code cleanup

This commit is contained in:
isymchych 2015-12-11 18:16:07 +02:00
parent de9d991f98
commit cb522eadd8
2 changed files with 144 additions and 151 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
/* global APP, interfaceConfig, $ */
/* jshint -W101 */
import CanvasUtil from './CanvasUtils';
var ASDrawContext = null;
const LOCAL_LEVEL = 'local';
let ASDrawContext = null;
let audioLevelCanvasCache = {};
function initActiveSpeakerAudioLevels() {
var ASRadius = interfaceConfig.ACTIVE_SPEAKER_AVATAR_SIZE / 2;
var ASCenter = (interfaceConfig.ACTIVE_SPEAKER_AVATAR_SIZE + ASRadius) / 2;
let ASRadius = interfaceConfig.ACTIVE_SPEAKER_AVATAR_SIZE / 2;
let ASCenter = (interfaceConfig.ACTIVE_SPEAKER_AVATAR_SIZE + ASRadius) / 2;
// Draw a circle.
ASDrawContext.arc(ASCenter, ASCenter, ASRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
@ -18,136 +22,20 @@ function initActiveSpeakerAudioLevels() {
* The audio Levels plugin.
var AudioLevels = (function(my) {
var audioLevelCanvasCache = {};
my.LOCAL_LEVEL = 'local';
my.init = function () {
ASDrawContext = $('#activeSpeakerAudioLevel')[0].getContext('2d');
* Updates the audio level canvas for the given id. If the canvas
* didn't exist we create it.
my.updateAudioLevelCanvas = function (id, VideoLayout) {
let videoSpanId = 'localVideoContainer';
if (id) {
videoSpanId = `participant_${id}`;
let videoSpan = document.getElementById(videoSpanId);
if (!videoSpan) {
if (id) {
console.error("No video element for id", id);
} else {
console.error("No video element for local video.");
let audioLevelCanvas = $(`#${videoSpanId}>canvas`);
let videoSpaceWidth = $('#remoteVideos').width();
let thumbnailSize = VideoLayout.calculateThumbnailSize(videoSpaceWidth);
let thumbnailWidth = thumbnailSize[0];
let thumbnailHeight = thumbnailSize[1];
if (!audioLevelCanvas || audioLevelCanvas.length === 0) {
audioLevelCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
audioLevelCanvas.className = "audiolevel"; = `-${interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA/2}px`; = `-${interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA/2}px`;
resizeAudioLevelCanvas(audioLevelCanvas, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight);
} else {
audioLevelCanvas = audioLevelCanvas.get(0);
resizeAudioLevelCanvas(audioLevelCanvas, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight);
* Updates the audio level UI for the given id.
* @param id id of the user for whom we draw the audio level
* @param audioLevel the newAudio level to render
my.updateAudioLevel = function (id, audioLevel, largeVideoId) {
drawAudioLevelCanvas(id, audioLevel);
let videoSpanId = getVideoSpanId(id);
let audioLevelCanvas = $(`#${videoSpanId}>canvas`).get(0);
if (!audioLevelCanvas) {
let drawContext = audioLevelCanvas.getContext('2d');
let canvasCache = audioLevelCanvasCache[id];
0, 0, audioLevelCanvas.width, audioLevelCanvas.height
drawContext.drawImage(canvasCache, 0, 0);
if (id === AudioLevels.LOCAL_LEVEL) {
id = APP.conference.localId;
if (!id) {
if(id === largeVideoId) {
window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
my.updateActiveSpeakerAudioLevel = function(audioLevel) {
if($("#activeSpeaker").css("visibility") == "hidden" || ASDrawContext === null) {
ASDrawContext.clearRect(0, 0, 300, 300);
if (!audioLevel) {
ASDrawContext.shadowBlur = getShadowLevel(audioLevel);
// Fill the shape.
* Resizes the given audio level canvas to match the given thumbnail size.
function resizeAudioLevelCanvas(audioLevelCanvas,
thumbnailHeight) {
function resizeAudioLevelCanvas(audioLevelCanvas, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight) {
audioLevelCanvas.width = thumbnailWidth + interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA;
audioLevelCanvas.height = thumbnailHeight + interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA;
* Draws the audio level canvas into the cached canvas object.
* @param id of the user for whom we draw the audio level
* @param audioLevel the newAudio level to render
function drawAudioLevelCanvas(id, audioLevel) {
function drawAudioLevelCanvas(id, audioLevel) {
if (!audioLevelCanvasCache[id]) {
let videoSpanId = getVideoSpanId(id);
@ -187,50 +75,51 @@ var AudioLevels = (function(my) {
* Returns the shadow/glow level for the given audio level.
* @param audioLevel the audio level from which we determine the shadow
* level
function getShadowLevel (audioLevel) {
var shadowLevel = 0;
function getShadowLevel (audioLevel) {
let shadowLevel = 0;
if (audioLevel <= 0.3) {
shadowLevel = Math.round(interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA/2*(audioLevel/0.3));
else if (audioLevel <= 0.6) {
} else if (audioLevel <= 0.6) {
shadowLevel = Math.round(interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA/2*((audioLevel - 0.3) / 0.3));
else {
} else {
shadowLevel = Math.round(interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA/2*((audioLevel - 0.6) / 0.4));
return shadowLevel;
return shadowLevel;
* Returns the video span id corresponding to the given user id
function getVideoSpanId(id) {
var videoSpanId = null;
if (id === AudioLevels.LOCAL_LEVEL || APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) {
function getVideoSpanId(id) {
let videoSpanId = null;
if (id === LOCAL_LEVEL || APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) {
videoSpanId = 'localVideoContainer';
} else {
videoSpanId = `participant_${id}`;
return videoSpanId;
* Indicates that the remote video has been resized.
$(document).bind('remotevideo.resized', function (event, width, height) {
var resized = false;
$(document).bind('remotevideo.resized', function (event, width, height) {
let resized = false;
$('#remoteVideos>span>canvas').each(function() {
var canvas = $(this).get(0);
let canvas = $(this).get(0);
if (canvas.width !== width + interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA) {
canvas.width = width + interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA;
resized = true;
@ -244,16 +133,123 @@ var AudioLevels = (function(my) {
if (resized) {
Object.keys(audioLevelCanvasCache).forEach(function (id) {
audioLevelCanvasCache[id].width =
width + interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA;
audioLevelCanvasCache[id].height =
height + interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA;
audioLevelCanvasCache[id].width = width + interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA;
audioLevelCanvasCache[id].height = height + interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA;
* The audio Levels plugin.
const AudioLevels = {
init () {
ASDrawContext = $('#activeSpeakerAudioLevel')[0].getContext('2d');
* Updates the audio level canvas for the given id. If the canvas
* didn't exist we create it.
updateAudioLevelCanvas (id, VideoLayout) {
let videoSpanId = 'localVideoContainer';
if (id) {
videoSpanId = `participant_${id}`;
let videoSpan = document.getElementById(videoSpanId);
if (!videoSpan) {
if (id) {
console.error("No video element for id", id);
} else {
console.error("No video element for local video.");
let audioLevelCanvas = $(`#${videoSpanId}>canvas`);
let videoSpaceWidth = $('#remoteVideos').width();
let thumbnailSize = VideoLayout.calculateThumbnailSize(videoSpaceWidth);
let thumbnailWidth = thumbnailSize[0];
let thumbnailHeight = thumbnailSize[1];
if (!audioLevelCanvas || audioLevelCanvas.length === 0) {
audioLevelCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
audioLevelCanvas.className = "audiolevel"; = `-${interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA/2}px`; = `-${interfaceConfig.CANVAS_EXTRA/2}px`;
resizeAudioLevelCanvas(audioLevelCanvas, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight);
} else {
audioLevelCanvas = audioLevelCanvas.get(0);
resizeAudioLevelCanvas(audioLevelCanvas, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight);
* Updates the audio level UI for the given id.
* @param id id of the user for whom we draw the audio level
* @param audioLevel the newAudio level to render
updateAudioLevel (id, audioLevel, largeVideoId) {
drawAudioLevelCanvas(id, audioLevel);
let videoSpanId = getVideoSpanId(id);
let audioLevelCanvas = $(`#${videoSpanId}>canvas`).get(0);
if (!audioLevelCanvas) {
let drawContext = audioLevelCanvas.getContext('2d');
let canvasCache = audioLevelCanvasCache[id];
0, 0, audioLevelCanvas.width, audioLevelCanvas.height
drawContext.drawImage(canvasCache, 0, 0);
if (id === LOCAL_LEVEL) {
id = APP.conference.localId;
if (!id) {
if(id === largeVideoId) {
window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
return my;
updateActiveSpeakerAudioLevel (audioLevel) {
if($("#activeSpeaker").css("visibility") == "hidden" || ASDrawContext === null) {
})(AudioLevels || {});
ASDrawContext.clearRect(0, 0, 300, 300);
if (!audioLevel) {
module.exports = AudioLevels;
ASDrawContext.shadowBlur = getShadowLevel(audioLevel);
// Fill the shape.
export default AudioLevels;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* Utility class for drawing canvas shapes.
var CanvasUtil = (function(my) {
const CanvasUtil = {
* Draws a round rectangle with a glow. The glowWidth indicates the depth
@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ var CanvasUtil = (function(my) {
* @param glowColor the color of the glow
* @param glowWidth the width of the glow
= function(drawContext, x, y, w, h, r, glowColor, glowWidth) {
drawRoundRectGlow (drawContext, x, y, w, h, r, glowColor, glowWidth) {
// Save the previous state of the context.;
@ -73,14 +72,14 @@ var CanvasUtil = (function(my) {
// Restore the previous context state.
* Clones the given canvas.
* @return the new cloned canvas.
my.cloneCanvas = function (oldCanvas) {
cloneCanvas (oldCanvas) {
* FIXME Testing has shown that oldCanvas may not exist. In such a case,
* the method CanvasUtil.cloneCanvas may throw an error. Since audio
@ -103,9 +102,7 @@ var CanvasUtil = (function(my) {
//return the new canvas
return newCanvas;
return my;
})(CanvasUtil || {});
module.exports = CanvasUtil;
export default CanvasUtil;