Add modified unix socket files and radix tree prototype
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
;; License: Apache 2.0/MIT
;; FFI functions, constants, and types for unix domain sockets (unsafe)
#lang racket/base
(require ffi/unsafe
(provide (protect-out (all-defined-out)))
;; platform : (U 'bsd 'linux #f)
;; Data structures and constants differ between platforms.
;; Mac OS X and the BSDs I tried seem to have consistent definitions.
(define platform
(case (system-type 'os)
[(macosx) 'bsd]
(define sys (path->string (system-library-subpath #f)))
(cond [(regexp-match? #rx"-linux$" sys) 'linux]
[(regexp-match? #rx"bsd$" sys) 'bsd]
[else #f])]
[else #f]))
(define unix-socket-available?
(and platform #t))
;; ========================================
;; Constants
;; linux: bits/socket.h; bsd/macosx: sys/socket.h
(define AF-UNIX 1)
(define SOCK-STREAM 1)
;; linux: sys/socket.h; bsd/macosx: sys/socket.h
(define SHUT_RD 0)
(define SHUT_WR 1)
;; linux: asm-generic/{errno-base,errno}.h; bsd/macosx: sys/errno.h
(define EINTR 4)
(define EAGAIN (case platform [(linux) 11] [(bsd) 35]))
(define EINPROGRESS (case platform [(linux) 115] [(bsd) 36]))
(define ENOTCONN (case platform [(linux) 107] [(bsd) 57]))
;; linux: asm-generic/fcntl.h; bsd/macosx: sys/fcntl.h
(define F_SETFL 4)
(define O_NONBLOCK (case platform [(linux) #o4000] [(bsd) 4]))
;; linux: asm-generic/socket.h; bsd/macosx: sys/socket.h
(define SOL_SOCKET (case platform [(linux) 1] [(bsd) #xFFFF]))
(define SO_ERROR (case platform [(linux) 4] [(bsd) #x1007]))
;; linux: sys/un.h; bsd/macosx: sys/un.h
(define UNIX-PATH-MAX (case platform [(linux) 108] [else 104]))
;; linux: bits/sockaddr.h; bsd/macosx: sys/un.h
(define _sa_family (case platform [(linux) _ushort] [else _ubyte]))
;; linux: bits/types.h; bsd/macosx: i386/_types.h
(define _socklen_t _uint32)
(define-cstruct _linux_sockaddr_un
([sun_family _sa_family]
[sun_path (make-array-type _byte UNIX-PATH-MAX)]))
(define-cstruct _bsd_sockaddr_un
([sun_len _ubyte]
[sun_family _sa_family]
[sun_path (make-array-type _byte UNIX-PATH-MAX)]))
(define _sockaddr_un-pointer
(case platform
[(linux) _linux_sockaddr_un-pointer]
[(bsd) _bsd_sockaddr_un-pointer]
[else _pointer]))
(define (make-sockaddr path-bytes)
(case platform
(make-linux_sockaddr_un AF-UNIX path-bytes)]
(make-bsd_sockaddr_un (bytes-length path-bytes) AF-UNIX path-bytes)]))
;; ========================================
;; System functions
(define-ffi-definer define-libc (ffi-lib #f)
#:default-make-fail make-not-available)
(define-libc socket
(_fun #:save-errno 'posix
_int _int _int -> _int))
(define-libc connect
(_fun #:save-errno 'posix
_int _sockaddr_un-pointer _int -> _int))
(define-libc bind
(_fun #:save-errno 'posix
_int _sockaddr_un-pointer _int -> _int))
(define-libc listen
(_fun #:save-errno 'posix
_int _int -> _int))
(define-libc accept
(_fun #:save-errno 'posix
_int (_pointer = #f) (_pointer = #f)
-> _int))
(define-libc close
(_fun #:save-errno 'posix
_int -> _int))
(define-libc shutdown
(_fun #:save-errno 'posix
_int _int -> _int))
(define-libc fcntl
(_fun #:save-errno 'posix
_int _int _int -> _int))
(define-libc getsockopt
(_fun #:save-errno 'posix
_int _int _int (value : (_ptr io _int) = 0) (len : (_ptr io _uint32) = (ctype-sizeof _int))
-> (result : _int)
-> (cond [(zero? result)
(error 'getsockopt "error~a" (errno-error-lines (saved-errno)))])))
(define strerror-name
(case platform
[(linux) "__xpg_strerror_r"]
[else "strerror_r"]))
(define strerror_r
(get-ffi-obj strerror-name #f
(_fun (errno) ::
(errno : _int)
(buf : _bytes = (make-bytes 1000))
(buf-len : _size = (bytes-length buf))
-> _void
-> (cast buf _bytes _string/locale))
(lambda ()
(lambda (errno) #f))))
(define (errno-error-lines errno)
(define err (strerror_r errno))
(format "\n errno: ~a~a" errno (if err (format "\n error: ~a" err) "")))
;; ========================================
;; Racket constants and functions
;; indirection to support testing; see below
(define (fd->evt fd mode)
(unsafe-fd->evt fd mode #t))
;; ============================================================
;; Testing
;; The unix socket code is difficult to test completely, because there
;; are errors/conditions that the kernel may return that are
;; infeasible to deliberately provoke. So optionally replace certain
;; system calls here with mock versions just for testing.
;; An alternative would be to use units; that would allow testing with
;; the mocked system calls without editing the source, but I don't
;; want the overhead of units :/
(when #f
;; -- mock for connect returning EINPROGRESS
(let ([real-connect connect]
[real-fd->evt fd->evt])
;; connecting-fds : hash[nat => #t]
(define connecting-fds (make-hash))
(set! connect
(lambda (s addr len)
(define r (real-connect s addr len))
(cond [(zero? r)
(hash-set! connecting-fds s #t)
(saved-errno EINPROGRESS)
(eprintf "** mock connect: setting EINPROGRESS\n")
[else r])))
(set! fd->evt
(lambda (fd kind)
(cond [(and (eq? kind 'write)
(hash-ref connecting-fds fd #f))
(define sema (make-semaphore))
(eprintf "** mock fd_to_sema: creating semaphore\n")
(thread (lambda ()
(sleep 1)
(eprintf "** mock fd_to_sema: posting to semaphore\n")
(semaphore-post sema)))
(hash-remove! connecting-fds fd)
(real-fd->evt fd kind)])))))
;; mock for accept returning EWOULDBLOCK/EAGAIN no longer works,
;; probably because doesn't intercept unsafe-poll-ctx-fd-wakeup
(when #f
;; - mock for accept returning EWOULDBLOCK/EAGAIN
(let ([real-accept accept]
[real-fd->evt fd->evt])
;; accepting-fds : hash[nat => #t]
(define accepting-fds (make-hash))
(set! accept
(lambda (s)
(cond [(hash-ref accepting-fds s #f)
(hash-remove! accepting-fds s)
(real-accept s)]
(eprintf "** mock accept: setting EWOULDBLOCK\n")
(hash-set! accepting-fds s #t)
(saved-errno EWOULDBLOCK)
(set! fd->evt
(lambda (fd kind)
(cond [(and (eq? kind 'read)
(hash-ref accepting-fds fd #f))
(define sema (make-semaphore))
(eprintf "** mock fd_to_sema: creating semaphore\n")
(thread (lambda ()
(sleep 1)
(eprintf "** mock fd_to_sema: posting to semaphore\n")
(semaphore-post sema)))
(real-fd->evt fd kind)])))))
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#lang racket
(require data/bit-vector)
(struct rt-node [edge0 edge1 data] #:transparent #:mutable)
(struct rt-edge [label target] #:transparent)
(define (make-rt)
(rt-node #f #f #f))
;; Helper functions for rt-node struct access based on whether the edge is 1 or 0
(define (rt-getter bit) (if bit rt-node-edge1 rt-node-edge0))
(define (rt-setter bit) (if bit set-rt-node-edge1! set-rt-node-edge0!))
;; Bit vector functions but short
(define bv-ref bit-vector-ref)
(define bv-len bit-vector-length)
(define bv-copy bit-vector-copy)
(define bv bit-vector)
(define (bv-common-len bv1 bv1-start bv2 bv2-start)
;; How to avoid this bv copy?? Why is there no drop for sequences either
;; Matthias pls
(for/sum ([b1 (in-bit-vector (bv-copy bv1 bv1-start))]
[b2 (in-bit-vector (bv-copy bv2 bv2-start))])
#:break (not (equal? b1 b2))
(define (rt-partial-iterate node key [start 0])
[(>= start (bv-len key)) (list 'exact node)]
(let* ([bit (bv-ref key start)]
[getter (rt-getter bit)]
[next-edge (getter node)]
[next-label (and next-edge (rt-edge-label next-edge))]
[next-target (and next-edge (rt-edge-target next-edge))]
[next-common-len (and next-label (bv-common-len next-label 0 key start))])
[(and next-edge (= next-common-len (bv-len next-label)))
(rt-partial-iterate next-target key (+ start next-common-len))]
[next-edge (list 'partial node start next-edge next-common-len)]
[else (list 'no-match node start)]))]))
(define (rt-insert! node key data)
(define (insert-node! node key start data)
(let* ([bit (bv-ref key start)]
[setter! (rt-setter bit)])
(setter! node (rt-edge (bv-copy key start) (rt-node #f #f data)))))
(define (split-node! node key start orig-edge prefix-len data)
(let* ([bit (bv-ref key start)]
[setter! (rt-setter bit)]
[orig-label (rt-edge-label orig-edge)]
[orig-target (rt-edge-target orig-edge)]
[new-orig-edge (rt-edge (bv-copy orig-label prefix-len) orig-target)]
[new-insert-edge (rt-edge (bv-copy key (+ start prefix-len)) (rt-node #f #f data))]
[diff-bit (bv-ref key (+ start prefix-len))]
[common-node (rt-node (if diff-bit new-orig-edge new-insert-edge)
(if diff-bit new-insert-edge new-orig-edge)
[common-edge (rt-edge (bv-copy key start (+ start prefix-len)) common-node)])
(setter! node common-edge)))
(match (rt-partial-iterate node key)
[(list 'exact node) (set-rt-node-data! data)]
[(list 'partial node start orig-edge prefix-len)
(split-node! node key start orig-edge prefix-len data)]
[(list 'no-match node start)
(insert-node! node key start data)]))
; (define test (make-rt))
; (define (test-insert! x)
; (rt-insert! test (string->bit-vector x) x))
; (test-insert! "0001")
; (test-insert! "1000")
; (test-insert! "1010")
; (test-insert! "0011")
; (test-insert! "0000")
; (define (rt-dump node [prefix ""])
; (displayln (format "~a node ~a" prefix (rt-node-data node)))
; (define edge0 (rt-node-edge0 node))
; (define edge1 (rt-node-edge1 node))
; (when edge0
; (displayln (format "~a edge0 ~a" prefix (bit-vector->string (rt-edge-label edge0))))
; (rt-dump (rt-edge-target edge0) (string-append prefix " ")))
; (when edge1
; (displayln (format "~a edge1 ~a" prefix (bit-vector->string (rt-edge-label edge1))))
; (rt-dump (rt-edge-target edge1) (string-append prefix " "))))
; (rt-dump test)
@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
;; License: Apache 2.0/MIT
;; Support for UNIX domain sockets.
#lang racket/base
(require racket/contract
(rename-in ffi/unsafe (-> -->))
(provide unix-socket-available?
(-> unix-socket-listener? any)]
(-> unix-socket-listener? (values input-port? output-port?))]
(-> unix-socket-listener? evt?)]))
(define (unix-socket-path? v)
(and (unix-socket-path->bytes v) #t))
(define (unix-socket-path->bytes path)
(if (path-string? path)
;; On all platforms, normal path of up to UNIX-PATH-MAX bytes after
;; conversion to absolute is considered valid and shall be accepted.
(let ([bstr (path->bytes (cleanse-path (path->complete-path path)))])
(and (<= (bytes-length bstr) UNIX-PATH-MAX) bstr))
;; On Linux, paths may be in so-called abstract namespace where they
;; start with #\nul and do not have a corresponding socket file.
;; We accept such paths only as byte strings because we don't know
;; the correct encoding.
(and (eq? platform 'linux)
(bytes? path)
(> (bytes-length path) 0)
(<= (bytes-length path) UNIX-PATH-MAX)
(= (bytes-ref path 0) 0)
(define (check-available who)
(unless unix-socket-available?
(error who "unix domain sockets are not supported on this platform")))
;; do-make-sockaddr : Symbol Path/String -> (values Sockaddr-Pointer Nat)
(define (do-make-sockaddr who path)
(when (path-string? path)
(security-guard-check-file who path '(read write)))
(define path-bytes (unix-socket-path->bytes path))
(define sockaddr (make-sockaddr path-bytes))
(define addrlen (+ (ctype-sizeof _ushort) (bytes-length path-bytes)))
(values sockaddr addrlen))
;; do-make-socket : Symbol Nat -> (values FD Cust-Reg)
;; Creates nonblocking socket, registers w/ custodian (returning registration).
;; Should be called in atomic mode.
(define (do-make-socket who mode)
(define socket-fd (socket AF-UNIX mode 0))
(unless (positive? socket-fd)
(error who "failed to create socket~a"
(errno-error-lines (saved-errno))))
(set-fd-nonblocking who socket-fd)
(values socket-fd (register-custodian-shutdown socket-fd close/unregister)))
;; set-fd-nonblocking : Symbol Nat -> Void
(define (set-fd-nonblocking who fd)
(unless (zero? (fcntl fd F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK))
(close fd)
(error who "failed to set non-blocking mode~a"
(errno-error-lines (saved-errno)))))
;; close/unregister : Nat Cust-Reg/#f -> Void
(define (close/unregister fd [reg #f])
(close fd)
(fd->evt fd 'remove)
(when reg (unregister-custodian-shutdown fd reg)))
;; make-socket-ports : Symbol FD Cust-Reg/#f -> (values Input-Port Output-Port)
(define (make-socket-ports who socket-fd reg)
(with-handlers ([(lambda (e) #t)
(lambda (exn)
(close/unregister socket-fd reg)
(raise exn))])
(define-values (in out)
(unsafe-file-descriptor->port socket-fd #"unix-socket-port" '(read write)))
;; closing the ports closes socket-fd, so custodian no longer needs to manage directly
(when reg (unregister-custodian-shutdown socket-fd reg))
(define fd+ports (list socket-fd in out))
(values (wrap-input-port in fd+ports) (wrap-output-port out fd+ports))))
;; wrap-output-port : Output-Port (List FD Port Port) -> Output-Port
;; Wrap port, override close to shutdown write side of socket.
(define (wrap-output-port out fd+ports)
(define (close)
(when out (close-output-port out)) ;; may block, so avoid in custodian shutdown
(lambda ()
(when creg (unregister-custodian-shutdown out* creg) (set! creg #f))
(when fd+ports (do-shutdown fd+ports #t) (set! fd+ports #f)))))
(define (get-write-evt buf start end) (write-bytes-avail-evt buf out start end))
(define buffer-mode (make-buffer-mode-fun out))
(define out*
(make-output-port 'unix-socket out out close #f get-write-evt #f #f void 1 buffer-mode))
(define creg (register-custodian-shutdown out* (lambda (p) (set! out #f) (close-output-port p))))
;; wrap-input-port : Input-Port (List FD Port Port) -> Input-Port
(define (wrap-input-port in fd+ports)
(define (close)
(when in (close-input-port in))
(lambda ()
(when creg (unregister-custodian-shutdown in* creg) (set! creg #f))
(when fd+ports (do-shutdown fd+ports #f) (set! fd+ports #f)))))
(define (get-progress-evt) (port-progress-evt in))
(define (commit k progress done) (port-commit-peeked k progress done in))
(define buffer-mode (make-buffer-mode-fun in))
(define in*
(make-input-port 'unix-socket in in close get-progress-evt commit #f void 1 buffer-mode))
(define creg (register-custodian-shutdown in* (lambda (p) (set! in #f) (close-input-port p))))
(define (make-buffer-mode-fun port)
(case-lambda [() (file-stream-buffer-mode port)]
[(mode) (file-stream-buffer-mode port mode)]))
;; do-shutdown : (List FD Port Port) Boolean -> Void
;; Requirements:
;; - want to shutdown RD/WR when corresponding port closed
;; - want to shutdown *after* port closed to avoid low-level errors
;; - must *not* call shutdown after *both* ports closed (fd is stale)
;; So: okay to call shutdown if either of the ports is still open.
(define (do-shutdown fd+ports output?)
(define socket-fd (car fd+ports))
(define ports (cdr fd+ports))
(unless (andmap port-closed? ports)
(unless (zero? (shutdown socket-fd (if output? SHUT_WR SHUT_RD)))
;; ENOTCONN is okay; the other side may have disconnected.
(unless (= (saved-errno) ENOTCONN)
(error (if output? 'close-output-port/unix-socket 'close-input-port/unix-socket)
"error from shutdown~a" (errno-error-lines (saved-errno)))))))
;; ============================================================
;; Connect
;; unix-socket-connect : Path/String [Symbol] -> (values Input-Port Output-Port)
(define (unix-socket-connect path [mode 'SOCK-STREAM])
(check-available 'unix-socket-connect)
(define cust (current-custodian))
(define-values (sockaddr addrlen) (do-make-sockaddr 'unix-socket-connect path))
(define connect-k
;; Non-blocking connect may succeed immediately or require waiting to see.
;; - If succeeds immediately, make ports in same atomic block
;; - If wait, must exit atomic mode to sync
;; So we return a procedure to be applied in non-atomic mode that does
;; whatever needs doing.
(lambda ()
(when (custodian-shut-down? cust)
(error 'unix-socket-connect "the custodian has been shut down"))
(define-values (socket-fd reg) (do-make-socket 'unix-socket-connect
(match mode
(define r (connect socket-fd sockaddr addrlen))
(define errno (saved-errno))
(cond [(= r 0) ;; connected
(define-values (in out) (make-socket-ports 'unix-socket-connect socket-fd reg))
(lambda () (values in out))]
[(= errno EINPROGRESS) ;; wait and see
(define ready-evt (fd->evt socket-fd 'write))
(lambda () ;; called in non-atomic mode!
(sync ready-evt)
(lambda ()
(when (custodian-shut-down? cust) ;; => socket-fd already closed by shutdown
(error 'unix-socket-connect "the custodian has been shut down"))
(define errno (getsockopt socket-fd SOL_SOCKET SO_ERROR))
(cond [(= errno 0)
(make-socket-ports 'unix-socket-connect socket-fd reg)]
(close/unregister socket-fd reg)
(error 'unix-socket-connect
"failed to connect socket (non-blocking)\n path: ~e~a"
path (errno-error-lines errno))]))))]
(close/unregister socket-fd reg)
(error 'unix-socket-connect "failed to connect socket\n path: ~e~a"
path (errno-error-lines (saved-errno)))]))))
;; ============================================================
;; Listen & Accept
;; A Listener is (unix-socket-listener Nat/#f Cust-Reg/#f)
;; States:
;; OPEN: (unix-socket-listener Nat Cust-Reg)
;; CLOSED: (unix-socket-listener #f #f)
;; Only transition allowed is OPEN to CLOSED, must happen atomically.
(struct unix-socket-listener (fd reg)
#:property prop:evt
(lambda (self)
(lambda ()
;; ready when fd is readable OR listener is closed
;; If closed after evt creation, then fd-evt becomes ready
;; when fd closed and fd-evt is unregistered.
(cond [(unix-socket-listener-fd self)
=> (lambda (fd) (fd->evt fd 'read))]
[else always-evt])
(lambda (r) self))))))
;; unix-socket-listen : Path/String [Nat] [Symbol] -> Unix-Socket-Listener
(define (unix-socket-listen path [backlog 4] [mode 'SOCK-STREAM])
(check-available 'unix-socket-listen)
(define-values (sockaddr addrlen) (do-make-sockaddr 'unix-socket-listen path))
(lambda ()
(define-values (socket-fd reg) (do-make-socket 'unix-socket-listen
(match mode
(unless (zero? (bind socket-fd sockaddr addrlen))
(close/unregister socket-fd reg)
(error 'unix-socket-listen "failed to bind socket\n path: ~e~a"
path (errno-error-lines (saved-errno))))
(unless (zero? (listen socket-fd backlog))
(close/unregister socket-fd reg)
(error 'unix-socket-listen "failed to listen\n path: ~e~a"
path (errno-error-lines (saved-errno))))
(define listener (unix-socket-listener socket-fd #f))
(set-unix-socket-listener-reg! listener
(register-custodian-shutdown listener do-close-listener))
(unregister-custodian-shutdown socket-fd reg)
;; unix-socket-close-listener : Listener -> Void
(define (unix-socket-close-listener l)
(call-as-atomic (lambda () (do-close-listener l #t))))
(define (do-close-listener l [unregister? #f])
(define fd (unix-socket-listener-fd l))
(define reg (unix-socket-listener-reg l))
(when fd
(set-unix-socket-listener-fd! l #f)
(set-unix-socket-listener-reg! l #f)
(when unregister? (unregister-custodian-shutdown l reg))
(close/unregister fd)
;; ----------------------------------------
(struct accept-evt (who listener cust) ;; <: (Evt-of (-> (list Input-Port Output-Port)))
#:property prop:evt
(unsafe-poller (lambda (self maybe-wakeups) (accept-poll self maybe-wakeups))))
;; unix-socket-accept : Unix-Socket-Listener -> (values Input-Port Output-Port)
(define (unix-socket-accept l)
(apply values ((sync (accept-evt 'unix-socket-accept l (current-custodian))))))
;; unix-socket-accept-evt : Unix-Socket-Listener -> (Evt-of (list Input-Port Output-Port))
(define (unix-socket-accept-evt l)
(wrap-evt (accept-evt 'unix-socket-accept-evt l (current-custodian)) (lambda (r) (r))))
;; accept-poll : Accept-Evt (U #f Wakeups) -> (U (values List #f) (values #f Evt))
(define (accept-poll accept-evt maybe-wakeups)
(define l (accept-evt-listener accept-evt))
(define who (accept-evt-who accept-evt))
(define lfd (unix-socket-listener-fd l))
(cond [(eq? lfd #f)
(values (list (lambda () (error who "unix socket listener is closed")))
[(custodian-shut-down? (accept-evt-cust accept-evt))
(values (list (lambda () (error '|unix-socket-accept-evt poll| "the custodian has been shut down")))
(cond [maybe-wakeups (accept-poll/sleep who accept-evt maybe-wakeups lfd)]
[else (accept-poll/check who accept-evt lfd)])]))
(define (accept-poll/sleep who accept-evt wakeups lfd)
;; No need to register wakeup for custodian; custodian shutdown means a Racket thread
;; did work, so accept-evt will get re-polled.
(unsafe-poll-ctx-fd-wakeup wakeups lfd 'read)
(values #f accept-evt))
(define (accept-poll/check who accept-evt lfd)
(define fd (accept lfd))
(cond [(< fd 0)
(let ([errno (saved-errno)])
(cond [(or (= errno EAGAIN) (= errno EWOULDBLOCK) (= errno EINTR))
(values #f accept-evt)]
(values (list (lambda ()
(error who "failed to accept socket~a"
(errno-error-lines errno))))
(define cust (accept-evt-cust accept-evt))
(define r
(with-handlers ([(lambda (e) #t)
(lambda (e) (lambda () (raise e)))])
(parameterize ((current-custodian cust))
(define-values (in out) (make-socket-ports who fd #f))
(lambda () (list in out)))))
(values (list r) #f)]))
Reference in New Issue