Implemented state redo function

This commit is contained in:
Lewis Hemens 2014-03-22 22:30:08 +00:00
parent 49ff4a1c19
commit 93a927ead5
4 changed files with 94 additions and 65 deletions

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@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ textarea {
window.setTimeout(function() { $('#logo-interstitial').addClass('fade-out'); }, 1000);
window.setTimeout(function() { $('#logo-interstitial').visible(false); }, 3000);
window.setTimeout(function() { $('#logo-interstitial').hide(); }, 3000);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
try {
throw 1;
} catch (aa) {
window.C = window.C || {};
window.D = window.D || {};
var f = "ontouchstart" in window || "onmsgesturechange" in window;
function l(a, b) {
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function da(a, b) {
function ea(a, b) {
this.position = a;
this.A = b;
this.B = b;
;function z(a) {
this.state = a;
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function ea(a, b) {
this.zoom = 1;
this.offset = new l(7500, 7500);
this.c = !0;
this.s = f;
this.r = f;
function A(a) {
@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ function fa(a) {
b.moveTo(0 - a.offset.x, 17 * d - a.offset.y), b.lineTo(9 * a.state.cells.length - a.offset.x, 17 * d - a.offset.y);
d = !a.s;
d = !a.r;
b.font = "15px Courier New";
for (var g = c.x;g < e.x;g++) {
for (var k = c.y;k < e.y;k++) {
var h = D(a.state, new l(g, k));
var h = C(a.state, new l(g, k));
if (x(h) || null != h.f && " " != w(h)) {
a.context.fillStyle = null != h.f ? "#DEF" : "#F5F5F5", b.fillRect(9 * g - a.offset.x, 17 * (k - 1) - a.offset.y, 9, 17);
@ -106,18 +106,18 @@ function fa(a) {
null == t || x(h) && !d || (a.context.fillStyle = "#000000", b.fillText(t, 9 * g - a.offset.x, 17 * k - a.offset.y - 3));
if (a.s) {
if (a.r) {
b.lineWidth = "1";
b.strokeStyle = "#000000";
for (d = c.x;d < e.x;d++) {
for (h = !1, g = c.y;g < e.y;g++) {
k = D(a.state, new l(d, g)), x(k) && g != e.y - 1 || !h || (b.moveTo(9 * d - a.offset.x + 4.5, 17 * h - a.offset.y - 8.5), b.lineTo(9 * d - a.offset.x + 4.5, 17 * (g - 1) - a.offset.y - 8.5), h = !1), x(k) && !h && (h = g);
k = C(a.state, new l(d, g)), x(k) && g != e.y - 1 || !h || (b.moveTo(9 * d - a.offset.x + 4.5, 17 * h - a.offset.y - 8.5), b.lineTo(9 * d - a.offset.x + 4.5, 17 * (g - 1) - a.offset.y - 8.5), h = !1), x(k) && !h && (h = g);
for (g = c.y;g < e.y;g++) {
for (h = !1, d = c.x;d < e.x;d++) {
k = D(a.state, new l(d, g)), x(k) && d != e.x - 1 || !h || (b.moveTo(9 * h - a.offset.x + 4.5, 17 * g - a.offset.y - 8.5), b.lineTo(9 * (d - 1) - a.offset.x + 4.5, 17 * g - a.offset.y - 8.5), h = !1), x(k) && !h && (h = d);
k = C(a.state, new l(d, g)), x(k) && d != e.x - 1 || !h || (b.moveTo(9 * h - a.offset.x + 4.5, 17 * g - a.offset.y - 8.5), b.lineTo(9 * (d - 1) - a.offset.x + 4.5, 17 * g - a.offset.y - 8.5), h = !1), x(k) && !h && (h = d);
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ function P(a) {
P.prototype.start = function(a) {
this.e = this.a = a;
var b = w(D(this.state, a));
var b = w(C(this.state, a));
H(this.state, a, null == b ? "\u2009" : b);
P.prototype.move = function() {
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ P.prototype.m = function() {
P.prototype.h = function(a) {
if (null != this.e) {
var b = this.e.add(q);
if ("<enter>" == a || x(D(this.state, b))) {
if ("<enter>" == a || x(C(this.state, b))) {
K(this.state), this.a = b = this.a.add(s);
"<backspace>" == a && this.a.x <= b.x && (K(this.state), b = this.e.add(p), b.x < this.a.x && (b.x = this.a.x), H(this.state, b, "\u2009"), L(this.state));
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ P.prototype.h = function(a) {
"<down>" == a && (K(this.state), this.a = b = this.e.add(s));
1 == a.length && (H(this.state, this.e, a), L(this.state));
this.e = b;
a = w(D(this.state, b));
a = w(C(this.state, b));
H(this.state, b, null == a ? "\u2009" : a);
@ -266,27 +266,27 @@ function R(a) {
this.g = this.a = null;
R.prototype.start = function(a) {
if (f && !x(D(this.state, a))) {
if (f && !x(C(this.state, a))) {
var b = v.concat([p.add(r), p.add(s), q.add(r), q.add(s)]), c = null, e = 0, d;
for (d in b) {
var g = a.add(b[d]), k = y(this.state.getContext(g));
x(D(this.state, g)) && k > e && (c = b[d], e = k);
x(C(this.state, g)) && k > e && (c = b[d], e = k);
a = null == c ? a : a.add(c);
this.a = a;
this.g = null;
if (x(D(this.state, this.a))) {
if (x(C(this.state, this.a))) {
a = [];
for (var h in v) {
var b = S(this, this.a, v[h]), t;
for (t in b) {
if (c = b[t], e = 0 != v[h].x, 1 == y(this.state.getContext(c))) {
a.push({position:c, u:e});
a.push({position:c, t:e});
} else {
for (var u in v) {
0 != v[h].add(v[u]).length() && 2 != v[h].add(v[u]).length() && (d = S(this, c, v[u]), 0 != d.length && a.push({position:d[d.length - 1], u:e}));
0 != v[h].add(v[u]).length() && 2 != v[h].add(v[u]).length() && (d = S(this, c, v[u]), 0 != d.length && a.push({position:d[d.length - 1], t:e}));
@ -298,10 +298,10 @@ R.prototype.start = function(a) {
R.prototype.move = function(a) {
for (var b in this.g) {
F(this.state, this.a, this.g[b].position, this.g[b].u, " ");
F(this.state, this.a, this.g[b].position, this.g[b].t, " ");
for (b in this.g) {
F(this.state, a, this.g[b].position, this.g[b].u);
F(this.state, a, this.g[b].position, this.g[b].t);
R.prototype.end = function() {
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ R.prototype.end = function() {
function S(a, b, c) {
for (var e = b.clone(), d = [];;) {
var g = e.add(c);
if (!x(D(a.state, g))) {
if (!x(C(a.state, g))) {
return m(b, e) || d.push(e), d;
e = g;
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ function S(a, b, c) {
R.prototype.m = function(a) {
return x(D(this.state, a)) ? "pointer" : "default";
return x(C(this.state, a)) ? "pointer" : "default";
R.prototype.h = function() {
@ -326,7 +326,8 @@ function T() {
this.cells = Array(2E3);
this.i = [];
this.c = !0;
this.q = [];
this.A = [];
this.w = [];
for (var a = 0;a < this.cells.length;a++) {
this.cells[a] = Array(600);
for (var b = 0;b < this.cells[a].length;b++) {
@ -342,26 +343,26 @@ T.prototype.clear = function() {
function D(a, b) {
function C(a, b) {
return a.cells[b.x][b.y];
function H(a, b, c) {
var e = D(a, b);
var e = C(a, b);
a.i.push(new ea(b, e));
e.f = c;
a.c = !0;
function G(a, b, c) {
w(D(a, b)) != c && H(a, b, c);
w(C(a, b)) != c && H(a, b, c);
function K(a) {
for (var b in a.i) {
a.i[b].A.f = null;
a.i[b].B.f = null;
a.i.length = 0;
function E(a, b) {
var c = D(a, b), c = null != c.f ? c.f : c.value;
var c = C(a, b), c = null != c.f ? c.f : c.value;
if ("+" != c) {
return c;
@ -369,8 +370,8 @@ function E(a, b) {
return c.left && c.right && !c.n && !c.j ? "\u2013" : !c.left && !c.right && c.n && c.j ? "|" : c.left && c.right && c.n && c.j ? "\u2013" : "+";
T.prototype.getContext = function(a) {
var b = x(D(this, a.add(p))), c = x(D(this, a.add(q))), e = x(D(this, a.add(r)));
a = x(D(this, a.add(s)));
var b = x(C(this, a.add(p))), c = x(C(this, a.add(q))), e = x(C(this, a.add(r)));
a = x(C(this, a.add(s)));
return new ca(b, c, e, a);
function L(a, b) {
@ -381,7 +382,7 @@ function L(a, b) {
a.i.length = 0;
for (var g in d) {
var k = d[g].A;
var k = d[g].B;
c.push(new da(d[g].position, null != k.value ? k.value : " "));
var h = w(k);
if ("\u2009" == h || " " == h) {
@ -390,12 +391,13 @@ function L(a, b) {
k.f = null;
k.value = h;
!b && 0 < c.length && (50 < a.q.length && a.q.shift(), a.q.push(c));
d = b ? a.w : a.A;
0 < c.length && (50 < d.length && d.shift(), d.push(c));
a.c = !0;
function U(a) {
if (0 != a.q.length) {
var b = a.q.pop(), c;
if (0 != a.A.length) {
var b = a.A.pop(), c;
for (c in b) {
var e = b[c];
H(a, e.position, e.value);
@ -427,14 +429,14 @@ function V(a) {
this.mode = 0;
W.prototype.r = function(a) {
W.prototype.q = function(a) {
var b = B(this.view, a);
null == this.p && (this.p = b);
m(b, this.p) || ( = this.d.m(b));
2 != this.mode || m(b, this.p) || this.d.move(b);
if (1 == this.mode) {
var c = this.view;
a = this.w.add(n(this.v, a).scale(1 / this.view.zoom));
a = this.v.add(n(this.u, a).scale(1 / this.view.zoom));
c.offset = a;
c.c = !0;
@ -443,8 +445,8 @@ W.prototype.r = function(a) {
function X(a) {
(a.mode = 2) && a.d.end();
a.mode = 0;
a.u = null;
a.v = null;
a.w = null;
a.p = null;
W.prototype.o = function() {
@ -471,6 +473,14 @@ W.prototype.o = function() {
"export-button" == a && ($("#export-area").val(V(this.state)), $("#export-area").focus(), $("#export-area").select());
"clear-button" == a && this.state.clear();
"undo-button" == a && U(this.state);
if ("redo-button" == a && (a = this.state, 0 != a.w.length)) {
var c = a.w.pop(), e;
for (e in c) {
var d = c[e];
H(a, d.position, d.value);
$("button.close-dialog-button").click(function() {
@ -491,12 +501,12 @@ W.prototype.o = function() {
$("#use-lines-button").click(function() {
this.view.s = !0;
this.view.r = !0;
this.view.c = !0;
$("#use-ascii-button").click(function() {
this.view.s = !1;
this.view.r = !1;
this.view.c = !0;
$(window).keypress(function(a) {
@ -571,8 +581,8 @@ ka.prototype.o = function() {
var c = this.b;
a = new l(a.clientX, a.clientY);
c.mode = 1;
c.v = a;
c.w = c.view.offset;
c.u = a;
c.v = c.view.offset;
} else {
c = this.b, a = new l(a.clientX, a.clientY), c.mode = 2, c.d.start(B(c.view, a));
@ -584,39 +594,39 @@ ka.prototype.o = function() {
$(a).mousemove(function(a) {
this.b.r(new l(a.clientX, a.clientY));
this.b.q(new l(a.clientX, a.clientY));
function Y(a) {
this.b = a;
this.t = this.k = !1;
this.s = this.k = !1;
function la(a, b) {
a.B = b;
a.F = $.now();
a.C = b;
a.G = $.now();
a.k = !1;
window.setTimeout(function() {
if (!this.k && !this.t) {
if (!this.k && !this.s) {
var a = this.b;
a.mode = 2;
a.d.start(B(a.view, b));
}.bind(a), 130);
Y.prototype.r = function(a) {
if (!this.k && 130 > $.now() - this.F && 3 < n(a, this.B).length()) {
Y.prototype.q = function(a) {
if (!this.k && 130 > $.now() - this.G && 3 < n(a, this.C).length()) {
this.k = !0;
var b = this.b;
b.mode = 1;
b.v = a;
b.w = b.view.offset;
b.u = a;
b.v = b.view.offset;
Y.prototype.reset = function() {
this.t = this.k = !1;
this.B = null;
this.s = this.k = !1;
this.C = null;
Y.prototype.o = function() {
var a = this.b.view.canvas;
@ -629,22 +639,22 @@ Y.prototype.o = function() {
var c = new l(a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX, a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY);
a = new l(a.originalEvent.touches[1].pageX, a.originalEvent.touches[1].pageY);
this.t = !0;
this.s = !0;
this.k = !1;
this.G = n(c, a).length();
this.D = this.b.view.zoom;
this.H = n(c, a).length();
this.F = this.b.view.zoom;
$(a).bind("touchmove", function(a) {
if (1 == a.originalEvent.touches.length) {
this.r(new l(a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX, a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY));
this.q(new l(a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX, a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY));
} else {
if (1 < a.originalEvent.touches.length) {
var c = new l(a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX, a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY);
a = new l(a.originalEvent.touches[1].pageX, a.originalEvent.touches[1].pageY);
this.t && (c = this.D * n(c, a).length() / this.G, c = Math.max(Math.min(c, 5), 0.5), a = this.b.view, a.zoom = c, a.c = !0);
this.s && (c = this.F * n(c, a).length() / this.H, c = Math.max(Math.min(c, 5), 0.5), a = this.b.view, a.zoom = c, a.c = !0);

View File

@ -190,6 +190,9 @@ ascii.Controller.prototype.handleFileButton = function(id) {
if (id == 'undo-button') {
if (id == 'redo-button') {

View File

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ ascii.State = function() {
/** @type {Array.<Array.<ascii.MappedValue>>} */
this.undoStates = new Array();
/** @type {Array.<Array.<ascii.MappedValue>>} */
this.redoStates = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++) {
this.cells[i] = new Array(MAX_GRID_HEIGHT);
@ -126,9 +128,9 @@ ascii.State.prototype.getContext = function(position) {
* Ends the current draw, commiting anything currently drawn the scratchpad.
* @param {boolean=} opt_skipSave
* @param {boolean=} opt_undo
ascii.State.prototype.commitDraw = function(opt_skipSave) {
ascii.State.prototype.commitDraw = function(opt_undo) {
var oldValues = [];
// Dedupe the scratch values, or this causes havoc for history management.
@ -158,13 +160,13 @@ ascii.State.prototype.commitDraw = function(opt_skipSave) {
cell.value = newValue;
// Don't save a new state if we are undoing an old one.
if (!opt_skipSave && oldValues.length > 0) {
// If we have too many undo states, clear one out.
if (this.undoStates.length > MAX_UNDO) {
var stateStack = opt_undo ? this.redoStates : this.undoStates;
if (oldValues.length > 0) {
// If we have too many states, clear one out.
if (stateStack.length > MAX_UNDO) {
this.dirty = true;
@ -183,6 +185,20 @@ ascii.State.prototype.undo = function() {
* Redoes the last undone.
ascii.State.prototype.redo = function() {
if (this.redoStates.length == 0) { return; }
var lastState = this.redoStates.pop();
for (var i in lastState) {
var mappedValue = lastState[i];
this.drawValue(mappedValue.position, mappedValue.value);
* Outputs the entire contents of the diagram as text.
* @return {string}