add the ability to embed masto posts

This commit is contained in:
xenia 2021-06-10 01:02:35 -04:00
parent 7419859ffb
commit 693966315d
5 changed files with 291 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -55,3 +55,24 @@ user pages can be linked to either with a freestanding mention or a link
[link to haskal](@haskal)
## tech terms
like scribble docs, technical terms can be defined and referenced. currently you need to stem
manually using the `key` attribute
<deftech key="florp">florps</deftech> are like stars, but shaped like a floppy disk
i <tech key="florp">florped</tech> the post
## masto

fetch-util.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/date racket/match racket/string
(provide get-date parse-url get-user-agent-header)
(define (get-date)
(parameterize ([date-display-format 'rfc2822])
;; aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
#px"[^ ]+$"
(date->string (seconds->date (* 0.001 (current-inexact-milliseconds)) #f) #t)
(define (parse-url fetch-url)
(printf "fetching page: ~a\n" fetch-url)
(define parsed-url (if (string? fetch-url) (string->url fetch-url) fetch-url))
(match parsed-url
[(url scheme user host port path-absolute? path query fragment)
(define ssl? (string=? (string-downcase scheme) "https"))
(values parsed-url ssl? host
(or port (if ssl? 443 80))
(format "/~a" (string-join (map path/param-path path) "/")))]))
(define (get-user-agent-header)
(format "User-Agent: Racket/~a (net/http-client) static-generator/0.1 trans/rights" (version)))

fetch.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/function racket/list racket/match racket/port net/base64 net/http-client
net/url-string json
html-parsing crypto crypto/libcrypto threading
(provide auth-fetch/ephem masto-fetch-json masto-fetch-embed)
(define (auth-fetch/ephem fetch-url)
(parameterize ([crypto-factories (list libcrypto-factory)])
(define key (generate-private-key 'rsa '((nbits 4096))))
(define-values [parsed-url ssl? host port path]
(parse-url fetch-url))
(define date (get-date))
(define host-for-header
[(if ssl? (= port 443) (= port 80)) host]
[else (format "~a:~a" host port)]))
(define signed-header-spec "(request-target) host date content-length accept")
(define signed-content
(format "(request-target): get ~a\nhost: ~a\ndate: ~a\ncontent-length: 0\naccept: application/activity+json"
path host-for-header date))
(define signature (base64-encode
(pk-sign key (digest 'sha256 signed-content)
#:pad 'pkcs1-v1.5 #:digest 'sha256)
(define algorithm "rsa-sha256")
(define http-signature (format "keyId=\"~a\",algorithm=\"~a\",headers=\"~a\",signature=\"~a\""
"foo://example-key" algorithm signed-header-spec signature))
(displayln http-signature)
;; GET /path HTTP/1.1
(define req-headers
;; host: the host with the port unless it's default
;; accept-encoding: gzip,deflate
;; content-length: (length of content) | transfer-encoding: chunked (if body is a proc)
;; connection: close
(format "Date: ~a" date)
(format "Accept: application/activity+json")
(format "Signature: ~a" http-signature)))
(define-values [status resp-headers body]
(http-sendrecv host path
#:ssl? ssl?
#:port port
#:version #"1.1"
#:method #"GET"
#:headers req-headers
#:data #f
#:content-decode '(gzip deflate)))
(displayln status)
(displayln resp-headers)
(displayln (port->bytes body))
(void "TODO")))
(define (masto-fetch-json fetch-url)
(define-values [parsed-url ssl? host port path]
(parse-url fetch-url))
(define-values [status resp-headers body]
(http-sendrecv host (format "~a.json" path)
#:ssl? ssl?
#:port port
#:version #"1.1"
#:method #"GET"
#:headers (list (get-user-agent-header))
#:data #f
#:content-decode '(gzip deflate)))
(~> body port->string string->jsexpr))
(define (masto-extract-embed-content html)
(match html
['() #f]
[(? string?) #f]
[(list 'div (list '@ (list 'class "activity-stream activity-stream--headless")) body ...)
[(list _ _ children ...) (ormap masto-extract-embed-content children)]))
(define (sxml->xexpr sxml)
(match sxml
[(? string?) sxml]
['(& nbsp) "\u00a0"]
[(list '& _) (error "unhandled &-code" sxml)]
[(list tag (cons '@ attrs) body ...)
(cons tag (cons attrs (map sxml->xexpr body)))]
[(list tag body ...)
(cons tag (cons '() (map sxml->xexpr body)))]))
(define (transform-links base xexpr)
(match xexpr
[(list 'a attrs body ...)
(match (assoc 'href attrs)
[#f xexpr]
[(list _ href)
(define filtered (filter (λ (x) (not (eq? (first x) 'href))) attrs))
(apply list 'a (cons (list 'href (url->string (combine-url/relative base href))) filtered)
(map (curry transform-links base) body))])]
[(list tag attrs body ...)
(apply list tag attrs (map (curry transform-links base) body))]
[(? string?) xexpr]))
(define (masto-fetch-embed fetch-url)
(define-values [parsed-url ssl? host port path]
(parse-url fetch-url))
(define-values [status resp-headers body]
(http-sendrecv host (format "~a/embed" path)
#:ssl? ssl?
#:port port
#:version #"1.1"
#:method #"GET"
#:headers (list (get-user-agent-header))
#:data #f
#:content-decode '(gzip deflate)))
(apply list 'article '([class "masto-embed"])
(~>> body html->xexp masto-extract-embed-content (map sxml->xexpr)))
(transform-links parsed-url)))
(module+ main
(require markdown/display-xexpr racket/pretty)
(display-xexpr (masto-fetch-embed "")))

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/list racket/match racket/port racket/pretty racket/set racket/string
markdown markdown/display-xexpr markdown/toc
"compiler.rkt" "defs.rkt"
"compiler.rkt" "defs.rkt" "fetch.rkt"
(prefix-in sass: sass)
(prefix-in mathml: "ext-mathml/main.rkt")
@ -12,6 +13,8 @@
(struct input-doc [metadata text] #:transparent)
(struct ir-doc [metadata html] #:transparent)
(define-runtime-path *render.scss* "render.scss")
(define (read-input-doc [port (current-input-port)])
(define metadata (read port))
(unless (metadata? metadata)
@ -28,8 +31,8 @@
(define re (pregexp (string-append start-char "(\\p{L}|\\p{N})+")))
(define (process+ xexpr)
(match xexpr
;; do not descend into code or math
[(list (or 'code 'math) attrs children ...) (list xexpr)]
;; do not descend into other special tags
[(list (or 'code 'math 'tech 'deftech 'masto 'user 'xref) attrs children ...) (list xexpr)]
;; recursive
[(list tag attrs children ...)
(list (cons tag (cons attrs
@ -85,16 +88,25 @@
(match xexpr
;; hashtags
[(list 'hashtag (list (list 'target target)) body ...)
`(a ([class "hashtag"] [href ,(string-append base-url "/hashtag/" target)])
`(a ([class "hashtag"] [href ,(format "~a/hashtag/~a" base-url target)])
,@(map lower-specials* body))]
;; xrefs
[(list 'xref (list (list 'target target)) body ...)
`(a ([class "xref"] [href ,(string-append base-url "/xref/" target)])
`(a ([class "xref"] [href ,(format "~a/xref/~a" base-url target)])
,@(map lower-specials* body))]
;; users
[(list 'user (list (list 'target target)) body ...)
`(a ([class "user"] [href ,(string-append base-url "/user/" target)])
`(a ([class "user"] [href ,(format "~a/user/~a" base-url target)])
,@(map lower-specials* body))]
;; deftech and tech
[(list 'deftech (list (list 'key key)) (? string? body))
`(em ([class "deftech"] [id ,(format "tech-~a" key)]) ,body)]
[(list 'tech (list (list 'key key)) (? string? body))
`(a ([class "tech"] [href ,(format "~a/tech/~a" base-url key)]) ,body)]
;; masto
[(list 'p _ (list 'masto _ (? string? url)))
(masto-fetch-embed url)]
;; everything else
[(list tag attrs children ...)
(apply list tag attrs (map lower-specials* children))]
@ -115,7 +127,7 @@
(with-output-to-string (λ () (display "<!doctype html>") (display-xexpr document)))))
(define (compile-index-scss index.scss)
(define scss-files (append mathml:scss-files syntax:scss-files))
(define scss-files (cons *render.scss* (append mathml:scss-files syntax:scss-files)))
(define top-level-style
(cons index.scss (map (λ (x) (format "@import \"~a\";" (path->string x))) scss-files))

render.scss Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif;
color: #eee;
background-color: #111;
a {
color: #fff;
text-decoration: underline;
article.masto-embed {
max-width: 500px;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
background-color: #222;
padding: 1em;
margin: 0.5em;
i.fa {
font-style: normal;
.fa.fa-globe::before {
content: "public";
.fa.fa-unlock::before {
content: "unlisted";
.fa.fa-reply::before {
content: "replies: ";
.fa.fa-retweet::before {
content: "boosts: ";
.fa.fa.fa-floppy-o::before {
content: "florps: ";
.detailed-status {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: wrap;
div.p-author.h-card {
flex: 1;
a {
text-decoration: none;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
img.account__avatar {
width: 48px;
height: 48px;
padding-right: 1em;
.display-name {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.display-name__account {
font-size: 0.95em;
.button.logo-button.modal-button {
svg { width: 1.1em; }
.emojione.custom-emoji {
max-width: 1.1em;
max-height: 1.1em;
.status__content {
width: 100%;
.detailed-status__meta {
font-size: 0.95em;
width: 100%;
.modal-button.detailed-status__link {
text-decoration: none;