implement embedding config params in agent binary
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ all: $(ARCH_DIR)/$(APP_NAME)
$(ARCH_DIR)/$(APP_NAME): main_bc.c app.o $(MONOCYPHER_DIR)/lib/libmonocypher.a
[ -d $(ARCH_DIR) ] || mkdir -p $(ARCH_DIR)
$(CC) -o $@ -pipe -fPIC -O3 -DAPP_NAME='"$(APP_NAME)"' -I$(MONOCYPHER_DIR)/src -static $^ \
-lracket3m -lrktio -lmonocypher $(LIBS)
@ -16,15 +16,32 @@
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(require "../crossfire/not-crypto.rkt")
(require racket/fasl racket/file racket/match racket/port racket/string
"../crossfire/not-crypto.rkt" "../crossfire/comms.rkt")
(crypto-sign-public-key #"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
; (crypto-sign-public-key #"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
; (define key (crypto-lock-make-key))
; (define nonce (crypto-lock-make-nonce))
; (define pt #"hello world")
; (define-values [ct mac] (crypto-lock key nonce pt))
; (displayln (crypto-unlock key nonce mac ct))
; (displayln (crypto-unlock key nonce mac (bytes-append ct #"abcd")))
(define key (crypto-lock-make-key))
(define nonce (crypto-lock-make-nonce))
(define pt #"hello world")
(define (get-config.linux-gnu)
(call-with-input-file "/proc/self/exe"
(lambda (in)
(file-position in eof)
(define len (file-position in))
(file-position in (- len 4))
(define offset (integer-bytes->integer (port->bytes in) #f #t))
(file-position in (- len offset))
(fasl->s-exp in))))
(define-values [ct mac] (crypto-lock key nonce pt))
(match (string-split (static-ffi-arch) "-")
[(list _ ... "linux" "gnu") (get-config.linux-gnu)]
[arch (error "XXX: don't know how to get config on arch" arch)])
(displayln (crypto-unlock key nonce mac ct))
(displayln (crypto-unlock key nonce mac (bytes-append ct #"abcd")))
@ -38,7 +38,13 @@ typedef struct {
#define FFI_ENT(name) {STR(name), (uintptr_t) name}
static const ffi_ent ffi_table[] = {
static const size_t ffi_table_size = sizeof(ffi_table)/sizeof(ffi_ent);
@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ static void bc_setup_ffi_table(Scheme_Env* parent) {
Scheme_Env* mod = NULL;
Scheme_Object* table = NULL;
Scheme_Object* table_size = NULL;
Scheme_Object* arch = NULL;
MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(0, parent);
MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(1, mod);
MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(2, table);
MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(3, table_size);
MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(4, arch);
mod = scheme_primitive_module(scheme_intern_symbol("#%static-ffi"), parent);
@ -60,6 +68,8 @@ static void bc_setup_ffi_table(Scheme_Env* parent) {
scheme_add_global("table", table, mod);
table_size = scheme_make_integer(ffi_table_size);
scheme_add_global("table-size", table_size, mod);
arch = scheme_make_utf8_string(APP_ARCH);
scheme_add_global("arch", arch, mod);
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
;; node info (not all fields will always be present)
;; type: 'server 'agent 'client
(struct node [id name type pubkey seckey host port] #:transparent)
(struct node [id name type pubkey seckey host port] #:prefab)
(provide (struct-out node))
;; creates an exn:fail to be passed by thread mailbox
@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(require db/base db/sqlite3 racket/bool racket/match racket/runtime-path racket/path racket/set
(require db/base db/sqlite3
racket/bool racket/fasl racket/file racket/match racket/runtime-path racket/path
racket/set racket/string
north/base north/adapter/base north/adapter/sqlite
"comms.rkt" "not-crypto.rkt")
@ -26,6 +28,11 @@
(define SERVER-DATA-DIR (if PRODUCTION? "/var/lib/crossfire/" "lib/"))
(define SERVER-DB-PATH (build-path SERVER-DATA-DIR "crossfire.sqlite"))
(define AGENT-ARCH-PREFIX "arch_")
(define AGENT-BINARY "crossfire-agent")
;; comms node for server (without secret key)
(define current-server-public-node (make-parameter #f))
;; north migrations
(define-runtime-path migrations-dir "migrations/")
@ -68,6 +75,7 @@
(define-stmt q-get-node-resources "select resource from node_resource where nodeid=?")
(define-stmt q-edit-node "update node set name=? where id=?")
(define-stmt q-get-node-type "select type from node where id=?")
(define-stmt q-get-node-info "select name, arch, type, secret from node where id=?")
;; rpc calls
@ -94,6 +102,23 @@
(query-exec (current-db) q-add-node-res id res))
(values id public))))
(define (configure-agent-binary agent-node agent-arch server-node)
;; TODO : assumes unix
(define binary
(build-path SERVER-DATA-DIR (string-append AGENT-ARCH-PREFIX agent-arch) AGENT-BINARY)))
(define (configure.linux-gnu)
(define trailing-data (s-exp->fasl (list agent-node server-node)))
;; write 32 bit unsigned big endian trailer size (including size)
(define trailing-size
(integer->integer-bytes (+ 4 (bytes-length trailing-data)) 4 #f #t))
(bytes-append binary trailing-data trailing-size))
(match (string-split agent-arch "-")
[(list _ ... "linux" "gnu") (configure.linux-gnu)]
[_ (error "XXX: don't know how to configure arch" agent-arch)]))
(define (enforce-subject type)
(unless (symbol=? type (node-type (current-from-node)))
(error "unauthorized")))
@ -131,9 +156,11 @@
(define-rpc server (get-agent-deployment id)
(enforce-subject 'client)
(enforce-object id 'agent)
;; bake secret key into binary and ship it i guess
(error "TODO"))
(match (query-maybe-row (current-db) q-get-node-info id)
[(vector name arch "agent" secret)
(configure-agent-binary (node id name 'agent (crypto-sign-public-key secret) secret #f #f)
arch (current-server-public-node))]
[_ (error "invalid id or wrong node type")]))
;; agent rpcs
@ -147,8 +174,14 @@
(require racket/cmdline)
(current-db (open-server-db 'create))
(make-node "agent0" "x86_64" 'agent '("gpu" "hifive"))
(parameterize ([current-from-node (node 100 "meow" 'client #f #f #f #f)])
((rpc-impl server edit-agent) 1 "meow0" '("cpu" "hifive")))
(get-nodes 'agent)
(get-nodes 'meow))
(define data (configure-agent-binary (node 10 "meow0" 'agent #f #f #f #f)
(node 0 "server" 'server #f #f "" 1337)))
(with-output-to-file "/tmp/crossfire-agent.configured"
(lambda () (write-bytes data)))
; (make-node "agent0" "x86_64" 'agent '("gpu" "hifive"))
; (parameterize ([current-from-node (node 100 "meow" 'client #f #f #f #f)])
; ((rpc-impl server edit-agent) 1 "meow0" '("cpu" "hifive")))
; (get-nodes 'agent)
; (get-nodes 'meow)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(require ffi/unsafe racket/bool)
(provide get-ffi-obj/static static-ffi-available?
(provide get-ffi-obj/static static-ffi-available? static-ffi-arch
ffi-lib/runtime get-ffi-obj/runtime)
;; this module provides utility functions for interacting with static ffi tables provided by an
@ -58,6 +58,10 @@
(get-ffi-obj/static name type)
(get-ffi-obj name lib type)))
;; retrieves the CROSSFIRE_ARCH the embedding runtime was compiled with
(define (static-ffi-arch)
(dynamic-require ''#%static-ffi 'arch))
;; retrieve an object of a given name and type from the static ffi table, if it exists
;; otherwise raise error
(define (get-ffi-obj/static name type)
Reference in New Issue