improve robustness of task distribution
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
;; configuration
(define *server-node-id* 0)
(define *production?* #f)
(define *config-root* (if *production?* "/etc/" "etc/"))
@ -100,6 +102,7 @@
(define-stmt q-set-task-commit "update task set committed=1 where id=?")
(define-stmt q-delete-task "delete from task where id=?")
(define-stmt q-get-tasks "select id, name, manifest, complete from task")
(define-stmt q-set-task-complete "update task set complete=1 where id=?")
(define-stmt q-get-task-log
"select worker, time_wall_start, duration, pattern from task_log where taskid=?")
@ -244,7 +247,9 @@
(define (enforce-subject type)
(unless (symbol=? type (node-type (current-from-node)))
;; override if the from-node is us
(unless (or (symbol=? type (node-type (current-from-node)))
(= (node-id (current-from-node)) *server-node-id*))
(error "unauthorized")))
(define (enforce-object id type)
@ -365,7 +370,9 @@
;; agent-todo: hash of agent id to integer-set representing work the agent is working on
;; file-hash: the hash to send to agents to identify the contents of the project file more
;; precisely than just the taskid, which allows them to cache the file locally
(struct task-state [id sema manifest [work-pattern #:mutable] agent-todo file-hash] #:transparent)
;; completed-work: an integer set of completed work
(struct task-state [id sema manifest [work-pattern #:mutable] agent-todo file-hash
[completed-work #:mutable]] #:transparent)
(define (initialize-task id mf)
(define file-hash (server-hash-file id))
@ -373,15 +380,23 @@
(define agent-todo (make-hash))
(define init-pattern-range (range->integer-set 0 (manifest-psize mf)))
;; subtract the pattern ranges that were already logged as complete
(define pattern-range
(for/fold ([pattern-range init-pattern-range])
(define-values [pattern-range completed-work]
(for/fold ([pattern-range init-pattern-range]
[completed-work (make-integer-set '())])
([(_1 _2 _3 pat-fasl) (in-query (current-db) q-get-task-log id)])
(define sub (make-integer-set (fasl->s-exp pat-fasl)))
(integer-set-subtract pattern-range sub)))
(task-state id sema mf pattern-range agent-todo file-hash))
(values (integer-set-subtract pattern-range sub) (integer-set-union completed-work sub))))
(task-state id sema mf pattern-range agent-todo file-hash completed-work))
(define (task-has-work? ts)
(not (zero? (integer-set-count (task-state-work-pattern ts)))))
(not (and (zero? (integer-set-count (task-state-work-pattern ts)))
(hash-empty? (task-state-agent-todo ts)))))
(define (task-set-complete! ts)
(log-server-info "fully completed task: ~a" (task-state-id ts))
(query-exec (current-db) q-set-task-complete (task-state-id ts))
;; TODO : notification mechanism
(handle-stop-task (task-state-id ts)))
;; this doesn't update the database - that only gets updated when the work is complete
(define (task-assign! ts agent-id requested-amount)
@ -393,12 +408,27 @@
(pattern-range-take (task-state-work-pattern ts) requested-amount))
;; done! (maybe)
;; check other agents work
;; TODO : update completeness
;; then deregister task with handle-stop-task
[(zero? (integer-set-count assignment))
(log-server-info "fully completed task: ~a" (task-state-id ts))
(define at (task-state-agent-todo ts))
[(hash-empty? at) ;; actually done. cancel all in-progress assignments and celebrate uwu
;; are we going to hold up literally everything because we're still holding this
;;semaphore during a database write?
;; probably
;; does it actually matter?
;; probably not
(task-set-complete! ts)
[else ;; steal work lol
;; this will massively overcommit the last few parts of a project and potentially
;; prioritize doing useless duplicate work instead of moving on to the next project
;; but it'll be fiiiiiine don't worry
(define wp (for/fold ([iset (make-integer-set '())]) ([(_ v) (in-hash at)]))
(integer-set-union iset v))
(define-values [assignment _]
(pattern-range-take (task-state-work-pattern ts) requested-amount))
(hash-set! at agent-id assignment)
;; update tracking
(hash-set! (task-state-agent-todo ts) agent-id assignment)
@ -412,7 +442,8 @@
[#f (void)]
(define new-wp (integer-set-union assignment (task-state-work-pattern ts)))
(set-task-state-work-pattern! ts new-wp)
ts (integer-set-subtract new-wp (task-state-completed-work ts)))
(hash-remove! (task-state-agent-todo ts) agent-id)]))))
;; adds to task log, then updates work pool with task completion
@ -425,8 +456,14 @@
(current-db) q-add-task-log (task-state-id ts) agent-id time-wall-start duration
(s-exp->fasl (integer-set-contents assignment)))
(define new-completed (integer-set-union (task-state-completed-work ts) assignment))
(set-task-state-completed-work! new-completed)
;; remove tracking - this work is now done
(hash-remove! (task-state-agent-todo ts) agent-id)]))))
(hash-remove! (task-state-agent-todo ts) agent-id)
;; check if we're fully complete. if so, mark the task complete in the database and cancel
;; all related assignments
(unless (task-has-work? ts)
(task-set-complete! ts))]))))
(define (agent-thd id arch resources-in msg-chan)
;; initialize to-node for rpcs
@ -480,8 +517,6 @@
(define requested-amount (hash-ref! task-size (task-state-id ts) *min-subtask-size*))
;; integer set of assignment data, or false
(define assign-data (task-assign! ts id requested-amount))
;; TODO : handle false case better
;; maybe steal work from other agents in progress or something
[(false? assign-data) #f]
@ -578,8 +613,6 @@
(define needed-arch (manifest-data-ref manifest 'arch '("any")))
(define right-arch? (or (member "any" needed-arch) (member arch needed-arch)))
(if (and right-arch?
;; TODO : if there's no work, check if the task is complete or work can be
;; stolen from other agents
(task-has-work? head)
(subset? available-resources needed-resources))
(create-assignment! head)
@ -622,8 +655,10 @@
['shutdown (set! run-agent-thd? #f)]))
(define (handle-assignment-timeout)
;; TODO : on timeout, work is returned to the assignment pool, but by this time other agent
;; handlers that could have picked it up might be sleeping
;; on timeout, work is returned to the assignment pool and other agents may not be actually
;; notified of this. but because of work stealing they should have already attempting to
;; steal the work so there shouldn't actually be a situation where an agent thread is asleep
;; when work is returned to the pool
(define time (current-seconds-monotonic))
(define overdue-assignments
(filter (lambda (av)
@ -783,7 +818,8 @@
(module+ main
(require racket/cmdline)
;; initialize server
;; basic server initialization
(log-server-info "starting crossfire-server v~a" (#%info-lookup 'version))
@ -813,8 +849,12 @@
(define seckey (file->bytes *server-seckey-path*))
(define pubkey (crypto-sign-public-key seckey))
(define server (node 0 (config-get 'name string?) 'server pubkey seckey
(config-get 'listen-addr string?) (config-get 'listen-port integer?)))
(define listen-addr
(match (config-get 'listen-addr (or/c 'auto string?))
['auto ""]
[addr addr]))
(define server (node *server-node-id* (config-get 'name string?) 'server pubkey seckey
listen-addr (config-get 'listen-port integer?)))
(define public-addr
(match (config-get 'public-addr (or/c 'auto string?))
['auto (error "TODO auto public-addr unimplemented")]
@ -826,6 +866,8 @@
(struct-copy node server [seckey #f] [host public-addr] [port public-port]))
;; read command line
;; TODO : read cmdline for admin commands
;; ideally allow the admin commands to coexist with an actual current running server
@ -846,6 +888,9 @@
(error "invalid subcommand" subcmd)]
[argv (void)])
;; start server and start doing stuff
(current-agent-handler (make-agent-handler))
(current-comms (make-comms server))
(current-tm (make-transaction-manager server (current-comms)))
@ -866,7 +911,7 @@
(define manifest (parse-manifest (fasl->s-exp manifest-in)))
(agent-handler-new-task id manifest))
;; start listening
;; now server is ready to start listening
(comms-listen (current-comms) (node-port server))
(log-server-info "server running")
@ -876,6 +921,7 @@
(sync never-evt))
;; shutdown
;; a second break aborts clean shutdown. ideally, don't break again unless necessary
(log-server-info "stopping server")
(tm-shutdown (current-tm))
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(;; name of this server
(name "a crossfire server")
;; the ip address and port to listen on
;; auto is ""
(listen-addr "")
(listen-port 25446)
;; the "public" ip (or domain name) and port of this node
Reference in New Issue