Joining a room while hand is raised caused the local raised hand total to be wrong.
This is because when the local participant id changes, the old id is not cleared from the raisedHandQueue.
Only display Picture-in-Picture button when feature is available
Moved conference timer before title
Created new always-on container for labels
Moved recording labels to always-on
Updated expanded label to support new always-on labels
Added raised hands counter label
Added speaker - earpiece toggle button
Lifted state up
I'm updating to RN 0.63 instead of the latest (0.66 at the time of this writing)
so we can update the navigation related libraries to their latest versions, and
then proceed with the larger leap towards the latest RN.
- add possibility to allow execution of the button's routine besides triggering
`toolbarButtonClicked` API event
- keep backwards compatibility
- get rid of `ToolbarButton`
* feat: Use source name based receiver constraints
* add sourceNameSignaling feature flag to config
* move source name specific variables into if block
* ensure sourceName is defined in constraints
* use source name for selectedSources
* use selector to find video track by participant id
* add selector to encapsulate logic to get track source name
* refactor getTrackSourceNameByMediaTypeAndParticipant selector
* rename variable
* move flags config into Feature Flags section
* do not set constraints for local large video
* rename prioritizedSources to onStageSources
* fix flow error
* refactor visibleRemoteTrackSourceNames to a constant
* use selector to get feature flags
* rename selector function
* fix flow error
* add selector for sourceNameSignaling feature flag
* feat: Drops hide self-view setting from profile tab.
* feat: Moves function for disableSelfView value in base/settings.
* squash: Drops notification.
* feat: Move hide self view option in more tab.
* feat: Move hide self view option in more tab.
* feat: Adds option to disable self view UI settings.
* squash: Disable settings when controlled from config.
Update video thumbnail design
Update design of indicators
In filmstrip view move Screen Sharing indicator to the top
Removed dominant speaker indicator
Use ContextMenu component for the connection stats popover
Combine Remove video menu and Meeting participant context menu into one component
Moved some styles from SCSS to JSS
Fix mobile avatars too big
Fix mobile horizontal scroll
Created button for Send to breakout room action
* fix: Fixes disable moderation sounds in meeting.
Moderators in the meeting were sending presence update after one moderator turn it on, which even my result a inconsistent state and flipping the state between moderators several times.
* squash: Adds option to disable reaction moderation.
* feat(tracks) Clean up the track if a source addition is rejected.
When jicofo rejects a source-add because of sendder limits, dispose and remove the local track from the conference.
* chore(deps) update LJM to latest.
Added config option disableSelfView. This disables it on web and native
Added button on local video menu and toggle in settings on web to change the setting
* feat(conference) Impl audio/video mute disable when sender limit is reached.
Jicofo sends a presence when the audio/video sender limit is reached in the conference. The client can then proceed to disable the audio and video mute buttons when this occurs.
* squash: use a different action type and show notification.
This event is the event host applications need to listen to for knowing when to
dispose the SDK from now on.
Since the introduction of breakout rooms it's possible that we navigate from one
meeting to another, so there will be several conference join / terminations.
In addition, local track destruction is now moved to SET_ROOM when there is no
room, aka, we are going back to the welcome page or to the black page.
- implement breakout-rooms
- integrated into the participants panel
- managed by moderators
- moderators can send participants to breakout-rooms
- participants can join breakout rooms by themselve
- participants can leave breakout rooms anytime
Co-authored-by: Robert Pintilii <>
Co-authored-by: Saúl Ibarra Corretgé <>
Clicking on an item when the popup drawer is displayed would keep it open.
Now clicking on any item should automatically close the drawer.
Popup was also refactored and no longer uses refs.
Created Reusable components for:
- ListItem - used by participants list and lobby participants list
- ContextMenu - used by participant context menu and advanced moderation context menu
- Quick action button - used by quick action buttons on participant list items
Moved participants custom theme to base/components/themes
Created reusable button component for all participants pane buttons (Invite, Mute All, More)
Moved web components to web folder
Moved all styles from Styled Components to JSS
Fixed accessibility labels for some buttons
Removed unused code
Updated all styles to use theme tokens
- created `ClearableInpu`t component on web & native
- added `ClearableInput` component to participants pane and used it for search in participants list
- update `AddPeopleDialog` to use `ClearableInput`
Video quality label now becomes "performance settings".
All CSS for labels is moved to JS.
Overflow menu button is also changed to "performance settings".
* feat: Hides prejoin screen on conference in progress event.
We enter the conference view as early as possible on conference in progress as the joined event can be late in a big conference.
Also, we show conference view only when joining is in progress, for example, the with the lobby enabled where we try to join but fail, we do not want to show the conference view for a fraction of a second before showing lobby screen.
* squash: Updates ljm with the new JitsiConference event.
* squash: Adds some debugs to the github action.
Easier to catch problems with package-lock.json file.
This is a stop-gap approach to remove the AtlasKit notifications stack.
Instead of using a AK FlagGroup to render our notifications (Flag components)
in, create our own container and use a fake FlagGroupContext provider, which is
what FlagGroup uses to control what flags can be dismissed.
Since we now render all notifications, the web part has been refactored to make
sure all notifications get a timer.
Added animations
Renamed DrawerPortal to JitsiPortal
Redesigned notifications
Changed notification text and icons color and added collared ribbon
Changed screen capture to non effect. Effects are used to alter the stream, this feature does not need to alter the stream, it just needs access to it
Changed image diff library. Previous library diff’ed the whole image, the new one has en early return threshold
Use ImageCaptureAPI to take the screenshot. Added polyfill for it and polyfill for createImageBitmap
Added analytics
Since iOS 15 we really need the audio stream to exist, so make sure we don't
destroy it even when "everyone starts muted" is set, we'll just mute it.
In iOS 15 we observe that not creating the audio track early may result in not
getting audio after unmuting for the first time.
Creating the audio track early means the first unmute doesn't need to add the
track to the conference, resulting in a much faster operation.
Note that creating the track early doesn't mean we will start unmuted, the track
will be muted.
Updated participants list to:
- show Moderator label
- show correct status icons (red for force muted)
- show participants in the right order
Updated moderation to:
- show moderation menu at all times
- make moderation options functional
Updated notifications:
- fixed raise hand to show name
- display moderator rights granted
Updated mute/ stop video for all dialogs to include moderation toggles
Added ask to unmute button
Fix comments on ask to unmute
Co-authored-by: robertpin <>
* Register shortcuts on mount
* Changed icon for reactions menu
* Enable reactions by default
* Fix unreadCount bug
When having unread messages and sending a reaction the unread count now shows the correct count
* Fix overflow menu bottom color when reactions are enabled
* Revert raise hand icon
* Update raise hand functionality
On desktop show raise button with arrow for reactions. Only show raise hand in the reactions menu on mobile
* Fix lint error
Add required prop to ToolboxButtonWithIcon
* Legacy support for enable reactions
If disableReactions is undefined treat it as true
* Remove unnecessary code
* Fix unread counter showing negative count
* Fix unreadCount with reactions
UnreadCount ignores all reactions messages
* Fixed typo
* Fix background color
* Update moderation in effect notifications
Only display one notification for each media type. Display notification for keyboard shortcuts as well
* Update muted remotely notification
Display name of moderator in the notification
* Fix indentation on moderation menu
* Update text for video moderation
* Added moderator label in participant pane
* Update microphone icon in participant list
For participants that speak, or are noisy, but aren't dominant speaker, the icon in the participant list will look the same as the dominant speaker icon but will not change their position in the list
* Added sound for asked to unmute notification
* Code review changes
* Code review changes
Use simple var instead of function for audio media state
* Move constants to constants file
* Moved constants from notifications to av-moderation
- on ipads, long touch open dialog now opens the context menu to the left of the thumbnail as expected
- on ipads, now we close context menus on tap out
- fix case when participant context menu's height > tileview videos' height causing scroll on videos pane
- keep toolbox open while the overflow menu is shown
- keep remote participant video thumbnail in filmstrip visible even if toolbox is hidden, if context menu is opened
- Fix bug where toolbox could be completely disabled
* fix(participant-pane) Use the sorted participant list from redux instead of sorting it on every render making it better performant. Match the participant order with that of the order in the filmstrip. Also move the participants with raised hand to the top of the list.
* ref(filmstrip) Move enableThumbnailReordering flag to testing section.
* fix(participants) Add new selectors for getting sorted participants.
* Add configuration to disable removing raised hand on dominant speaker change
* Fix lint problem
* Avoid dispatching unnecessary action
* Fix lint problem
* feat(responsive-ui): Keep aspect ratio for filmstrip self view on mobile web
Right now filmstrip displays self view in landscape mode.
With these changes the aspect ratio of the self view will be maintained
so on portrait mode the thumbnail will be displayed vertically.
Of course this makes sense only on mobile web.
* Code review
* Fix height
* Fix: removed web actions from common middlewares
* Fixed raise hand sound
Fix sound to play on raise not lower and work on keyboard shortcut as well
* Fixed reaction keyboard shortcuts
Register shortcuts only when there's more than one participant
* Enforce reactions feature flag on reaction received
* Disable reactions by default on native
* Enable reactions on native by default
* Sort props alphabetically
* Created isreactionsEnabled function
* Remove unused imports
* Fix. No longer show toolbox on reactions and jibri
On message received don't show toolbox for jibri
* Fix isReactionsEnabled function for native
On native check for flag and config option as well
* Added sounds for reactions
* Updated reactions list
* Added reactions to sound settings
* Added support for multiple sounds
* Added feature flag for sounds
* Updated sound settings
Moved reactions toggle at the top of the list
* Added disable reaction sounds notification
* Added reaction button zoom for burst intensity
* Fixed raise hand sound
* Fixed register sounds for reactions
* Changed boo emoji
* Updated sounds
* Fixed lint errors
* Fixed reaction sounds file names
* Fix raise hand sound
Play sound only on raise hand not on lower hand
* Fixed types for sound constants
* Fixed type for raise hand sound constant
* feat(Filmstrip): Reorder the visible participants in the filmstrip.
The participants are ordered alphabetically and the endpoints with screenshares, shared-videos and dominant speakers (in that order) are bumped to the top of the list. The local participant is also moved to the top left corner as opposed to the bottom right corner.
* squash: Implement review comments.
* squash: store alphabetically sorted list in redux and move shared videos to top.
* squash: Use the DEFAULT_REMOTE_DISPLAY_NAME from interfaceConfig for users without a display name.
* feat(polls) Added boilerplate code for polls feature
* feat(polls) Implemented simple poll creation and answer modals in web app
feat(polls) Added button to create a poll in toolbar
feat(polls) Added Modal to answer an incoming poll
feat(polls) Implemented basic client-side sending and reception of polls
feat(polls): linked Poll creation to poll answering
fix(polls) Linted code
feat(polls.create) Added fields for question and answers (#3)
* feat(polls.create) Added fields for question and answers + keyboard navigation
* feat(polls.create) Minor changes, added some comments
feat(PollAnswer Component): Component to display modal to answer poll #1 (#2)
* fix(polls) removing necessity of current_poll_id variable
* fix(polls) linting, polls are now updated when an answer is sent
* feat(polls answer) added translation
* fix(polls answer) remove extra comments, fixed typo
* improvement (polls answer) use useSelector instead of mapStateToProps. cleaner code
* fix (polls create) renamed sender to senderId
* fix (polls answer) turned arrow function into useCallBack
feat(PollResults Component): Component to display poll results (#1)
* feat(PollResults Component): fist version of the component
* feat(detailed votes): Display the detailed results of a poll
* feat(Poll results): Use display name instead of ids in detailed results mode
* fix(Poll): change title to question
* fix(Poll type): import Poll type from types.js
* fix(Poll): change title to question
* fix(Poll): get participants out of the map
* fix(Poll): replace filter with find
feat(polls.create) Added "+" and "x" buttons in poll creation form + improved keyboard navigation a bit
feat (polls) Answer modal now display results in real time after validation or skip
feat(polls.create) Minor improvements to poll creation form
feat(poll result) Added default message when trying to display no answer
fix (polls) result windows is now small by default
fix (polls) sanitizes imports to allow startup on react native
* feat(polls.native) Implemented native toolbar button & poll create modal
feat( poll native) added poll creation button in native toolbar
improvement(polls) only one file used for PollCreateButton
feat (polls native) added an example dialog
feat (polls native) added possibility to create and delete options in poll creation
improvement (polls) better styling for PollCreateDialog
* feat(polls) Added ability to drag&drop answers in web poll creation form
* feat(polls) Added native poll answer modal + chat integration, refactored components
Merge branch 'polls-native' of into polls-native
improvement (poll) Better styling for poll answer, now uses icons
feat(poll.PollResults): Add native version of PollResults
feat(poll.PollResults): Post results in chat in Native
fix(poll.PollResults): Fix linter error in ChatMessage
feat(polls.native) Improved styling for native poll answer dialog (required some internal changes)
* fix(polls) Heavily refactored and added bars to poll results, other minor changes
fix(poll.create): Move title to Dialog title
feat(poll.create) Minor changes to poll creation / answer dialogs
fix(poll.create) Refactored and improved translations
feat(poll) Improved CSS for modals in web version
fix(poll.pollcreate): Fix button size in native
fix(polls) Refactored poll results component and other minor changes
fix (polls) remove double import
refactor(poll) Heavily refactored poll results (native + web)
feat(polls.results) Added percentage bars and vote counts in web poll results, minor changes to mobile poll results
* fix(polls) Fixes and linting
fix(polls) Reformatted and fixed some linter and Flow errors
fix(polls.results) Fixed voter list border appearing with 0 voters
* feat(polls): Add modal with detailed votes that can be open from the result summary in the chat
* fix(polls) Fixes, refactorings, and minor design changes
feat(polls.results): Refactored poll chat message and improved design in web app
feat(polls.results) Same as last commit, but for mobile version
refactor(polls.results) Refactored PollResultsMessage and removed unnecessary prop in PollResults
fix(polls.results) Fixed all remaining linter and Flow errors
improvement(polls) removed console logs, added comments
fix (polls) linting
fix(polls.results) Fixed bug with poll chat message displaying the wrong name
feat(polls.results) Minor improvement on poll results display (web)
fix(poll.results): Use getParticipantDisplayName to get participant name and avoid empty string as name
* Feat(poll.results): Remember voters names to display after they left the conference (#10)
* feat(poll.results): Add the sender name in Poll object to remember names if participants leave the conference. Names are also updated if changed
* refactor(poll.results): Refactor the memorization of the names of voters to use the same logic as in the chat
* refactor(poll.results): use Map instead of Array.From(
* refactor(poll.answer): change the way names are stored in poll answers to persist if participant left the call
* Update react/features/polls/components/AbstractPollAnswerDialog.js
* Update react/features/polls/components/AbstractPollCreateDialog.js
* refactor(poll.answer): use voterName instead of senderName to avoid confusion with senderId the id of the sender of the poll
* improvement(polls) Simplified poll answer voter name logic
Co-authored-by: Fabien Zucchet <>
Co-authored-by: Jade Guiton <>
* fix(poll.native): Fix UI overflow when asking long questions & long options in the mobile app (#11)
Co-authored-by: Fabien Zucchet <>
* fix(polls) Fixed close button behavior in answer and results dialog (#12)
* fix(polls) Fixed close button behavior in answer and results dialog
* fix(polls) Fixed linter error
* fix(polls) Added a poll queue to avoid overwriting open modals (#13)
* fix(polls) Added a poll queue to avoid overwriting open modals
* fix(polls) Updated documentation for action RECEIVE_POLL
* Refactor(poll.chatresults): Add message in chat with hidden results until the participant has answered (#14)
* refactor( Display poll results in chat when the poll is created instead of when the participant has ansered
* refactor( Hide results until the participant has answered, skipped or canceled a responde to the poll
* Use getParticipantDisplayName instead of only getStore()
* Hide results also in native
* fix(polls) Fixed previous merge
Co-authored-by: Fabien Zucchet <>
Co-authored-by: Jade Guiton <>
* minor improvements (polls)
refactor (polls) uniformized string for command names
refactor (polls) changed pollId type to number everywhere
* feat(polls) Added persistence to polls using sendMessage instead of sendCommandOnce (#16)
* feat(polls) Using sendMessage instead of sendCommandOnce, switched poll IDs to string, and ability to receive old polls from backend
* improvement(polls) Linted everything, fixed Flow errors, and added Prosody plugin for polls
* improvement(polls) Historic polls are now displayed in chronological order
* (polls) Minor improvements (#17)
* renaming (polls) Renaming senderId -> voterID for voters
* improvement (polls) sender's name is now provided with poll
* comments (polls) updated comments for senderName types
* fix(polls) Finished merging with json-messages feature
* fix(polls) Fixed incorrect json-message sent with 0 polls
Co-authored-by: Jade Guiton <>
* Move polls to tab (#23)
* Draft(polls): Move polls to polls-pane ; first version for web
* Draft(polls): Move polls to polls-pane ; clean styled.js and remove Participant objects
* fix missing newline at the end of file
* Change behaviour to allow answer poll later
* Fix(polls): change pollId type from number to string for consistency
* feat(polls-pane): Ability to answer to a poll in polls-pane
* feat(polls-pane): Ability to create to a poll in polls-pane
* feat (polls.pane) display a notification when a new poll arrives
* refactor(polls-pane): Update CSS to have a design closer to the mockups
* fix( count): Fix votes counting when computing percentage
* fix( count): Fix votes counting when computing percentage
* refresh fork with jitsi/jitsi-meet
* design (polls) Better look for poll creation
* refactor(polls pane): Move polls-pane as a chat tab
* Remove the first version of the polls-pane and the button to open it
* Fix notifications and typo
* Translate new polls tab in chat
* Change polls_pane to polls-pane
* Remove unless functions
* Remove usage of styled.js
* Improve responsiveness
* Separate web and native logic
* Remove Create a Poll button in web toolbox
* improvement (polls) added auto scrolling to bottom when a new poll arrives
* Add tabs to swicth between polls and chat in native
* Add AbstractPollsPane
* Add AbstractPollCreate
* Add AbstractPollAnswer
* Add PollAnswer, PollItem and PollList for native
* Add PollCreate for native
* Remove dialogs in web and native
* Remove dialog queue
* Remove useless files
* Move _polls.scss outside dialog folder
* Add possibility to skip answer
* Add (useless for now) see details link
* Add possibility to show detailed results for a poll
* Resize progress bar to make details display
* refactor, design (polls) better style to native design chat
* fix (polls) Removed unecessary files
* translate (polls) added french translation to empty polls
* design fix (polls.native) 'show details' now correctly switch between progress bar and voters mode
* Change See detailed results for Show details and add cursor: pointer
* Fix progress bars not aligned with text
* fix (polls.native) added autoselection of newly created option
* Remove poll answer
* improvement(polls.create) Improved web poll creation form marginally
* improvement(polls.change) Simplified answer removal by reusing poll-answer command
* fix linter
* Fix(translation): update translation
Co-authored-by: Fabien Zucchet <>
Co-authored-by: spineki <>
Co-authored-by: Fabien Zucchet <>
* Merge pull request #22 from jade-guiton/polls-with-notification
feat (polls) chat notification badge now display the sum of unread messages and unread polls
fix(translation): Fix missing translation
Fix flow error
* Cleaned up, fixed, and uniformized translations
* Small improvements to PollAnswer and PollResult + Much refactoring
- "Change vote" button now says "Vote" if voting was skipped
- Clicking on "Change vote" resets the voting form to the last submitted answers instead of a blank slate
- The "answered" field of Polls was replaced by "showResults" and "lastVote"
- The "setAnsweredStatus" action was replaced by "registerVote" and "retractVote"
- Some newly unreachable/useless code was removed
- "showDetails" state is now handled by AbstractPollResults instead of PollItem
* fix(polls tab): change tab underline color to #525252
* fix(poll create): Enforce at least two options to create a poll
* fix(poll create): change 'remove option' color to #E04757
* fix(poll create): Update Poll create CSS to adapt to design
* fix(poll answer): Adapt CSS to make poll answer closer to mockup
* fix(poll result): Udpdate poll result CSS to match mockups
* fix(poll result): Udpdate poll result CSS to match mockups
* fix(poll create): Display 'remove option' only when there is at least 3 options
* fix(polls button): Add hover, active, focus and disabled state to polls buttons
* Last improvements for web
* Native design fixes
* Fix rebase issue in land/main.json
* Fix french translation after rebase
* Fixmobile behaviour
* Fixed keyboard navigation in web poll creation form
* Fixed Flow error related to "no polls" icon in PollsList
* fix(polls): Enabled polls Prosody module in Debian config files
* doc(polls) Added comments to the Prosody module code
* fix(polls): Switched from using an internal LJM event to ones from the public API
* Capitalize I of setIsPollsTabFocused
* extract the 2 button modes into a const
* remove extra new lines
* Rename CLOSE_POLL_TAB for POLL_TAB_CLOSED for clarity
* Rename answers2 for answersParsed for clarity
* use switch instead of if/else chain
* improve syntax for localId fetching
* Refactor: Use BUTTON_MODE.CONTAINED variable instead of 'contained'
* Disable send poll button if not enough data is provided in the form (#30)
* Feat: Add notification badge on chat and poll tabs (#31)
* Feat: Add notification badge on chat and poll tabs
* Add badge equivalent for native
* Update displayNameForm text to mention polls (#34)
* Disable polls UI with a config in config.js (#33)
* Change remove option text color from red to grey (#32)
Co-authored-by: spineki <>
Co-authored-by: Fabien Zucchet <>
Co-authored-by: Fabien Zucchet <>
Co-authored-by: Fabien Zucchet <>
* Additional setting to add search to speaker stats
* Add translation for speaker stats search placeholder
* Unset speaker stats search input autocomplete
* Fix lint errors for speaker stats search
* Change setting to disableSpeakerStatsSearch
* Better alternative
* Make SpeakerStatsSearch a functional component
* Align header with input and use material-ui styles instead of scss and remove SpeakerStats header and fix dialog close
* Resolve code style remark in SpeakerStats constructor
* Resolve component empty return value remark in SpeakerStatsSearch
* Resolve get config property in outside function remark in SpeakerStatsSearch
* Resolve unnecessary anonymous function remark in SpeakerStatsSearch
Some options were missing on the mobile side, notably calltsts
enableDisplayNameInStats and enableEmailInStats. Now the same logic will be used
in web and mobile.
- Fixed background color for all participants context menus
- Removed connection status from ReactVideoMenu and added it for local participants
- Removed AVModeration comments on mobile
- Show on stage option visible only when participants pane is closed
- Remove button list from interface_config.js since it has been deprecated for a
- Alphabetically sort buttons in config.js and constants.js to make it easier to
add / remove items
- Add missing invite and toggle-camera buttons to default constants
- Remove no longer existing "fodeviceselection" button