379 lines
15 KiB
379 lines
15 KiB
use activitypub::object::Article;
use chrono::Utc;
use heck::{CamelCase, KebabCase};
use rocket::{State, request::LenientForm};
use rocket::response::{Redirect, Flash};
use rocket_contrib::Template;
use serde_json;
use std::{collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, borrow::Cow};
use validator::{Validate, ValidationError, ValidationErrors};
use workerpool::{Pool, thunk::*};
use plume_common::activity_pub::{broadcast, ActivityStream, ApRequest, inbox::Deletable};
use plume_common::utils;
use plume_models::{
struct CommentQuery {
responding_to: Option<i32>
// See: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/pull/454
#[get("/~/<blog>/<slug>", rank = 4)]
fn details(blog: String, slug: String, conn: DbConn, user: Option<User>) -> Template {
details_response(blog, slug, conn, user, None)
fn details_response(blog: String, slug: String, conn: DbConn, user: Option<User>, query: Option<CommentQuery>) -> Template {
may_fail!(user.map(|u| u.to_json(&*conn)), Blog::find_by_fqn(&*conn, blog), "Couldn't find this blog", |blog| {
may_fail!(user.map(|u| u.to_json(&*conn)), Post::find_by_slug(&*conn, slug, blog.id), "Couldn't find this post", |post| {
if post.published || post.get_authors(&*conn).into_iter().any(|a| a.id == user.clone().map(|u| u.id).unwrap_or(0)) {
let comments = Comment::list_by_post(&*conn, post.id);
let comms = comments.clone();
Template::render("posts/details", json!({
"author": post.get_authors(&*conn)[0].to_json(&*conn),
"article": post.to_json(&*conn),
"blog": blog.to_json(&*conn),
"comments": &comments.into_iter().filter_map(|c| if c.in_response_to_id.is_none() {
Some(c.to_json(&*conn, &comms))
} else {
"n_likes": post.get_likes(&*conn).len(),
"has_liked": user.clone().map(|u| u.has_liked(&*conn, &post)).unwrap_or(false),
"n_reshares": post.get_reshares(&*conn).len(),
"has_reshared": user.clone().map(|u| u.has_reshared(&*conn, &post)).unwrap_or(false),
"account": &user.clone().map(|u| u.to_json(&*conn)),
"date": &post.creation_date.timestamp(),
"previous": query.and_then(|q| q.responding_to.map(|r| Comment::get(&*conn, r)
.expect("posts::details_reponse: Error retrieving previous comment").to_json(&*conn, &vec![]))),
"user_fqn": user.clone().map(|u| u.get_fqn(&*conn)).unwrap_or(String::new()),
"is_author": user.clone().map(|u| post.get_authors(&*conn).into_iter().any(|a| u.id == a.id)).unwrap_or(false),
"is_following": user.map(|u| u.is_following(&*conn, post.get_authors(&*conn)[0].id)).unwrap_or(false)
} else {
Template::render("errors/403", json!({
"error_message": "This post isn't published yet."
#[get("/~/<blog>/<slug>", rank = 3)]
fn activity_details(blog: String, slug: String, conn: DbConn, _ap: ApRequest) -> Result<ActivityStream<Article>, Option<String>> {
let blog = Blog::find_by_fqn(&*conn, blog).ok_or(None)?;
let post = Post::find_by_slug(&*conn, slug, blog.id).ok_or(None)?;
if post.published {
} else {
Err(Some(String::from("Not published yet.")))
#[get("/~/<blog>/new", rank = 2)]
fn new_auth(blog: String) -> Flash<Redirect> {
"You need to be logged in order to write a new post",
uri!(new: blog = blog).into()
#[get("/~/<blog>/new", rank = 1)]
fn new(blog: String, user: User, conn: DbConn) -> Option<Template> {
let b = Blog::find_by_fqn(&*conn, blog.to_string())?;
if !user.is_author_in(&*conn, b.clone()) {
Some(Template::render("errors/403", json!({// TODO actually return 403 error code
"error_message": "You are not author in this blog."
} else {
Some(Template::render("posts/new", json!({
"account": user.to_json(&*conn),
"instance": Instance::get_local(&*conn),
"editing": false,
"errors": null,
"form": null,
"is_draft": true,
fn edit(blog: String, slug: String, user: User, conn: DbConn) -> Option<Template> {
let b = Blog::find_by_fqn(&*conn, blog.to_string())?;
let post = Post::find_by_slug(&*conn, slug, b.id)?;
if !user.is_author_in(&*conn, b) {
Some(Template::render("errors/403", json!({// TODO actually return 403 error code
"error_message": "You are not author in this blog."
} else {
let source = if post.source.len() > 0 {
} else {
post.content.get().clone() // fallback to HTML if the markdown was not stored
Some(Template::render("posts/new", json!({
"account": user.to_json(&*conn),
"instance": Instance::get_local(&*conn),
"editing": true,
"errors": null,
"form": NewPostForm {
title: post.title.clone(),
subtitle: post.subtitle.clone(),
content: source,
tags: Tag::for_post(&*conn, post.id)
.filter_map(|t| if !t.is_hashtag {Some(t.tag)} else {None})
.join(", "),
license: post.license.clone(),
draft: true,
"is_draft": !post.published
#[post("/~/<blog>/<slug>/edit", data = "<data>")]
fn update(blog: String, slug: String, user: User, conn: DbConn, data: LenientForm<NewPostForm>, worker: State<Pool<ThunkWorker<()>>>)
-> Result<Redirect, Option<Template>> {
let b = Blog::find_by_fqn(&*conn, blog.to_string()).ok_or(None)?;
let mut post = Post::find_by_slug(&*conn, slug.clone(), b.id).ok_or(None)?;
let form = data.get();
let new_slug = if !post.published {
} else {
let mut errors = match form.validate() {
Ok(_) => ValidationErrors::new(),
Err(e) => e
if new_slug != slug {
if let Some(_) = Post::find_by_slug(&*conn, new_slug.clone(), b.id) {
errors.add("title", ValidationError {
code: Cow::from("existing_slug"),
message: Some(Cow::from("A post with the same title already exists.")),
params: HashMap::new()
if errors.is_empty() {
if !user.is_author_in(&*conn, b) {
// actually it's not "Ok"…
Ok(Redirect::to(uri!(super::blogs::details: name = blog)))
} else {
let (content, mentions, hashtags) = utils::md_to_html(form.content.to_string().as_ref());
let license = if form.license.len() > 0 {
} else {
Instance::get_local(&*conn).map(|i| i.default_license).unwrap_or(String::from("CC-BY-SA"))
// update publication date if when this article is no longer a draft
let newly_published = if !post.published && !form.draft {
post.published = true;
post.creation_date = Utc::now().naive_utc();
} else {
post.slug = new_slug.clone();
post.title = form.title.clone();
post.subtitle = form.subtitle.clone();
post.content = SafeString::new(&content);
post.source = form.content.clone();
post.license = license;
let post = post.update_ap_url(&*conn);
if post.published {
post.update_mentions(&conn, mentions.into_iter().map(|m| Mention::build_activity(&conn, m)).collect());
let tags = form.tags.split(",").map(|t| t.trim().to_camel_case()).filter(|t| t.len() > 0)
.collect::<HashSet<_>>().into_iter().map(|t| Tag::build_activity(&conn, t)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
post.update_tags(&conn, tags);
let hashtags = hashtags.into_iter().map(|h| h.to_camel_case()).collect::<HashSet<_>>()
.into_iter().map(|t| Tag::build_activity(&conn, t)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
post.update_tags(&conn, hashtags);
if post.published {
if newly_published {
let act = post.create_activity(&conn);
let dest = User::one_by_instance(&*conn);
worker.execute(Thunk::of(move || broadcast(&user, act, dest)));
} else {
let act = post.update_activity(&*conn);
let dest = User::one_by_instance(&*conn);
worker.execute(Thunk::of(move || broadcast(&user, act, dest)));
Ok(Redirect::to(uri!(details: blog = blog, slug = new_slug)))
} else {
Err(Some(Template::render("posts/new", json!({
"account": user.to_json(&*conn),
"instance": Instance::get_local(&*conn),
"editing": true,
"errors": errors.inner(),
"form": form,
"is_draft": form.draft,
#[derive(FromForm, Validate, Serialize)]
struct NewPostForm {
#[validate(custom(function = "valid_slug", message = "Invalid title"))]
pub title: String,
pub subtitle: String,
pub content: String,
pub tags: String,
pub license: String,
pub draft: bool,
fn valid_slug(title: &str) -> Result<(), ValidationError> {
let slug = title.to_string().to_kebab_case();
if slug.len() == 0 {
} else if slug == "new" {
} else {
#[post("/~/<blog_name>/new", data = "<data>")]
fn create(blog_name: String, data: LenientForm<NewPostForm>, user: User, conn: DbConn, worker: State<Pool<ThunkWorker<()>>>) -> Result<Redirect, Option<Template>> {
let blog = Blog::find_by_fqn(&*conn, blog_name.to_string()).ok_or(None)?;
let form = data.get();
let slug = form.title.to_string().to_kebab_case();
let mut errors = match form.validate() {
Ok(_) => ValidationErrors::new(),
Err(e) => e
if let Some(_) = Post::find_by_slug(&*conn, slug.clone(), blog.id) {
errors.add("title", ValidationError {
code: Cow::from("existing_slug"),
message: Some(Cow::from("A post with the same title already exists.")),
params: HashMap::new()
if errors.is_empty() {
if !user.is_author_in(&*conn, blog.clone()) {
// actually it's not "Ok"…
Ok(Redirect::to(uri!(super::blogs::details: name = blog_name)))
} else {
let (content, mentions, hashtags) = utils::md_to_html(form.content.to_string().as_ref());
let post = Post::insert(&*conn, NewPost {
blog_id: blog.id,
slug: slug.to_string(),
title: form.title.to_string(),
content: SafeString::new(&content),
published: !form.draft,
license: if form.license.len() > 0 {
} else {
Instance::get_local(&*conn).map(|i| i.default_license).unwrap_or(String::from("CC-BY-SA"))
ap_url: "".to_string(),
creation_date: None,
subtitle: form.subtitle.clone(),
source: form.content.clone(),
cover_id: None, // TODO
let post = post.update_ap_url(&*conn);
PostAuthor::insert(&*conn, NewPostAuthor {
post_id: post.id,
author_id: user.id
let tags = form.tags.split(",").map(|t| t.trim().to_camel_case()).filter(|t| t.len() > 0).collect::<HashSet<_>>();
for tag in tags {
Tag::insert(&*conn, NewTag {
tag: tag,
is_hashtag: false,
post_id: post.id
for hashtag in hashtags {
Tag::insert(&*conn, NewTag {
tag: hashtag.to_camel_case(),
is_hashtag: true,
post_id: post.id
if post.published {
for m in mentions.into_iter() {
Mention::from_activity(&*conn, Mention::build_activity(&*conn, m), post.id, true, true);
let act = post.create_activity(&*conn);
let dest = User::one_by_instance(&*conn);
worker.execute(Thunk::of(move || broadcast(&user, act, dest)));
Ok(Redirect::to(uri!(details: blog = blog_name, slug = slug)))
} else {
Err(Some(Template::render("posts/new", json!({
"account": user.to_json(&*conn),
"instance": Instance::get_local(&*conn),
"editing": false,
"errors": errors.inner(),
"form": form,
"is_draft": form.draft
fn delete(blog_name: String, slug: String, conn: DbConn, user: User, worker: State<Pool<ThunkWorker<()>>>) -> Redirect {
let post = Blog::find_by_fqn(&*conn, blog_name.clone())
.and_then(|blog| Post::find_by_slug(&*conn, slug.clone(), blog.id));
if let Some(post) = post {
if !post.get_authors(&*conn).into_iter().any(|a| a.id == user.id) {
Redirect::to(uri!(details: blog = blog_name.clone(), slug = slug.clone()))
} else {
let dest = User::one_by_instance(&*conn);
let delete_activity = post.delete(&*conn);
worker.execute(Thunk::of(move || broadcast(&user, delete_activity, dest)));
Redirect::to(uri!(super::blogs::details: name = blog_name))
} else {
Redirect::to(uri!(super::blogs::details: name = blog_name))