Adds base/sounds feature which allows other features to register a sound
source under specified id. A new SoundsCollection component will then
render corresponding HTMLAudioElement for each such sound. Once "setRef"
callback is called by the HTMLAudioElement, this element will be added
to the Redux store. When that happens sound can be played through the
new 'playSound' action which will call play() method on the stored
HTMLAudioElement instance.
This only works automatically on Android >= 8. On other platforms / versions, it
relies on the SDK user on implementing a "reduced UI" mode and reacting to the
"request PIP" delegate method.
Story time. Currently the app can be started in 4 ways:
- just tapping on the icon
- via a deep link
- via a universal link
- via the phone's recent calls list
The last 3 options will make the app join the specified room upon launch. React
Native's Linking module implements the necessary bits to handle deep or
universal linking, but CallKit is out of its scope.
In order to blend any type of app startup mode, a new LaunchOptions module (iOS
only) exports a getInitialURL function, akin to the one in the Linking module,
but taking CallKit instents into consideration. This function is then used to
make app startup with a URL consistent across all different modes.
While having configuration-specific AppIcons may be of questionable use,
I'm more interested in using the Debug version for enterprise
distribution and the Release version for AppStore distribution.
Due to the difference in nature, the iOS and Android implementations are
completely different:
iOS: MPVolumeView is used, which allows us to place a button which will launch a
native route picker provided by iOS itself. This view is different depending on
the iOS version, with the iOS 11 version being more complete.
Android: A completely custom component is used, which displays a bottom sheet
with the device categories, not devices individually. This is akin to the sheet
in the builtin dialer.
Revert "[RN] Remove unnecessary source code" (commit
a3441030a3). But since the project file
needs to explicitly mention the CallKit and Intents framework, do not
use the semantic @import as that's confusing in the case.
* Javadoc introduced @code as a replacement of <code> and <tt> which is
better aligned with other javadoc tags such as @link. Use it in the
Java source code. If we switch to Kotlin, then we'll definitely use
* There are more uses of @code in the JavaScript source code than <tt>
so use @code for the sake of consistency. Eventually, I'd rather we
switch to Markdown because it's easier on my eyes.
* Xcode is plain confused by @code and @link. The Internet says that
Xcode supports the backquote character to denote the beginning and end
of a string of characters which should be formatted for display as
code but it doesn't work for me. <tt> is not rendered at all. So use
the backquote which is rendered itself. Hopefully, if we switch to
Markdown, then it'll be common between JavaScript and Objective-C
source code.
This commit adds initial support for CallKit on supported platforms: iOS >= 10.
Since the call flow in Jitsi Meet is basically making outgoing calls, only
outgoing call support is currently handled via CallKit.
- "Green bar" when in a call.
- Native CallKit view when tapping on the call label on the lock screen.
- Support for audio muting from the native CallKit view.
- Support for recent calls (audio-only calls logged as Audio calls, others show
as Video calls).
- Call display name is room name.
- Graceful downgrade on systems without CallKit support.
- Native CallKit view cannot be shown for audio-only calls (this is a CallKit
- The video button in the CallKit view will start a new video call to the same
room, and terminate the previous one.
- No support for call hold.
JitsiMeetViewListener is an integral part of the public API of Jitsi
Meet SDK for Android. Utilize it in the Debug configuration of the Jitsi
Meet app for Android in order to increase (1) awareness of API breakages
and (2) API coverage.
The same goes for JitsiMeetViewDelegate in Jitsi Meet SDK and app for
The error is stored in the redux store in base/config so other components can
consult it. It is also broadcasted as a new event in the external API for the
JitsiMeetViewListener currently has methods of one and the same pattern
so adding new methods i.e. events i.e. redux action types is a question
of repetition in the Java source code. Speed up the support of new
events by trying to deal with them in a generic way.
The same goes for JitsiMeetViewDelegate.
Deep/universal linking now utilizes loadURL (when possible). But loadURL
is imperative in the native source code while its JavaScript counterpart
i.e. React App Component prop url is declarative. So there's the
following bug: open a URL, leave the conference (by tapping the hangup
button, for example), and then opening the same URL actually leaves you
on the Welcome page (if enabled; otherwise, a black screen).
The implementation has a flow though: opening the same URL twice in a
row without an intervening leave will leave the first opening and join
the new opening. Which can be improved by not leaving and joining if the
conference is joined, joining, an not leaving. But that can be done
separately as an improvement independent of the current implementation