Implement disaggregation :meowdab:
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
(require racket/struct)
@ -116,6 +117,16 @@
(subnet (arithmetic-shift (arithmetic-shift ip (- mask 33)) (- 33 mask))
(sub1 mask)))
;; Subnet Subnet -> [Listof Subnet]
;; Given an aggregate subnet and a component part, return an optimal list of
;; subnets filling the address space represented by (agg - part)
(define (subnet-disaggregate agg part)
(define diff (- (subnet-mask part) (subnet-mask agg)))
(define part-flip (subnet-flip-last part))
[(= 1 diff) (list part-flip)]
[else (cons part-flip (subnet-disaggregate agg (subnet-drop-last part)))]))
;; IP -> [Listof Bool]
;; Converts an IP address into a list of booleans representing its bits
(define (ip->bl ip [bits 32])
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
;; Helper function that performs tree iteration
(define (rt-partial-iterate node key [visited '()])
[(empty? key) (list 'exact node)]
[(empty? key) (list 'exact node (cons node visited))]
(let* ([bit (first key)]
[getter (rt-getter bit)]
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
[common-edge (rt-edge (take key prefix-len) common-node)])
(setter! node common-edge)))))
(match (rt-partial-iterate node key)
[(list 'exact node)
[(list 'exact node _)
(set-rt-node-data! node
(cons elem (rt-node-data node)))]
[(list 'partial node orig-edge prefix-len partial-key visited)
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
;; Delete all entries under the given key
(define (rt-del! node key del?)
(for ([node (in-list (match (rt-partial-iterate node key)
[(list 'exact node) (list node)]
[(list 'exact node _) (list node)]
[(list _ ... visited) visited]))])
(set-rt-node-data! node
(filter (negate del?)
@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
;; least-specific.
(define (rt-lookup node key)
(match (rt-partial-iterate node key)
[(list 'exact node) (rt-node-data node)]
[(list _ ... visited) (append-map rt-node-data visited)]))
;; RT -> [Listof Any]
@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
(define (router-add! rt r peer)
(define flipped-net (subnet-flip-last (route-subnet r)))
(define flipped-bl (subnet->bl flipped-net))
(define flipped-route (struct-copy route r [subnet flipped-net]))
(define flipped-route (route-update-subnet r flipped-net))
[(member (cons peer flipped-route)
(rt-lookup rt flipped-bl))
(define r* (struct-copy route r [subnet (subnet-drop-last (route-subnet r))]))
(define r* (route-update-subnet r (subnet-drop-last (route-subnet r))))
(rt-del! rt flipped-bl (curry equal? (cons peer flipped-route)))
(router-add! rt r* peer)]
@ -48,17 +48,39 @@
;; Router Route Peer -> Void
;; Tries to find the given route and removes it from the routing database
(define (router-revoke! rt subnet peer)
(rt-del! rt
(subnet->bl subnet)
(define sub-bl (subnet->bl subnet))
(define existing (filter (compose (curry equal? peer) car) (rt-lookup rt sub-bl)))
(match existing
;; disaggregation is necessary
[(cons fst _) #:when (not (equal? subnet (route-subnet (cdr fst))))
;; figure out how to disaggregate
(define agg-route (cdr fst))
(define new-subs (subnet-disaggregate (route-subnet agg-route) subnet))
;; delete agg route
(rt-del! rt
(subnet->bl (route-subnet agg-route))
(lambda (el) (equal? el (cons peer agg-route))))
;; add new parts
(for ([sub (in-list new-subs)])
(rt-add! rt (subnet->bl sub)
(cons peer (route-update-subnet agg-route sub))))]
;; normal delete
[_ (rt-del! rt
(lambda (el)
(and (equal? (car el) peer)
(equal? (route-subnet (cdr el)) subnet)))))
(equal? (route-subnet (cdr el)) subnet))))]))
;; IP -> IP
;; Calculates our local IP on the subnet with peer p
(define (peer-ip->own-ip p)
(sub1 p))
;; Route Subnet -> Route
;; Changes the subnet for a route data object
(define (route-update-subnet r s)
(struct-copy route r [subnet s]))
;; Route Route -> Bool
;; Checks if route r1 is "less than"/higher priority than r2 according to the specified rules
(define (route< r1 r2)
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