Unfortunately, as the Jitsi Meet development evolved the routing mechanism
became more complex and thre logic ended up spread across multiple parts of the
codebase, which made it hard to follow and extend.
This change aims to fix that by rewriting the routing logic and centralizing it
in (pretty much) a single place, with no implicit inter-dependencies.
In order to arrive there, however, some extra changes were needed, which were
not caught early enough and are thus part of this change:
- JitsiMeetJS initialization is now synchronous: there is nothing async about
it, and the only async requirement (Temasys support) was lifted. See [0].
- WebRTC support can be detected early: building on top of the above, WebRTC
support can now be detected immediately, so take advantage of this to simplify
how we handle unsupported browsers. See [0].
The new router takes decissions based on the Redux state at the time of
invocation. A route can be represented by either a component or a URl reference,
with the latter taking precedence. On mobile, obviously, there is no concept of
URL reference so routing is based solely on components.
[0]: https://github.com/jitsi/lib-jitsi-meet/pull/779
The visibility of the toolbar can be toggled by interacting with the main screen.
This change allows the toolbar to be configured to be 'always visible'. This voids
the 'toggle' functionality.
As part of the work on fixing the problem with the multiplying
thumbnails, we've associated remote participant w/ JitsiConference.
However, there are periods of time when multiple JitsiConferences are in
the redux state (and that period is going to be shorted by
StateListenerRegistry). In order to give more control to the feature
base/participants, reduce the occurrences of direct access to the
features/base/participants redux state and utilize the feature's
existing read access functions. Which will allow us in the future to
enhance these functions to access participants which are relevant to the
current conference of interest to the user only.
Since the main conference container is no longer "clickable" there must
be a way for clicking on the "large video". A clickable TestHint nested
in ParticipantView makes it easier for dealing with the fact that the
click handler is not always on the same component (required for the
pinch and zoom feature to work correctly).
Be explciit about the appearance we desire, since each mounted StaturBar
component will override the existing values. In this case, the problem was
caused because the default on iOS is dark, whereas it's light on Android.
Set it to light so it works consistently across both, which is what we want.
Adds TestConnectionInfo component which exposes some internal app state
to the jitsi-meet-torture through the UI accessibility layer. This
component will render only if config.testing.testMode is set to true.
TouchableWithoutFeedback and TouchableHighlight interfere with the
implementation of 'pinch to zoom' to come. We prepare for it by driving
the onClick/onPress handler(s) out of Conference, through LargeVideo and
ParticipantView into Video itself where the bulk of 'pinch to zoom' will
be implemented.
In preparation for "pinch to zoom" support in desktop streams on mobile, make
certain Views not intervene in touch event handling. While the modification is
necessary for "pinch to zoom" which is coming later, it really makes sense for
the modified Views to not be involved in touching because they're used to aid
layout and/or animations and are to behave to the user as if they're not there.
On web Conference is pretty much all there is, but on mobile we have the welcome
page and the blank page. If we fail to load config.js, for example we will still
be in the welcome page *and* we want to show an error overlay.
Adds the ability to detect app area's aspect ratio on react-native
through the features/base/aspect-ratio.
Makes conference, filmstrip and toolbox react to the aspect ratio
changes and display filmstrip on the shorter side of the screen.
ESLint 4.8.0 discovers a lot of error related to formatting. While I
tried to fix as many of them as possible, a portion of them actually go
against our coding style. In such a case, I've disabled the indent rule
which effectively leaves it as it was before ESLint 4.8.0.
Additionally, remove jshint because it's becoming a nuisance with its
lack of understanding of ES2015+.
* Javadoc introduced @code as a replacement of <code> and <tt> which is
better aligned with other javadoc tags such as @link. Use it in the
Java source code. If we switch to Kotlin, then we'll definitely use
* There are more uses of @code in the JavaScript source code than <tt>
so use @code for the sake of consistency. Eventually, I'd rather we
switch to Markdown because it's easier on my eyes.
* Xcode is plain confused by @code and @link. The Internet says that
Xcode supports the backquote character to denote the beginning and end
of a string of characters which should be formatted for display as
code but it doesn't work for me. <tt> is not rendered at all. So use
the backquote which is rendered itself. Hopefully, if we switch to
Markdown, then it'll be common between JavaScript and Objective-C
source code.
When do we need tracks?
- Welcome page (only the video track)
- Conference (depends if starting with audio / video muted is requested)
When do we need to destroy the tracks?
- When we are not in a conference and there is no welcome page
In order to accommodate all the above use cases, a new component is introduced:
BlankWelcomePage. Its purpose is to take the place of the welcome page when it
is disabled. When this component is mounted local tracks are destroyed.
Analogously, a video track is created when the (real) welcome page is created,
and all the desired tracks are created then the Conference component is created.
What are desired tracks? These are the tracks we'd like to use for the
conference that is about to happen. By default both audio and video are desired.
It's possible, however, the user requested to start the call with no
video/audio, in which case it's muted in base/media and a track is not created.
The first time the app starts (with the welcome page) it will request permission
for video only, since there is no need for audio in the welcome page. Later,
when a conference is joined permission for audio will be requested when an audio
track is to be created. The audio track is not destroyed when the conference
ends. Yours truly thinks this is not needed since it's a stopped track which is
not using system resources.
We've had Filmstrip & LargeVideo React Components on mobile/React Native
from the start. We didn't have them on Web (because the rewrite in React
is not complete yet). However, that led to differences in the React
Component Conference on Web and mobile. In an effort to get closer to
merging the React Component Conference on Web and mobile, introduce the
React Components Filmstrip & LargeVideo on Web even if a minimal
render-only form at this time.