meow meow
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(name bk910x)
(public_name bk910x)
(libraries eio xlog))
(libraries eio eio_linux xlog))
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
open Eio.Std
type t = {
fd : Eio_unix.Fd.t
type parity =
| Parity_none
| Parity_even
| Parity_odd
type flow_control =
| Flow_none
| Flow_software
| Flow_hardware
(* currently this defaults to Eio_linux. idk of a better way to handle this because there's no high
level method to open with O_NOCTTY *)
let make ~(sw : Switch.t) ?(baudrate=115200) ?(bytesize=8) ?(parity=Parity_none) ?(stopbits=1)
?(flowctrl=Flow_none) ?(exclusive=false)
(path : _ Eio.Path.t) : t =
(* and here we run into our first problem: how do we wrangle a path into an argument to openat *)
let path = Eio.Path.native_exn path in
let fd =
Eio_linux.Low_level.openat ~sw ~access:`RW ~flags:Uring.Open_flags.(cloexec + noctty)
~perm:0 Eio_linux.Low_level.Fs path in
(* TODO *)
ignore exclusive; (* acquire lock *)
Switch.on_release sw (fun () ->
(* release lock *)
ignore exclusive;
Eio_unix.Fd.close fd
Eio_unix.Fd.use_exn "tty setup" fd (fun fd ->
let attr = Unix.tcgetattr fd in
let attr = {
attr with
c_clocal = true;
c_cread = true;
c_icanon = false;
c_echo = false;
c_echoe = false;
c_echok = false;
c_echonl = false;
c_isig = false;
c_opost = false;
c_inlcr = false;
c_igncr = false;
c_icrnl = false;
c_ignbrk = false;
c_parmrk = false;
c_inpck = false;
c_istrip = false;
c_obaud = baudrate;
c_ibaud = baudrate;
c_csize = bytesize;
c_cstopb = stopbits;
c_parenb = (parity != Parity_none);
c_parodd = (parity == Parity_odd);
c_ixon = (flowctrl == Flow_software);
c_ixoff = (flowctrl == Flow_software);
(* rtscts is not exposed by ocaml *)
c_vmin = 0;
c_vtime = 0;
} in
Unix.tcsetattr fd Unix.TCSANOW attr;
(* here we'd also reset rstcts and dsrdtr but again.... ocaml... *)
Unix.tcflush fd Unix.TCIFLUSH);
(* how to convert this into flow...... *)
{ fd; }
let tcflow (port : t) (action : Unix.flow_action) : unit =
Eio_unix.Fd.use_exn "tcflow" port.fd (fun fd ->
Unix.tcflow fd action)
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
open Eio.Std
type t
type parity =
| Parity_none
| Parity_even
| Parity_odd
type flow_control =
| Flow_none
| Flow_software
| Flow_hardware
val make : sw:Switch.t -> ?baudrate:int -> ?bytesize:int -> ?parity:parity -> ?stopbits:int ->
?flowctrl:flow_control -> ?exclusive:bool -> _ Eio.Path.t -> t
val tcflow : t -> Unix.flow_action -> unit
Reference in New Issue