _Versions [ ] = {
{ sizeof ( REQUEST_V4 ) , ( CreateResponse_t ) CreateResponseV4 } ,
{ sizeof ( REQUEST_V6 ) , ( CreateResponse_t ) CreateResponseV6 } ,
{ sizeof ( REQUEST_V6 ) , ( CreateResponse_t ) CreateResponseV6 }
} ;
RPC_FLAGS RpcFlags ;
static int_fast8_t firstPacketSent ;
// RPC request (server)
# if defined(_PEDANTIC) && !defined(NO_LOG)
static void CheckRpcRequest ( const RPC_REQUEST64 * const Request , const unsigned int len , WORD * NdrCtx , WORD * Ndr64Ctx , WORD Ctx )
uint_fast8_t kmsMajorVersion ;
uint32_t requestSize = Ctx ! = * Ndr64Ctx ? sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST ) : sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST64 ) ;
if ( len < requestSize )
logger ( " Fatal: RPC request (including header) must be at least %i bytes but is only %i bytes. \n " ,
( int ) ( sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) + requestSize ) ,
( int ) ( len + sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) )
) ;
return ;
if ( len < requestSize + sizeof ( DWORD ) )
logger ( " Fatal: KMS Request too small to contain version info (less than 4 bytes). \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( Ctx ! = * Ndr64Ctx )
kmsMajorVersion = LE16 ( ( ( WORD * ) Request - > Ndr . Data ) [ 1 ] ) ;
kmsMajorVersion = LE16 ( ( ( WORD * ) Request - > Ndr64 . Data ) [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( kmsMajorVersion > 6 )
logger ( " Fatal: KMSv%u is not supported. \n " , ( unsigned int ) kmsMajorVersion ) ;
if ( len > _Versions [ kmsMajorVersion ] . RequestSize + requestSize )
logger ( " Warning: %u excess bytes in RPC request. \n " ,
len - _Versions [ kmsMajorVersion ] . RequestSize
) ;
if ( Ctx ! = * Ndr64Ctx & & Ctx ! = * NdrCtx )
logger ( " Warning: Context id should be %u (NDR32) or %u (NDR64) but is %u. \n " ,
( unsigned int ) * NdrCtx ,
( unsigned int ) * Ndr64Ctx ,
) ;
if ( Request - > Opnum )
logger ( " Warning: OpNum should be 0 but is %u. \n " ,
( unsigned int ) LE16 ( Request - > Opnum )
) ;
if ( LE32 ( Request - > AllocHint ) ! = len - sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST ) + sizeof ( Request - > Ndr ) )
logger ( " Warning: Allocation hint should be %u but is %u. \n " ,
len + sizeof ( Request - > Ndr ) ,
LE32 ( Request - > AllocHint )
) ;
if ( Ctx ! = * Ndr64Ctx )
if ( LE32 ( Request - > Ndr . DataLength ) ! = len - sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST ) )
logger ( " Warning: NDR32 data length field should be %u but is %u. \n " ,
len - sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST ) ,
LE32 ( Request - > Ndr . DataLength )
) ;
if ( LE32 ( Request - > Ndr . DataSizeIs ) ! = len - sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST ) )
logger ( " Warning: NDR32 data size field should be %u but is %u. \n " ,
len - sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST ) ,
LE32 ( Request - > Ndr . DataSizeIs )
) ;
if ( LE64 ( Request - > Ndr64 . DataLength ) ! = len - sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST64 ) )
logger ( " Warning: NDR32 data length field should be %u but is %u. \n " ,
len - sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST ) + sizeof ( Request - > Ndr ) ,
LE64 ( Request - > Ndr64 . DataLength )
) ;
if ( LE64 ( Request - > Ndr64 . DataSizeIs ) ! = len - sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST64 ) )
logger ( " Warning: NDR32 data size field should be %u but is %u. \n " ,
len - sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST64 ) ,
LE64 ( Request - > Ndr64 . DataSizeIs )
) ;
# endif // defined(_PEDANTIC) && !defined(NO_LOG)
* check RPC request for ( somewhat ) correct size
* allow any size that does not cause CreateResponse to fail badly
static unsigned int checkRpcRequestSize ( const RPC_REQUEST64 * const Request , const unsigned int requestSize , WORD * NdrCtx , WORD * Ndr64Ctx )
WORD Ctx = LE16 ( Request - > ContextId ) ;
# if defined(_PEDANTIC) && !defined(NO_LOG)
CheckRpcRequest ( Request , requestSize , NdrCtx , Ndr64Ctx , Ctx ) ;
# endif // defined(_PEDANTIC) && !defined(NO_LOG)
// Anything that is smaller than a v4 request is illegal
if ( requestSize < sizeof ( REQUEST_V4 ) + ( Ctx ! = * Ndr64Ctx ? sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST ) : sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST64 ) ) ) return 0 ;
// Get KMS major version
uint_fast16_t _v ;
if ( Ctx ! = * Ndr64Ctx )
_v = LE16 ( ( ( WORD * ) Request - > Ndr . Data ) [ 1 ] ) - 4 ;
_v = LE16 ( ( ( WORD * ) Request - > Ndr64 . Data ) [ 1 ] ) - 4 ;
// Only KMS v4, v5 and v6 are supported
if ( _v > = vlmcsd_countof ( _Versions ) )
# ifndef NO_LOG
logger ( " Fatal: KMSv%i unsupported \n " , _v + 4 ) ;
# endif // NO_LOG
return 0 ;
// Could check for equality but allow bigger requests to support buggy RPC clients (e.g. wine)
// Buffer overrun is check by caller.
return ( requestSize > = _Versions [ _v ] . RequestSize ) ;
* Handles the actual KMS request from the client .
* Calls KMS functions ( CreateResponseV4 or CreateResponseV6 ) in kms . c
* Returns size of the KMS response packet or 0 on failure .
* The RPC packet size ( excluding header ) is actually in Response - > AllocHint
static int rpcRequest ( const RPC_REQUEST64 * const Request , RPC_RESPONSE64 * const Response , const DWORD RpcAssocGroup_unused , const SOCKET sock_unused , WORD * NdrCtx , WORD * Ndr64Ctx , BYTE packetType , const char * const ipstr )
uint_fast16_t _v ;
int ResponseSize ;
WORD Ctx = LE16 ( Request - > ContextId ) ;
BYTE * requestData ;
BYTE * responseData ;
BYTE * pRpcReturnCode ;
int len ;
if ( Ctx ! = * Ndr64Ctx )
requestData = ( BYTE * ) & Request - > Ndr . Data ;
responseData = ( BYTE * ) & Response - > Ndr . Data ;
requestData = ( BYTE * ) & Request - > Ndr64 . Data ;
responseData = ( BYTE * ) & Response - > Ndr64 . Data ;
_v = LE16 ( ( ( WORD * ) requestData ) [ 1 ] ) - 4 ;
if ( ! ( ResponseSize = _Versions [ _v ] . CreateResponse ( requestData , responseData , ipstr ) ) )
return 0 ;
if ( Ctx ! = * Ndr64Ctx )
Response - > Ndr . DataSizeMax = LE32 ( 0x00020000 ) ;
Response - > Ndr . DataLength = Response - > Ndr . DataSizeIs = LE32 ( ResponseSize ) ;
len = ResponseSize + sizeof ( Response - > Ndr ) ;
Response - > Ndr64 . DataSizeMax = LE64 ( 0x00020000ULL ) ;
Response - > Ndr64 . DataLength = Response - > Ndr64 . DataSizeIs = LE64 ( ( uint64_t ) ResponseSize ) ;
len = ResponseSize + sizeof ( Response - > Ndr64 ) ;
pRpcReturnCode = ( ( BYTE * ) & Response - > Ndr ) + len ;
UA32 ( pRpcReturnCode ) = 0 ; //LE32 not needed for 0
len + = sizeof ( DWORD ) ;
// Pad zeros to 32-bit align (seems not neccassary but Windows RPC does it this way)
int pad = ( ( ~ len & 3 ) + 1 ) & 3 ;
memset ( pRpcReturnCode + sizeof ( DWORD ) , 0 , pad ) ;
len + = pad ;
Response - > AllocHint = LE32 ( len ) ;
Response - > ContextId = Request - > ContextId ;
* ( ( WORD * ) & Response - > CancelCount ) = 0 ; // CancelCount + Pad1
return len + 8 ;
# if defined(_PEDANTIC) && !defined(NO_LOG)
static void CheckRpcBindRequest ( const RPC_BIND_REQUEST * const Request , const unsigned int len )
uint_fast8_t i , HasTransferSyntaxNDR32 = FALSE ;
char guidBuffer1 [ GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ] , guidBuffer2 [ GUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ] ;
uint32_t CapCtxItems = ( len - sizeof ( * Request ) + sizeof ( Request - > CtxItems ) ) / sizeof ( Request - > CtxItems ) ;
DWORD NumCtxItems = LE32 ( Request - > NumCtxItems ) ;
if ( NumCtxItems < CapCtxItems ) // Can't be too small because already handled by RpcBindSize
logger ( " Warning: Excess bytes in RPC bind request. \n " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < NumCtxItems ; i + + )
if ( ! IsEqualGUID ( & Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . InterfaceUUID , InterfaceUuid ) )
uuid2StringLE ( ( GUID * ) & Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . InterfaceUUID , guidBuffer1 ) ;
uuid2StringLE ( ( GUID * ) InterfaceUuid , guidBuffer2 ) ;
logger ( " Warning: Interface UUID is %s but should be %s in Ctx item %u. \n " , guidBuffer1 , guidBuffer2 , ( unsigned int ) i ) ;
if ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . NumTransItems ! = LE16 ( 1 ) )
logger ( " Fatal: %u NDR32 transfer items detected in Ctx item %u, but only one is supported. \n " ,
( unsigned int ) LE16 ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . NumTransItems ) , ( unsigned int ) i
) ;
if ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . InterfaceVerMajor ! = LE16 ( 1 ) | | Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . InterfaceVerMinor ! = 0 )
logger ( " Warning: NDR32 Interface version is %u.%u but should be 1.0. \n " ,
( unsigned int ) LE16 ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . InterfaceVerMajor ) ,
( unsigned int ) LE16 ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . InterfaceVerMinor )
) ;
if ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . ContextId ! = LE16 ( ( WORD ) i ) )
logger ( " Warning: context id of Ctx item %u is %u. \n " , ( unsigned int ) i , ( unsigned int ) Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . ContextId ) ;
if ( IsEqualGUID ( ( GUID * ) TransferSyntaxNDR32 , & Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . TransferSyntax ) )
HasTransferSyntaxNDR32 = TRUE ;
if ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . SyntaxVersion ! = LE32 ( 2 ) )
logger ( " NDR32 transfer syntax version is %u but should be 2. \n " , LE32 ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . SyntaxVersion ) ) ;
else if ( IsEqualGUID ( ( GUID * ) TransferSyntaxNDR64 , & Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . TransferSyntax ) )
if ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . SyntaxVersion ! = LE32 ( 1 ) )
logger ( " NDR64 transfer syntax version is %u but should be 1. \n " , LE32 ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . SyntaxVersion ) ) ;
else if ( ! memcmp ( BindTimeFeatureNegotiation , ( BYTE * ) ( & Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . TransferSyntax ) , 8 ) )
if ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . SyntaxVersion ! = LE32 ( 1 ) )
logger ( " BTFN syntax version is %u but should be 1. \n " , LE32 ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . SyntaxVersion ) ) ;
if ( ! HasTransferSyntaxNDR32 )
logger ( " Warning: RPC bind request has no NDR32 CtxItem. \n " ) ;
# endif // defined(_PEDANTIC) && !defined(NO_LOG)
* Check , if we receive enough bytes to return a valid RPC bind response
static unsigned int checkRpcBindSize ( const RPC_BIND_REQUEST * const Request , const unsigned int RequestSize , WORD * NdrCtx , WORD * Ndr64Ctx )
if ( RequestSize < sizeof ( RPC_BIND_REQUEST ) ) return FALSE ;
unsigned int _NumCtxItems = LE32 ( Request - > NumCtxItems ) ;
if ( RequestSize < sizeof ( RPC_BIND_REQUEST ) - sizeof ( Request - > CtxItems [ 0 ] ) + _NumCtxItems * sizeof ( Request - > CtxItems [ 0 ] ) ) return FALSE ;
# if defined(_PEDANTIC) && !defined(NO_LOG)
CheckRpcBindRequest ( Request , RequestSize ) ;
# endif // defined(_PEDANTIC) && !defined(NO_LOG)
return TRUE ;
* Accepts a bind or alter context request from the client and composes the bind response .
* Needs the socket because the tcp port number is part of the response .
* len is not used here .
* Returns TRUE on success .
static int rpcBind ( const RPC_BIND_REQUEST * const Request , RPC_BIND_RESPONSE * Response , const DWORD RpcAssocGroup , const SOCKET sock , WORD * NdrCtx , WORD * Ndr64Ctx , BYTE packetType , const char * const ipstr_unused )
unsigned int i , _st = FALSE ;
DWORD numCtxItems = LE32 ( Request - > NumCtxItems ) ;
int_fast8_t IsNDR64possible = FALSE ;
uint_fast8_t portNumberSize ;
socklen_t socklen ;
struct sockaddr_storage addr ;
// M$ RPC does not do this. Pad bytes contain apparently random data
// memset(Response->SecondaryAddress, 0, sizeof(Response->SecondaryAddress));
socklen = sizeof addr ;
if (
packetType = = RPC_PT_ALTERCONTEXT_REQ | |
getsockname ( sock , ( struct sockaddr * ) & addr , & socklen ) | |
getnameinfo ( ( struct sockaddr * ) & addr , socklen , NULL , 0 , ( char * ) Response - > SecondaryAddress , sizeof ( Response - > SecondaryAddress ) , NI_NUMERICSERV ) )
portNumberSize = Response - > SecondaryAddressLength = 0 ;
portNumberSize = strlen ( ( char * ) Response - > SecondaryAddress ) + 1 ;
Response - > SecondaryAddressLength = LE16 ( portNumberSize ) ;
Response - > MaxXmitFrag = Request - > MaxXmitFrag ;
Response - > MaxRecvFrag = Request - > MaxRecvFrag ;
Response - > AssocGroup = LE32 ( RpcAssocGroup ) ;
// This is really ugly (but efficient) code to support padding after the secondary address field
if ( portNumberSize < 3 )
Response = ( RPC_BIND_RESPONSE * ) ( ( BYTE * ) Response - 4 ) ;
Response - > NumResults = Request - > NumCtxItems ;
if ( UseRpcNDR64 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < numCtxItems ; i + + )
if ( IsEqualGUID ( ( GUID * ) TransferSyntaxNDR32 , & Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . TransferSyntax ) )
/*if (packetType == RPC_PT_BIND_REQ)*/
* NdrCtx = LE16 ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . ContextId ) ;
if ( IsEqualGUID ( ( GUID * ) TransferSyntaxNDR64 , & Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . TransferSyntax ) )
IsNDR64possible = TRUE ;
/*if (packetType == RPC_PT_BIND_REQ)*/
* Ndr64Ctx = LE16 ( Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . ContextId ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numCtxItems ; i + + )
memset ( & Response - > Results [ i ] . TransferSyntax , 0 , sizeof ( GUID ) ) ;
if ( ! IsNDR64possible & & IsEqualGUID ( ( GUID * ) TransferSyntaxNDR32 , & Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . TransferSyntax ) )
Response - > Results [ i ] . SyntaxVersion = LE32 ( 2 ) ;
Response - > Results [ i ] . AckResult =
Response - > Results [ i ] . AckReason = RPC_BIND_ACCEPT ;
memcpy ( & Response - > Results [ i ] . TransferSyntax , TransferSyntaxNDR32 , sizeof ( GUID ) ) ;
_st = TRUE ;
else if ( IsNDR64possible & & IsEqualGUID ( ( GUID * ) TransferSyntaxNDR64 , & Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . TransferSyntax ) )
Response - > Results [ i ] . SyntaxVersion = LE32 ( 1 ) ;
Response - > Results [ i ] . AckResult =
Response - > Results [ i ] . AckReason = RPC_BIND_ACCEPT ;
memcpy ( & Response - > Results [ i ] . TransferSyntax , TransferSyntaxNDR64 , sizeof ( GUID ) ) ;
_st = TRUE ;
else if ( UseRpcBTFN & & ! memcmp ( BindTimeFeatureNegotiation , ( BYTE * ) ( & Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . TransferSyntax ) , 8 ) )
Response - > Results [ i ] . SyntaxVersion = 0 ;
Response - > Results [ i ] . AckResult = RPC_BIND_ACK ;
// Features requested are actually encoded in the GUID
Response - > Results [ i ] . AckReason =
( ( WORD * ) ( & Request - > CtxItems [ i ] . TransferSyntax ) ) [ 4 ] &
Response - > Results [ i ] . SyntaxVersion = 0 ;
Response - > Results [ i ] . AckResult =
Response - > Results [ i ] . AckReason = RPC_BIND_NACK ; // Unsupported
if ( ! _st ) return 0 ;
return sizeof ( RPC_BIND_RESPONSE ) + numCtxItems * sizeof ( ( ( RPC_BIND_RESPONSE * ) 0 ) - > Results [ 0 ] ) - ( portNumberSize < 3 ? 4 : 0 ) ;
// Main RPC handling routine
typedef unsigned int ( * GetResponseSize_t ) ( const void * const request , const unsigned int requestSize , WORD * NdrCtx , WORD * Ndr64Ctx ) ;
typedef int ( * GetResponse_t ) ( const void * const request , void * response , const DWORD rpcAssocGroup , const SOCKET socket , WORD * NdrCtx , WORD * Ndr64Ctx , BYTE packetType , const char * const ipstr ) ;
static const struct {
BYTE ResponsePacketType ;
GetResponseSize_t CheckRequestSize ;
GetResponse_t GetResponse ;
_Actions [ ] = {
{ RPC_PT_BIND_ACK , ( GetResponseSize_t ) checkRpcBindSize , ( GetResponse_t ) rpcBind } ,
{ RPC_PT_RESPONSE , ( GetResponseSize_t ) checkRpcRequestSize , ( GetResponse_t ) rpcRequest } ,
{ RPC_PT_ALTERCONTEXT_ACK , ( GetResponseSize_t ) checkRpcBindSize , ( GetResponse_t ) rpcBind } ,
} ;
* This is the main RPC server loop . Returns after KMS request has been serviced
* or a timeout has occured .
void rpcServer ( const SOCKET sock , const DWORD RpcAssocGroup , const char * const ipstr )
RPC_HEADER rpcRequestHeader ;
randomNumberInit ( ) ;
while ( _recv ( sock , & rpcRequestHeader , sizeof ( rpcRequestHeader ) ) )
//int_fast8_t _st;
unsigned int request_len , response_len ;
uint_fast8_t _a ;
# if defined(_PEDANTIC) && !defined(NO_LOG)
checkRpcHeader ( & rpcRequestHeader , rpcRequestHeader . PacketType , & logger ) ;
# endif // defined(_PEDANTIC) && !defined(NO_LOG)
switch ( rpcRequestHeader . PacketType )
case RPC_PT_BIND_REQ : _a = 0 ; break ;
case RPC_PT_REQUEST : _a = 1 ; break ;
case RPC_PT_ALTERCONTEXT_REQ : _a = 2 ; break ;
default : return ;
request_len = LE16 ( rpcRequestHeader . FragLength ) - sizeof ( rpcRequestHeader ) ;
BYTE requestBuffer [ MAX_REQUEST_SIZE + sizeof ( RPC_RESPONSE64 ) ] ;
BYTE responseBuffer [ MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE + sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) + sizeof ( RPC_RESPONSE64 ) ] ;
RPC_HEADER * rpcResponseHeader = ( RPC_HEADER * ) responseBuffer ;
RPC_RESPONSE * rpcResponse = ( RPC_RESPONSE * ) ( responseBuffer + sizeof ( rpcRequestHeader ) ) ;
// The request is larger than the buffer size
if ( request_len > MAX_REQUEST_SIZE + sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST64 ) ) return ;
// Unable to receive the complete request
if ( ! _recv ( sock , requestBuffer , request_len ) ) return ;
// Request is invalid
if ( ! _Actions [ _a ] . CheckRequestSize ( requestBuffer , request_len , & NdrCtx , & Ndr64Ctx ) ) return ;
// Unable to create a valid response from request
if ( ! ( response_len = _Actions [ _a ] . GetResponse ( requestBuffer , rpcResponse , RpcAssocGroup , sock , & NdrCtx , & Ndr64Ctx , rpcRequestHeader . PacketType , ipstr ) ) ) return ;
response_len + = sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) ;
memcpy ( rpcResponseHeader , & rpcRequestHeader , sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) ) ;
rpcResponseHeader - > FragLength = LE16 ( response_len ) ;
rpcResponseHeader - > PacketType = _Actions [ _a ] . ResponsePacketType ;
if ( rpcResponseHeader - > PacketType = = RPC_PT_ALTERCONTEXT_ACK )
rpcResponseHeader - > PacketFlags = RPC_PF_FIRST | RPC_PF_LAST ;
if ( ! _send ( sock , responseBuffer , response_len ) ) return ;
if ( DisconnectImmediately & & rpcResponseHeader - > PacketType = = RPC_PT_RESPONSE )
shutdown ( sock , VLMCSD_SHUT_RDWR ) ;
/* RPC client functions */
static DWORD CallId = 2 ; // M$ starts with CallId 2. So we do the same.
* Checks RPC header . Returns 0 on success .
* This is mainly for debugging a non Microsoft KMS server that uses its own RPC code .
static int checkRpcHeader ( const RPC_HEADER * const Header , const BYTE desiredPacketType , const PRINTFUNC p )
int status = 0 ;
if ( Header - > PacketType ! = desiredPacketType )
p ( " Fatal: Received wrong RPC packet type. Expected %u but got %u \n " ,
( uint32_t ) desiredPacketType ,
Header - > PacketType
) ;
status = ! 0 ;
if ( Header - > DataRepresentation ! = BE32 ( 0x10000000 ) )
p ( " Fatal: RPC response does not conform to Microsoft's limited support of DCE RPC \n " ) ;
status = ! 0 ;
if ( Header - > AuthLength ! = 0 )
p ( " Fatal: RPC response requests authentication \n " ) ;
status = ! 0 ;
// vlmcsd does not support fragmented packets (not yet neccassary)
if ( ( Header - > PacketFlags & ( RPC_PF_FIRST | RPC_PF_LAST ) ) ! = ( RPC_PF_FIRST | RPC_PF_LAST ) )
p ( " Fatal: RPC packet flags RPC_PF_FIRST and RPC_PF_LAST are not both set. \n " ) ;
status = ! 0 ;
if ( Header - > PacketFlags & RPC_PF_CANCEL_PENDING ) p ( " Warning: %s should not be set \n " , " RPC_PF_CANCEL_PENDING " ) ;
if ( Header - > PacketFlags & RPC_PF_RESERVED ) p ( " Warning: %s should not be set \n " , " RPC_PF_RESERVED " ) ;
if ( Header - > PacketFlags & RPC_PF_NOT_EXEC ) p ( " Warning: %s should not be set \n " , " RPC_PF_NOT_EXEC " ) ;
if ( Header - > PacketFlags & RPC_PF_MAYBE ) p ( " Warning: %s should not be set \n " , " RPC_PF_MAYBE " ) ;
if ( Header - > PacketFlags & RPC_PF_OBJECT ) p ( " Warning: %s should not be set \n " , " RPC_PF_OBJECT " ) ;
if ( Header - > VersionMajor ! = 5 | | Header - > VersionMinor ! = 0 )
p ( " Fatal: Expected RPC version 5.0 and got %u.%u \n " , Header - > VersionMajor , Header - > VersionMinor ) ;
status = ! 0 ;
return status ;
* Checks an RPC response header . Does basic header checks by calling checkRpcHeader ( )
* and then does additional checks if response header complies with the respective request header .
* PRINTFUNC p can be anything that has the same prototype as printf .
* Returns 0 on success .
static int checkRpcResponseHeader ( const RPC_HEADER * const ResponseHeader , const RPC_HEADER * const RequestHeader , const BYTE desiredPacketType , const PRINTFUNC p )
static int_fast8_t WineBugDetected = FALSE ;
int status = checkRpcHeader ( ResponseHeader , desiredPacketType , p ) ;
if ( desiredPacketType = = RPC_PT_BIND_ACK )
if ( ( ResponseHeader - > PacketFlags & RPC_PF_MULTIPLEX ) ! = ( RequestHeader - > PacketFlags & RPC_PF_MULTIPLEX ) )
p ( " Warning: RPC_PF_MULTIPLEX of RPC request and response should match \n " ) ;
if ( ResponseHeader - > PacketFlags & RPC_PF_MULTIPLEX )
p ( " Warning: %s should not be set \n " , " RPC_PF_MULTIPLEX " ) ;
if ( ! status & & ResponseHeader - > CallId = = LE32 ( 1 ) )
if ( ! WineBugDetected )
p ( " Warning: Buggy RPC of Wine detected. Call Id of Response is always 1 \n " ) ;
WineBugDetected = TRUE ;
else if ( ResponseHeader - > CallId ! = RequestHeader - > CallId )
p ( " Fatal: Sent Call Id %u but received answer for Call Id %u \n " ,
( uint32_t ) LE32 ( RequestHeader - > CallId ) ,
( uint32_t ) LE32 ( ResponseHeader - > CallId )
) ;
status = ! 0 ;
return status ;
* Initializes an RPC request header as needed for KMS , i . e . packet always fits in one fragment .
* size cannot be greater than fragment length negotiated during RPC bind .
static void createRpcRequestHeader ( RPC_HEADER * RequestHeader , BYTE packetType , WORD size )
RequestHeader - > PacketType = packetType ;
RequestHeader - > PacketFlags = RPC_PF_FIRST | RPC_PF_LAST ;
RequestHeader - > VersionMajor = 5 ;
RequestHeader - > VersionMinor = 0 ;
RequestHeader - > AuthLength = 0 ;
RequestHeader - > DataRepresentation = BE32 ( 0x10000000 ) ; // Little endian, ASCII charset, IEEE floating point
RequestHeader - > CallId = LE32 ( CallId ) ;
RequestHeader - > FragLength = LE16 ( size ) ;
* Sends a KMS request via RPC and receives a response .
* Parameters are raw ( encrypted ) reqeuests / responses .
* Returns 0 on success .
RpcStatus rpcSendRequest ( const RpcCtx sock , const BYTE * const KmsRequest , const size_t requestSize , BYTE * * KmsResponse , size_t * const responseSize )
# define MAX_EXCESS_BYTES 16
RPC_HEADER * RequestHeader , ResponseHeader ;
RPC_REQUEST64 * RpcRequest ;
RPC_RESPONSE64 _Response ;
int status = 0 ;
int_fast8_t useNdr64 = UseRpcNDR64 & & firstPacketSent ;
size_t size = sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) + ( useNdr64 ? sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST64 ) : sizeof ( RPC_REQUEST ) ) + requestSize ;
size_t responseSize2 ;
* KmsResponse = NULL ;
BYTE * _Request = ( BYTE * ) vlmcsd_malloc ( size ) ;
RequestHeader = ( RPC_HEADER * ) _Request ;
RpcRequest = ( RPC_REQUEST64 * ) ( _Request + sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) ) ;
createRpcRequestHeader ( RequestHeader , RPC_PT_REQUEST , size ) ;
// Increment CallId for next Request
CallId + + ;
RpcRequest - > Opnum = 0 ;
if ( useNdr64 )
RpcRequest - > ContextId = LE16 ( 1 ) ; // We negotiate NDR64 always as context 1
RpcRequest - > AllocHint = LE32 ( requestSize + sizeof ( RpcRequest - > Ndr64 ) ) ;
RpcRequest - > Ndr64 . DataLength = LE64 ( ( uint64_t ) requestSize ) ;
RpcRequest - > Ndr64 . DataSizeIs = LE64 ( ( uint64_t ) requestSize ) ;
memcpy ( RpcRequest - > Ndr64 . Data , KmsRequest , requestSize ) ;
RpcRequest - > ContextId = 0 ; // We negotiate NDR32 always as context 0
RpcRequest - > AllocHint = LE32 ( requestSize + sizeof ( RpcRequest - > Ndr ) ) ;
RpcRequest - > Ndr . DataLength = LE32 ( requestSize ) ;
RpcRequest - > Ndr . DataSizeIs = LE32 ( requestSize ) ;
memcpy ( RpcRequest - > Ndr . Data , KmsRequest , requestSize ) ;
for ( ; ; )
int bytesread ;
if ( ! _send ( sock , _Request , size ) )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: Could not send RPC request \n " ) ;
status = ! 0 ;
break ;
if ( ! _recv ( sock , & ResponseHeader , sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) ) )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: No RPC response received from server \n " ) ;
status = ! 0 ;
break ;
if ( ( status = checkRpcResponseHeader ( & ResponseHeader , RequestHeader , RPC_PT_RESPONSE , & errorout ) ) ) break ;
size = useNdr64 ? sizeof ( RPC_RESPONSE64 ) : sizeof ( RPC_RESPONSE ) ;
if ( size > LE16 ( ResponseHeader . FragLength ) - sizeof ( ResponseHeader ) )
size = LE16 ( ResponseHeader . FragLength ) - sizeof ( ResponseHeader ) ;
if ( ! _recv ( sock , & _Response , size ) )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: RPC response is incomplete \n " ) ;
status = ! 0 ;
break ;
if ( _Response . CancelCount ! = 0 )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: RPC response cancel count is not 0 \n " ) ;
status = ! 0 ;
if ( _Response . ContextId ! = ( useNdr64 ? LE16 ( 1 ) : 0 ) )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: RPC response context id %u is not bound \n " , ( unsigned int ) LE16 ( _Response . ContextId ) ) ;
status = ! 0 ;
int_fast8_t sizesMatch ;
if ( useNdr64 )
* responseSize = ( size_t ) LE64 ( _Response . Ndr64 . DataLength ) ;
responseSize2 = ( size_t ) LE64 ( _Response . Ndr64 . DataSizeIs ) ;
if ( ! * responseSize | | ! _Response . Ndr64 . DataSizeMax )
status = ( int ) LE32 ( _Response . Ndr64 . status ) ;
break ;
sizesMatch = ( size_t ) LE64 ( _Response . Ndr64 . DataLength ) = = responseSize2 ;
* responseSize = ( size_t ) LE32 ( _Response . Ndr . DataLength ) ;
responseSize2 = ( size_t ) LE32 ( _Response . Ndr . DataSizeIs ) ;
if ( ! * responseSize | | ! _Response . Ndr . DataSizeMax )
status = ( int ) LE32 ( _Response . Ndr . status ) ;
break ;
sizesMatch = ( size_t ) LE32 ( _Response . Ndr . DataLength ) = = responseSize2 ;
if ( ! sizesMatch )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: NDR data length (%u) does not match NDR data size (%u) \n " ,
( uint32_t ) * responseSize ,
( uint32_t ) LE32 ( _Response . Ndr . DataSizeIs )
) ;
status = ! 0 ;
* KmsResponse = ( BYTE * ) vlmcsd_malloc ( * responseSize + MAX_EXCESS_BYTES ) ;
// If RPC stub is too short, assume missing bytes are zero (same ill behavior as MS RPC)
memset ( * KmsResponse , 0 , * responseSize + MAX_EXCESS_BYTES ) ;
// Read up to 16 bytes more than bytes expected to detect faulty KMS emulators
if ( ( bytesread = recv ( sock , ( char * ) * KmsResponse , * responseSize + MAX_EXCESS_BYTES , 0 ) ) < ( int ) * responseSize )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: No or incomplete KMS response received. Required %u bytes but only got %i \n " ,
( uint32_t ) * responseSize ,
( int32_t ) ( bytesread < 0 ? 0 : bytesread )
) ;
status = ! 0 ;
break ;
DWORD * pReturnCode ;
size_t len = * responseSize + ( useNdr64 ? sizeof ( _Response . Ndr64 ) : sizeof ( _Response . Ndr ) ) + sizeof ( * pReturnCode ) ;
size_t pad = ( ( ~ len & 3 ) + 1 ) & 3 ;
if ( len + pad ! = LE32 ( _Response . AllocHint ) )
errorout ( " \n Warning: RPC stub size is %u, should be %u (probably incorrect padding) \n " , ( uint32_t ) LE32 ( _Response . AllocHint ) , ( uint32_t ) ( len + pad ) ) ;
size_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < pad ; i + + )
if ( * ( * KmsResponse + * responseSize + sizeof ( * pReturnCode ) + i ) )
errorout ( " \n Warning: RPC stub data not padded to zeros according to Microsoft standard \n " ) ;
break ;
pReturnCode = ( DWORD * ) ( * KmsResponse + * responseSize + pad ) ;
status = LE32 ( UA32 ( pReturnCode ) ) ;
if ( status ) errorout ( " \n Warning: RPC stub data reported Error %u \n " , ( uint32_t ) status ) ;
break ;
free ( _Request ) ;
firstPacketSent = TRUE ;
return status ;
static int_fast8_t IsNullGuid ( BYTE * guidPtr )
int_fast8_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i + + )
if ( guidPtr [ i ] ) return FALSE ;
return TRUE ;
* Perform RPC client bind . Accepts a connected client socket .
* Returns 0 on success . RPC binding is required before any payload can be
* exchanged . It negotiates about protocol details .
RpcStatus rpcBindOrAlterClientContext ( const RpcCtx sock , BYTE packetType , const int_fast8_t verbose )
RPC_HEADER * RequestHeader , ResponseHeader ;
RPC_BIND_REQUEST * bindRequest ;
RPC_BIND_RESPONSE * bindResponse ;
int status ;
WORD ctxItems = 1 + ( packetType = = RPC_PT_BIND_REQ ? UseRpcNDR64 + UseRpcBTFN : 0 ) ;
size_t rpcBindSize = ( sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) + sizeof ( RPC_BIND_REQUEST ) + ( ctxItems - 1 ) * sizeof ( bindRequest - > CtxItems [ 0 ] ) ) ;
WORD ctxIndex = 0 ;
WORD i ;
WORD CtxBTFN = ( WORD ) ~ 0 , CtxNDR64 = ( WORD ) ~ 0 ;
BYTE _Request [ rpcBindSize ] ;
RequestHeader = ( RPC_HEADER * ) _Request ;
bindRequest = ( RPC_BIND_REQUEST * ) ( _Request + sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) ) ;
createRpcRequestHeader ( RequestHeader , packetType , rpcBindSize ) ;
RequestHeader - > PacketFlags | = UseMultiplexedRpc ? RPC_PF_MULTIPLEX : 0 ;
bindRequest - > AssocGroup = 0 ;
bindRequest - > MaxRecvFrag = bindRequest - > MaxXmitFrag = LE16 ( 5840 ) ;
bindRequest - > NumCtxItems = LE32 ( ctxItems ) ;
// data that is identical in all Ctx items
for ( i = 0 ; i < ctxItems ; i + + )
bindRequest - > CtxItems [ i ] . ContextId = LE16 ( i ) ;
bindRequest - > CtxItems [ i ] . InterfaceVerMajor = LE16 ( 1 ) ;
bindRequest - > CtxItems [ i ] . InterfaceVerMinor = 0 ;
bindRequest - > CtxItems [ i ] . NumTransItems = LE16 ( 1 ) ;
bindRequest - > CtxItems [ i ] . SyntaxVersion = i ? LE32 ( 1 ) : LE32 ( 2 ) ;
memcpy ( & bindRequest - > CtxItems [ i ] . InterfaceUUID , InterfaceUuid , sizeof ( GUID ) ) ;
memcpy ( & bindRequest - > CtxItems [ 0 ] . TransferSyntax , TransferSyntaxNDR32 , sizeof ( GUID ) ) ;
if ( UseRpcNDR64 & & packetType = = RPC_PT_BIND_REQ )
memcpy ( & bindRequest - > CtxItems [ + + ctxIndex ] . TransferSyntax , TransferSyntaxNDR64 , sizeof ( GUID ) ) ;
CtxNDR64 = ctxIndex ;
if ( UseRpcBTFN & & packetType = = RPC_PT_BIND_REQ )
memcpy ( & bindRequest - > CtxItems [ + + ctxIndex ] . TransferSyntax , BindTimeFeatureNegotiation , sizeof ( GUID ) ) ;
CtxBTFN = ctxIndex ;
if ( ! _send ( sock , _Request , rpcBindSize ) )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: Sending RPC bind request failed \n " ) ;
return ! 0 ;
if ( ! _recv ( sock , & ResponseHeader , sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) ) )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: Did not receive a response from server \n " ) ;
return ! 0 ;
if ( ( status = checkRpcResponseHeader
& ResponseHeader ,
RequestHeader ,
& errorout
) ) )
return status ;
bindResponse = ( RPC_BIND_RESPONSE * ) vlmcsd_malloc ( LE16 ( ResponseHeader . FragLength ) - sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) ) ;
BYTE * bindResponseBytePtr = ( BYTE * ) bindResponse ;
if ( ! _recv ( sock , bindResponse , LE16 ( ResponseHeader . FragLength ) - sizeof ( RPC_HEADER ) ) )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: Incomplete RPC bind acknowledgement received \n " ) ;
free ( bindResponseBytePtr ) ;
return ! 0 ;
* checking , whether a bind or alter context response is as expected .
* This check is very strict and checks whether a KMS emulator behaves exactly the same way
* as Microsoft ' s RPC does .
status = 0 ;
if ( bindResponse - > SecondaryAddressLength < LE16 ( 3 ) )
bindResponse = ( RPC_BIND_RESPONSE * ) ( bindResponseBytePtr - 4 ) ;
if ( bindResponse - > NumResults ! = bindRequest - > NumCtxItems )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: Expected %u CTX items but got %u \n " ,
( uint32_t ) LE32 ( bindRequest - > NumCtxItems ) ,
( uint32_t ) LE32 ( bindResponse - > NumResults )
) ;
status = ! 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ctxItems ; i + + )
const char * transferSyntaxName =
i = = CtxBTFN ? " BTFN " : i = = CtxNDR64 ? " NDR64 " : " NDR32 " ;
if ( bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . AckResult = = RPC_BIND_NACK ) // transfer syntax was declined
if ( ! IsNullGuid ( ( BYTE * ) & bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . TransferSyntax ) )
errorout (
" \n Warning: Rejected transfer syntax %s did not return NULL Guid \n " ,
) ;
if ( bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . SyntaxVersion )
errorout (
" \n Warning: Rejected transfer syntax %s did not return syntax version 0 but %u \n " ,
transferSyntaxName ,
LE32 ( bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . SyntaxVersion )
) ;
if ( bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . AckReason = = RPC_ABSTRACTSYNTAX_UNSUPPORTED )
errorout (
" \n Warning: Transfer syntax %s does not support KMS activation \n " ,
) ;
else if ( bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . AckReason ! = RPC_SYNTAX_UNSUPPORTED )
errorout (
" \n Warning: Rejected transfer syntax %s did not return ack reason RPC_SYNTAX_UNSUPPORTED \n " ,
) ;
continue ;
if ( i = = CtxBTFN ) // BTFN
if ( bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . AckResult ! = RPC_BIND_ACK )
errorout ( " \n Warning: BTFN did not respond with RPC_BIND_ACK or RPC_BIND_NACK \n " ) ;
if ( bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . AckReason ! = LE16 ( 3 ) )
errorout ( " \n Warning: BTFN did not return expected feature mask 0x3 but 0x%X \n " , ( unsigned int ) LE16 ( bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . AckReason ) ) ;
if ( verbose ) printf ( " ... BTFN " ) ;
RpcFlags . HasBTFN = TRUE ;
continue ;
// NDR32 or NDR64 Ctx
if ( bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . AckResult ! = RPC_BIND_ACCEPT )
errorout (
" \n Fatal: transfer syntax %s returned an invalid status, neither RPC_BIND_ACCEPT nor RPC_BIND_NACK \n " ,
) ;
status = ! 0 ;
if ( ! IsEqualGUID ( & bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . TransferSyntax , & bindRequest - > CtxItems [ i ] . TransferSyntax ) )
errorout (
" \n Fatal: Transfer syntax of RPC bind request and response does not match \n "
) ;
status = ! 0 ;
if ( bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . SyntaxVersion ! = bindRequest - > CtxItems [ i ] . SyntaxVersion )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: Expected transfer syntax version %u for %s but got %u \n " ,
( uint32_t ) LE32 ( bindRequest - > CtxItems [ 0 ] . SyntaxVersion ) ,
transferSyntaxName ,
( uint32_t ) LE32 ( bindResponse - > Results [ 0 ] . SyntaxVersion )
) ;
status = ! 0 ;
// The ack reason field is actually undefined here but Microsoft sets this to 0
if ( bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . AckReason ! = 0 )
errorout (
" \n Warning: Ack reason should be 0 but is %u \n " ,
LE16 ( bindResponse - > Results [ i ] . AckReason )
) ;
if ( ! status )
if ( i = = CtxNDR64 )
RpcFlags . HasNDR64 = TRUE ;
if ( verbose ) printf ( " ... NDR64 " ) ;
if ( ! i )
RpcFlags . HasNDR32 = TRUE ;
if ( verbose ) printf ( " ... NDR32 " ) ;
free ( bindResponseBytePtr ) ;
if ( ! RpcFlags . HasNDR64 & & ! RpcFlags . HasNDR32 )
errorout ( " \n Fatal: Could neither negotiate NDR32 nor NDR64 with the RPC server \n " ) ;
status = ! 0 ;
return status ;
RpcStatus rpcBindClient ( const RpcCtx sock , const int_fast8_t verbose )
firstPacketSent = FALSE ;
RpcFlags . mask = 0 ;
RpcStatus status =
rpcBindOrAlterClientContext ( sock , RPC_PT_BIND_REQ , verbose ) ;
if ( status ) return status ;
if ( ! RpcFlags . HasNDR32 )
status = rpcBindOrAlterClientContext ( sock , RPC_PT_ALTERCONTEXT_REQ , verbose ) ;
return status ;
# endif // USE_MSRPC
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# if !defined(_CRYPTO_OPENSSL) && !defined(_CRYPTO_POLARSSL) && !defined(_CRYPTO_WINDOWS)
# include "crypto_internal.h"
# include "endian.h"
# define F0(x, y, z) ( ((x) & (y)) | (~(x) & (z)) )
# define F1(x, y, z) ( ((x) & (y)) | ((x) & (z)) | ((y) & (z)) )
# define SI1(x) ( ROR32(x, 2 ) ^ ROR32(x, 13) ^ ROR32(x, 22) )
# define SI2(x) ( ROR32(x, 6 ) ^ ROR32(x, 11) ^ ROR32(x, 25) )
# define SI3(x) ( ROR32(x, 7 ) ^ ROR32(x, 18) ^ ((x) >> 3 ) )
# define SI4(x) ( ROR32(x, 17) ^ ROR32(x, 19) ^ ((x) >> 10) )
static const DWORD k [ ] = {
0x428A2F98 , 0x71374491 , 0xB5C0FBCF , 0xE9B5DBA5 , 0x3956C25B , 0x59F111F1 ,
0x923F82A4 , 0xAB1C5ED5 , 0xD807AA98 , 0x12835B01 , 0x243185BE , 0x550C7DC3 ,
0x72BE5D74 , 0x80DEB1FE , 0x9BDC06A7 , 0xC19BF174 , 0xE49B69C1 , 0xEFBE4786 ,
0x0FC19DC6 , 0x240CA1CC , 0x2DE92C6F , 0x4A7484AA , 0x5CB0A9DC , 0x76F988DA ,
0x983E5152 , 0xA831C66D , 0xB00327C8 , 0xBF597FC7 , 0xC6E00BF3 , 0xD5A79147 ,
0x06CA6351 , 0x14292967 , 0x27B70A85 , 0x2E1B2138 , 0x4D2C6DFC , 0x53380D13 ,
0x650A7354 , 0x766A0ABB , 0x81C2C92E , 0x92722C85 , 0xA2BFE8A1 , 0xA81A664B ,
0xC24B8B70 , 0xC76C51A3 , 0xD192E819 , 0xD6990624 , 0xF40E3585 , 0x106AA070 ,
0x19A4C116 , 0x1E376C08 , 0x2748774C , 0x34B0BCB5 , 0x391C0CB3 , 0x4ED8AA4A ,
0x5B9CCA4F , 0x682E6FF3 , 0x748F82EE , 0x78A5636F , 0x84C87814 , 0x8CC70208 ,
0x90BEFFFA , 0xA4506CEB , 0xBEF9A3F7 , 0xC67178F2
} ;
static void Sha256Init ( Sha256Ctx * Ctx )
Ctx - > State [ 0 ] = 0x6A09E667 ;
Ctx - > State [ 1 ] = 0xBB67AE85 ;
Ctx - > State [ 2 ] = 0x3C6EF372 ;
Ctx - > State [ 3 ] = 0xA54FF53A ;
Ctx - > State [ 4 ] = 0x510E527F ;
Ctx - > State [ 5 ] = 0x9B05688C ;
Ctx - > State [ 6 ] = 0x1F83D9AB ;
Ctx - > State [ 7 ] = 0x5BE0CD19 ;
Ctx - > Len = 0 ;
static void Sha256ProcessBlock ( Sha256Ctx * Ctx , BYTE * block )
unsigned int i ;
DWORD w [ 64 ] , temp1 , temp2 ;
DWORD a = Ctx - > State [ 0 ] ;
DWORD b = Ctx - > State [ 1 ] ;
DWORD c = Ctx - > State [ 2 ] ;
DWORD d = Ctx - > State [ 3 ] ;
DWORD e = Ctx - > State [ 4 ] ;
DWORD f = Ctx - > State [ 5 ] ;
DWORD g = Ctx - > State [ 6 ] ;
DWORD h = Ctx - > State [ 7 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i + + )
//w[ i ] = GET_UAA32BE(block, i);
w [ i ] = BE32 ( ( ( DWORD * ) block ) [ i ] ) ;
for ( i = 16 ; i < 64 ; i + + )
w [ i ] = SI4 ( w [ i - 2 ] ) + w [ i - 7 ] + SI3 ( w [ i - 15 ] ) + w [ i - 16 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i + + )
temp1 = h + SI2 ( e ) + F0 ( e , f , g ) + k [ i ] + w [ i ] ;
temp2 = SI1 ( a ) + F1 ( a , b , c ) ;
h = g ;
g = f ;
f = e ;
e = d + temp1 ;
d = c ;
c = b ;
b = a ;
a = temp1 + temp2 ;
Ctx - > State [ 0 ] + = a ;
Ctx - > State [ 1 ] + = b ;
Ctx - > State [ 2 ] + = c ;
Ctx - > State [ 3 ] + = d ;
Ctx - > State [ 4 ] + = e ;
Ctx - > State [ 5 ] + = f ;
Ctx - > State [ 6 ] + = g ;
Ctx - > State [ 7 ] + = h ;
static void Sha256Update ( Sha256Ctx * Ctx , BYTE * data , size_t len )
unsigned int b_len = Ctx - > Len & 63 ,
r_len = ( b_len ^ 63 ) + 1 ;
Ctx - > Len + = len ;
if ( len < r_len )
memcpy ( Ctx - > Buffer + b_len , data , len ) ;
return ;
if ( r_len < 64 )
memcpy ( Ctx - > Buffer + b_len , data , r_len ) ;
len - = r_len ;
data + = r_len ;
Sha256ProcessBlock ( Ctx , Ctx - > Buffer ) ;
for ( ; len > = 64 ; len - = 64 , data + = 64 )
Sha256ProcessBlock ( Ctx , data ) ;
if ( len ) memcpy ( Ctx - > Buffer , data , len ) ;
static void Sha256Finish ( Sha256Ctx * Ctx , BYTE * hash )
unsigned int i , b_len = Ctx - > Len & 63 ;
Ctx - > Buffer [ b_len ] = 0x80 ;
if ( b_len ^ 63 ) memset ( Ctx - > Buffer + b_len + 1 , 0 , b_len ^ 63 ) ;
if ( b_len > = 56 )
Sha256ProcessBlock ( Ctx , Ctx - > Buffer ) ;
memset ( Ctx - > Buffer , 0 , 56 ) ;
//PUT_UAA64BE(Ctx->Buffer, (unsigned long long)(Ctx->Len * 8), 7);
( ( uint64_t * ) Ctx - > Buffer ) [ 7 ] = BE64 ( ( uint64_t ) Ctx - > Len < < 3 ) ;
Sha256ProcessBlock ( Ctx , Ctx - > Buffer ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + )
//PUT_UAA32BE(hash, Ctx->State[i], i);
( ( DWORD * ) hash ) [ i ] = BE32 ( Ctx - > State [ i ] ) ;
void Sha256 ( BYTE * data , size_t len , BYTE * hash )
Sha256Ctx Ctx ;
Sha256Init ( & Ctx ) ;
Sha256Update ( & Ctx , data , len ) ;
Sha256Finish ( & Ctx , hash ) ;
static void _Sha256HmacInit ( Sha256HmacCtx * Ctx , BYTE * key , size_t klen )
BYTE IPad [ 64 ] ;
unsigned int i ;
memset ( IPad , 0x36 , sizeof ( IPad ) ) ;
memset ( Ctx - > OPad , 0x5C , sizeof ( Ctx - > OPad ) ) ;
if ( klen > 64 )
BYTE * temp = ( BYTE * ) alloca ( 32 ) ;
Sha256 ( key , klen , temp ) ;
klen = 32 ;
key = temp ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < klen ; i + + )
IPad [ i ] ^ = key [ i ] ;
Ctx - > OPad [ i ] ^ = key [ i ] ;
Sha256Init ( & Ctx - > ShaCtx ) ;
Sha256Update ( & Ctx - > ShaCtx , IPad , sizeof ( IPad ) ) ;
static void _Sha256HmacUpdate ( Sha256HmacCtx * Ctx , BYTE * data , size_t len )
Sha256Update ( & Ctx - > ShaCtx , data , len ) ;
static void _Sha256HmacFinish ( Sha256HmacCtx * Ctx , BYTE * hmac )
BYTE temp [ 32 ] ;
Sha256Finish ( & Ctx - > ShaCtx , temp ) ;
Sha256Init ( & Ctx - > ShaCtx ) ;
Sha256Update ( & Ctx - > ShaCtx , Ctx - > OPad , sizeof ( Ctx - > OPad ) ) ;
Sha256Update ( & Ctx - > ShaCtx , temp , sizeof ( temp ) ) ;
Sha256Finish ( & Ctx - > ShaCtx , hmac ) ;
int_fast8_t Sha256Hmac ( BYTE * key , BYTE * restrict data , DWORD len , BYTE * restrict hmac )
Sha256HmacCtx Ctx ;
_Sha256HmacInit ( & Ctx , key , 16 ) ;
_Sha256HmacUpdate ( & Ctx , data , len ) ;
_Sha256HmacFinish ( & Ctx , hmac ) ;
return TRUE ;
# endif // No external Crypto
* dns_srv . c
* This file contains the code for KMS SRV record lookup in DNS ( _vlmcs . _tcp . example . com IN SRV 0 0 1688 mykms . example . com )
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# ifndef NO_DNS
# include "dns_srv.h"
# include <string.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# ifndef _WIN32
# include <signal.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <netdb.h>
# if __ANDROID__
# include <netinet/in.h>
# include "nameser.h"
# include "resolv.h"
# else // other Unix non-Android
# include <netinet/in.h>
# include <arpa/nameser.h>
# include <resolv.h>
# endif // other Unix non-Android
# else // WIN32
# include <windns.h>
# endif // WIN32
# include "helpers.h"
# include "output.h"
# include "endian.h"
# if defined(DNS_PARSER_INTERNAL) && !defined(_WIN32)
# include "ns_name.h"
# include "ns_parse.h"
// Define macros to redirect DNS parser functions to internal versions
# undef ns_msg
# undef ns_initparse
# undef ns_parserr
# undef ns_rr
# undef ns_name_uncompress
# undef ns_msg_base
# undef ns_msg_end
# undef ns_rr_rdata
# undef ns_rr_type
# undef ns_msg_count
# undef ns_rr_class
# undef ns_s_an
# define ns_msg ns_msg_vlmcsd
# define ns_initparse ns_initparse_vlmcsd
# define ns_parserr ns_parserr_vlmcsd
# define ns_rr ns_rr_vlmcsd
# define ns_name_uncompress ns_name_uncompress_vlmcsd
# define ns_msg_base ns_msg_base_vlmcsd
# define ns_msg_end ns_msg_end_vlmcsd
# define ns_rr_rdata ns_rr_rdata_vlmcsd
# define ns_rr_type ns_rr_type_vlmcsd
# define ns_msg_count ns_msg_count_vlmcsd
# define ns_rr_class ns_rr_class_vlmcsd
# define ns_s_an ns_s_an_vlmcsd
# ifndef NS_MAXLABEL
# define NS_MAXLABEL 63
# endif
# endif // defined(DNS_PARSER_INTERNAL) && !defined(_WIN32)
//TODO: maybe move to helpers.c
static unsigned int isqrt ( unsigned int n )
unsigned int c = 0x8000 ;
unsigned int g = 0x8000 ;
for ( ; ; )
if ( g * g > n )
g ^ = c ;
c > > = 1 ;
if ( c = = 0 ) return g ;
g | = c ;
* Compare function for qsort to sort SRV records by priority and weight
* random_weight must be product of weight from SRV record and square root of a random number
static int kmsServerListCompareFunc1 ( const void * a , const void * b )
if ( ! a & & ! b ) return 0 ;
if ( a & & ! b ) return - 1 ;
if ( ! a & & b ) return 1 ;
int priority_order = ( int ) ( ( * ( kms_server_dns_ptr * ) a ) - > priority ) - ( ( int ) ( * ( kms_server_dns_ptr * ) b ) - > priority ) ;
if ( priority_order ) return priority_order ;
return ( int ) ( ( * ( kms_server_dns_ptr * ) b ) - > random_weight ) - ( ( int ) ( * ( kms_server_dns_ptr * ) a ) - > random_weight ) ;
/* Sort resulting SRV records */
void sortSrvRecords ( kms_server_dns_ptr * serverlist , const int answers )
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < answers ; i + + )
serverlist [ i ] - > random_weight = ( rand32 ( ) % 256 ) * isqrt ( serverlist [ i ] - > weight * 1000 ) ;
qsort ( serverlist , answers , sizeof ( kms_server_dns_ptr ) , kmsServerListCompareFunc1 ) ;
# ifndef _WIN32 // UNIX resolver
* Retrieves a raw DNS answer ( a buffer of what came over the net )
* Result must be parsed
static int getDnsRawAnswer ( const char * restrict query , unsigned char * * receive_buffer )
if ( res_init ( ) < 0 )
errorout ( " Cannot initialize resolver: %s " , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
return 0 ;
//if(!(*receive_buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE))) OutOfMemory();
* receive_buffer = ( unsigned char * ) vlmcsd_malloc ( RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
int bytes_received ;
if ( * query = = ' . ' )
# if __ANDROID__ || __GLIBC__ /* including __UCLIBC__*/ || __APPLE__ || __CYGWIN__ || __FreeBSD__ || __NetBSD__ || __DragonFly__ || __OpenBSD__ || __sun__
bytes_received = res_querydomain ( " _vlmcs._tcp " , query + 1 , ns_c_in , ns_t_srv , * receive_buffer , RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
# else
char * querystring = ( char * ) alloca ( strlen ( query ) + 12 ) ;
strcpy ( querystring , " _vlmcs._tcp " ) ;
strcat ( querystring , query ) ;
2016-04-11 04:49:47 +00:00
bytes_received = res_query ( querystring , ns_c_in , ns_t_srv , * receive_buffer , RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
2015-11-29 09:30:52 +00:00
# endif
bytes_received = res_search ( " _vlmcs._tcp " , ns_c_in , ns_t_srv , * receive_buffer , RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
if ( bytes_received < 0 )
errorout ( " Fatal: DNS query to %s%s failed: %s \n " , " _vlmcs._tcp " , * query = = ' . ' ? query : " " , hstrerror ( h_errno ) ) ;
return 0 ;
return bytes_received ;
* Retrieves an unsorted array of SRV records ( Unix / Posix )
int getKmsServerList ( kms_server_dns_ptr * * serverlist , const char * restrict query )
unsigned char * receive_buffer ;
* serverlist = NULL ;
int bytes_received = getDnsRawAnswer ( query , & receive_buffer ) ;
if ( bytes_received = = 0 ) return 0 ;
ns_msg msg ;
if ( ns_initparse ( receive_buffer , bytes_received , & msg ) < 0 )
errorout ( " Fatal: Incorrect DNS response: %s \n " , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
free ( receive_buffer ) ;
return 0 ;
uint16_t i , answers = ns_msg_count ( msg , ns_s_an ) ;
//if(!(*serverlist = (kms_server_dns_ptr*)malloc(answers * sizeof(kms_server_dns_ptr)))) OutOfMemory();
* serverlist = ( kms_server_dns_ptr * ) malloc ( answers * sizeof ( kms_server_dns_ptr ) ) ;
memset ( * serverlist , 0 , answers * sizeof ( kms_server_dns_ptr ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < answers ; i + + )
ns_rr rr ;
if ( ns_parserr ( & msg , ns_s_an , i , & rr ) < 0 )
errorout ( " Warning: Error in DNS resource record: %s \n " , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( ns_rr_type ( rr ) ! = ns_t_srv )
errorout ( " Warning: DNS server returned non-SRV record \n " ) ;
continue ;
if ( ns_rr_class ( rr ) ! = ns_c_in )
errorout ( " Warning: DNS server returned non-IN class record \n " ) ;
continue ;
dns_srv_record_ptr srvrecord = ( dns_srv_record_ptr ) ns_rr_rdata ( rr ) ;
kms_server_dns_ptr kms_server = ( kms_server_dns_ptr ) vlmcsd_malloc ( sizeof ( kms_server_dns_t ) ) ;
( * serverlist ) [ i ] = kms_server ;
if ( ns_name_uncompress ( ns_msg_base ( msg ) , ns_msg_end ( msg ) , srvrecord - > name , kms_server - > serverName , sizeof ( kms_server - > serverName ) ) < 0 )
errorout ( " Warning: No valid DNS name returned in SRV record: %s \n " , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
continue ;
sprintf ( kms_server - > serverName + strlen ( kms_server - > serverName ) , " :%hu " , GET_UA16BE ( & srvrecord - > port ) ) ;
kms_server - > priority = GET_UA16BE ( & srvrecord - > priority ) ;
kms_server - > weight = GET_UA16BE ( & srvrecord - > weight ) ;
free ( receive_buffer ) ;
return answers ;
# else // WIN32 (Windows Resolver)
* Retrieves an unsorted array of SRV records ( Windows )
int getKmsServerList ( kms_server_dns_ptr * * serverlist , const char * const restrict query )
# define MAX_DNS_NAME_SIZE 254
* serverlist = NULL ;
PDNS_RECORD receive_buffer ;
char dnsDomain [ MAX_DNS_NAME_SIZE ] ;
char FqdnQuery [ MAX_DNS_NAME_SIZE ] ;
DNS_STATUS result ;
int answers = 0 ;
PDNS_RECORD dns_iterator ;
if ( * query = = ' - ' )
if ( ! GetComputerNameExA ( ComputerNamePhysicalDnsDomain , dnsDomain , & size ) )
errorout ( " Fatal: Could not determine computer's DNS name: %s \n " , vlmcsd_strerror ( GetLastError ( ) ) ) ;
return 0 ;
strcpy ( FqdnQuery , " _vlmcs._tcp. " ) ;
strncat ( FqdnQuery , dnsDomain , MAX_DNS_NAME_SIZE - 12 ) ;
strcpy ( FqdnQuery , " _vlmcs._tcp " ) ;
strncat ( FqdnQuery , query , MAX_DNS_NAME_SIZE - 11 ) ;
if ( ( result = DnsQuery_UTF8 ( FqdnQuery , DNS_TYPE_SRV , 0 , NULL , & receive_buffer , NULL ) ) ! = 0 )
errorout ( " Fatal: DNS query to %s failed: %s \n " , FqdnQuery , vlmcsd_strerror ( result ) ) ;
return 0 ;
for ( dns_iterator = receive_buffer ; dns_iterator ; dns_iterator = dns_iterator - > pNext )
if ( dns_iterator - > Flags . S . Section ! = 1 ) continue ;
if ( dns_iterator - > wType ! = DNS_TYPE_SRV )
errorout ( " Warning: DNS server returned non-SRV record \n " ) ;
continue ;
answers + + ;
* serverlist = ( kms_server_dns_ptr * ) vlmcsd_malloc ( answers * sizeof ( kms_server_dns_ptr ) ) ;
for ( answers = 0 , dns_iterator = receive_buffer ; dns_iterator ; dns_iterator = dns_iterator - > pNext )
if ( dns_iterator - > wType ! = DNS_TYPE_SRV ) continue ;
kms_server_dns_ptr kms_server = ( kms_server_dns_ptr ) vlmcsd_malloc ( sizeof ( kms_server_dns_t ) ) ;
memset ( kms_server , 0 , sizeof ( kms_server_dns_t ) ) ;
snprintf ( kms_server - > serverName , sizeof ( kms_server - > serverName ) , " %s:%hu " , dns_iterator - > Data . SRV . pNameTarget , dns_iterator - > Data . SRV . wPort ) ;
kms_server - > priority = dns_iterator - > Data . SRV . wPriority ;
kms_server - > weight = dns_iterator - > Data . SRV . wWeight ;
( * serverlist ) [ answers + + ] = kms_server ;
//sortSrvRecords(*serverlist, answers, NoSrvRecordPriority);
DnsRecordListFree ( receive_buffer , DnsFreeRecordList ) ;
return answers ;
# endif // _WIN32
# endif // NO_DNS
* Copyright ( c ) 1996 , 1999 by Internet Software Consortium .
* Permission to use , copy , modify , and distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted , provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies .
* Modified by Hotbird64 for use with vlmcs .
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# ifndef NO_DNS
/* Import. */
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <string.h>
# include "types.h"
# include "endian.h"
# include "ns_name.h"
# include "ns_parse.h"
/* Macros. */
# define NS_GET16_VLMCSD(s, cp) do { \
( s ) = GET_UA16BE ( cp ) ; \
( cp ) + = NS_INT16SZ ; \
} while ( 0 )
# define NS_GET32_VLMCSD(l, cp) do { \
( l ) = GET_UA32BE ( cp ) ; \
( cp ) + = NS_INT32SZ ; \
} while ( 0 )
# define RETERR(err) do { errno = (err); return (-1); } while (0)
/* Forward. */
static void setsection_vlmcsd ( ns_msg_vlmcsd * msg , ns_sect_vlmcsd sect ) ;
static int dn_skipname_vlmcsd ( const unsigned char * s , const unsigned char * end )
const unsigned char * p ;
for ( p = s ; p < end ; p + + )
if ( ! * p ) return p - s + 1 ;
else if ( * p > = 192 )
{ if ( p + 1 < end ) return p - s + 2 ;
else break ; }
return - 1 ;
static int
ns_skiprr_vlmcsd ( const uint8_t * ptr , const uint8_t * eom , ns_sect_vlmcsd section , int count ) {
const uint8_t * optr = ptr ;
for ( ( void ) NULL ; count > 0 ; count - - ) {
int b , rdlength ;
b = dn_skipname_vlmcsd ( ptr , eom ) ;
if ( b < 0 )
ptr + = b /*Name*/ + NS_INT16SZ /*Type*/ + NS_INT16SZ /*Class*/ ;
if ( section ! = ns_s_qd_vlmcsd ) {
if ( ptr + NS_INT32SZ + NS_INT16SZ > eom )
ptr + = NS_INT32SZ /*TTL*/ ;
NS_GET16_VLMCSD ( rdlength , ptr ) ;
ptr + = rdlength /*RData*/ ;
if ( ptr > eom )
return ( ptr - optr ) ;
ns_initparse_vlmcsd ( const uint8_t * msg , int msglen , ns_msg_vlmcsd * handle ) {
const uint8_t * eom = msg + msglen ;
int i ;
memset ( handle , 0x5e , sizeof * handle ) ;
handle - > _msg = msg ;
handle - > _eom = eom ;
if ( msg + NS_INT16SZ > eom )
NS_GET16_VLMCSD ( handle - > _id , msg ) ;
if ( msg + NS_INT16SZ > eom )
NS_GET16_VLMCSD ( handle - > _flags , msg ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ns_s_max_vlmcsd ; i + + ) {
if ( msg + NS_INT16SZ > eom )
NS_GET16_VLMCSD ( handle - > _counts [ i ] , msg ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ns_s_max_vlmcsd ; i + + )
if ( handle - > _counts [ i ] = = 0 )
handle - > _sections [ i ] = NULL ;
else {
int b = ns_skiprr_vlmcsd ( msg , eom , ( ns_sect_vlmcsd ) i ,
handle - > _counts [ i ] ) ;
if ( b < 0 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
handle - > _sections [ i ] = msg ;
msg + = b ;
if ( msg > eom )
handle - > _eom = msg ;
setsection_vlmcsd ( handle , ns_s_max_vlmcsd ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
ns_parserr_vlmcsd ( ns_msg_vlmcsd * handle , ns_sect_vlmcsd section , int rrnum , ns_rr_vlmcsd * rr ) {
int b ;
/* Make section right. */
if ( section > = ns_s_max_vlmcsd )
if ( section ! = handle - > _sect )
setsection_vlmcsd ( handle , section ) ;
/* Make rrnum right. */
if ( rrnum = = - 1 )
rrnum = handle - > _rrnum ;
if ( rrnum < 0 | | rrnum > = handle - > _counts [ ( int ) section ] )
if ( rrnum < handle - > _rrnum )
setsection_vlmcsd ( handle , section ) ;
if ( rrnum > handle - > _rrnum ) {
b = ns_skiprr_vlmcsd ( handle - > _msg_ptr , handle - > _eom , section ,
rrnum - handle - > _rrnum ) ;
if ( b < 0 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
handle - > _msg_ptr + = b ;
handle - > _rrnum = rrnum ;
/* Do the parse. */
b = ns_name_uncompress_vlmcsd ( handle - > _msg , handle - > _eom ,
handle - > _msg_ptr , rr - > name , NS_MAXDNAME ) ;
if ( b < 0 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
handle - > _msg_ptr + = b ;
if ( handle - > _msg_ptr + NS_INT16SZ + NS_INT16SZ > handle - > _eom )
NS_GET16_VLMCSD ( rr - > type , handle - > _msg_ptr ) ;
NS_GET16_VLMCSD ( rr - > rr_class , handle - > _msg_ptr ) ;
if ( section = = ns_s_qd_vlmcsd ) {
rr - > ttl = 0 ;
rr - > rdlength = 0 ;
rr - > rdata = NULL ;
} else {
if ( handle - > _msg_ptr + NS_INT32SZ + NS_INT16SZ > handle - > _eom )
NS_GET32_VLMCSD ( rr - > ttl , handle - > _msg_ptr ) ;
NS_GET16_VLMCSD ( rr - > rdlength , handle - > _msg_ptr ) ;
if ( handle - > _msg_ptr + rr - > rdlength > handle - > _eom )
rr - > rdata = handle - > _msg_ptr ;
handle - > _msg_ptr + = rr - > rdlength ;
if ( + + handle - > _rrnum > handle - > _counts [ ( int ) section ] )
setsection_vlmcsd ( handle , ( ns_sect_vlmcsd ) ( ( int ) section + 1 ) ) ;
/* All done. */
return ( 0 ) ;
/* Private. */
static void
setsection_vlmcsd ( ns_msg_vlmcsd * msg , ns_sect_vlmcsd sect ) {
msg - > _sect = sect ;
if ( sect = = ns_s_max_vlmcsd ) {
msg - > _rrnum = - 1 ;
msg - > _msg_ptr = NULL ;
} else {
msg - > _rrnum = 0 ;
msg - > _msg_ptr = msg - > _sections [ ( int ) sect ] ;
# endif // !NO_DNS
* Copyright ( c ) 1996 , 1999 by Internet Software Consortium .
* Permission to use , copy , modify , and distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted , provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies .
* Modified by Hotbird64 for use with vlmcs .
# ifndef CONFIG
# define CONFIG "config.h"
# endif // CONFIG
# include CONFIG
# ifndef NO_DNS
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <limits.h>
# include "types.h"
# include "ns_name.h"
# define SPRINTF(x) strlen(sprintf /**/ x)
# else
# define SPRINTF(x) ((size_t)sprintf x)
# endif
# define NS_TYPE_ELT 0x40 /* EDNS0 extended label type */
# define NS_MAXCDNAME 255
# define NS_CMPRSFLGS 0xc0
/* Data. */
static char digits [ ] = " 0123456789 " ;
/* Forward. */
static int special_vlmcsd ( int ) ;
static int printable_vlmcsd ( int ) ;
static int labellen_vlmcsd ( const uint8_t * ) ;
static int decode_bitstring_vlmcsd ( const char * * , char * , const char * ) ;
* ns_name_ntop ( src , dst , dstsiz )
* Convert an encoded domain name to printable ascii as per RFC1035 .
* return :
* Number of bytes written to buffer , or - 1 ( with errno set )
* notes :
* The root is returned as " . "
* All other domains are returned in non absolute form
static int
ns_name_ntop_vlmcsd ( const uint8_t * src , char * dst , size_t dstsiz )
const uint8_t * cp ;
char * dn , * eom ;
uint8_t c ;
uint32_t n ;
int l ;
cp = src ;
dn = dst ;
eom = dst + dstsiz ;
while ( ( n = * cp + + ) ! = 0 ) {
if ( ( n & NS_CMPRSFLGS ) = = NS_CMPRSFLGS ) {
/* Some kind of compression pointer. */
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( dn ! = dst ) {
if ( dn > = eom ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
* dn + + = ' . ' ;
if ( ( l = labellen_vlmcsd ( cp - 1 ) ) < 0 ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ; /* XXX */
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( dn + l > = eom ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ( n & NS_CMPRSFLGS ) = = NS_TYPE_ELT ) {
int m ;
/* XXX: labellen should reject this case */
errno = EINVAL ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ( m = decode_bitstring_vlmcsd ( ( const char * * ) & cp , dn , eom ) ) < 0 )
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
dn + = m ;
continue ;
for ( ( void ) NULL ; l > 0 ; l - - ) {
c = * cp + + ;
if ( special_vlmcsd ( c ) ) {
if ( dn + 1 > = eom ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
* dn + + = ' \\ ' ;
* dn + + = ( char ) c ;
} else if ( ! printable_vlmcsd ( c ) ) {
if ( dn + 3 > = eom ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
* dn + + = ' \\ ' ;
* dn + + = digits [ c / 100 ] ;
* dn + + = digits [ ( c % 100 ) / 10 ] ;
* dn + + = digits [ c % 10 ] ;
} else {
if ( dn > = eom ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
* dn + + = ( char ) c ;
if ( dn = = dst ) {
if ( dn > = eom ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
* dn + + = ' . ' ;
if ( dn > = eom ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
* dn + + = ' \0 ' ;
return ( dn - dst ) ;
static int
ns_name_unpack_vlmcsd ( const uint8_t * msg , const uint8_t * eom , const uint8_t * src ,
uint8_t * dst , size_t dstsiz )
const uint8_t * srcp , * dstlim ;
uint8_t * dstp ;
int n , len , checked , l ;
len = - 1 ;
checked = 0 ;
dstp = dst ;
srcp = src ;
dstlim = dst + dstsiz ;
if ( srcp < msg | | srcp > = eom ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
/* Fetch next label in domain name. */
while ( ( n = * srcp + + ) ! = 0 ) {
/* Check for indirection. */
switch ( n & NS_CMPRSFLGS ) {
case 0 :
case NS_TYPE_ELT :
/* Limit checks. */
if ( ( l = labellen_vlmcsd ( srcp - 1 ) ) < 0 ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( dstp + l + 1 > = dstlim | | srcp + l > = eom ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
checked + = l + 1 ;
* dstp + + = n ;
memcpy ( dstp , srcp , l ) ;
dstp + = l ;
srcp + = l ;
break ;
if ( srcp > = eom ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( len < 0 )
len = srcp - src + 1 ;
srcp = msg + ( ( ( n & 0x3f ) < < 8 ) | ( * srcp & 0xff ) ) ;
if ( srcp < msg | | srcp > = eom ) { /* Out of range. */
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
checked + = 2 ;
* Check for loops in the compressed name ;
* if we ' ve looked at the whole message ,
* there must be a loop .
if ( checked > = eom - msg ) {
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
break ;
default :
errno = EMSGSIZE ;
return ( - 1 ) ; /* flag error */
* dstp = ' \0 ' ;
if ( len < 0 )
len = srcp - src ;
return ( len ) ;
* ns_name_uncompress_vlmcsd ( msg , eom , src , dst , dstsiz )
* Expand compressed domain name to presentation format .
* return :
* Number of bytes read out of ` src ' , or - 1 ( with errno set ) .
* note :
* Root domain returns as " . " not " " .
ns_name_uncompress_vlmcsd ( const uint8_t * msg , const uint8_t * eom , const uint8_t * src ,
char * dst , size_t dstsiz )
uint8_t tmp [ NS_MAXCDNAME ] ;
int n ;
if ( ( n = ns_name_unpack_vlmcsd ( msg , eom , src , tmp , sizeof tmp ) ) = = - 1 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ns_name_ntop_vlmcsd ( tmp , dst , dstsiz ) = = - 1 )
return ( - 1 ) ;
return ( n ) ;
* special ( ch )
* Thinking in noninternationalized USASCII ( per the DNS spec ) ,
* is this characted special ( " in need of quoting " ) ?
* return :
* boolean .
static int
special_vlmcsd ( int ch ) {
switch ( ch ) {
case 0x22 : /* '"' */
case 0x2E : /* '.' */
case 0x3B : /* ';' */
case 0x5C : /* '\\' */
case 0x28 : /* '(' */
case 0x29 : /* ')' */
/* Special modifiers in zone files. */
case 0x40 : /* '@' */
case 0x24 : /* '$' */
return ( 1 ) ;
default :
return ( 0 ) ;
* printable ( ch )
* Thinking in noninternationalized USASCII ( per the DNS spec ) ,
* is this character visible and not a space when printed ?
* return :
* boolean .
static int
printable_vlmcsd ( int ch ) {
return ( ch > 0x20 & & ch < 0x7f ) ;
static int
decode_bitstring_vlmcsd ( const char * * cpp , char * dn , const char * eom )
const char * cp = * cpp ;
char * beg = dn , tc ;
int b , blen , plen ;
if ( ( blen = ( * cp & 0xff ) ) = = 0 )
blen = 256 ;
plen = ( blen + 3 ) / 4 ;
plen + = sizeof ( " \\ [x/] " ) + ( blen > 99 ? 3 : ( blen > 9 ) ? 2 : 1 ) ;
if ( dn + plen > = eom )
return ( - 1 ) ;
cp + + ;
dn + = SPRINTF ( ( dn , " \\ [x " ) ) ;
for ( b = blen ; b > 7 ; b - = 8 , cp + + )
dn + = SPRINTF ( ( dn , " %02x " , * cp & 0xff ) ) ;
if ( b > 4 ) {
tc = * cp + + ;
dn + = SPRINTF ( ( dn , " %02x " , tc & ( 0xff < < ( 8 - b ) ) ) ) ;
} else if ( b > 0 ) {
tc = * cp + + ;
dn + = SPRINTF ( ( dn , " %1x " ,
( ( tc > > 4 ) & 0x0f ) & ( 0x0f < < ( 4 - b ) ) ) ) ;
dn + = SPRINTF ( ( dn , " /%d] " , blen ) ) ;
* cpp = cp ;
return ( dn - beg ) ;
static int
labellen_vlmcsd ( const uint8_t * lp )
int bitlen ;
uint8_t l = * lp ;
if ( ( l & NS_CMPRSFLGS ) = = NS_CMPRSFLGS ) {
/* should be avoided by the caller */
return ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ( l & NS_CMPRSFLGS ) = = NS_TYPE_ELT ) {
if ( ( bitlen = * ( lp + 1 ) ) = = 0 )
bitlen = 256 ;
return ( ( bitlen + 7 ) / 8 + 1 ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ; /* unknwon ELT */
return ( l ) ;
# endif // !NO_DNS