In order to be able to add analytics to the deep-linking pages the
lib-jitsi-meet initialization has been moved so it happens earlier.
The introduced `initPromise` will eventually disappear, once conference is
migrated into React and / or support for Temasys is dropped. At that stage, it
can be turned into a sync function which all platforms share.
* feat(Deeplinking): Implement for web.
* ref(unsupported_browser): Move the mobile version to deeplinking feature
* feat(deeplinking_mobile): Redesign.
* fix(deeplinking): Use interface.NATIVE_APP_NAME.
* feat(dial_in_summary): Add the PIN to the number link.
* fix(deep_linking): Handle use case when there isn't deep linking image.
* fix(deep_linking): css
* fix(deep_linking): deeplink -> "deep linking"
* fix(deeplinking_css): Remove position: fixed
* docs(deeplinking): Add comment for the openWebApp action.