implement almost the rest of agent handling

This commit is contained in:
xenia 2020-11-23 01:51:26 -05:00
parent 71a3a6d2ef
commit 88f8ba6749
9 changed files with 331 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ takes the difficulty out of creating custom brute force jobs
- ✅ base definitions of input classes and how to divide them
- dynamic slicing and scheduling based on agents' reported work rate
- low priority: randomized input space distribution
- low priority: store common configuration templates for clients
- low priority: track upload/download progress
- streaming interface for file transfers
- accept submitted projects (with client-compiled input generator) and distribute to agents
- ✅ low priority: support for multiple architectures
- ✅ agent authentication
@ -59,6 +62,7 @@ takes the difficulty out of creating custom brute force jobs
- report work rate
- report successes
- low priority: defer to external brute force program (eg, hashcat on GPU)
- low priority: support finding _all_ matching inputs for a project, rather than just the first one
# client: submit jobs and view progress
- ✅securely connect to server

View File

@ -434,6 +434,8 @@
(define arg-data (trans-data-deserialize rpc-data))
(define result
(parameterize ([current-from-node (comms-get-node-info comms from-id)])
;; TODO : apply timeout on the handler function?
;; we don't want this thread to potentially hang forever if there's some sort of deadlock
(apply func arg-data)))
(displayln (list "result" result "sending back..."))
(respond result)))
@ -504,6 +506,7 @@
;; utility functions and macros for defining rpcs
;; parameters for comms, tm, and targeted node
;; TODO : make these default parameters for all the wrapper functions?
(define current-comms (make-parameter #f))
(define current-tm (make-parameter #f))
(define current-to-node (make-parameter #f))

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
(define pkg-authors '(haskal))
(define collection "crossfire")
(define deps '("base" "db-lib" "scribble-text-lib"
(define deps '("base" "db-lib" "scribble-text-lib" "srfi-lite-lib"
(define build-deps '("scribble-lib" "racket-doc" "rackunit-lib"))
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/crossfire.scrbl" ())))

View File

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
(manifest manifest-def pattern psize))
;; get data from the manifest
(define/contract (manifest-data-get mf key [fail-thunk #f])
(define/contract (manifest-data-ref mf key [fail-thunk #f])
(->* (manifest? symbol?) (any/c) any)
(or (rest (assoc key (manifest-data mf)))
(and (procedure? fail-thunk) (fail-thunk))
@ -124,3 +124,5 @@
;; the struct contains the original data
(define serialize-manifest manifest-data)
(provide parse-manifest manifest-data-ref serialize-manifest)

View File

@ -19,15 +19,17 @@ create table task(id integer primary key, name text not null, manifest blob not
-- }
-- @up {
create table task_log(taskid integer not null, worker integer not null,
time_start timestamp not null,
time_end timestamp check(time_end >= time_start) not null,
time_wall_start timestamp not null,
duration integer not null,
pattern blob not null,
foreign key (taskid) references tasks(id) on delete cascade,
foreign key (worker) references node(id) on delete restrict);
-- }
-- @up {
create table task_match(taskid integer not null, time timestamp not null, match blob not null,
foreign key (taskid) references tasks(id) on delete cascade);
create table task_match(taskid integer not null, worker integer not null,
time_wall timestamp not null, match blob not null,
foreign key (taskid) references tasks(id) on delete cascade,
foreign key (worker) references node(id) on delete restrict);
-- }
-- @down {

View File

@ -106,6 +106,32 @@
(crypto-random-bytes 24))
(provide crypto-lock-make-key crypto-lock-make-nonce)
;; hashing
;; we use the size of crypto_blake2b_ctx on 64-bit platforms, as this should be large enough even on
;; 32-bit platforms
;; this should be more robust tbh but without pulling in the whole C header parsing library idk how
;; else we can know the size of this struct without just hardcoding it
(define *crypto-blake2b-ctx-size* 224)
;; default hash output size
(define *crypto-blake2b-hash-size* 64)
;; opaque datatype yeet
(struct crypto-blake2b-ctx [data])
(define/ffi crypto-blake2b-init
(_fun (ctx : (_u8vector o *crypto-blake2b-ctx-size*)) -> _void -> (crypto-blake2b-ctx ctx)))
(provide crypto-blake2b-init)
(define/ffi crypto-blake2b-update
(_fun (ctx-obj : _?) (ctx : _u8vector = (crypto-blake2b-ctx-data ctx-obj))
(msg : _u8vector) (msgsize : _size = (u8vector-length msg))
-> _void))
(provide/contract [crypto-blake2b-update (contract:-> crypto-blake2b-ctx? bytes? void?)])
(define/ffi crypto-blake2b-final
(_fun (ctx-obj : _?) (ctx : _u8vector = (crypto-blake2b-ctx-data ctx-obj))
(hash : (_u8vector o *crypto-blake2b-hash-size*)) -> _void -> hash))
(provide/contract [crypto-blake2b-final (contract:-> crypto-blake2b-ctx? bytes?)])
;; misc
(define/ffi crypto-wipe

View File

@ -29,10 +29,13 @@
(define-signature agent^
(define-signature client^

View File

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(require db/base db/sqlite3
data/queue racket/bool racket/fasl racket/file racket/match racket/path racket/random
racket/runtime-path racket/set racket/string racket/unit
data/queue racket/bool racket/contract racket/fasl racket/file racket/list racket/match
racket/path racket/random racket/runtime-path racket/set racket/string racket/unit srfi/19
north/base north/adapter/base north/adapter/sqlite
"comms.rkt" "manifest.rkt" "not-crypto.rkt" "pattern.rkt" "protocol.rkt"
;; port-fsync
@ -88,12 +88,28 @@
(define-stmt q-get-tasks "select id, name, manifest, complete from task")
(define-stmt q-get-task-log
"select worker, time_start, time_end, pattern from task_log where taskid=?")
"select worker, time_wall_start, duration, pattern from task_log where taskid=?")
(define-stmt q-add-task-log
"insert into task_log (taskid, worker, time_start, time_end, pattern) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
"insert into task_log (taskid, worker, time_wall_start, duration, pattern)
values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
(define-stmt q-add-task-match
"insert into task_match (taskid, worker, time_wall, match) values (?, ?, ?, ?)")
;; utils
;; time helpers (because time is a bigge heck)
;; monotonic time can be different than wall clock time
;; for our purposes, tasks have two measures of time associated with them:
;; - wall clock instant representing when the task was started
;; - duration of the task (as a difference of monotonic times)
;; it's important never to mix up wall clock and monotonic measurements, and never to take a
;; difference between two wall clock times
;; fortunately, racket provides srfi/19 as part of the default installation which is very convenient
(define (current-seconds-monotonic)
(time-second (current-time 'time-monotonic)))
(define (current-seconds-utc)
(time-second (current-time 'time-utc)))
(define (query/insert-id db stmt . args)
(define info (simple-result-info (apply query db stmt args)))
(cdr (assoc 'insert-id info)))
@ -135,7 +151,24 @@
#:exists 'truncate)
(query-exec (current-db) q-set-task-commit taskid))
;; rpc calls
;; computes a hash of the file identifying its current contents for agents
;; (in case we reuse taskids)
(define (server-hash-file taskid)
(define path (build-path SERVER-FILES-PATH (number->string taskid)))
(define *read-size* 8192)
(call-with-input-file path (lambda (in)
(define ctx (crypto-blake2b-init))
(let loop ()
(match (read-bytes *read-size* in)
[(? eof-object?) (void)]
[data (crypto-blake2b-update ctx data)
(crypto-blake2b-final ctx))))
(define (server-get-file taskid)
(define path (build-path SERVER-FILES-PATH (number->string taskid)))
(file->bytes path))
(struct node-info [id name arch type resources online?] #:prefab)
;; manifest is the raw source format
@ -175,8 +208,9 @@
[_ (error "XXX: don't know how to configure arch" agent-arch)]))
;; manifest is the raw form
(define (make-task name manifest tar)
(define (make-task manifest tar)
(define manifest-data (s-exp->fasl manifest))
(define name (second (assoc 'name manifest-data)))
(define id (query/insert-id (current-db) q-new-task name manifest-data))
(server-commit-file id tar)
@ -191,20 +225,24 @@
[(== (symbol->string type)) (void)]
[x (error "wrong node type" x)]))
;; client rpcs
(define (get-agents)
(enforce-subject 'client)
(get-nodes 'agent))
(define (new-agent name arch resources)
(define/contract (new-agent name arch resources)
(-> string? string? (listof string?) integer?)
(enforce-subject 'client)
(define-values [id public] (make-node name arch 'agent resources))
(define comms-node (node id name 'agent public #f #f #f))
(comms-set-node-info (current-comms) comms-node)
(agent-handler-new-agent id resources)
(define (edit-agent id name resources)
(define/contract (edit-agent id name resources)
(-> integer? string? (listof string?) void?)
(enforce-subject 'client)
(call-with-transaction (current-db) (lambda ()
(enforce-object id 'agent)
@ -216,9 +254,14 @@
(for ([res (in-set (set-subtract existing-resource new-resource))])
(query-exec (current-db) q-del-node-res id res))))
(define comms-node (comms-get-node-info (current-comms) id))
(comms-set-node-info (current-comms) (struct-copy node comms-node [name name])))
(comms-set-node-info (current-comms) (struct-copy node comms-node [name name]))
(agent-handler-delete-agent id)
(agent-handler-new-agent id resources)
(define (get-agent-deployment id)
(define/contract (get-agent-deployment id)
(-> integer? bytes?)
;; TODO : streaming interface
(enforce-subject 'client)
(match (query-maybe-row (current-db) q-get-node-info id)
[(vector name arch "agent" secret)
@ -226,19 +269,27 @@
arch (current-server-public-node))]
[_ (error "invalid id or wrong node type")]))
(define (delete-agent id)
(define/contract (delete-agent id)
(-> integer? void?)
(enforce-subject 'client)
(call-with-transaction (current-db) (lambda ()
(enforce-object id 'agent)
(query-exec (current-db) q-delete-node id)))
(comms-delete-node (current-comms) id))
(comms-delete-node (current-comms) id)
(agent-handler-delete-agent id)
;; client rpcs :: projects
(define (new-project name manifest tar)
(define/contract (new-project manifest tar)
(-> list? bytes? integer?)
;; TODO : streaming interface
(enforce-subject 'client)
(define id (make-task name manifest tar))
(void id)
;; check validity
(parse-manifest manifest)
(define id (make-task manifest tar))
;; notify agent handler
(agent-handler-new-task id manifest)
(define (get-projects)
@ -246,18 +297,28 @@
(for/list ([(id name manifest complete?) (in-query (current-db) q-get-tasks)])
(project-info id name (fasl->s-exp manifest) complete?)))
(define/contract (get-project-file taskid)
(-> integer? bytes?)
;; TODO : streaming interface
(with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (ex) (error "unable to fetch the requested file"))])
(server-get-file taskid)))
;; agent handling
;; distributing subtasks
;; minimum batch of inputs that will be scheduled for a node
;; the batch size scales to how fast the node completes a batch
(define MIN-SUBTASK-SIZE 16)
(define *min-subtask-size* 16)
;; aim to batch every 5 minutes
;; if a task takes shorter, the amount will be doubled, and if it takes longer it will be halved
(define *optimal-completion-secs* 300)
;; tasks will be reassigned if not completed within this time
(define *subtask-timeout* (* 3 *optimal-completion-secs*))
;; constatns for agent rpc retries
(define *min-retry-delay* 2)
(define *max-retry-delay* 120)
(define *retry-delay-ratio* 2)
(define (agent-handler)
;; unlike comms, messages to agent-handler have no responses. just thread-send, it's one-way
@ -265,15 +326,21 @@
(define this-thread (current-thread))
;; make an auto cleanup thread :P
(thread (lambda () (thread-wait this-thread) (custodian-shutdown-all cust)))
;; setup agent rpcs
(define agent-wrapper@ (make-rpc-wrapper-unit agent^))
(define-values/invoke-unit agent-wrapper@ (import) (export agent^))
;; tasks
;; semaphore guarding mutation (sigh)
;; manifest: task manifest (parsed version)
;; work-pattern: the integer-set representing the work left to do
;; agent-todo: hash of agent id to integer-set representing work the agent is working on
(struct task-state [id sema manifest [work-pattern #:mutable] agent-todo] #:transparent)
;; file-hash: the hash to send to agents to identify the contents of the project file more
;; precisely than just the taskid, which allows them to cache the file locally
(struct task-state [id sema manifest [work-pattern #:mutable] agent-todo file-hash] #:transparent)
(define (initialize-task! id mf)
(define (initialize-task id mf)
(define file-hash (server-hash-file id))
(define sema (make-semaphore 1))
(define agent-todo (make-hash))
(define init-pattern-range (range->integer-set 0 (manifest-psize mf)))
@ -283,7 +350,7 @@
([(_1 _2 _3 pat-fasl) (in-query (current-db) q-get-task-log id)])
(define sub (make-integer-set (fasl->s-exp pat-fasl)))
(integer-set-subtract pattern-range sub)))
(task-state id sema mf pattern-range agent-todo))
(task-state id sema mf pattern-range agent-todo file-hash))
;; this doesn't update the database - that only gets updated when the work is complete
(define (task-assign! ts agent-id requested-amount)
@ -313,18 +380,22 @@
(set-task-state-work-pattern! ts new-wp)
(hash-remove! (task-state-agent-todo ts) agent-id)]))))
(define (task-complete! ts agent-id time-start time-end)
;; adds to task log, then updates work pool with task completion
(define (task-complete! ts agent-id time-wall-start duration)
(call-with-semaphore (task-state-sema ts) (lambda ()
(match (hash-ref (task-state-agent-todo ts) agent-id #f)
[#f (void)]
;; add a new work log
(query-exec (current-db) q-add-task-log (task-state-id ts) agent-id time-start time-end
(s-exp->fasl (integer-set-contents assignment)))
(current-db) q-add-task-log (task-state-id ts) agent-id time-wall-start duration
(s-exp->fasl (integer-set-contents assignment)))
;; remove tracking - this work is now done
(hash-remove! (task-state-agent-todo ts) agent-id)]))))
(define (agent-thd id resources-in)
;; initialize to-node for rpcs
(current-to-node (comms-get-node-info (current-comms) id))
;; helper to generate assignment ids (a kind of arbitrary number we pass to agents to track
;; what they're currently working on)
(define make-assignment-id
@ -335,53 +406,194 @@
(set! resources-in #f)
;; tracks the sizes of task pieces given to the agent
;; task id to count of assignment size
(define task-size (make-hash))
;; current tasks, mirrors parent but only contains tasks we have resources for
(define current-tasks (make-hash))
;; assignments
(struct assignment [id taskid assign-data start-time handler] #:transparent)
(struct assignment [id taskid assign-data start-time-utc start-time-monotonic] #:transparent)
;; active assignments, by assignment id
(define assigned-tasks (make-hash))
;; keep running?
(define run-agent-thd? #t)
(define (send-assignment assignment)
(void "TODO"))
;; helper to repeatedly invoke an agent rpc
(define (invoke/retry-forever proc)
(let init-loop ([retry-delay *min-retry-delay*])
(with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (ex)
(displayln (format "agent ~a encountered error ~a" id ex))
(sleep retry-delay)
(init-loop (min *max-retry-delay*
(* *retry-delay-ratio* retry-delay))))])
(define (cancel-assignment assignment)
(void "TODO"))
(define (create-assignment! ts)
(define requested-amount (hash-ref! task-size (task-state-id ts) *min-subtask-size*))
(define assign-data (task-assign! ts id requested-amount))
(define start-time-utc (current-seconds-utc))
(define start-time-monotonic (current-seconds-monotonic))
(define aid (make-assignment-id))
(define mf-parsed (task-state-manifest ts))
(define file-hash (task-state-file-hash ts))
(define mf-raw (serialize-manifest mf-parsed))
;; add to local tracking
(hash-set! assigned-tasks aid (assignment id (task-state-id ts) assign-data start-time-utc
;; send agent rpc
(invoke/retry-forever (lambda () (push-assignment aid mf-raw file-hash assign-data))))
(define (cancel-assignment! assignment)
;; tell the agent to cancel work, unassign the assignment
(define ts (hash-ref current-tasks (assignment-taskid assignment) #f))
;; update manager tracking
(unless (false? ts)
(task-unassign! ts id))
(hash-remove! assigned-tasks (assignment-id assignment))
;; send agent rpc
(invoke/retry-forever (lambda () (cancel-assignment (assignment-id assignment)))))
;; records a match for a certain assignment
(define (add-assignment-match! assignment success-input)
;; TODO : notify other things that a match occurred maybe?
(current-db) q-add-task-match
(assignment-taskid assignment) id (current-seconds-utc) (s-exp->fasl success-input)))
(define (complete-assignment! assignment)
(define end-time-monotonic (current-seconds-monotonic))
(define duration (- end-time-monotonic (assignment-start-time-monotonic assignment)))
(define ts (hash-ref current-tasks (assignment-taskid assignment) #f))
(hash-remove! assigned-tasks (assignment-id assignment))
(unless (false? ts)
;; mark complete
(task-complete! ts id (assignment-start-time-utc assignment) duration)
;; update next task size request
[(< duration *optimal-completion-secs*)
(hash-update! task-size (assignment-taskid assignment)
(lambda (v) (* 2 v)) *min-subtask-size*)]
[(> duration (* 2 *optimal-completion-secs*))
(hash-update! task-size (assignment-taskid assignment)
(lambda (v) (max *min-subtask-size* (/ 2 v))) *min-subtask-size*)]
[else (void)])))
(define (update-assignments!)
;; detect set of used resources
;; see set of current inactive tasks
;; if a task uses all free resources, assign it
(define used-resources
(for/fold ([used-resources (set)]) ([(aid av) (in-hash assigned-tasks)])
(define task (hash-ref current-tasks (assignment-taskid av)))
(define manifest (task-state-manifest task))
(set-union used-resources (list->set (manifest-data-ref manifest 'resources '())))))
(define available-resources (set-subtract resources used-resources))
(define assigned-taskids
(for/set ([(aid av) (in-hash assigned-tasks)]) (assignment-taskid av)))
;; the scheduling prioritizer is currently:
;; yolo just pick randomly
;; this should be good enough for all basic use cases
(define task-list
(for ([(tid ts) (in-hash current-tasks)]
#:unless (set-member? assigned-taskids tid))
;; assigns the first task in the list that we are capable of doing
;; returns if we could maybe assign more
(define (select-task! task-list)
(match task-list
['() #f]
[(cons head tail)
(define manifest (task-state-manifest head))
(define needed-resources (list->set (manifest-data-ref manifest 'resources '())))
(if (subset? available-resources needed-resources)
(create-assignment! head)
(begin (select-task! tail) #t))]))
(when (select-task! task-list)
(define (handle-thd-msg)
(match (thread-receive)
[(cons 'new-task ts)
(void "TODO")]
[(cons 'cancel-task ts) (void "TODO")]
(hash-set! current-tasks (task-state-id ts) ts)
[(cons 'cancel-task ts)
(define assignments
(for/list ([(_ v) (in-hash assigned-tasks)]
#:when (= (task-state-id ts) (assignment-taskid v)))
(for ([av (in-list assignments)])
(cancel-assignment! av))
(hash-remove! current-tasks (task-state-id ts) ts)
(hash-remove! task-size (task-state-id ts) ts)]
;; got completion report from agent
[(cons 'agent-report (cons assignment-id state))
(match state
['complete (error "TODO")]
[success-input (error "TODO")])]
[(cons 'agent-report status)
(match status
;; no current assignment
[(cons #f _) (void)] ;; do nothing
;; current assignment incomplete
[(cons assignment-id 'incomplete) (void)] ;; also do nothing
;; current assignment complete, no success
[(cons assignment-id 'complete)
(define av (hash-ref assigned-tasks assignment-id #f))
(unless (false? av) (complete-assignment! av #f))]
;; complete, success
[(cons assignment-id success-input)
(define av (hash-ref assigned-tasks assignment-id #f))
(unless (false? av) (add-assignment-match! av success-input))])]
['shutdown (set! run-agent-thd? #f)]))
;; TODO : agent rpc to cancel current task, with error handling
(define (handle-assignment-timeout)
(define time (current-seconds-monotonic))
(define overdue-assignments
(filter (lambda (av)
(define st (assignment-start-time-monotonic av))
(>= (- time st) *subtask-timeout*))
(hash-values assigned-tasks)))
(for ([overdue (in-list overdue-assignments)])
(define taskid (assignment-taskid overdue))
;; revert to the smallest possible task size, just in case
;; we don't want to spin forever assigning potentially gigantic tasks and timing out
;; although ideally this case wouldn't occur because the timeout is three times the target
;; subtask duration
(hash-set! task-size taskid *min-subtask-size*)
(displayln (format "agent ~a timed out on task ~a" id taskid))
(cancel-assignment! overdue)))
;; cancel whatever the agent is currently working on, in case the server crashed and came back
;; up or something
;; we want agent state synchronized with what we think it should be
(invoke/retry-forever (lambda () (cancel-all-assignments)))
(let loop ()
;; handle events
(define time (current-seconds-monotonic))
(define thd-evt (thread-receive-evt))
; (define task-timeout
; (if task-start-time
; (- TASK-TIMEOUT (- (current-seconds) task-start-time))
; #f))
(define task-timeout #f)
(match (sync/timeout task-timeout thd-evt)
[#f (void "TODO: task timeout")]
(define nearest-timeout
(apply min (for/list ([(aid av) (in-hash assigned-tasks)])
(define st (assignment-start-time-monotonic av))
(max 0 (- *subtask-timeout* (- time st))))))
(match (sync/timeout nearest-timeout thd-evt)
[#f (handle-assignment-timeout)]
[(== thd-evt) (handle-thd-msg)])
(when run-agent-thd?
;; TODO : cleanup, cancel current task, shut down running tasks
;; unassign all tasks
(for ([(aid av) (in-hash assigned-tasks)])
(define taskid (assignment-taskid av))
(define ts (hash-ref current-tasks taskid #f))
(unless (false? ts)
(task-unassign! ts id)))
;; call agent rpc to cancel everything
;; id to task-state
@ -394,12 +606,17 @@
(match (thread-receive)
[(cons 'new-agent (cons id resources))
(parameterize ([current-custodian cust])
;; TODO : add monitor thread that detects crashes and unassigns tasks
(hash-set! agents id (thread (lambda () (agent-thd id resources)))))]
[(cons 'delete-agent id)
(thread-send (hash-ref agents id) 'shutdown #f)
;; TODO : wait for thread a bit, then kill it
;; TODO : cleanup assigned tasks after thread ended by unassigning all things assigned to
;; this agent
(error "TODO: this function is half unimplemented lol")
(hash-remove! agents id)]
[(cons 'new-task (cons id manifest))
(define ts (initialize-task! id manifest))
(define ts (initialize-task id manifest))
(hash-set! current-tasks id ts)
;; notify agents
(for ([(id thd) (in-hash agents)])
@ -407,10 +624,10 @@
[(cons 'agent-report (cons agent-id (cons assignment-id state)))
(thread-send (hash-ref agents agent-id) (cons 'agent-report (cons assignment-id state)) #f)]
[(cons 'cancel-task task-id)
(hash-remove! current-tasks task-id)
;; notify agents
(for ([(id thd) (in-hash agents)])
(thread-send thd (cons 'cancel-task task-id) #f))]
(thread-send thd (cons 'cancel-task task-id) #f))
(hash-remove! current-tasks task-id)]
[_ (error "unknown agent handler message")]))
(let loop ()
@ -424,12 +641,28 @@
(define current-agent-handler (make-parameter #f))
(define (agent-handler-new-agent id resources [ah (current-agent-handler)])
(thread-send ah (cons 'new-agent (cons id resources))))
(define (agent-handler-delete-agent id [ah (current-agent-handler)])
(thread-send ah (cons 'delete-agent id)))
(define (agent-handler-new-task id manifest [ah (current-agent-handler)])
(thread-send ah (cons 'new-task (cons id manifest))))
(define (agent-handler-cancel-task task-id [ah (current-agent-handler)])
(thread-send ah (cons 'cancel-task task-id)))
;; agent rpcs
;; report state 'complete or a list of integer representing a success result
;; report state 'incomplete 'complete or a list of integer representing a success result
;; assignment-id is a numeric ID or #f if no currently assigned task
;; agents can call this as many times as they want -- it can serve as a sort of "ping"
(define (agent-report-state assignment-id state)
(-> (or/c false? integer?) (or/c 'incomplete 'complete (listof integer?)))
(enforce-subject 'agent)
(define agent-id (node-id (current-from-node)))
;; TODO : maybe wait for an actual completion here? idk
(thread-send (current-agent-handler)
(cons 'agent-report (cons agent-id (cons assignment-id state)))))

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
(provide port-fsync)
(define port-fsync.unix
(define port-fsync/unix
;; lazy time
(let ([fsync-call #f])
(lambda (port)
@ -109,5 +109,5 @@
(define (port-fsync port)
(match (system-type 'os)
['unix (port-fsync.unix port)]
['unix (port-fsync/unix port)]
[x (error "don't know how to fsync on" x)])))