day 8 meow,,

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xenia 2023-12-08 00:36:01 -05:00
parent f0d5429863
commit 3be5b3e18f
1 changed files with 19 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -4,50 +4,30 @@
;; solution for day 8
(define (follow mapl cur inst)
(define node
(for/first ([entry (in-list mapl)]
#:when (equal? (first entry) cur))
(match inst
[#\L (second node)]
[#\R (third node)]))
(define (part1 input)
(for/fold ([cur "AAA"] [cnt 0] #:result cnt)
(define (part1 input [cur "AAA"] [break? #{equal? % "ZZZ"}])
(for/fold ([cur cur] [cnt 0] #:result cnt)
([inst (in-cycle (in-list (first input)))])
#:break (equal? cur "ZZZ")
(define next (follow (second input) cur inst))
(values next (add1 cnt))))
#:break (break? cur)
(values (inst (hash-ref (second input) cur))
(add1 cnt))))
(define (part2 input)
(define all-as
(for/list ([x (in-list (second input))] #:when (regexp-match? #px"^..A$" (first x)))
(first x)))
(define (end-z? c)
(regexp-match? #px"^..Z$" c))
(define (run-item item)
(for/fold ([cur item] [cnt 0] #:result cnt)
([inst (in-cycle (in-list (first input)))])
#:break (end-z? cur)
(define next (follow (second input) cur inst))
(values next (add1 cnt))))
(apply lcm (map run-item all-as)))
(~> (filter #{string-suffix? % "A"}
(hash-keys (second input)))
(map #{part1 input % #{string-suffix? % "Z"}} _)
(apply lcm _)))
(define (parse fname)
(match-define (list instl mapl) (string-split (file->string fname) "\n\n"))
(list (string->list instl)
(for/list ([line (in-list (string-split mapl "\n"))])
(match-define (pregexp #px"([A-Z0-9]{3}) = .([A-Z0-9]{3}), ([A-Z0-9]{3})."
(list _ node left right))
(list node left right))))
; (part2 (parse "inputs/8-test1"))
; (error)
(match-define (list* instl _ mapl) (file->lines fname))
(for/list ([c (in-string instl)])
(match c
[#\L first]
[#\R second]))
(for/hash ([line (in-list mapl)])
(match-define (list node left right)
(regexp-match* #px"[A-Z0-9]{3}" line))
(values node (list left right)))))
(module+ main
(define input (parse "inputs/8"))