
54 lines
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#lang racket
(define range-start 356261)
(define range-end 846303)
;; garbage in garbage out!!!
(define (nth-digit x n)
(modulo (floor (/ x (expt 10 n))) 10))
(define (has-double? pwd)
(for/or ([i (in-range 5)])
(= (nth-digit pwd i)
(nth-digit pwd (add1 i)))))
(define (increasing? pwd)
(for/and ([i (in-range 5)])
(>= (nth-digit pwd i)
(nth-digit pwd (add1 i)))))
(define (pwd-valid? pwd)
(and (has-double? pwd)
(increasing? pwd)))
;; Part 1
(displayln (for/sum ([i (in-range range-start (add1 range-end))])
(cond [(pwd-valid? i) 1]
[else 0])))
;; okay we're going to do this the spaghetti way
(define (has-exact-double? pwd)
(for/or ([i (in-range 5)])
;; ith digit is the same is (i+1)th digit
(= (nth-digit pwd i)
(nth-digit pwd (add1 i)))
;; ith digit is not the same as (i+2)th digit, if exists
(not (= (nth-digit pwd i)
[(> i 3) -1]
[else (nth-digit pwd (+ i 2))])))
;; ith digit is also not the same as (i-1)th digit, if exists
(not (= (nth-digit pwd i)
[(zero? i) -1]
[else (nth-digit pwd (sub1 i))]))))))
(define (pwd-valid2? pwd)
(and (has-exact-double? pwd)
(increasing? pwd)))
;; Part 2
(displayln (for/sum ([i (in-range range-start (add1 range-end))])
(cond [(pwd-valid2? i) 1]
[else 0])))