
664 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* The target of a pin or unpin event was the local participant.
* Known full event names:
* pinned.local
* unpinned.local
* @type {String}
export const _LOCAL = 'local';
* The target of a pin or unpin event was a remote participant.
* Known full event names:
* pinned.remote
* unpinned.remote
* @type {String}
export const _REMOTE = 'remote';
* Audio mute toggled was triggered through the jitsi-meet api.
* @type {String}
export const API_TOGGLE_AUDIO = 'api.toggle.audio';
* Video mute toggling was triggered through the jitsi-meet api.
* @type {String}
export const API_TOGGLE_VIDEO = 'api.toggle.video';
* Audio only mode has been turned off.
* @type {String}
export const AUDIO_ONLY_DISABLED = 'audioonly.disabled';
* The login button in the profile pane was clicked.
* @type {String}
export const AUTHENTICATE_LOGIN_CLICKED = 'authenticate.login.clicked';
* The logout button in the profile pane was clicked.
* @type {String}
export const AUTHENTICATE_LOGOUT_CLICKED = 'authenticate.logout.clicked';
* Performing a mute or unmute event based on a callkit setMuted event.
* Known full event names:
* callkit.audio.muted
* callkit.audio.unmuted
* @type {String}
export const CALLKIT_AUDIO_ = 'callkit.audio';
* Toggling remote and local video display when entering or exiting backgrounded
* app state.
* @type {String}
export const CALLKIT_BACKGROUND_VIDEO_MUTED = 'callkit.background.video.muted';
* The local participant joined audio muted.
* @type {String}
= 'conference.audio.initiallyMuted';
* The local participant has started desktop sharing.
* @type {String}
= 'conference.sharingDesktop.start';
* The local participant was desktop sharing but has stopped.
* @type {String}
= 'conference.sharingDesktop.stop';
* The local participant joined video muted.
* @type {String}
= 'conference.video.initiallyMuted';
* The list of known input/output devices was changed and new audio input has
* been used and should start as muted.
* @type {String}
export const DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED_AUDIO_MUTED = 'deviceListChanged.audio.muted';
* The list of known devices was changed and new video input has been used
* and should start as muted.
* @type {String}
export const DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED_VIDEO_MUTED = 'deviceListChanged.video.muted';
* The feedback dialog is displayed.
* @type {String}
export const FEEDBACK_OPEN = 'feedback.open';
* Page reload overlay has been displayed.
* Properties: label: reason for reload
* @type {String}
export const PAGE_RELOAD = 'page.reload';
* The local participant has pinned a participant to remain on large video.
* Known full event names:
* pinned.local
* pinned.remote
* @type {String}
export const PINNED_ = 'pinned';
* Recording start was attempted but the local user canceled the request.
* @type {String}
export const RECORDING_CANCELED = 'recording.canceled';
* Recording button has been clicked.
* @type {String}
export const RECORDING_CLICKED = 'recording.clicked';
* Recording has been started.
* @type {String}
export const RECORDING_STARTED = 'recording.started';
* Recording has been stopped by clicking the recording button.
* @type {String}
export const RECORDING_STOPPED = 'recording.stopped';
* Clicked on the button to kick a remote participant from the conference.
* Properties: value: 1, label: participantID
* @type {String}
export const REMOTE_VIDEO_MENU_KICK = 'remotevideomenu.kick';
* Clicked on the button to audio mute a remote participant.
* Properties: value: 1, label: participantID
* @type {String}
export const REMOTE_VIDEO_MENU_MUTE_CLICKED = 'remotevideomenu.mute.clicked';
* Confirmed the muting of a remote participant.
* Properties: value: 1, label: participantID
* @type {String}
= 'remotevideomenu.mute.confirmed';
* Clicked on the remote control option in the remote menu.
* Properties: value: 1, label: participantID
* Known full event names:
* remotevideomenu.remotecontrol.stop
* remotevideomenu.remotecontrol.start
* @type {String}
= 'remotevideomenu.remotecontrol';
* Replacing the currently used track of specified type with a new track of the
* same type. The event is fired when changing devices.
* Known full event names:
* replacetrack.audio
* replacetrack.video
* @type {String}
export const REPLACE_TRACK_ = 'replacetrack';
* The local participant failed to start receiving high quality video from
* a remote participant, which is usually initiated by the remote participant
* being put on large video.
* @type {String}
export const SELECT_PARTICIPANT_FAILED = 'selectParticipant.failed';
* The local participant began using a different audio input device (mic).
* @type {String}
export const SETTINGS_CHANGE_DEVICE_AUDIO_IN = 'settings.changeDevice.audioIn';
* The local participant began using a different audio output device (speaker).
* @type {String}
= 'settings.changeDevice.audioOut';
* The local participant began using a different camera.
* @type {String}
export const SETTINGS_CHANGE_DEVICE_VIDEO = 'settings.changeDevice.video';
* Attempted to start sharing a YouTube video but one is already being shared.
* @type {String}
export const SHARED_VIDEO_ALREADY_SHARED = 'sharedvideo.alreadyshared';
* The local participant's mic was muted automatically during a shared video.
* @type {String}
export const SHARED_VIDEO_AUDIO_MUTED = 'sharedvideo.audio.muted';
* The local participant's mic was unmuted automatically during a shared video.
* @type {String}
export const SHARED_VIDEO_AUDIO_UNMUTED = 'sharedvideo.audio.unmuted';
* Canceled the prompt to enter a YouTube video to share.
* @type {String}
export const SHARED_VIDEO_CANCELED = 'sharedvideo.canceled';
* The shared YouTube video has been paused.
* @type {String}
export const SHARED_VIDEO_PAUSED = 'sharedvideo.paused';
* Started sharing a YouTube video.
* @type {String}
export const SHARED_VIDEO_STARTED = 'sharedvideo.started';
* Confirmed stoppage of the shared YouTube video.
* @type {String}
export const SHARED_VIDEO_STOPPED = 'sharedvideo.stoped';
* The shared YouTube video had its volume change.
* @type {String}
export const SHARED_VIDEO_VOLUME_CHANGED = 'sharedvideo.volumechanged';
* Pressed the keyboard shortcut for toggling audio mute.
* @type {String}
export const SHORTCUT_AUDIO_MUTE_TOGGLED = 'shortcut.audiomute.toggled';
* Pressed the keyboard shortcut for toggling chat panel display.
* @type {String}
export const SHORTCUT_CHAT_TOGGLED = 'shortcut.chat.toggled';
* Toggled the display of the keyboard shortcuts help dialog.
* @type {String}
export const SHORTCUT_HELP = 'shortcut.shortcut.help';
* Pressed the keyboard shortcut for togglgin raise hand status.
* @type {String}
export const SHORTCUT_RAISE_HAND_CLICKED = 'shortcut.raisehand.clicked';
* Pressed the keyboard shortcut for toggling screenshare.
* @type {String}
export const SHORTCUT_SCREEN_TOGGLED = 'shortcut.screen.toggled';
* Toggled the display of the speaker stats dialog.
* @type {String}
export const SHORTCUT_SPEAKER_STATS_CLICKED = 'shortcut.speakerStats.clicked';
* Started pressing the key that undoes audio mute while the key is pressed.
* @type {String}
export const SHORTCUT_TALK_CLICKED = 'shortcut.talk.clicked';
* Released the key used to talk while audio muted, returning to the audio muted
* state.
* @type {String}
export const SHORTCUT_TALK_RELEASED = 'shortcut.talk.released';
* Toggling video mute state using a keyboard shortcut.
* @type {String}
export const SHORTCUT_VIDEO_MUTE_TOGGLED = 'shortcut.videomute.toggled';
* The config specifies the local participant should start with audio only mode
* enabled or disabled.
* Known full event names:
* startaudioonly.enabled
* startaudioonly.disabled
* @type {String}
export const START_AUDIO_ONLY_ = 'startaudioonly';
* The config specifies the local participant should start with audio mute
* enabled or disabled.
* Known full event names:
* startmuted.client.audio.muted
* startmuted.client.audio.unmuted
* @type {String}
export const START_MUTED_CLIENT_AUDIO_ = 'startmuted.client.audio';
* The config specifies the local participant should start with video mute
* enabled or disabled.
* Known full event names:
* startmuted.client.video.muted
* startmuted.client.video.unmuted
* @type {String}
export const START_MUTED_CLIENT_VIDEO_ = 'startmuted.client.video';
* The local participant has received an event from the server stating to
* start audio muted or unmuted.
* Known full event names:
* startmuted.server.audio.muted
* startmuted.server.audio.unmuted
* @type {String}
export const START_MUTED_SERVER_AUDIO_ = 'startmuted.server.audio';
* The local participant has received an event from the server stating to
* start video muted or unmuted.
* Known full event names:
* startmuted.server.video.muted
* startmuted.server.video.unmuted
* @type {String}
export const START_MUTED_SERVER_VIDEO_ = 'startmuted.server.video';
* How long it took to switch between simulcast streams.
* Properties: value
* @type {String}
export const STREAM_SWITCH_DELAY = 'stream.switch.delay';
* Automatically changing the mute state of a media track in order to match
* the current stored state in redux.
* Known full event names:
* synctrackstate.audio.muted
* synctrackstate.audio.unmuted
* synctrackstate.video.muted
* synctrackstate.video.unmuted
* @type {String}
export const SYNC_TRACK_STATE_ = 'synctrackstate';
* Clicked the toolbar button to enter audio mute state.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_AUDIO_MUTED = 'toolbar.audio.muted';
* Clicked within a toolbar menu to enable audio only.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_AUDIO_ONLY_ENABLED = 'toolbar.audioonly.enabled';
* Clicked the toolbar button to exit audio mute state.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_AUDIO_UNMUTED = 'toolbar.audio.unmuted';
* Clicked the toolbar button for toggling chat panel display.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_CHAT_TOGGLED = 'toolbar.chat.toggled';
* Clicked the toolbar button for toggling contact list panel display.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_CONTACTS_TOGGLED = 'toolbar.contacts.toggled';
* Clicked the toolbar button to toggle display of etherpad (collaborative
* document writing).
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_ETHERPACK_CLICKED = 'toolbar.etherpad.clicked';
* Pressed the keyboard shortcut to open the device selection window while in
* filmstrip only mode.
* @type {String}
= 'toolbar.fodeviceselection.toggled';
* Visibility of the filmstrip has been toggled.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_FILMSTRIP_TOGGLED = 'toolbar.filmstrip.toggled';
* Clicked the toolbar button to toggle display full screen mode.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_FULLSCREEN_ENABLED = 'toolbar.fullscreen.enabled';
* Clicked the toolbar button to leave the conference.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_HANGUP = 'toolbar.hangup';
* Clicked the toolbar button to open the invite dialog.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_INVITE_CLICKED = 'toolbar.invite.clicked';
* The invite dialog has been dismissed.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_INVITE_CLOSE = 'toolbar.invite.close';
* Clicked the toolbar button for toggling the display of the profile panel.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_PROFILE_TOGGLED = 'toolbar.profile.toggled';
* Clicked the toolbar button for toggling raise hand status.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_RAISE_HAND_CLICKED = 'toolbar.raiseHand.clicked';
* Clicked the toolbar button to stop screensharing.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_SCREEN_DISABLED = 'toolbar.screen.disabled';
* Clicked the toolbar button to start screensharing.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_SCREEN_ENABLED = 'toolbar.screen.enabled';
* Clicked the toolbar button for toggling display of the settings menu.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_SETTINGS_TOGGLED = 'toolbar.settings.toggled';
* Clicked the toolbar button for toggling a shared YouTube video.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_SHARED_VIDEO_CLICKED = 'toolbar.sharedvideo.clicked';
* Clicked the toolbar button to open the dial-out feature.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_SIP_DIALPAD_CLICKED = 'toolbar.sip.dialpad.clicked';
* In the mobile app, clicked on the toolbar button to toggle video mute.
* Known full event names:
* toolbar.video.muted
* toolbar.video.unmuted
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_VIDEO_ = 'toolbar.video';
* Clicked on the toolbar to video unmute.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_VIDEO_DISABLED = 'toolbar.video.disabled';
* Clicked on the toolbar to video mute.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_VIDEO_ENABLED = 'toolbar.video.enabled';
* Clicked within a toolbar menu to set max incoming video quality to high
* definition.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_VIDEO_QUALITY_HIGH = 'toolbar.videoquality.high';
* Clicked within a toolbar menu to set max incoming video quality to low
* definition.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_VIDEO_QUALITY_LOW = 'toolbar.videoquality.low';
* Clicked within a toolbar menu to set max incoming video quality to standard
* definition.
* @type {String}
export const TOOLBAR_VIDEO_QUALITY_STANDARD = 'toolbar.videoquality.standard';
* The local participant has unpinned a participant so the participant doesn't
* remain permanently on local large video.
* Known full event names:
* unpinned.local
* unpinned.remote
* @type {String}
export const UNPINNED_ = 'unpinned';