This commit is contained in:
xenia 2021-06-10 18:48:29 -04:00
parent 1116e9fc9c
commit 50ca84d515
2 changed files with 44 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -123,10 +123,11 @@
(λ ()
(λ (out-port tmp-path)
(apply func out-port (map open-input-file ins))))))))
(make-parent-directory* out)
(λ (out-port tmp-path)
(apply func out-port (map open-input-file ins))))))))
(custodian-shutdown-all cust))
;; Runs an ordered operations list

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/list racket/match racket/port racket/pretty racket/set racket/string
(require racket/fasl racket/list racket/match racket/port racket/path racket/set racket/string
markdown markdown/display-xexpr markdown/toc
"compiler.rkt" "defs.rkt" "fetch.rkt"
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
(prefix-in page: "templates/page.html.rkt"))
(struct input-doc [metadata text] #:transparent)
(struct ir-doc [metadata html] #:transparent)
(struct ir-doc [metadata html] #:prefab)
(define-runtime-path *render.scss* "render.scss")
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
[(list 'tech (list (list 'key key)) (? string? body))
`(a ([class "tech"] [href ,(format "~a/tech/~a" base-url key)]) ,body)]
;; masto
;; TODO make this not janky
[(list 'p _ (list 'masto _ (? string? url)))
(masto-fetch-embed url)]
;; everything else
@ -134,13 +134,43 @@
(sass:compile/string top-level-style #t))
(define (scan-for-rules [output-dir (build-path "target")]
[build-dir (build-path "build")]
[src-dir (build-path "src")])
(define-rule (scss [out (build-path output-dir "index.css")]
[in (build-path src-dir "index.scss")])
(~> (compile-index-scss (port->string in)) (write-string out)))
(struct rule-spec [src intermediate output] #:transparent)
(define rule-specs
(parameterize ([current-directory src-dir])
(for/list ([md-file (in-directory #f)]
#:when (bytes=? (path-get-extension md-file) #".md"))
(define fasl-file (path-replace-extension md-file #".fasl"))
(define out-file (path-replace-extension md-file #".html"))
(rule-spec (build-path src-dir md-file)
(build-path build-dir fasl-file)
(build-path output-dir out-file)))))
(define intermediate-rules
(for/list ([spec (in-list rule-specs)])
(define-rule (intermediate-rule [out (rule-spec-intermediate spec)]
[in (rule-spec-src spec)])
(~> (read-input-doc in) input-doc->ir-doc s-exp->fasl (write-bytes out)))
(define output-rules
(for/list ([spec (in-list rule-specs)])
(define-rule (output-rule [out (rule-spec-output spec)]
[in (rule-spec-intermediate spec)])
(~> (port->bytes in) fasl->s-exp ir-doc->page (write-string out)))
(append intermediate-rules output-rules (list scss)))
(module+ main
(require racket/cmdline)
#:program "meow"
#:args (infile outfile)
(define-rule (scss [out "index.css"] [in "index.scss"])
(~> (compile-index-scss (port->string in)) (write-string out)))
(define-rule (render [out outfile] [in infile])
(~> (read-input-doc in) input-doc->ir-doc ir-doc->page (write-string out)))
(generate/execute (list render scss))))
#:args ()
(generate/execute (scan-for-rules))))