When running the app from Android Studio the React packager is not automatically
started. In vanilla RN projects this is done by the "react-native run-android"
command, but often times it is desired to run from Android Studio.
This fixes that by starting the packager from Gradle.
Consolidate all failure cases into a single one: CONFERENCE_TERMINATED. If the
conference ended gracefully no error indicator will be present, otherwise there
will be.
This is done at the app level, not the SDK.
Currently 2 Firebase services are used:
- Crashlytics
- Dynamic Links
They are enabled in tandem, if the appropriate Google services file
(GoogleService-Info.plist on iOS or google-services.json on Android) is found.
Each service needs to be individually enabled in the Firebase console.
Note that Android 9 Pie (API 28) disallows HTTP requests by default, so an
exception was needed in the app in order for the Metro bundler to work in debug
Glide (which is used by react-native-fast-image) can cause trouble if the host
app (the one using the SDK) is using Glide already.
To avoid this, don't use the builtin AppGlideModule (as the docs recommend) and
let apps define it.
Set them to the next release versions. In additon, the buildNumber variable will
be used to match the requirements of versionCode:
that is, a monotonically increasing number, independent of the app / sdk
Use react-native-fastimage, which uses 2 full-native image impleentations using
well known and mature (native) libraries.
This gets us rid of 2 libraries which were observerd as a source of bugs and
created trouble with dependencies: react-native-fetch-blob and
react-native-img-cache. They are also no longer well maintained.
* Button conditionally shown based on if the feature is enabled and available
* Hooks for launching the invite UI (delegates to the native layer)
* Hooks for using the search and dial out checks from the native layer (calls back into JS)
* Hooks for handling sending invites and passing any failures back to the native layer
* Android and iOS handling for those hooks
Author: Ryan Peck <rpeck@atlassian.com>
Author: Eric Brynsvold <ebrynsvold@atlassian.com>
This only works automatically on Android >= 8. On other platforms / versions, it
relies on the SDK user on implementing a "reduced UI" mode and reacting to the
"request PIP" delegate method.