Brute force brute force...

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xenia 2019-12-10 01:27:24 -05:00
parent 619cafeecc
commit 4580ab6256
1 changed files with 81 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#lang racket
(define (parse-input inp)
(string-split (string-trim inp)))
(define input (parse-input (file->string "input.10.txt")))
(define size (max (length input) (string-length (first input))))
(struct pos [x y] #:transparent)
(define (input->positions inp)
(apply append
(for/list ([line inp] [y (in-range (length inp))])
(for/list ([char line] [x (in-range (string-length line))] #:when (equal? char #\#))
(pos x y)))))
(define asteroids (apply set (input->positions input)))
(define (pos-on-line a b c)
(define (pos-on-line+ a b c)
(let ([crs (- (* (- (pos-y c) (pos-y a)) (- (pos-x b) (pos-x a)))
(* (- (pos-x c) (pos-x a)) (- (pos-y b) (pos-y a))))]
[dot (+ (* (- (pos-x c) (pos-x a)) (- (pos-x b) (pos-x a)))
(* (- (pos-y c) (pos-y a)) (- (pos-y b) (pos-y a))))]
[sqdist (+ (sqr (- (pos-x b) (pos-x a)))
(sqr (- (pos-y b) (pos-y a))))])
(cond [(not (zero? crs)) #f]
[(negative? dot) #f]
[(<= dot sqdist)])))
(or (equal? b c) (pos-on-line+ a b c) (pos-on-line+ a c b)))
(define (collide-line-pos start to pos-set)
(for/set ([pos pos-set] #:when (pos-on-line start to pos))
(define (count-reachable-asteroids pos-set start)
(define pos-set/nostart (set-remove pos-set start))
(define (count-reachable+ pos-set start)
(cond [(set-empty? pos-set) 0]
[else (begin
(define any (set-first pos-set))
(define reachables (collide-line-pos start any pos-set))
(add1 (count-reachable+ (set-subtract pos-set reachables) start)))]))
(count-reachable+ pos-set/nostart start))
;; Part 1
;; The super naive way lol
(define best (argmax (curry count-reachable-asteroids asteroids) (set->list asteroids)))
(count-reachable-asteroids asteroids best)
(define (dist-between p1 p2)
(sqrt (+ (sqr (- (pos-x p1) (pos-x p2))) (sqr (- (pos-y p1) (pos-y p2))))))
;; intentionally flip y and x for fun and profit
;; also negative x
;; (this is fuckery to get the sweep to start at 0 and go the normal direction)
(define (angle-to center p)
(define dx (- (pos-x center) (pos-x p)))
(define dy (- (pos-y p) (pos-y center)))
(+ (* 2 pi) (atan dx dy)))
(define sorted (sort (set->list (set-remove asteroids best)) < #:key (curry angle-to best)))
(define grouped (group-by (curry angle-to best) sorted))
(define (min-of-group group)
(argmin (curry dist-between best) group))
(define (destroy-asteroids grouped n)
(cond [(zero? n) (min-of-group (first grouped))]
(let* ([this-group (first grouped)]
[min-asteroid (min-of-group this-group)]
[rest-of-group (remove min-asteroid this-group)])
(cond [(empty? rest-of-group) (destroy-asteroids (rest grouped) (sub1 n))]
[else (destroy-asteroids
(append (rest grouped) (list rest-of-group)) (sub1 n))]))]))
;; I am like
;; 200 billion % not sure why this is 198 and not 199 (ie, 200 but starting at zero)
;; but it rly do be like that sometime
(destroy-asteroids grouped 198)