initial commit
This commit is contained in:
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# AScrossfire
hello world
## components
- base: #lang for configuration/definitions
- server: distribute jobs to workers
- base definitions of input classes and how to divide them
- dynamic slicing and scheduling based on agents' reported work rate
- fairly randomized distribution
- agent: accepts and runs jobs
- optional: containerization
- optional: appimage-like behavior
- required: run binary with infrastructure to get assigned brute force range, log and report
progress. via library interface as well as stdio interface
- client: submit jobs and view progress via command line (and maybe racket/gui and framework???)
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#lang info
(define pkg-desc "a package. whoa")
(define version "0.1")
(define pkg-authors '(haskal))
(define collection "crossfire")
(define deps '("base"))
(define build-deps '("scribble-lib" "racket-doc" "rackunit-lib"))
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/crossfire.scrbl" ())))
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#lang racket/base
(require racket/bool racket/function racket/match racket/set racket/vector
(for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax))
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (+ 2 2) 4))
(module+ main
(require racket/cmdline)
(define who (box "world"))
#:program "my-program"
[("-n" "--name") name "Who to say hello to" (set-box! who name)]
#:args ()
(printf "hello ~a~n" (unbox who))))
;; manifest.rkt processing
(define (string->charset str)
(for/set ([ch (in-string str)])
(char->integer ch)))
(define (range->charset a b)
(for/set ([i (in-range a b)]) i))
(define builtin-charsets
(hash "?l" (string->charset "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
"?d" (string->charset "0123456789")
"?s" (string->charset " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~")
"?a" (range->charset 32 127)
"?b" (range->charset 0 256)))
(define (parse-manifest manifest-def)
(struct manifest [name mode command charsets pattern] #:transparent)
(define (eq/m x) (curry equal? x))
(define-syntax (check-false stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ what)
(with-syntax ([id (format-id stx "manifest-~a" #'what)]
[idsym #''what])
#'(when (false? (id mf))
(error "manifest attribute missing:" idsym)))]))
(define mf
(for/fold ([mf (manifest #f 'stdin #f builtin-charsets #f)])
([line (in-list manifest-def)])
(match line
[(list (? (eq/m 'name)) name) (struct-copy manifest mf [name name])]
[(list (? (eq/m 'mode)) mode) (struct-copy manifest mf [mode mode])]
[(list (? (eq/m 'command)) command) (struct-copy manifest mf [command command])]
[(list (? (eq/m 'charset)) name val)
(struct-copy manifest mf
[charsets (hash-set (manifest-charsets mf)
(symbol->string name) (string->charset val))])]
[(list (? (eq/m 'pattern)) pattern) (struct-copy manifest mf [pattern pattern])])))
(check-false name)
(check-false command)
(check-false pattern)
(define charsets (manifest-charsets mf))
(define pattern
(for/vector ([x (in-list (regexp-match* #rx"\\??." (manifest-pattern mf)))])
(if (= 1 (string-length x))
(list (char->integer (string-ref x 0)))
(set->list (hash-ref charsets x (lambda () (error "no such charset defined" x)))))))
(values (manifest-name mf) (manifest-mode mf) (manifest-command mf) pattern))
;; pattern processing
(define (pattern-count pattern)
(for/fold ([sum 1]) ([p (in-vector pattern)])
(* sum (set-count p))))
;; design recipe violations follow
;; (sorry)
;; (i wanted this to be fast so i try to avoid spamming the heap)
(define (pattern-generate pattern out-port)
(define len (vector-length pattern))
(define gen (make-bytes len))
(define (output gen)
(write-bytes gen out-port)
(printf "\n"))
(define (permute i gen)
(cond [(= i len) (output gen)]
(for ([chr (in-set (vector-ref pattern i))])
(bytes-set! gen i chr)
(permute (add1 i) gen))]))
(permute 0 gen))
(define-values [name mode command pattern]
'((name "test")
(mode stdin)
(command ("meme"))
(pattern "test?dx?d"))))
(displayln (pattern-count pattern))
(pattern-generate pattern (current-output-port))
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#lang scribble/manual
Package Description Here
Reference in New Issue