
261 lines
7.3 KiB

#lang racket/base
(require racket/math racket/vector racket/match
(provide lunar-next-phase)
;; meeus, ch 47
(define (lunar-mean-phase+ k T)
(+ 2451550.09766
(* 29.530588861 k)
(* 0.00015437 T T)
(- (* 0.000000150 T T T))
(* 0.00000000073 T T T T)))
;; phase must correspond to the decimal part of k
;; phase is one of 'new 'first 'full 'last
(define (lunar-precise-phase+ k phase)
(define T (/ k 1236.85))
(define lmm (lunar-mean-phase+ k T))
;; corrections
(define E (- 1 (* 0.002516 T) (* 0.0000074 T T)))
(define (d->r val)
(degrees->radians val))
(define M (d->r (+ 2.5534 (* 29.10535670 k)
(* -0.0000014 T T)
(* -0.00000011 T T T))))
(define M* (d->r (+ 201.5643 (* 385.81693528 k)
(* 0.0107582 T T)
(* 0.00001238 T T T)
(* -0.000000058 T T T T))))
(define F (d->r (+ 160.7108 (* 390.67050284 k)
(* -0.0016118 T T)
(* -0.00000227 T T T)
(* 0.000000011 T T T T))))
(define Ω (d->r (+ 124.7746 (* -1.56375588 k)
(* 0.0020672 T T)
(* 0.00000215 T T T))))
(define A
(vector (+ 299.77 (* 0.107408 k) (* -0.009173 T T))
(+ 251.88 (* 0.016321 k))
(+ 251.83 (* 26.651886 k))
(+ 349.42 (* 36.412478 k))
(+ 84.66 (* 18.206239 k))
(+ 141.74 (* 53.303771 k))
(+ 207.14 (* 2.453732 k))
(+ 154.84 (* 7.306860 k))
(+ 34.52 (* 27.261239 k))
(+ 207.19 (* 0.121824 k))
(+ 291.34 (* 1.844379 k))
(+ 161.72 (* 24.198154 k))
(+ 239.56 (* 25.513099 k))
(+ 331.55 (* 3.592518 k)))))
(define periodic-multipliers
(match phase
(vector -0.40720
(* +0.17241 E)
(* +0.00739 E)
(* -0.00514 E)
(* +0.00208 E E)
(* +0.00056 E)
(* +0.00042 E)
(* +0.00038 E)
(* -0.00024 E)
(vector -0.40614
(* +0.17302 E)
(* +0.00734 E)
(* -0.00515 E)
(* +0.00209 E E)
(* +0.00056 E)
(* +0.00042 E)
(* +0.00038 E)
(* -0.00024 E)
[(or 'first 'last)
(vector -0.62801
(* +0.17172 E)
(* -0.01182 E)
(* +0.00454 E)
(* +0.00204 E E)
(* -0.00034 E)
(* +0.00032 E)
(* +0.00032 E)
(* -0.00028 E E)
(* +0.00027 E)
(define periodic-sine-terms
(match phase
[(or 'new 'full)
(vector M*
(* M* 2)
(* F 2)
(- M* M)
(+ M* M)
(* M 2)
(- M* (* 2 F))
(+ M* (* 2 F))
(+ (* 2 M*) M)
(* 3 M*)
(+ M (* 2 F))
(- M (* 2 F))
(- (* 2 M*) M)
(+ M* (* 2 M))
(- (* 2 M*) (* 2 F))
(* 3 M)
(+ M* M (* -2 F))
(+ (* 2 M*) (* 2 F))
(+ M* M (* 2 F))
(+ M* (- M) (* 2 F))
(- M* M (* 2 F))
(+ (* 3 M*) M)
(* 4 M*))]
[(or 'first 'last)
(vector M*
(+ M* M)
(* 2 M*)
(* 2 F)
(- M* M)
(* 2 M)
(- M* (* 2 F))
(+ M* (* 2 F))
(* 3 M*)
(- (* 2 M*) M)
(+ M (* 2 F))
(- M (* 2 F))
(+ M* (* 2 M))
(+ (* 2 M*) M)
(- M* M (* 2 F))
(+ (* 2 M*) (* 2 F))
(+ M* M (* 2 F))
(- M* (* 2 M))
(+ M* M (* -2 F))
(* 3 M)
(- (* 2 M*) (* 2 F))
(+ M* (- M) (* 2 F))
(+ (* 3 M*) M))]))
(define periodic-correction
(for/sum ([multiplier (in-vector periodic-multipliers)]
[sine-term (in-vector periodic-sine-terms)])
(* multiplier (sin sine-term))))
(define W (+ 0.00306
(* -0.00038 E (cos M))
(* 0.00026 (cos M*))
(* -0.00002 (cos (- M* M)))
(* 0.00002 (cos (+ M* M)))
(* 0.00002 (cos (* 2 F)))))
(define phase-correction
(match phase
['first W]
['last (- W)]
[(or 'new 'full) 0]))
(define additional-multipliers
(vector 0.000325
(define additional-correction
(for/sum ([Ai (in-vector A)]
[multipler (in-vector additional-multipliers)])
(* multipler (sin Ai))))
; (define r->d radians->degrees)
; (printf "lmm ~a E ~a M ~a M* ~a F ~a Ω ~a\n" lmm E (r->d M) (r->d M*) (r->d F) (r->d Ω))
; (printf "C1 ~a C2 ~a C3 ~a\n" periodic-correction phase-correction additional-correction)
(+ lmm periodic-correction phase-correction additional-correction))
;; 1-indexed again
(define (lunar-next-phase jd phase)
(define fraction
(match phase
['new 0.00]
['first 0.25]
['full 0.50]
['last 0.75]))
(define seekb -3)
(define seekf 10)
(define-values [year month day] (jd->date-values jd))
(define k~ (let ([k~ (* (- (+ year (/ (sub1 month) 12)) 2000) 12.3685)])
(+ (floor k~) seekb fraction)))
(define trials (for/vector #:length 10 ([offset (in-range seekb seekf)])
(lunar-precise-phase+ (+ k~ offset) phase)))
(for/first ([x (in-vector trials)]
#:when (>= x jd))