refactor rpc transactions to prepare for streaming

This commit is contained in:
xenia 2021-01-03 06:29:28 -05:00
parent 809bd82a03
commit f6cb069edb
4 changed files with 132 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
(thread (lambda ()
;; kinda pointless, other than helping keep the connection alive
(let loop ()
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (ex) ((error-display-handler) (exn-message ex) ex))])
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (ex) (logging-report-error ex))])
(agent-report-state #f #f))
(sleep *ping-secs*) (loop)))))
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem? void]) (delete-directory/files extract-dir)))
(log-agent-info "downloading task data for ~a" tid)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (ex)
((error-display-handler) (exn-message ex) ex)
(logging-report-error ex)
;; TODO this should be updated with the streaming interface
(call-with-output-file tgz-file (lambda (out) (write-bytes (get-project-file tid) out))
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
(define (report-error ex)
(log-agent-info "execution of ~a ran into error" aid)
(custodian-shutdown-all cust)
((error-display-handler) (exn-message ex) ex)
(logging-report-error ex)
(agent-report-state aid 'error)
(async-channel-put (current-queue) (cons 'stop aid)))
@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
(when maybe-exn
(log-agent-error "error connecting to server")
((error-display-handler) (exn-message maybe-exn) maybe-exn)
(logging-report-error maybe-exn)
(sleep sleep-time)
(loop (min 120 (* sleep-time 2))))))

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
(require racket/async-channel racket/bool racket/engine racket/fasl racket/function racket/list
racket/logging racket/match racket/tcp racket/unit syntax/parse/define
(for-syntax racket/base racket/list racket/syntax racket/unit racket/unit-exptime)
"logging.rkt" "not-crypto.rkt")
"logging.rkt" "not-crypto.rkt" (submod "static-support.rkt" misc-calls))
;; logging!
(define-logger comms #:parent global-logger)
@ -29,7 +29,37 @@
(struct msg [from-id] #:prefab)
(struct msg:hello msg [type pubkey] #:prefab)
(struct msg:meow msg [meow] #:prefab)
(struct msg:transaction msg [trans-id request? rpc-id data] #:prefab)
(struct msg:stream msg [trans-id] #:prefab)
(struct msg:transaction msg:stream [request? rpc-id data] #:prefab)
(struct msg:file-token msg:stream [size] #:prefab)
(struct msg:file-request msg:stream [offset] #:prefab)
(struct msg:file msg:stream [offset data] #:prefab)
;; frontend file transfer types
;; id: transaction id
;; port: an input port if local
;; chan: an async-channel if nonlocal
(struct file-transfer [id])
(struct file-transfer:local file-transfer [port])
(struct file-transfer:remote file-transfer [chan size])
(define (make-file-transfer port)
(unless (current-trans-id)
(error "not in a transaction!"))
(file-transfer:local (current-trans-id) port))
(define (make-nonlocal-file-transfer trans-id size)
(file-transfer:remote trans-id (make-async-channel) size))
;; connects a remote file transfer to an output port
;; but also errors if there was an error
(define (file-transfer-connect ft out-port)
(let loop ()
(match (async-channel-get (file-transfer:remote-chan ft))
[(== eof) (void)]
[(? bytes? b) (write-bytes b out-port)
[(? exn:fail? e) (raise e)]
[x (error "unexpected file transfer data" x)])))
(define file-transfer-size file-transfer:remote-size)
(provide make-file-transfer file-transfer-connect file-transfer-size file-transfer?)
;; signed and encrypted messages (wrapped in another layer of fasl because i'm lazy)
(struct signed [fasl signature] #:prefab)
@ -38,9 +68,16 @@
;; 30 second timeout to execute the handshake, or the connection will be aborted
;; once the handshake is complete, the connection can stay open indefinitely with an indefinite
;; time between messages
(define *handshake-timeout* 30)
(define *transaction-timeout* 30)
(define *shutdown-timeout* 5)
;; interval to resend requests if no data
(define *file-transfer-soft-timeout* 30)
;; error out the file transfer if no data was transferred within this time
;; fairly long because idk slow internet connections and such
(define *file-transfer-idle-timeout* 600)
(define *file-transfer-chunk-size* 131072)
;; node info (not all fields will always be present)
;; type: 'server 'agent 'client
@ -162,7 +199,7 @@
;; engines are cool
;; we use an engine to limit runtime for the handshake
(let ([eng (engine (lambda (_) (peer-handshake in out)))])
(if (engine-run (* 1000 HANDSHAKE-TIMEOUT) eng)
(if (engine-run (* 1000 *handshake-timeout*) eng)
(engine-result eng)
(begin (engine-kill eng) (error "handshake timeout")))))
@ -263,7 +300,7 @@
(match (hash-ref peer-registry data #f)
[#f (void)]
[thd (thread-send thd 'stop #f)
(sync/timeout SHUTDOWN-TIMEOUT thd)
(sync/timeout *shutdown-timeout* thd)
(kill-thread thd)
(hash-remove! peer-registry data)])
(thread-send from (void) #f)]
@ -297,7 +334,7 @@
(for ([(_ thd) (in-hash peer-registry)])
(thread-send thd 'stop #f)
(sync/timeout SHUTDOWN-TIMEOUT thd)
(sync/timeout *shutdown-timeout* thd)
(kill-thread thd))
(when listener-thd
(kill-thread listener-thd)
@ -370,8 +407,24 @@
(define trans-id 0)
(define local-channel (comms-local-channel comms))
(define response-table (make-hash))
(define rpc-table (make-hash))
(define dispatch-table (make-weak-hash))
(define (dispatch-table-add! node-id stream-id [thd (current-thread)])
(define id (cons node-id stream-id))
(define eph (make-ephemeron thd (cons thd id)))
(hash-set! dispatch-table thd eph))
(define (dispatch-table-dispatch node-id stream-id msg)
(for ([v (in-list (hash-values dispatch-table))])
(match (ephemeron-value v)
[(cons thd (cons (== node-id) (== stream-id)))
(thread-send thd msg #f)]
;; GC or no match
[_ (void)])))
(define (dispatch-table-all-threads)
(map car (filter identity (map ephemeron-value (hash-values dispatch-table)))))
(define tm-thread (current-thread))
(define tm-cust (make-custodian))
@ -381,8 +434,9 @@
(define (cleanup)
(for ([(_ thd) (in-hash response-table)])
(thread-send thd (trans-data-serialize (make-error "transaction manager shut down")) #f))
(define thds (dispatch-table-all-threads))
(map break-thread thds)
(apply sync/timeout *transaction-timeout* thds)
(custodian-shutdown-all tm-cust))
(define (trans-data-serialize data)
@ -405,46 +459,74 @@
(constructor message (current-continuation-marks))]
[x x]))
(define (recv-transaction from key to-id transaction)
(define (cleanup)
(thread-sendrecv tm-thread 'deregister-response key))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (ex)
(cleanup) (thread-send from ex #f))])
(thread-receive) ;; go token
(define (recv-transaction from to-id rpc-id transaction)
(break-enabled #t)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (ex) (thread-send from ex #f))]
[exn:break? (lambda (_)
from (make-error "transaction manager shutdown") #f))])
(comms-dispatch-msg/retry comms to-id transaction)
(match (sync/timeout TRANSACTION-TIMEOUT (thread-receive-evt))
(match (sync/timeout *transaction-timeout* (thread-receive-evt))
(log-tm-error "timeout sending transaction to ~a" to-id)
(thread-send from (make-error "transaction timeout") #f)]
[_ (define response (thread-receive))
(thread-send from (trans-data-deserialize response) #f)])))
(match (thread-receive)
[(msg:transaction _ _ #f (== rpc-id) response)
(thread-send from (trans-data-deserialize response) #f)]
[(msg:file-token _ _ size) (void "TODO: receive file")]
[x (error "got invalid response data" x)])])))
(define (send-transaction from to-id rpc-id rpc-data)
(define trans-id (make-trans-id))
(define key (cons to-id trans-id))
(define transaction (msg:transaction (node-id my-node) trans-id #t rpc-id
(trans-data-serialize rpc-data)))
(define response-thread (thread (lambda () (recv-transaction from key to-id transaction))))
(hash-set! response-table key response-thread)
(thread-send response-thread 'go))
(define response-thread
(thread (lambda () (recv-transaction from to-id rpc-id transaction))))
(dispatch-table-add! to-id trans-id response-thread))
(define (handle-local-ft from-id trans-id port)
(break-enabled #t)
(with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (ex) (close-input-port port) (raise ex))])
;; only supported for file and string ports
;; but we do need to know the length beforehand, and the ability to seek
(file-position port eof)
(define port-len (file-position port))
(file-position port 0)
(comms-dispatch-msg/retry comms from-id (msg:file-token (node-id my-node) trans-id port-len))
(define bstr (make-bytes *file-transfer-chunk-size*))
(let loop ([offs 0])
(define thread-evt (thread-receive-evt))
(match (sync/timeout *file-transfer-idle-timeout* port thread-evt)
[(== port)
(match (read-bytes-avail! bstr)
[(== eof) (void)]
[n (void)])]
[(== thread-evt) (void "TODO")]))
;; wait for completion req
(define (handle-incoming-transaction func msg)
(match-define (msg:transaction from-id trans-id _ rpc-id rpc-data) msg)
(define (respond data)
(define resp
(msg:transaction (node-id my-node) trans-id #f rpc-id (trans-data-serialize data)))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail?
(lambda (ex)
((error-display-handler) "failed to dispatch transaction response" ex))])
(comms-dispatch-msg/retry comms from-id resp)))
(match data
[(file-transfer:local id port)
(handle-local-ft from-id trans-id port)]
[_ (define resp
(msg:transaction (node-id my-node) trans-id #f rpc-id (trans-data-serialize data)))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail?
(lambda (ex)
(logging-report-error ex "failed to send transaction response"))])
(comms-dispatch-msg/retry comms from-id resp))]))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? identity])
(define arg-data (trans-data-deserialize rpc-data))
(define result
(parameterize ([current-from-node (comms-get-node-info comms from-id)])
(parameterize ([current-from-node (comms-get-node-info comms from-id)]
[current-trans-id trans-id])
;; TODO : apply timeout on the handler function?
;; we don't want this thread to potentially hang forever if there's some sort of
;; deadlock
@ -458,7 +540,6 @@
(thread-send from (void) #f)]
['deregister-rpc (hash-remove! rpc-table data)
(thread-send from (void) #f)]
['deregister-response (hash-remove! response-table data) (thread-send from (void) #f)]
(match-define (cons to-id (cons rpc-id rpc-data)) data)
(send-transaction from to-id rpc-id rpc-data)]
@ -470,12 +551,11 @@
[(msg:transaction from-id trans-id #t rpc-id rpc-data)
(match (hash-ref rpc-table rpc-id #f)
[#f (log-tm-warning "got unknown rpc req: ~a" msg)]
[func (thread (lambda () (handle-incoming-transaction func msg)))])]
[(msg:transaction from-id trans-id #f rpc-id rpc-data)
(define key (cons from-id trans-id))
(match (hash-ref response-table key #f)
[#f (log-tm-warning "got spurious transaction response: ~a" msg)]
[thd (thread-send thd rpc-data #f) (hash-remove! response-table key)])]
(define thd (thread (lambda () (handle-incoming-transaction func msg))))
(dispatch-table-add! from-id trans-id thd)])]
[(msg:stream from-id trans-id)
(dispatch-table-dispatch from-id trans-id msg)]
[_ (log-tm-warning "got unknown msg: ~a" msg)]))
;; it's a thread cell and i'm too lazy to add a parameterize clause... it should work
@ -521,6 +601,7 @@
(define current-tm (make-parameter #f))
(define current-to-node (make-parameter #f))
(define current-from-node (make-parameter #f))
(define current-trans-id (make-parameter #f))
;; this is entirely a proc macro because idk how to do this in any fancier way

View File

@ -18,10 +18,13 @@
(require racket/bool racket/date racket/format racket/match racket/string)
(provide global-logger install-logging!)
(provide global-logger install-logging! logging-report-error)
(define global-logger (make-logger))
(define (logging-report-error ex [msg #f])
((error-display-handler) (or msg (exn-message ex)) ex))
(define (recv-thd receiver stop-chan)
;; iso8601 gang
(date-display-format 'iso-8601)

View File

@ -556,7 +556,7 @@
(when maybe-exn
(log-server-error "agent ~a encountered error" id)
((error-display-handler) (exn-message maybe-exn) maybe-exn)
(logging-report-error maybe-exn)
(sleep retry-delay)
(init-loop (min *max-retry-delay*
(* *retry-delay-ratio* retry-delay))))))
@ -581,13 +581,13 @@
;; send agent rpc
(define (handle-failure ex)
(log-server-error "failed to push ~a to agent ~a" aid id)
((error-display-handler) (exn-message ex) ex)
(logging-report-error ex)
(task-unassign! ts id)
;; attempt to cancel it
(with-handlers ([exn:fail?
(lambda (ex)
(log-server-error "failed to cancel ~a after error on ~a" aid id)
((error-display-handler) (exn-message ex) ex))])
(logging-report-error ex))])
(cancel-assignment aid))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? handle-failure])
@ -607,7 +607,7 @@
(lambda (ex)
(log-server-error "failed to cancel ~a on ~a"
(assignment-id assignment) id)
((error-display-handler) (exn-message ex) ex))])
(logging-report-error ex))])
(cancel-assignment (assignment-id assignment))))
;; records a match for a certain assignment