Commit from by user damencho.: 262 of 588 strings translated (0 fuzzy).

This commit is contained in:
damencho 2019-04-01 12:41:41 +00:00 committed by jitsi-pootle
parent 75daedf9ab
commit b413457a4f
2 changed files with 268 additions and 294 deletions

View File

@ -1,27 +1 @@
{ {}
"en": "",
"af": "",
"az": "",
"bg": "",
"cs": "",
"de": "",
"el": "",
"eo": "",
"es": "",
"fr": "",
"hy": "",
"it": "",
"ja": "",
"ko": "",
"nb": "",
"oc": "",
"pl": "",
"ptBR": "",
"ru": "",
"sk": "",
"sl": "",
"sv": "",
"tr": "",
"vi": "",
"zhCN": ""

View File

@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
{ {
"addPeople": { "addPeople": {
"add": "", "add": "",
"countryNotSupported": "", "countryNotSupported": "Encara no és possible usar aquesta destinació.",
"countryReminder": "", "countryReminder": "Truqueu des de fora els EUA? Assegureu-vos que comenceu b el codi de país!",
"disabled": "", "disabled": "",
"failedToAdd": "", "failedToAdd": "No s'hi ha pogut afegir cap membre",
"footerText": "", "footerText": "",
"invite": "", "invite": "",
"loading": "", "loading": "",
"loadingNumber": "", "loadingNumber": "S'està validant el número de telèfon",
"loadingPeople": "", "loadingPeople": "S'estan cercant les persones a convidar",
"noResults": "", "noResults": "No s'ha trobat cap resultat coincident",
"notAvailable": "", "notAvailable": "No podeu convidar-hi persones.",
"noValidNumbers": "", "noValidNumbers": "Introduïu un número de telèfon",
"searchNumbers": "", "searchNumbers": "Afegeix-hi números de telèfon",
"searchPeople": "", "searchPeople": "Cerca-hi persones",
"searchPeopleAndNumbers": "", "searchPeopleAndNumbers": "Cerca persones o n'afegeix els números de telèfon",
"telephone": "", "telephone": "Telèfon: __number__",
"title": "" "title": "Convida persones a aquesta reunió"
}, },
"audioDevices": { "audioDevices": {
"bluetooth": "", "bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
"headphones": "", "headphones": "Auriculars",
"phone": "", "phone": "Telèfon",
"speaker": "" "speaker": ""
}, },
"audioOnly": { "audioOnly": {
"audioOnly": "", "audioOnly": "Només l'àudio",
"featureToggleDisabled": "" "featureToggleDisabled": ""
}, },
"calendarSync": { "calendarSync": {
"addMeetingURL": "", "addMeetingURL": "Afegeix un enllaç de reunió",
"confirmAddLink": "", "confirmAddLink": "",
"confirmAddLinkTitle": "", "confirmAddLinkTitle": "",
"error": { "error": {
"appConfiguration": "", "appConfiguration": "La integració de l'agenda no està configurada correctament.",
"generic": "", "generic": "S'ha produït un error. Comproveu la configuració de l'agenda o intenteu d'actualitzar-la.",
"notSignedIn": "" "notSignedIn": ""
}, },
"join": "", "join": "Afegeix-m'hi",
"joinTooltip": "", "joinTooltip": "Uniu-vos a la reunió",
"nextMeeting": "", "nextMeeting": "reunió següent",
"noEvents": "", "noEvents": "No hi ha cap esdeveniment previst a l'agenda.",
"ongoingMeeting": "", "ongoingMeeting": "reunió en curs",
"permissionButton": "", "permissionButton": "Obre la configuració",
"permissionMessage": "", "permissionMessage": "",
"refresh": "", "refresh": "Actualitza l'agenda",
"today": "" "today": ""
}, },
"chat": { "chat": {
"error": "", "error": "",
"messagebox": "", "messagebox": "Introduïu text...",
"nickname": { "nickname": {
"popover": "", "popover": "Trieu un sobrenom",
"title": "" "title": "Introduïu un sobrenom per a usar el xat"
}, },
"title": "" "title": "Xat"
}, },
"connection": { "connection": {
"ATTACHED": "", "ATTACHED": "Adjunt",
"AUTHENTICATING": "", "AUTHENTICATING": "S'està autenticant",
"CONNFAIL": "", "CONNFAIL": "La connexió ha fallat",
"DISCONNECTING": "", "DISCONNECTING": "S'està desconnectant",
"ERROR": "", "ERROR": "",
"RECONNECTING": "" "RECONNECTING": "S'ha produït un problema de xarxa. S'esta tornant a connectar..."
}, },
"connectionindicator": { "connectionindicator": {
"address": "", "address": "Adreça:",
"bandwidth": "", "bandwidth": "Ample de banda estimat:",
"bitrate": "", "bitrate": "",
"bridgeCount": "", "bridgeCount": "Nombre de servidors: ",
"connectedTo": "", "connectedTo": "Connectat a:",
"framerate": "", "framerate": "",
"header": "", "header": "Dades de connexió",
"less": "", "less": "Menys informació",
"localaddress": "", "localaddress": "Adreça local:",
"localaddress_plural": "", "localaddress_plural": "Adreces locals:",
"localport": "", "localport": "Port local:",
"localport_plural": "", "localport_plural": "Ports locals:",
"more": "", "more": "Més informació",
"na": "", "na": "",
"packetloss": "", "packetloss": "Pèrdua de paquets:",
"quality": { "quality": {
"good": "", "good": "",
"inactive": "", "inactive": "Inactiva",
"lost": "", "lost": "Perduda",
"nonoptimal": "", "nonoptimal": "No òptima",
"poor": "" "poor": "Pobra"
}, },
"remoteaddress": "", "remoteaddress": "Adreça remota:",
"remoteaddress_plural": "", "remoteaddress_plural": "Adreces remotes:",
"remoteport": "", "remoteport": "Port remot:",
"remoteport_plural": "", "remoteport_plural": "Ports remots:",
"resolution": "", "resolution": "Resolució:",
"status": "", "status": "Connexió:",
"transport": "", "transport": "Transport:",
"transport_plural": "", "transport_plural": "Transports:",
"turn": "" "turn": " (torn)"
}, },
"contactlist_plural": "", "contactlist_plural": "__count__ membres",
"dateUtils": { "dateUtils": {
"earlier": "", "earlier": "",
"today": "", "today": "Avui",
"yesterday": "" "yesterday": "Ahir"
}, },
"deepLinking": { "deepLinking": {
"appNotInstalled": "", "appNotInstalled": "",
"description": "", "description": "No ha passat res? Hem intentat iniciar la reunió en l'aplicació d'escriptori _app_. Torneu a intentar-ho en l'aplicació web _app_.",
"downloadApp": "", "downloadApp": "Baixa l'aplicació",
"launchWebButton": "", "launchWebButton": "Inicia al web",
"openApp": "", "openApp": "Continua en l'aplicació",
"title": "", "title": "S'està iniciant la reunió en _app_....",
"tryAgainButton": "" "tryAgainButton": "Torna-ho a intentar en l'escriptori"
}, },
"defaultLink": "", "defaultLink": "p. ex. __url__",
"defaultNickname": "", "defaultNickname": "p. ex. Pere Cullera",
"deviceError": { "deviceError": {
"cameraError": "", "cameraError": "No s'ha pogut accedir a la càmera",
"cameraPermission": "", "cameraPermission": "",
"microphoneError": "", "microphoneError": "",
"microphonePermission": "" "microphonePermission": ""
}, },
"deviceSelection": { "deviceSelection": {
"deviceSettings": "", "deviceSettings": "Configuració de l'aparell",
"noPermission": "", "noPermission": "",
"previewUnavailable": "", "previewUnavailable": "",
"selectADevice": "", "selectADevice": "Seleccioneu un aparell",
"testAudio": "" "testAudio": "Reprodueix un so de prova"
}, },
"dialog": { "dialog": {
"accessibilityLabel": { "accessibilityLabel": {
"liveStreaming": "" "liveStreaming": "Transmissió en directe"
}, },
"allow": "", "allow": "Permet",
"alreadySharedVideoMsg": "", "alreadySharedVideoMsg": "Un altre membre ja està compartint un vídeo. Aquesta conferència només permet un vídeo compartit a la vegada.",
"alreadySharedVideoTitle": "", "alreadySharedVideoTitle": "Només es permet un vídeo compartit a la vegada",
"applicationWindow": "", "applicationWindow": "Finestra de l'aplicació",
"Back": "", "Back": "Enrere",
"cameraConstraintFailedError": "", "cameraConstraintFailedError": "La càmera no satisfà algun dels requeriments.",
"cameraNotFoundError": "", "cameraNotFoundError": "",
"cameraNotSendingData": "", "cameraNotSendingData": "No podem accedir a la càmera. Comproveu si alguna altra aplicació l'està usant, seleccioneu un altre aparell al menú de configuració o intenteu de recarregar l'aplicació.",
"cameraNotSendingDataTitle": "", "cameraNotSendingDataTitle": "",
"cameraPermissionDeniedError": "", "cameraPermissionDeniedError": "",
"cameraUnknownError": "", "cameraUnknownError": "",
"cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "", "cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "",
"Cancel": "", "Cancel": "Cancel·la",
"close": "", "close": "Tanca",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "", "conferenceDisconnectMsg": "",
"conferenceDisconnectTitle": "", "conferenceDisconnectTitle": "",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "", "conferenceReloadMsg": "Estem intentat de corregir-ho. Tornem a connectar en __seconds__ segons...",
"conferenceReloadTitle": "", "conferenceReloadTitle": "Malauradament, alguna cosa no ha anat bé.",
"confirm": "", "confirm": "Confirmo",
"confirmNo": "", "confirmNo": "",
"confirmYes": "", "confirmYes": "",
"connectError": "", "connectError": "Vaja! Alguna cosa no ha anat bé i no podem connectar a la conferència.",
"connectErrorWithMsg": "", "connectErrorWithMsg": "Vaja! Alguna cosa no ha anat bé i no podem connectar a la conferència: _msg_",
"connecting": "", "connecting": "S'està connectant",
"contactSupport": "", "contactSupport": "Contacte amb l'assistència",
"copy": "", "copy": "Copia",
"currentPassword": "", "currentPassword": "La contrasenya actual és",
"defaultError": "", "defaultError": "S'ha produït algun tipus d'error",
"detectext": "", "detectext": "S'ha produït un error en intentar detectar l'extensió de compartició d'escriptori.",
"dismiss": "", "dismiss": "",
"displayNameRequired": "", "displayNameRequired": "",
"done": "", "done": "",
"doNotShowMessageAgain": "", "doNotShowMessageAgain": "",
"enterDisplayName": "", "enterDisplayName": "",
"error": "", "error": "Error",
"externalInstallationMsg": "", "externalInstallationMsg": "",
"externalInstallationTitle": "", "externalInstallationTitle": "",
"failedpermissions": "", "failedpermissions": "",
"feedbackHelp": "", "feedbackHelp": "Els vostres comentaris ens ajuden a millorar la nostra experiència de vídeo.",
"feedbackQuestion": "", "feedbackQuestion": "",
"goToStore": "", "goToStore": "",
"gracefulShutdown": "", "gracefulShutdown": "",
"hungUp": "", "hungUp": "Heu penjat",
"IamHost": "", "IamHost": "Sóc l'amfitrió",
"incorrectPassword": "", "incorrectPassword": "El nom o la contrasenya no són correctes",
"inlineInstallationMsg": "", "inlineInstallationMsg": "",
"inlineInstallExtension": "", "inlineInstallExtension": "Instal·la-ho ara",
"internalError": "", "internalError": "",
"internalErrorTitle": "", "internalErrorTitle": "",
"joinAgain": "", "joinAgain": "",
@ -194,38 +194,38 @@
"liveStreaming": "", "liveStreaming": "",
"liveStreamingDisabledForGuestTooltip": "", "liveStreamingDisabledForGuestTooltip": "",
"liveStreamingDisabledTooltip": "", "liveStreamingDisabledTooltip": "",
"lockMessage": "", "lockMessage": "No s'ha pogut blocar la conferència.",
"lockRoom": "", "lockRoom": "Bloca la sala",
"lockTitle": "", "lockTitle": "El bloqueig ha fallat",
"logoutQuestion": "", "logoutQuestion": "Esteu segur de voler tancar la sessió i aturar la conferència?",
"logoutTitle": "", "logoutTitle": "",
"maxUsersLimitReached": "", "maxUsersLimitReached": "",
"maxUsersLimitReachedTitle": "", "maxUsersLimitReachedTitle": "",
"micConstraintFailedError": "", "micConstraintFailedError": "",
"micNotFoundError": "", "micNotFoundError": "No s'ha trobat cap micròfon.",
"micNotSendingData": "", "micNotSendingData": "No podem accedir al micròfon. Seleccioneu un altre aparell al menú de configuració o intenteu de recarregar l'aplicació.",
"micNotSendingDataTitle": "", "micNotSendingDataTitle": "",
"micPermissionDeniedError": "", "micPermissionDeniedError": "",
"micUnknownError": "", "micUnknownError": "",
"muteParticipantBody": "", "muteParticipantBody": "",
"muteParticipantButton": "", "muteParticipantButton": "",
"muteParticipantDialog": "", "muteParticipantDialog": "",
"muteParticipantTitle": "", "muteParticipantTitle": "Voleu silenciar aquest membre?",
"Ok": "", "Ok": "",
"oops": "", "oops": "Vaja!",
"password": "", "password": "Introduïu una contrasenya",
"passwordError": "", "passwordError": "",
"passwordError2": "", "passwordError2": "",
"passwordErrorTitle": "", "passwordErrorTitle": "",
"passwordLabel": "", "passwordLabel": "Contrasenya",
"passwordNotSupported": "", "passwordNotSupported": "",
"passwordNotSupportedTitle": "", "passwordNotSupportedTitle": "",
"passwordRequired": "", "passwordRequired": "",
"permissionDenied": "", "permissionDenied": "S'ha denegat el permís",
"popupError": "", "popupError": "El vostre navegador bloca les finestres emergents d'aquest lloc. Habiliteu les finestres emergents a la configuració de seguretat del navegador i torneu-ho a intentar.",
"popupErrorTitle": "", "popupErrorTitle": "Finestres emergents blocades",
"recording": "", "recording": "",
"recordingDisabledForGuestTooltip": "", "recordingDisabledForGuestTooltip": "Els convidats no poden iniciar enregistraments.",
"recordingDisabledTooltip": "", "recordingDisabledTooltip": "",
"recordingToken": "", "recordingToken": "",
"rejoinNow": "", "rejoinNow": "",
@ -233,9 +233,9 @@
"remoteControlDeniedMessage": "", "remoteControlDeniedMessage": "",
"remoteControlErrorMessage": "", "remoteControlErrorMessage": "",
"remoteControlRequestMessage": "", "remoteControlRequestMessage": "",
"remoteControlShareScreenWarning": "", "remoteControlShareScreenWarning": "Tingueu present que si pitgeu \"Permet\" compartireu la vostra pantalla!",
"remoteControlStopMessage": "", "remoteControlStopMessage": "",
"remoteControlTitle": "", "remoteControlTitle": "Control d'escriptori remot",
"Remove": "", "Remove": "",
"removePassword": "", "removePassword": "",
"removeSharedVideoMsg": "", "removeSharedVideoMsg": "",
@ -249,19 +249,19 @@
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedError": "", "screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedError": "",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedTitle": "", "screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedTitle": "",
"screenSharingPermissionDeniedError": "", "screenSharingPermissionDeniedError": "",
"serviceUnavailable": "", "serviceUnavailable": "El servei no és disponible",
"sessTerminated": "", "sessTerminated": "La trucada ha finalitzat",
"Share": "", "Share": "",
"shareVideoLinkError": "", "shareVideoLinkError": "Proporcioneu un enllaç de YouTube correcte.",
"shareVideoTitle": "", "shareVideoTitle": "Comparteix un vídeo",
"shareYourScreen": "", "shareYourScreen": "Comparteix la pantalla",
"shareYourScreenDisabled": "", "shareYourScreenDisabled": "",
"shareYourScreenDisabledForGuest": "", "shareYourScreenDisabledForGuest": "Els convidats no poden compartir la pantalla.",
"SLDFailure": "", "SLDFailure": "",
"sorryFeedback": "", "sorryFeedback": "",
"SRDFailure": "", "SRDFailure": "",
"startLiveStreaming": "", "startLiveStreaming": "Inicia la transmissió en directe",
"startRecording": "", "startRecording": "Inicia l'enregistrament",
"startRemoteControlErrorMessage": "", "startRemoteControlErrorMessage": "",
"stopLiveStreaming": "", "stopLiveStreaming": "",
"stopRecording": "", "stopRecording": "",
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
"thankYou": "", "thankYou": "",
"token": "", "token": "",
"tokenAuthFailed": "", "tokenAuthFailed": "",
"tokenAuthFailedTitle": "", "tokenAuthFailedTitle": "L'autenticació ha fallat",
"transcribing": "", "transcribing": "",
"unableToSwitch": "", "unableToSwitch": "",
"unlockRoom": "", "unlockRoom": "",
@ -332,15 +332,15 @@
"noRoom": "", "noRoom": "",
"numbers": "", "numbers": "",
"password": "", "password": "",
"title": "", "title": "Comparteix",
"tooltip": "", "tooltip": "",
"label": "" "label": ""
}, },
"inviteDialog": { "inviteDialog": {
"alertOk": "", "alertOk": "D'acord",
"alertText": "", "alertText": "",
"alertTitle": "", "alertTitle": "",
"header": "", "header": "Convida",
"searchCallOnlyPlaceholder": "", "searchCallOnlyPlaceholder": "",
"searchPeopleOnlyPlaceholder": "", "searchPeopleOnlyPlaceholder": "",
"searchPlaceholder": "", "searchPlaceholder": "",
@ -395,19 +395,19 @@
"signInCTA": "", "signInCTA": "",
"signOut": "", "signOut": "",
"start": "", "start": "",
"streamIdHelp": "", "streamIdHelp": "Què és això?",
"unavailableTitle": "" "unavailableTitle": ""
}, },
"localRecording": { "localRecording": {
"clientState": { "clientState": {
"off": "", "off": "Inactiu",
"on": "", "on": "Actiu",
"unknown": "" "unknown": "Desconegut"
}, },
"dialogTitle": "", "dialogTitle": "Controls d'enregistrament local",
"duration": "", "duration": "Durada",
"durationNA": "", "durationNA": "N/D",
"encoding": "", "encoding": "Codificació",
"label": "", "label": "",
"labelToolTip": "", "labelToolTip": "",
"localRecording": "", "localRecording": "",
@ -416,49 +416,49 @@
"engaged": "", "engaged": "",
"finished": "", "finished": "",
"finishedModerator": "", "finishedModerator": "",
"notModerator": "" "notModerator": "No sou el moderador. No podeu iniciar ni aturar un enregistrament local."
}, },
"moderator": "", "moderator": "",
"no": "", "no": "No",
"participant": "", "participant": "",
"participantStats": "", "participantStats": "",
"sessionToken": "", "sessionToken": "",
"start": "", "start": "",
"stop": "", "stop": "",
"yes": "" "yes": ""
}, },
"me": "", "me": "",
"notify": { "notify": {
"connectedOneMember": "", "connectedOneMember": "",
"connectedThreePlusMembers": "", "connectedThreePlusMembers": "",
"connectedTwoMembers": "", "connectedTwoMembers": "",
"disconnected": "", "disconnected": "desconnectat",
"focus": "", "focus": "",
"focusFail": "", "focusFail": "",
"grantedTo": "", "grantedTo": "",
"me": "", "me": "Jo",
"moderator": "", "moderator": "",
"muted": "", "muted": "Heu iniciat una conversa silenciada.",
"mutedTitle": "", "mutedTitle": "Esteu silenciat!",
"raisedHand": "", "raisedHand": "Vull parlar.",
"somebody": "", "somebody": "Algú",
"suboptimalExperienceDescription": "", "suboptimalExperienceDescription": "",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "" "suboptimalExperienceTitle": ""
}, },
"passwordSetRemotely": "", "passwordSetRemotely": "",
"poweredby": "", "poweredby": "",
"presenceStatus": { "presenceStatus": {
"busy": "", "busy": "Ocupat",
"calling": "", "calling": "",
"connected": "", "connected": "Connectat",
"connecting": "", "connecting": "Està connectant...",
"connecting2": "", "connecting2": "Està connectant*...",
"disconnected": "", "disconnected": "Desconnectat",
"expired": "", "expired": "",
"ignored": "", "ignored": "Ignorat",
"initializingCall": "", "initializingCall": "S'està inicialitzant la trucada...",
"invited": "", "invited": "Convidat",
"rejected": "", "rejected": "Rebutjat",
"ringing": "" "ringing": ""
}, },
"profile": { "profile": {
@ -467,18 +467,18 @@
"setEmailLabel": "", "setEmailLabel": "",
"title": "" "title": ""
}, },
"raisedHand": "", "raisedHand": "Vull parlar",
"recentList": { "recentList": {
"joinPastMeeting": "" "joinPastMeeting": ""
}, },
"recording": { "recording": {
"authDropboxText": "", "authDropboxText": "Puja a Dropbox",
"availableSpace": "", "availableSpace": "",
"beta": "", "beta": "BETA",
"busy": "", "busy": "",
"busyTitle": "", "busyTitle": "",
"buttonTooltip": "", "buttonTooltip": "Inicia o atura l'enregistrament",
"error": "", "error": "L'enregistrament ha fallat. Torneu-ho a intentar més tard.",
"expandedOff": "", "expandedOff": "",
"expandedOn": "", "expandedOn": "",
"expandedPending": "", "expandedPending": "",
@ -486,16 +486,16 @@
"live": "", "live": "",
"loggedIn": "", "loggedIn": "",
"off": "", "off": "",
"on": "", "on": "Enregistrament",
"pending": "", "pending": "S'està preparant per a enregistrar la reunió...",
"rec": "", "rec": "ENREG",
"serviceDescription": "", "serviceDescription": "",
"serviceName": "", "serviceName": "Servei d'enregistrament",
"signIn": "", "signIn": "Inicia sessió",
"signOut": "", "signOut": "Tanca la sessió",
"startRecordingBody": "", "startRecordingBody": "Esteu segur de voler iniciar l'enregistrament?",
"unavailable": "", "unavailable": "",
"unavailableTitle": "" "unavailableTitle": "L'enregistrament no és disponible"
}, },
"sectionList": { "sectionList": {
"pullToRefresh": "" "pullToRefresh": ""
@ -509,17 +509,17 @@
"signedIn": "", "signedIn": "",
"title": "" "title": ""
}, },
"cameraAndMic": "", "cameraAndMic": "Càmera i micròfon",
"devices": "", "devices": "Aparells",
"followMe": "", "followMe": "Tothom em segueix",
"language": "", "language": "Llengua",
"loggedIn": "", "loggedIn": "",
"moderator": "", "moderator": "",
"more": "", "more": "Més",
"name": "", "name": "",
"noDevice": "", "noDevice": "",
"password": "", "password": "",
"selectAudioOutput": "", "selectAudioOutput": "Sortida d'àudio",
"selectCamera": "", "selectCamera": "",
"selectMic": "", "selectMic": "",
"startAudioMuted": "", "startAudioMuted": "",
@ -528,27 +528,27 @@
"update": "" "update": ""
}, },
"settingsView": { "settingsView": {
"alertOk": "", "alertOk": "D'acord",
"alertTitle": "", "alertTitle": "",
"alertURLText": "", "alertURLText": "L'URL introduït no és vàlid",
"conferenceSection": "", "conferenceSection": "Conferència",
"displayName": "", "displayName": "Nom visible",
"email": "", "email": "Adreça electrònica",
"header": "", "header": "",
"profileSection": "", "profileSection": "",
"serverURL": "", "serverURL": "URL del servidor",
"startWithAudioMuted": "", "startWithAudioMuted": "Inicia amb l'àudio silenciat",
"startWithVideoMuted": "" "startWithVideoMuted": "Inicia amb el vídeo silenciat"
}, },
"share": { "share": {
"dialInfoText": "", "dialInfoText": "",
"mainText": "" "mainText": ""
}, },
"speaker": "", "speaker": "Altaveu",
"speakerStats": { "speakerStats": {
"hours": "", "hours": "",
"minutes": "", "minutes": "",
"name": "", "name": "Nom",
"seconds": "", "seconds": "",
"speakerStats": "", "speakerStats": "",
"speakerTime": "" "speakerTime": ""
@ -564,29 +564,29 @@
}, },
"toolbar": { "toolbar": {
"accessibilityLabel": { "accessibilityLabel": {
"audioOnly": "", "audioOnly": "Canvia només l'àudio",
"audioRoute": "", "audioRoute": "",
"callQuality": "", "callQuality": "",
"cc": "", "cc": "Canvia l'estat dels subtítols",
"chat": "", "chat": "Canvia l'estat de la finestra de xats",
"document": "", "document": "Canvia el document compartit",
"feedback": "", "feedback": "",
"fullScreen": "", "fullScreen": "Activa o desactiva la pantalla completa",
"hangup": "", "hangup": "Abandona la trucada",
"invite": "", "invite": "",
"kick": "", "kick": "",
"localRecording": "", "localRecording": "Activa o desactiva les controls d'enregistrament local",
"lockRoom": "", "lockRoom": "Activa o desactiva el bloqueig de la sala",
"moreActions": "", "moreActions": "Canvia el menú d'accions addicionals",
"moreActionsMenu": "", "moreActionsMenu": "Menú d'accions addicionals",
"mute": "", "mute": "Activa o desactiva el silenci de l'àudio",
"pip": "", "pip": "",
"profile": "", "profile": "",
"raiseHand": "", "raiseHand": "Aixeca o abaixa la mà",
"recording": "", "recording": "Activa o desactiva l'enregistrament",
"remoteMute": "", "remoteMute": "Silencia el participant",
"Settings": "", "Settings": "Canvia la configuració",
"sharedvideo": "", "sharedvideo": "Activa o desactiva la compartició de vídeo",
"shareRoom": "", "shareRoom": "",
"shareYourScreen": "", "shareYourScreen": "",
"shortcuts": "", "shortcuts": "",
@ -595,62 +595,62 @@
"toggleCamera": "", "toggleCamera": "",
"videomute": "" "videomute": ""
}, },
"addPeople": "", "addPeople": "Afegeix persones a la trucada",
"audioonly": "", "audioonly": "Activa o desactiva el mode de només àudio",
"audioOnlyOff": "", "audioOnlyOff": "Desactiva el mode de només àudio",
"audioOnlyOn": "", "audioOnlyOn": "Activa el mode de només àudio",
"audioRoute": "", "audioRoute": "Seleccioneu l'aparell de so",
"authenticate": "", "authenticate": "Autentica",
"callQuality": "", "callQuality": "Gestiona la qualitat de la trucada",
"cameraDisabled": "", "cameraDisabled": "La càmera no és disponible",
"chat": "", "chat": "Obre o tanca el xat",
"closeChat": "", "closeChat": "Tanca el xat",
"documentClose": "", "documentClose": "Tanca el document compartit",
"documentOpen": "", "documentOpen": "Obre el document compartit",
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"enterTileView": "", "enterTileView": "",
"etherpad": "", "etherpad": "Obre o tanca el document compartit",
"exitFullScreen": "", "exitFullScreen": "Surt de la pantalla completa",
"exitTileView": "", "exitTileView": "",
"feedback": "", "feedback": "Deixa comentaris",
"filmstrip": "", "filmstrip": "Mostra o amaga vídeos",
"fullscreen": "", "fullscreen": "",
"hangup": "", "hangup": "Surt",
"invite": "", "invite": "Convida-hi persones",
"lock": "", "lock": "",
"login": "", "login": "",
"logout": "", "logout": "Tanca la sessió",
"lowerYourHand": "", "lowerYourHand": "",
"micDisabled": "", "micDisabled": "",
"micMutedPopup": "", "micMutedPopup": "",
"moreActions": "", "moreActions": "Accions addionals",
"mute": "", "mute": "",
"openChat": "", "openChat": "Obre el xat",
"pip": "", "pip": "",
"profile": "", "profile": "Edita el perfil",
"raiseHand": "", "raiseHand": "Aixeca o abaixa la mà",
"raiseYourHand": "", "raiseYourHand": "Aixeca la mà",
"Settings": "", "Settings": "Configuració",
"sharedvideo": "", "sharedvideo": "Comparteix un vídeo de YouTube",
"sharedVideoMutedPopup": "", "sharedVideoMutedPopup": "",
"shareRoom": "", "shareRoom": "Convida-hi algú",
"shortcuts": "", "shortcuts": "Mostra les dreceres",
"sip": "", "sip": "",
"speakerStats": "", "speakerStats": "Estadístiques de l'interlocutor",
"startScreenSharing": "", "startScreenSharing": "",
"startSubtitles": "", "startSubtitles": "Inicia els subtítols",
"stopScreenSharing": "", "stopScreenSharing": "Atura la compartició de la pantalla",
"stopSubtitles": "", "stopSubtitles": "Atura els subtítols",
"stopSharedVideo": "", "stopSharedVideo": "Atura el vídeo de YouTube",
"talkWhileMutedPopup": "", "talkWhileMutedPopup": "Intenteu parlar? Esteu silenciat.",
"tileViewToggle": "", "tileViewToggle": "",
"toggleCamera": "", "toggleCamera": "",
"unableToUnmutePopup": "", "unableToUnmutePopup": "",
"videomute": "" "videomute": "Inicia o atura la càmera"
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"transcribing": { "transcribing": {
"ccButtonTooltip": "", "ccButtonTooltip": "Inicia o atura els subtítols",
"error": "", "error": "La transcripció ha fallat. Torneu-ho a intentar més tard.",
"expandedLabel": "", "expandedLabel": "",
"failedToStart": "", "failedToStart": "",
"labelToolTip": "", "labelToolTip": "",
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@
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"userMedia": { "userMedia": {
"androidGrantPermissions": "", "androidGrantPermissions": "",
@ -681,27 +681,27 @@
"errorInviteFailedTitle": "", "errorInviteFailedTitle": "",
"errorInviteTitle": "", "errorInviteTitle": "",
"pending": "", "pending": "",
"serviceName": "", "serviceName": "Servei de sales",
"unavailableTitle": "" "unavailableTitle": ""
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"hdTooltip": "", "hdTooltip": "",
"highDefinition": "", "highDefinition": "Alta definició",
"labelTooiltipNoVideo": "", "labelTooiltipNoVideo": "No hi ha vídeo",
"labelTooltipAudioOnly": "", "labelTooltipAudioOnly": "",
"labelTooltipVideo": "", "labelTooltipVideo": "Qualitat de vídeo actual",
"ld": "", "ld": "LD",
"ldTooltip": "", "ldTooltip": "",
"lowDefinition": "", "lowDefinition": "Baixa definició",
"onlyAudioAvailable": "", "onlyAudioAvailable": "Només hi ha disponible l'àudio",
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"qualityButtonTip": "", "qualityButtonTip": "Canvia la qualitat de vídeo rebut",
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"sdTooltip": "", "sdTooltip": "",
@ -711,36 +711,36 @@
"domute": "", "domute": "",
"flip": "", "flip": "",
"kick": "", "kick": "",
"moderator": "", "moderator": "Moderador",
"mute": "", "mute": "El membre està silenciat",
"muted": "", "muted": "Silenciat",
"remoteControl": "", "remoteControl": "Control remot",
"videomute": "" "videomute": "El membre ha aturat la càmera"
}, },
"welcomepage": { "welcomepage": {
"accessibilityLabel": { "accessibilityLabel": {
"join": "", "join": "Toqueu per a unir-vos-hi",
"roomname": "" "roomname": ""
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"appDescription": "", "appDescription": "",
"audioVideoSwitch": { "audioVideoSwitch": {
"audio": "", "audio": "Veu",
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"connectCalendarButton": "", "connectCalendarButton": "",
"connectCalendarText": "", "connectCalendarText": "",
"enterRoomTitle": "", "enterRoomTitle": "Inicia una reunió nova",
"go": "", "go": "",
"join": "", "join": "",
"privacy": "", "privacy": "Privadesa",
"recentList": "", "recentList": "Recents",
"recentListDelete": "", "recentListDelete": "Suprimeix",
"recentListEmpty": "", "recentListEmpty": "",
"roomname": "", "roomname": "Introduïu el nom de la sala",
"roomnameHint": "", "roomnameHint": "",
"sendFeedback": "", "sendFeedback": "",
"terms": "", "terms": "Condicions",
"title": "" "title": "Videoconferència segura, plena de funcionalitats i completament gratuïta i lliure"
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