add more core database tables
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
.PHONY: all check clean monocypher
.PHONY: all check clean monocypher dev-migrate dev-rollback
raco setup ./crossfire/
@ -31,3 +31,9 @@ monocypher: lib/
lib/ /usr/include/monocypher/monocypher.c /usr/include/monocypher/monocypher-ed25519.c
[ -d lib ] || mkdir lib
$(CC) -o $@ -O3 -pipe -shared $^
raco north migrate -p crossfire/migrations -f
raco north rollback -p crossfire/migrations -f
@ -498,10 +498,10 @@
;; utility functions and macros for defining rpcs
;; id generation helpers
(define-for-syntax (rpc-type-id what)
(format-id what "rpc-type-~a" (syntax-e what)))
(define-for-syntax (rpc-impl-id what)
(format-id what "rpc-impl-~a" (syntax-e what)))
(define-for-syntax (rpc-type-id type)
(format-id type "rpc-type-~a" (syntax-e type)))
(define-for-syntax (rpc-impl-id type name)
(format-id type "rpc-impl-~a-~a" (syntax-e type) (syntax-e name)))
;; parameters for comms, tm, and targeted node
(define current-comms (make-parameter #f))
@ -518,13 +518,17 @@
;; call it
(define-simple-macro (define-rpc type:id (name:id args:id ...) body:expr ...)
#:with def-id (rpc-type-id #'type)
#:with impl-id (rpc-impl-id #'name)
#:with impl-id (rpc-impl-id #'type #'name)
(define (impl-id args ...) body ...)
(define (name args ...)
(tm-transact (current-tm) (node-id (current-to-node)) (quote name) (list args ...)))
(hash-set! def-id (quote name) impl-id)))
(define-simple-macro (rpc-impl type:id name:id)
#:with impl-id (rpc-impl-id #'type #'name)
;; installs all rpcs of a given rpc class into the transaction manager
(define-simple-macro (install-rpc-type type:id)
#:with def-id (rpc-type-id #'type)
@ -532,7 +536,7 @@
(tm-register-rpc (current-tm) k v)))
(provide current-comms current-tm current-to-node current-from-node
define-rpc-type define-rpc install-rpc-type)
define-rpc-type define-rpc rpc-impl install-rpc-type)
; ;; demo code
; (define server-sk #"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
@ -1,19 +1,55 @@
#lang north
-- @revision: e50ab485d8590ead53c2518396c04f81
-- @description: Creates the tasks table.
-- @description: Creates some initial core tables for crossfire.
-- @up {
create table tasks (id integer primary key, name text not null, manifest blob not null);
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
-- }
-- @up {
create table nodes (id integer primary key, name text not null,
create table node(id integer primary key, name text not null,
type text check(type in ("client", "agent")) not null,
secret blob(32) not null)
-- }
-- @up {
create table resource(id integer primary key, name text not null);
-- }
-- @up {
create table node_resource(nodeid integer not null, resid integer not null,
unique (nodeid, resid),
foreign key(resid) references resources(id),
foreign key(nodeid) references nodes(id));
-- }
-- @up {
create table task(id integer primary key, name text not null, manifest blob not null);
-- }
-- @up {
create table task_log(taskid integer not null, worker integer not null,
time_start timestamp not null,
time_end timestamp check(time_end >= time_start) not null,
pattern blob not null,
foreign key (taskid) references tasks(id),
foreign key (worker) references nodes(id));
-- }
-- @up {
create table task_match(taskid integer not null, time timestamp not null, match blob not null,
foreign key (taskid) references tasks(id));
-- }
-- @down {
drop table nodes;
drop table task_match;
-- }
-- @down {
drop table tasks;
drop table task_log;
-- }
-- @down {
drop table task;
-- }
-- @down {
drop table node_resource;
-- }
-- @down {
drop table resource;
-- }
-- @down {
drop table node;
-- }
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(require db/base db/sqlite3 racket/match racket/runtime-path racket/path
(require db/base db/sqlite3 racket/bool racket/match racket/runtime-path racket/path
north/base north/adapter/base north/adapter/sqlite
"comms.rkt" "not-crypto.rkt")
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
(define-syntax-rule (define-stmt name what)
(define name (virtual-statement what)))
(define-stmt query-new-node "insert into nodes (name, type, secret) values (?, ?, ?)")
(define-stmt query-get-nodes "select id, name from nodes where type=?")
(define-stmt q-new-node "insert into node (name, type, secret) values (?, ?, ?)")
(define-stmt q-get-nodes "select id, name from node where type=?")
;; rpc calls
@ -66,10 +66,17 @@
(struct node-info [id name online?] #:transparent)
(define (get-nodes type)
(for/list ([(id name) (in-query (current-db) query-get-nodes (symbol->string type))])
(for/list ([(id name) (in-query (current-db) q-get-nodes (symbol->string type))])
(define online? (comms-channel-available? (current-comms) id))
(node-info id name online?)))
(define (make-agent name)
(define secret (crypto-sign-make-key))
(define public (crypto-sign-public-key secret))
(define info (simple-result-info (query (current-db) q-new-node name "agent" secret)))
(define id (cdr (assoc 'insert-id info)))
(values id public))
(define (enforce type)
(unless (symbol=? type (node-type (current-from-node)))
(error "unauthorized")))
@ -82,10 +89,7 @@
(define-rpc server (new-agent name)
(enforce 'client)
(define secret (crypto-sign-make-key))
(define public (crypto-sign-public-key secret))
(define info (simple-result-info (query (current-db) query-new-node name 'agent secret)))
(define id (cdr (assoc 'insert-id info)))
(define-values [id public] (make-agent name))
(define comms-node (node id name 'agent public #f #f #f))
(comms-set-node-info (current-comms) comms-node)
@ -100,3 +104,10 @@
(define-rpc server (agent-report something)
(enforce 'agent)
(error "TODO"))
;; command line usage
(module+ main
(require racket/cmdline)
(current-db (open-server-db))
(make-agent "meow"))
Reference in New Issue