Gradually, we exploded the error of CONNECTION_FAILED in multiple
redux state properties. The explosion makes maintenance harder because
the properties have to be updated in sync. Collect them in an object
resembling an Error instance.
It is required to clear the flag, before the connection attempt.
Otherwise the app may confuse deployments without guest access with
a one with guess access if it was visited previously and
the WaitForOwnerDialog was canceled. That's because there will be no
conference related event that clears the flag.
* Implement disabling buttons (like Web had the ability).
* Use consistent colors (e.g. for the buttons) like the rest of the app
(e.g. WelcomePage).
* Enable AbstractDialog to await a thenable from onSubmit and Dialog to
render a LoadingIndicator in place of the OK/submit button text.
In order to support XMPP authentication, we'll need the message
accompanying the error and carried by lib-jitsi-meet's
CONFERENCE_FAILED in the redux store. We already carry the message in
the redux action and we've got the error in the redux store.
In order to accommodate the requirements of the work on supporting XMPP
authentication on mobile/react-native, make dealing with Dialog a
little more generic and a little easier.
Filmstrip only mode displays a device selection dialog that
does not have access to the redux/connect. However, the current
VideoTrack extends from AbstractVideoTrack, which assumes a
redux connection. The fix is to move video display logic into
a separate component and have device selection use that, while
the existing VideoTrack remains connected to redux but
uses the new video display component.
We broke external_api.min.js by importing react/features/util which
imported react/features/base/lib-jitsi-meet.
1. To reduce the risks of such a breakage until we add
external_api.min.js to the torture tests, import as little as
possible in modules/API/external/external_api.js.
2. Use the global JitsiMeetJS on Web in react/features/base/util.
The error is stored in the redux store in base/config so other components can
consult it. It is also broadcasted as a new event in the external API for the
- Remove references to the model ContactList.
- Replace ContactListView with an empty element for attaching
the React Component ContactListPanel, which has the same
features as the old ContactListView.
- Create new selector for getting non-fake participants for
ContactListPanel's props.
- Create a ParticipantCounter component to place in the contact
list button. Previously ContactListView updated that but now
it's a react component hooked into the participant state.
- Remove pub/sub that was used only by ContactListView.
It's built on top of React Native's AsyncStorage. They have differing APIs, so
we implement a synchronous API on top of an asynchronous one. This is done by
being optimistic and hoping that operations will happen asynchronously. If one
such operation fails, the error is ignored and life goes on, since operations
are performed in the in-memory cache first.
Note to reviewers: LocalStorage.js lacks Flow annotations because indexable
class declarations are not yet supported: and yours truly couldn't find a way
to make the required syntax work without making it unnecessarily complex.
This patch loads the config later than we used to, that is, only once we
know the room the user is about to join.
Due to architectural limitations in lib-jitsi-meet, it needs to be
initialized with a configuration in order to properly function. This is
unfortunate because we need to create a video track in the welcome page,
but don't know the room (hence no config) yet. In order to circumvent
this problem an empty configuration is used, which is later swapped with
the appropriate one, once loaded.
Some interesting side-effects of this change are a perceived speed
increase when the app starts or a conference is hangup. They are both
due to the fact that no config needs to be fetched from a remote server
in those cases.
In order to load the configuration from the shard that will actually
host the conference, it's imperative that we add the room= query
This implies a departure from our current model, where the config is
discarded if the domain for the next conference is different, but kept
* feat(analytics): move to React
The analytics handlers have been moved to JitsiMeetGlobalNS, so now they are
stored in ``.
The analytics handlers are re-downloaded and re-initialized on every
lib-jitsi-meet initialization, which happens every time the config is changed
(moving between deployments in the mobile app).
* Adds legacy support for old analytics location.
When do we need tracks?
- Welcome page (only the video track)
- Conference (depends if starting with audio / video muted is requested)
When do we need to destroy the tracks?
- When we are not in a conference and there is no welcome page
In order to accommodate all the above use cases, a new component is introduced:
BlankWelcomePage. Its purpose is to take the place of the welcome page when it
is disabled. When this component is mounted local tracks are destroyed.
Analogously, a video track is created when the (real) welcome page is created,
and all the desired tracks are created then the Conference component is created.
What are desired tracks? These are the tracks we'd like to use for the
conference that is about to happen. By default both audio and video are desired.
It's possible, however, the user requested to start the call with no
video/audio, in which case it's muted in base/media and a track is not created.
The first time the app starts (with the welcome page) it will request permission
for video only, since there is no need for audio in the welcome page. Later,
when a conference is joined permission for audio will be requested when an audio
track is to be created. The audio track is not destroyed when the conference
ends. Yours truly thinks this is not needed since it's a stopped track which is
not using system resources.