begin network comms module

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xenia 2020-11-08 21:23:38 -05:00
parent 9be3ce452f
commit 404723946b
1 changed files with 188 additions and 0 deletions

crossfire/comms.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
#lang racket/base
;; crossfire: distributed brute force infrastructure
;; Copyright (C) 2020 haskal
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(require racket/bool racket/engine racket/fasl racket/match racket/tcp
(struct msg [from-id] #:prefab)
(struct msg:hello msg [type pubkey] #:prefab)
(struct signed [fasl signature] #:prefab)
(struct locked [fasl nonce mac] #:prefab)
(define TIMEOUT 30)
(struct node [id name type pubkey seckey host port] #:transparent)
(define (make-error str)
(exn:fail (format "error: ~a" str) (current-continuation-marks)))
(define (thread-sendrecv to type data)
(thread-send to (cons (current-thread) (cons type data)))
(match (thread-receive)
[(? exn? e) (raise e)]
[x x]))
(define (comms-event-loop my-node)
(define (peer-handshake el-thread in out)
(define eph-sk (crypto-key-exchange-make-key))
(define eph-pk (crypto-key-exchange-public-key eph-sk))
(define hello-msg (s-exp->fasl (msg:hello (node-id my-node) (node-type my-node) eph-pk)))
(s-exp->fasl (signed hello-msg
(crypto-sign (node-seckey my-node) (node-pubkey my-node) hello-msg)) out)
(flush-output out)
(match (fasl->s-exp in)
[(signed msg-signed signature)
(define msg (fasl->s-exp msg-signed))
(match msg
[(msg:hello from-id type pubkey)
(define peer-data (thread-sendrecv el-thread 'get-node-info from-id))
(when (false? peer-data)
(error "nonexistent peer tried to connect" from-id type pubkey))
(unless (equal? type (node-type peer-data))
(error "peer type mismatch" from-id type (node-type peer-data)))
(unless (crypto-check signature (node-pubkey peer-data) msg-signed)
(error "invalid signature received during handshake"))
(define session-key (crypto-key-exchange eph-sk pubkey))
(crypto-wipe eph-sk)
(cons peer-data session-key)]
[_ (error "invalid message type recieved during handshake")])]
[_ (error "invalid data recieved during handshake")]))
(define (peer-thread el-thread in out)
;; run handshake process with a timeout
(match-define (cons peer-data session-key)
(let ([eng (engine (lambda (_) (peer-handshake el-thread in out)))])
(if (engine-run (* 1000 TIMEOUT) eng)
(engine-result eng)
(begin (engine-kill eng)
(error "handshake timeout")))))
(displayln "handshake complete")
(displayln (format "negotiated ~s" session-key))
(thread-sendrecv el-thread 'register-channel (node-id peer-data))
(define (handle-in-msg)
(match (fasl->s-exp in)
[(locked fasl nonce mac)
(match (crypto-unlock session-key nonce mac fasl)
[#f (error "corrupted message from peer" (node-id peer-data))]
[(? msg? m)
(unless (= (msg-from-id m) (node-id peer-data))
(error "mismatched node id" (msg-from-id m) (node-id peer-data)))
(thread-sendrecv el-thread 'dispatch-msg (cons (node-id my-node) m))]
[_ (error "invalid data from peer" (node-id peer-data))])]
[_ (error "invalid data recieved from peer" (node-id peer-data))]))
(define (handle-out-msg)
(match (thread-receive)
[(? msg? m)
(define fasl (s-exp->fasl m))
(define nonce (crypto-lock-make-nonce))
(define-values [ct mac] (crypto-lock session-key nonce fasl))
(fasl->s-exp (locked ct nonce mac) out)
(flush-output out)]
[x (error "invalid thread msg" x)]))
(let loop ()
(match (sync (thread-receive-evt) in)
[(? input-port?) (handle-in-msg)]
[_ (handle-out-msg)])
(define (make-peer-thread el-thread ports-proc)
(define cust (make-custodian))
(define new-thd
(parameterize ([current-custodian cust])
(define-values [in out] (ports-proc))
(thread (lambda () (peer-thread el-thread in out)))))
(thread (lambda ()
(thread-wait new-thd)
(custodian-shutdown-all cust)))
(define el-thread (current-thread))
(define peer-registry (make-hash))
(define node-registry (make-hash))
(hash-set! node-registry (node-id my-node) my-node)
(define listener-thread #f)
(define (handle-listen port)
(when (false? listener-thread)
(set! listener-thread
(lambda ()
(define listener (tcp-listen port 4 #t))
(let loop ()
(make-peer-thread el-thread (lambda () (tcp-accept listener)))
(define (handle-connect data)
(match-define (cons host port) data)
(make-peer-thread el-thread (lambda () (tcp-connect host port))))
(let loop ()
(match-define (cons from (cons type data)) (thread-receive))
(match type
['listen (handle-listen data) (thread-send from (void))]
['connect (handle-connect data) (thread-send from (void))]
['get-node-info (thread-send from (hash-ref node-registry data (lambda () #f)))]
['set-node-info (hash-set! node-registry (node-id data) data) (thread-send from (void))]
(when (hash-has-key? peer-registry data)
(kill-thread (hash-ref peer-registry data)))
(hash-set! peer-registry data from)
(thread-send from (void))]
(match-define (cons peer-id msg) data)
(match (hash-ref peer-registry peer-id)
[#f (thread-send from (make-error "no such peer connection"))]
[thd (thread-send thd data) (thread-send from (void))])]
[_ (thread-send from (make-error "unknown thread message type"))])
(define (make-comms my-node)
(thread (lambda () (comms-event-loop my-node))))
(define server-sk #"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
(define server-pk (crypto-sign-public-key server-sk))
(define client-sk #"bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb")
(define client-pk (crypto-sign-public-key client-sk))
(define server-node (node 0 "server" 'server server-pk server-sk "localhost" 1337))
(define client-node (node 1 "client" 'client client-pk client-sk #f #f))
(require racket/cmdline)
(define mode
(command-line #:args (mode) mode))
(match mode
(define comms (make-comms server-node))
(thread-sendrecv comms 'set-node-info client-node)
(thread-sendrecv comms 'listen 1337)]
(define comms (make-comms client-node))
(thread-sendrecv comms 'set-node-info server-node)
(thread-sendrecv comms 'connect (cons "localhost" 1337))])
(sleep 9999)