
48 lines
1.8 KiB

#lang capybara/template
([lang ,(assoc-ref+ metadata 'lang "en")])
(!HTML-COMMENT () " this page made with: trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️ ")
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[#f '()]
`((meta ([name "description"] [content ,summary])))])
,@(match (assoc-ref metadata 'authors #f)
[(or #f '()) '()]
`((meta ([name "author"] [content ,(string-join authors ", ")])))])
,@(match (assoc-ref metadata 'date #f)
[#f '()]
[(list yn mn dn)
`((meta ([name "DC.Date.created"]
[content ,(format "~a-~a-~a" (~r/pad yn 4) (~r/pad mn 2) (~r/pad dn 2))])))])
(meta ([name "generator"]
,(format "capybara ~a" capybara-version)]))
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['() '()]
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`(span ([class "page-tag"]) ,(format "#~a" tag)))))])
;; mathjax polyfill script sentinel -- gets replaced by a script tag for crying doge chrombe
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