Make conference info and toolbar appear on top of the filmstrip
After a breakpoint, filmstrip pushes over the stage view instead of appearing on top
On user resize make tiles wider; after a breakpoint show grid view in the filmstrip
On filmstrip visibility toggle animate stage view resize
Added config for filmstrip with disableResizableFilmstrip
disableTileEnlargement config now uses old behaviour (small tiles, not just small video in the tiles)
Update Firefox scrollbar style to match webkit
Show more rows when height allows it instead of stretching a fixed number of rows, but make sure we always try to fill the whole viewport
Added constraints for how narrow portrait tiles can be and how wide landscape tiles can be
Video should cover whole tile in tile view unless disableTileEnlargement is set or video is portrait
Added min height in px for tiles
Update video thumbnail design
Update design of indicators
In filmstrip view move Screen Sharing indicator to the top
Removed dominant speaker indicator
Use ContextMenu component for the connection stats popover
Combine Remove video menu and Meeting participant context menu into one component
Moved some styles from SCSS to JSS
Fix mobile avatars too big
Fix mobile horizontal scroll
Created button for Send to breakout room action
- on ipads, long touch open dialog now opens the context menu to the left of the thumbnail as expected
- on ipads, now we close context menus on tap out
- fix case when participant context menu's height > tileview videos' height causing scroll on videos pane
- keep toolbox open while the overflow menu is shown
- keep remote participant video thumbnail in filmstrip visible even if toolbox is hidden, if context menu is opened
- Fix bug where toolbox could be completely disabled
* feat(Filmstrip): Reorder the visible participants in the filmstrip.
The participants are ordered alphabetically and the endpoints with screenshares, shared-videos and dominant speakers (in that order) are bumped to the top of the list. The local participant is also moved to the top left corner as opposed to the bottom right corner.
* squash: Implement review comments.
* squash: store alphabetically sorted list in redux and move shared videos to top.
* squash: Use the DEFAULT_REMOTE_DISPLAY_NAME from interfaceConfig for users without a display name.
* Enforce fixed column number at various width breakpoints.
* Bring back the filmstrip at small sizes but hide it.
* Change default maximum columns to 7.
Due to how the filmstrip size if computed I don't think there is a good way to
animate the change in size, so just ignore the toolbar, it will be hidden soon
Since the verical filmstrip doesn't set its width explicitly anymore,
calculating the available area for the large video based on the
filmstrip width retrieved from the HTML element was wrong
in the cases when the rendering and cleanup of the filmstrip hasn't
finish yet. For example when switching from tile view to stage view.
Filmstrip remote thumbnails display under certain conditions, as
defined in filmstrip/functions.web.js. Previously the raw
participant count was used, which included fake participants.
Using the selector getParticipantCount excludes fake participants,
causing YouTube thumbnails to remain hidden in a 1-on-1 call.