doc: document required proguard rules
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
in android/build.gradle for the third-party react-native modules which Jitsi
Meet SDK for Android depends on and are not publicly available in Maven
repositories. Generally, if you are modifying the JavaSource code of Jitsi
repositories. Generally, if you are modifying the JavaScript code of Jitsi
Meet SDK for Android only, you will very likely need to consider the former
@ -309,3 +309,69 @@ fails.
The `data` `Map` contains an "error" key with the error and a "url" key with the
conference URL which necessitated the loading of the configuration file.
## ProGuard rules
When using the SDK on a project some proguard rules have to be added in order
to avoid necessary code being stripped. Add the following to your project's
rules file:
# React Native
# Keep our interfaces so they can be used by other ProGuard rules.
# See
-keep,allowobfuscation @interface com.facebook.proguard.annotations.DoNotStrip
-keep,allowobfuscation @interface com.facebook.proguard.annotations.KeepGettersAndSetters
-keep,allowobfuscation @interface com.facebook.common.internal.DoNotStrip
# Do not strip any method/class that is annotated with @DoNotStrip
-keep @com.facebook.proguard.annotations.DoNotStrip class *
-keep @com.facebook.common.internal.DoNotStrip class *
-keepclassmembers class * {
@com.facebook.proguard.annotations.DoNotStrip *;
@com.facebook.common.internal.DoNotStrip *;
-keepclassmembers @com.facebook.proguard.annotations.KeepGettersAndSetters class * {
void set*(***);
*** get*();
-keep class * extends com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaScriptModule { *; }
-keep class * extends com.facebook.react.bridge.NativeModule { *; }
-keepclassmembers,includedescriptorclasses class * { native <methods>; }
-keepclassmembers class * { @com.facebook.react.uimanager.UIProp <fields>; }
-keepclassmembers class * { @com.facebook.react.uimanager.annotations.ReactProp <methods>; }
-keepclassmembers class * { @com.facebook.react.uimanager.annotations.ReactPropGroup <methods>; }
-dontwarn com.facebook.react.**
# TextLayoutBuilder uses a non-public Android constructor within StaticLayout.
# See libs/proxy/src/main/java/com/facebook/fbui/textlayoutbuilder/proxy for details.
-dontwarn android.text.StaticLayout
# okhttp
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keep class okhttp3.** { *; }
-keep interface okhttp3.** { *; }
-dontwarn okhttp3.**
# okio
-keep class sun.misc.Unsafe { *; }
-dontwarn java.nio.file.*
-dontwarn org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.IgnoreJRERequirement
-dontwarn okio.**
# WebRTC
-keep class org.webrtc.** { *; }
# Jisti Meet SDK
-keep class** { *; }
Reference in New Issue