fix(toolbar): video quality button shows current video quality (#2761)

This commit is contained in:
virtuacoplenny 2018-04-11 13:04:40 -07:00 committed by bbaldino
parent 3285d647e6
commit 157800c494
11 changed files with 1348 additions and 992 deletions

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@ -183,3 +183,15 @@
.icon-open_in_new:before {
content: "\e89e";
.icon-AUD:before {
content: "\e900";
.icon-HD:before {
content: "\e927";
.icon-LD:before {
content: "\e928";
.icon-SD:before {
content: "\e929";

Binary file not shown.

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
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@ -63,4 +64,7 @@
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -27,7 +27,10 @@ import { RECORDING_TYPES, toggleRecording } from '../../recording';
import { toggleSharedVideo } from '../../shared-video';
import { toggleChat, toggleProfile, toggleSettings } from '../../side-panel';
import { SpeakerStats } from '../../speaker-stats';
import { VideoQualityDialog } from '../../video-quality';
import {
} from '../../video-quality';
import { setFullScreen, setToolbarHovered } from '../actions';
@ -974,12 +977,9 @@ class Toolbox extends Component<Props, State> {
key = 'profile'
onClick = { this._onToolbarToggleProfile } />,
&& <OverflowMenuItem
accessibilityLabel = 'Call quality'
icon = { 'icon-visibility' }
&& <OverflowMenuVideoQualityItem
key = 'videoquality'
onClick = { this._onToolbarOpenVideoQuality }
text = { t('toolbar.callQuality') } />,
onClick = { this._onToolbarOpenVideoQuality } />,
&& <OverflowMenuItem
accessibilityLabel = 'Full screen'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
// @flow
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { VIDEO_QUALITY_LEVELS } from '../../base/conference';
import { translate } from '../../base/i18n';
* A map of of selectable receive resolutions to corresponding icons.
* @private
* @type {Object}
* The type of the React {@code Component} props of
* {@link OverflowMenuVideoQualityItem}.
type Props = {
* Whether or not audio only mode is currently enabled.
_audioOnly: boolean,
* The currently configured maximum quality resolution to be received from
* remote participants.
_receiveVideoQuality: number,
* Callback to invoke when {@link OverflowMenuVideoQualityItem} is clicked.
onClick: Function,
* Invoked to obtain translated strings.
t: Function
* React {@code Component} responsible for displaying a button in the overflow
* menu of the toolbar, including an icon showing the currently selected
* max receive quality.
* @extends Component
class OverflowMenuVideoQualityItem extends Component<Props> {
* Implements React's {@link Component#render()}.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {ReactElement}
render() {
const { _audioOnly, _receiveVideoQuality } = this.props;
const icon = _audioOnly || !_receiveVideoQuality
? 'icon-AUD'
: VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_ICON[_receiveVideoQuality];
return (
aria-label = 'Call quality'
className = 'overflow-menu-item'
onClick = { this.props.onClick }>
<span className = 'overflow-menu-item-icon'>
<i className = { icon } />
<span className = 'profile-text'>
{ this.props.t('toolbar.callQuality') }
* Maps (parts of) the Redux state to the associated props for the
* {@code OverflowMenuVideoQualityItem} component.
* @param {Object} state - The Redux state.
* @private
* @returns {{
* _audioOnly: boolean,
* _receiveVideoQuality: number
* }}
function _mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
_audioOnly: state['features/base/conference'].audioOnly,
export default translate(

View File

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
export {
default as OverflowMenuVideoQualityItem
} from './OverflowMenuVideoQualityItem';
export { default as VideoQualityDialog } from './VideoQualityDialog';
export { default as VideoQualityLabel } from './VideoQualityLabel';