add xexpr templating system

This commit is contained in:
xenia 2021-06-06 22:38:03 -04:00
parent cb261d8290
commit 45f4f4f0ac
5 changed files with 147 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
(subprocess #f #f #f "/usr/bin/env" "node" (path->string *js-path*)))
(define out-str #f)
(define err-str "")
(define out-reader (thread (lambda () (set! out-str (port->string out)))))
(define err-reader (thread (lambda () (set! err-str (port->string err)))))
(define out-reader (thread (λ () (set! out-str (port->string out)))))
(define err-reader (thread (λ () (set! err-str (port->string err)))))
(write-string source in)
(flush-output in)
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
(match-define (list 'math attrs bodies ...) (string->xexpr out-str))
`(math ,(cons (list 'display (if block? "block" "inline"))
(filter (lambda (x) (not (eq? (first x) 'display))) attrs))
(filter (λ (x) (not (eq? (first x) 'display))) attrs))
(define (transform-xexpr xexpr)

View File

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
(subprocess #f #f #f "/usr/bin/env" "python3" (path->string *python-path*) lang))
(define out-str #f)
(define err-str "")
(define out-reader (thread (lambda () (set! out-str (port->string out)))))
(define err-reader (thread (lambda () (set! err-str (port->string err)))))
(define out-reader (thread (λ () (set! out-str (port->string out)))))
(define err-reader (thread (λ () (set! err-str (port->string err)))))
(write-string source in)
(flush-output in)

View File

@ -4,22 +4,65 @@
(prefix-in mathml: "ext-mathml/main.rkt")
(prefix-in syntax: "ext-syntax/main.rkt"))
(define input (port->string (current-input-port)))
(define output-raw (parse-markdown input))
(define output-cooked (mathml:transform-xexprs (syntax:transform-xexprs output-raw)))
(define output-toc (toc output-cooked))
(define metadata?
(listof (or/c
(list/c 'date integer? integer? integer?)
(list/c 'title string?)
(list/c 'summary string?)
(cons/c 'authors (listof string?)))))
(define styles (string-append (mathml:get-styles) (syntax:get-styles)))
(define (metadata-ref md key [default (λ () (error "no such key"))])
(match (assoc key md)
[#f (if (procedure? default) (default) default)]
[(cons _ rst) rst]))
(define document
(define (metadata-ref+ md key [default (λ () (error "no such key"))])
(first (metadata-ref md key default)))
(struct input-document [metadata text] #:transparent)
(define (read-doc [port (current-input-port)])
(define metadata (read port))
(unless (metadata? metadata)
(error "post front matter is not valid metadata!"))
(define text (port->string port))
(input-document metadata text))
(define *banner*
'(!HTML-COMMENT () " this page made with: trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️ "))
(define *mathjax-placeholder*
'(div ([style "display: none"]) "__X_MATHJAX_POLYFILL_PLACEHOLDER__"))
(define (markdown->html input)
(match-define (input-document md text) input)
(define output-raw (parse-markdown text))
(define output-cooked (mathml:transform-xexprs (syntax:transform-xexprs output-raw)))
(define output-toc (toc output-cooked))
(define styles (string-append (mathml:get-styles) (syntax:get-styles)))
(define document
([lang "en"])
(meta ([charset "utf-8"]))
(title () "meow meow meow")
(title () ,(metadata-ref+ md 'title "<untitled article>"))
(meta ([name "viewport"] [content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"]))
(meta ([name "description"] [content "prototype racket markdown system uwu"]))
,@(match (metadata-ref+ md 'summary)
[#f '()]
`((meta ([name "description"] [content ,summary])))])
,@(match (metadata-ref md 'authors)
[(or #f '()) '()]
`((meta ([name "author"] [content ,(string-join authors ", ")])))])
,@(match (metadata-ref md 'date)
[#f '()]
[(list y m d)
`((meta ([name "DC.Date.created"] [content ,(format "~a-~a~a" y m d)])))])
(meta ([name "generator"] [content "meow meow meow meow"]))
;<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="haskal.png"/>
(style ([type "text/css"]) ,styles))
@ -30,7 +73,10 @@
(div ([style "display: none"]) "__X_MATHJAX_POLYFILL_PLACEHOLDER__"))))
(display "<!doctype html>")
(display-xexpr document)
(with-output-to-string (λ () (display "<!doctype html>") (display-xexpr document))))
(module+ main
(define doc (read-doc))
(displayln (markdown->html doc)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#lang s-exp "../xtemplate.rkt"
([lang "en"])
(meta ([charset "utf-8"]))
(title () ,(metadata-ref+ md 'title "<untitled article>"))
(meta ([name "viewport"] [content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"]))
,@(match (metadata-ref+ md 'summary)
[#f '()]
`((meta ([name "description"] [content ,summary])))])
,@(match (metadata-ref md 'authors)
[(or #f '()) '()]
`((meta ([name "author"] [content ,(string-join authors ", ")])))])
,@(match (metadata-ref md 'date)
[#f '()]
[(list y m d)
`((meta ([name "DC.Date.created"] [content ,(format "~a-~a~a" y m d)])))])
(meta ([name "generator"] [content "meow meow meow meow"]))
;<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="haskal.png"/>
(style ([type "text/css"]) ,styles))

xtemplate.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/base racket/list racket/match racket/string
syntax/parse syntax/parse/define
(for-syntax racket/base racket/match racket/set))
(provide (rename-out [x:#%module-begin #%module-begin]
[x:#%top #%top])
(except-out (all-from-out racket/base racket/list racket/match racket/string)
#%module-begin #%top))
(define-for-syntax *unbound-prop* 'xtemplate:unbound)
(define-for-syntax (collect-unbounds stx)
(define (next stx)
(match (syntax->list stx)
[#f (set)]
[lst (foldr set-union (set) (map collect-unbounds lst))]))
(match (syntax-property stx *unbound-prop*)
[#f (next stx)]
[result (set-add (next stx) result)]))
(define-syntax-parse-rule (x:#%top . id:id)
#:with #%template-args (datum->syntax #'id '#%template-args)
#:with propped-id (syntax-property #'(quote id) *unbound-prop* (syntax->datum #'id))
(hash-ref #%template-args propped-id))
(define-syntax-parse-rule (x:#%module-begin body)
#:with #%template-args (datum->syntax #'body '#%template-args)
#:with execute-fn #'(λ (#%template-args) body)
#:with expanded-execute-fn (local-expand #'execute-fn (syntax-local-context) '())
#:with (unbound-ids ...)
(map (λ (stx) #`(quote #,stx)) (set->list (collect-unbounds #'expanded-execute-fn)))
(provide execute required-ids)
(define required-ids (list unbound-ids ...))
(define execute expanded-execute-fn)))