-`--default-license`, `-l`: the license to use for articles written on this instance, if no other license is explicitely specified. Optional, defaults to CC-BY-SA.
-`--name`, `--username`, `-n`: the name of this user. It will be used an human-readable identifier in URLs, for federation and when mentioning this person. It can't be changed afterwards.
-`--display-name`, `-N`: the display name of this user, that will be shown everywhere on the interface.
-`--bio`, `--biography`, `-b`: the biography of the user. Optional, empty by default.
-`--email`, `-e`: the email adress of the user.
-`--password`, `-p`: the password of the user. You probably want to use this option in shell scipts only, since if you don't specify it, the prompt won't show your password.
-`--admin`, `-a`: makes the user an admin of the instance. Optional, off by default.